Daflon 500 mg Daflon 500 mg for varicose veins and hemorrhoids, 60 pcs., France

General description:

Daflon 500 mg Daflon 500 mg for varicose veins and hemorrhoids, 60 pcs, France is a drug that acts on the cardiovascular system: it is both a venotonic (which means that it improves and maintains blood circulation in the veins) and a vasculoprotector (which means that it increases the resistance of blood vessels).
Daflon belongs to the flavonoid family (also called “bioflavonoids”): these plant substances have antioxidant and cardiovascular protective effects. Daflon tablet contains two flavonoids in particular: hesperidin (naturally found in citrus peels) and diosmin (also extracted from citrus fruits).

Daflon 500 instructions for use

Indications for use

The drug is an effective venoprotective agent, therefore it is indicated for the following health problems:

  1. Varicose veins (including with trophic ulcers).
  2. Chronic venous insufficiency.
  3. Hemorrhoids (chronic, acute).
  4. Inflammation of hemorrhoids.
  5. Edema caused by disturbances in the functioning of the cardiovascular system.
  6. Heaviness in the legs, tired legs, cramps.
  7. Lymphedema.

Note! The product is excellent for hemorrhoids. After just a few days, the veins around the anus, as well as hemorrhoidal cones and nodes, become smaller and the bleeding stops.

The product is well suited for the prevention of varicose veins and hemorrhoids. Therefore, it is strongly recommended for people who do sedentary work or those who have to stand for long periods of time.

pharmachologic effect

When released into the blood, the flavonoid hesperidin and diosmin reduce the viscosity of leukocytes, so they stop sticking to the walls of veins and capillaries. This, in turn, prevents blood from entering the paravenous tissue and thereby stopping the development of varicose veins or hemorrhoids. Treatment with this drug helps reduce swelling, relieve pain, normalize metabolic processes in the affected areas and obtain a lasting good cosmetic effect. The active ingredients reach their maximum concentration approximately 15 minutes after taking the drug, after which they circulate through the bloodstream for approximately 12 hours. They are eliminated from the body within a day during defecation.

How to take, course of administration and dosage

The tablets are taken at lunchtime and in the evening, with meals. The daily dose recommended by the manufacturer is 4 tablets (2 for each dose). The duration of treatment should be discussed with a specialist, but on average one package is designed for a course.

When treating hemorrhoids, to achieve the best effect, it is recommended to combine taking pills with the use of special creams - anesthetic and anti-inflammatory.


Tablets should not be taken by people with individual intolerance to any of the components included in their composition. Pregnant and breastfeeding women are also advised to avoid such treatment. Exceptions include cases where the risk to the woman's health is greater than that to the fetus or child. The drug should not be given to children.

Side effects

In rare cases, taking the medication may cause an allergic reaction in the form of skin itching or rash. In case of overdose or individual intolerance, the following may also begin:

  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract (diarrhea, stomach or intestinal pain, colitis);
  • headache;
  • dizziness, nausea, vomiting;
  • general weakness, state of discomfort.

In any of the above cases, stop treatment and consult a doctor.

Storage conditions

The medicine is kept in a dry place, protected from sunlight, at a temperature not exceeding +30 degrees. Keep away from children!


  • This medication is not sufficient to prevent the risk of phlebitis in bedridden or casted patients.
  • Treatment of venous insufficiency is based on special measures such as wearing compression stockings.
  • Pain and anal bleeding that continues despite treatment may be caused by a disease other than hemorrhoids and require consultation with a doctor. Likewise, any anal bleeding that occurs in a person over 50 years of age should be the subject of medical advice.

Roflox-Scan, 500 mg, film-coated tablets, 10 pcs.

Nosocomial infections caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa

), may require combination treatment.

The prevalence of acquired resistance in cultured strains of microorganisms may vary by geographic region and over time. In this regard, information on drug resistance in a specific country is required. For the treatment of severe infections or if treatment is ineffective, a microbiological diagnosis must be established with the isolation of the pathogen and determination of its sensitivity to levofloxacin.

Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus

There is a high likelihood that methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus will be resistant to fluoroquinolones, including levofloxacin. Therefore, levofloxacin is not recommended for the treatment of known or suspected infections caused by methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus if laboratory tests have not confirmed the sensitivity of this microorganism to levofloxacin.

Patients predisposed to developing seizures

Like other quinolones, levofloxacin should be used with great caution in patients with a predisposition to seizures. Such patients include patients with previous lesions of the central nervous system, such as stroke, severe traumatic brain injury; patients simultaneously receiving drugs that lower the seizure threshold of the brain, such as fenbufen and other similar non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or other drugs that lower the seizure threshold, such as theophylline (see section "Interaction with other drugs").

Pseudomembranous colitis

Diarrhea that develops during or after treatment with levofloxacin, especially severe, persistent and/or bloody, may be a symptom of pseudomembranous colitis caused by Clostridium difficile

. If pseudomembranous colitis is suspected, treatment with levofloxacin should be stopped immediately and specific antibiotic therapy (vancomycin, teicoplanin or oral metronidazole) should be started immediately. Drugs that inhibit intestinal motility are contraindicated.


Rarely observed, tendonitis with quinolones, including levofloxacin, can lead to rupture of tendons, including the Achilles tendon. This side effect can develop within 48 hours after starting treatment and can be bilateral. Elderly patients are more prone to developing tendinitis. The risk of tendon rupture may be increased when taking corticosteroids concomitantly. If tendonitis is suspected, you should immediately stop treatment with Roflox-Scan and begin appropriate treatment of the affected tendon, for example, by providing it with sufficient immobilization (see sections “Contraindications” and “Side Effects”).

Hypersensitivity reactions

Levofloxacin may cause serious, potentially fatal, hypersensitivity reactions (angioedema, anaphylactic shock), even with initial doses (see section "Side effects"). Patients should immediately stop taking the drug and consult a doctor.

Severe bullous reactions

Cases of severe bullous skin reactions such as Stevens-Johnson syndrome or toxic epidermal necrolysis have been observed while taking levofloxacin (see section "Side effects"). In case of development of any reactions from the skin or mucous membranes, the patient should immediately consult a doctor and not continue treatment until his consultation.

Disorders of the liver and biliary tract

Cases of hepatic necrosis, including the development of fatal liver failure, have been reported with the use of levofloxacin, mainly in patients with severe underlying diseases, such as sepsis (see section "Side effects"). Patients should be warned to stop treatment and seek immediate medical attention if signs and symptoms of liver damage occur, such as anorexia, jaundice, dark urine, itching and abdominal pain.

Patients with kidney failure

Since levofloxacin is excreted mainly through the kidneys, patients with impaired renal function require mandatory monitoring of renal function, as well as adjustment of the dosage regimen (see section "Dosage and Administration"). When treating elderly patients, it should be borne in mind that patients in this group often have impaired renal function (see section “Dosage and Administration”).

Preventing the development of photosensitivity reactions

Although photosensitivity develops very rarely with the use of levofloxacin, to prevent its development, patients are not recommended to be unnecessarily exposed to strong solar or artificial ultraviolet irradiation (for example, visiting a solarium) during treatment and for 48 hours after the end of treatment with levofloxacin.


As with the use of other antibiotics, the use of levofloxacin, especially for a long time, can lead to increased proliferation of microorganisms (bacteria and fungi) that are insensitive to it, which can cause changes in the microflora that is normally present in humans. As a result, superinfection may develop. Therefore, during treatment, it is imperative to re-evaluate the patient’s condition, and, if superinfection develops during treatment, appropriate measures should be taken.

QT prolongation

Very rare cases of QT prolongation have been reported in patients taking fluoroquinolones, including levofloxacin.

When using fluoroquinolones, including levofloxacin, caution should be exercised in patients with known risk factors for prolongation of the QT interval, in patients with uncorrected electrolyte disturbances (with hypokalemia, hypomagnesemia); with congenital long QT syndrome; with heart disease (heart failure, myocardial infarction, bradycardia); while taking medications that can prolong the QT interval, such as class IA and III antiarrhythmic drugs, tricyclic antidepressants, macrolides, antipsychotics.

Elderly and female patients may be more sensitive to drugs that prolong the QT interval. Therefore, fluoroquinolones, including levofloxacin, should be used with caution (see sections “With caution”, “Dosage and administration”, “Side effects”, “Overdose” and “Interaction with other drugs”).

Patients with glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency

Patients with latent or manifest glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency are predisposed to hemolytic reactions when treated with quinolones, which should be taken into account when treated with levofloxacin.

Hypo- and hyperglycemia (dysglycemia)

As with the use of other quinolones, cases of hyperglycemia and hypoglycemia have been observed with the use of levofloxacin, usually in patients with diabetes mellitus receiving concomitant treatment with oral hypoglycemic drugs (for example, glibenclamide) or insulin preparations. Cases of hypoglycemic coma have been reported. In patients with diabetes mellitus, monitoring of blood glucose concentrations is required (see section "Side effects").

Peripheral neuropathy

Sensory and sensorimotor peripheral neuropathy, which may have a rapid onset, has been reported in patients taking fluoroquinolones, including levofloxacin. If the patient develops symptoms of neuropathy, levofloxacin should be discontinued. This minimizes the possible risk of developing irreversible changes.

Exacerbation of pseudoparalytic myasthenia gravis (myasthenia gravis)

Fluoroquinolones, including levofloxacin, have neuromuscular blocking activity and may increase muscle weakness in patients with myasthenia gravis. Post-marketing adverse reactions, including pulmonary failure requiring mechanical ventilation and death, have been associated with the use of fluoroquinolones in patients with myasthenia gravis. The use of levofloxacin in a patient with an established diagnosis of pseudoparalytic myasthenia gravis is not recommended (see section “Side Effects”).

Application for airborne anthrax infection

The use of levofloxacin in humans for this indication is based on data on the sensitivity of Bacillus anthracis

based on
in vitro
and experimental animal studies, as well as limited data from the use of levofloxacin in humans. Treating physicians should refer to national and/or international documents that reflect the collectively developed point of view on the treatment of anthrax.

Psychotic reactions

With the use of quinolones, including levofloxacin, the development of psychotic reactions has been reported, which in very rare cases progressed to the development of suicidal thoughts and behavior disorders with self-harm (sometimes after taking a single dose of levofloxacin (see section "Side effects")). If such reactions develop, treatment with levofloxacin should be discontinued and appropriate therapy should be prescribed. The drug should be prescribed with caution to patients with psychosis or patients with a history of mental illness.

Visual impairment

If any visual impairment develops, immediate consultation with an ophthalmologist is necessary (see section “Side Effects”).

Effect on laboratory tests

In patients taking levofloxacin, the determination of opiates in urine may lead to false-positive results, which should be confirmed by more specific methods.

Levofloxacin may inhibit the growth of Mycobacterium tuberculosis

and subsequently lead to false negative results of the bacteriological diagnosis of tuberculosis.

Impact on the ability to drive vehicles and machinery

Side effects of the drug Roflox-Scan, such as dizziness or vertigo, drowsiness and visual disturbances (see section “Side effects”), can reduce psychomotor reactions and the ability to concentrate. This may pose a risk in situations where these abilities are of particular importance (for example, when driving a car, when servicing machinery, when performing work in an unstable position).


Do you know that:

Over the course of a lifetime, the average person produces no less than two large pools of saliva.

The human brain weighs about 2% of the total body weight, but it consumes about 20% of the oxygen entering the blood. This fact makes the human brain extremely susceptible to damage caused by a lack of oxygen.

74-year-old Australian resident James Harrison has donated blood about 1,000 times. He has a rare blood type whose antibodies help newborns with severe anemia survive. Thus, the Australian saved about two million children.

Many drugs were initially marketed as medicines. Heroin, for example, was originally brought to market as a cure for children's coughs. And cocaine was recommended by doctors as an anesthesia and as a means of increasing endurance.

According to statistics, on Mondays the risk of back injuries increases by 25%, and the risk of a heart attack by 33%. Be careful.

In order to say even the shortest and simplest words, we use 72 muscles.

Human bones are four times stronger than concrete.

Most women are able to derive more pleasure from contemplating their beautiful body in the mirror than from sex. So, women, strive to be slim.

American scientists conducted experiments on mice and came to the conclusion that watermelon juice prevents the development of vascular atherosclerosis. One group of mice drank plain water, and the second group drank watermelon juice. As a result, the vessels of the second group were free of cholesterol plaques.

An educated person is less susceptible to brain diseases. Intellectual activity promotes the formation of additional tissue that compensates for the disease.

You are more likely to break your neck if you fall off a donkey than if you fall off a horse. Just don't try to refute this statement.

When lovers kiss, each of them loses 6.4 calories per minute, but at the same time they exchange almost 300 types of different bacteria.

The cough medicine “Terpinkod” is one of the top sellers, not at all because of its medicinal properties.

In the UK there is a law according to which a surgeon can refuse to perform an operation on a patient if he smokes or is overweight. A person must give up bad habits, and then, perhaps, he will not need surgical intervention.

Scientists from Oxford University conducted a series of studies in which they came to the conclusion that vegetarianism can be harmful to the human brain, as it leads to a decrease in its mass. Therefore, scientists recommend not completely excluding fish and meat from your diet.

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