Fresh aloe leaves - Folia Aloes arborescentis recentia
Description Aloe arborescens (genus Aloe) is one of the representatives of the Xanthorrhoeaceae family, known to most people
Endocrinologist: iodine in tablets after 40 years is dangerous for Amur residents / Iodine plays an important role in the human body; the functioning of the thyroid gland depends on it. A deficiency of this important microelement is very difficult to recognize at first; it can be confused with chronic fatigue syndrome. The person experiences lethargy, gets tired quickly, and is in a bad mood. And children lose interest in lessons at school and often experience difficulties in their studies.
Endocrinologist: iodine in tablets after 40 years is dangerous for Amur residents
Photo: koffkindom. ru Photo: koffkindom. ru — It’s been actively airing on TV for many years now.
Composition of the drug Phenazipam
What is better Elzepam or Phenazepam?
Phenazepam and Fenzitate - difference and common features. Both drugs belong to the group of tranquilizers,
Placental abruption. Causes of placental abruption in the early stages
Through the placenta, the baby in the womb eats and breathes. The anatomical structure protects the fetus from negative influences.
Table 2. Complex products for the treatment of acute respiratory infections
How to resist respiratory viruses? Measures to prevent ARVI
Prevention of influenza, ARVI and coronavirus is a single set of measures aimed at preventing morbidity.
Medicinal (vasomotor) rhinitis or drug runny nose. Treatment
Increasingly, people are turning to help for help with complaints of nasal congestion, constant runny nose,
Formation of the fetal neural tube
How much folic acid to take when planning pregnancy?
Folic acid is another name for vitamin B9. The substance belongs to the category of “beauty vitamins”,
Does mirtazapine help treat treatment-resistant depression?
Relevance Depression is one of the main factors determining our health. Unfortunately, everything
Trichopolum for women
Trichopolum tablets: instructions for use, what it treats, price
Description Trichopolum belongs to the group of antimicrobial drugs that are highly effective. The main component of this
Berodual N dosed aerosol for inhalation 20 µg+50 µg/dose 10 ml (200 doses) No. 1
Bronchopulmonary diseases in children are often accompanied by narrowing of the airways and associated difficulties
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