Chondroxide Intensive tablets for intensive nutrition of joints, pack of 60 pcs.

Chondroxide ointment

The ointment is a light yellow mass that smells like dimethyl sulfoxide . Its healing properties are explained by sodium chondroitin sulfate.

It also includes auxiliary components:

  • Dimexide.
  • E913.
  • E905b.
  • E417.
  • Water.

It has the following actions:

  1. Relieves pain and inflammation in degenerative-inflammatory pathologies of the musculoskeletal system.
  2. Improves joint mobility and reduces swelling.
  3. Stops the progression of osteochondrosis and osteoarthrosis.
  4. Promotes restoration of cartilage tissue of joints.

The composition of the medication is selected in such a way that all included components complement each other’s effect . Its main active ingredient, chondroitin sulfate, takes part in the construction of cartilage tissue and has the following beneficial properties:

  • Activates the process of biosynthesis of mucopolysaccharides, which are present in connective tissue, bones, synovium and form a connective tissue matrix along with collagen and elastin.
  • Reduces the activity of enzymes that destroy cartilage tissue.
  • Improves the metabolism of phosphorus and calcium in cartilage.
  • Slows down the processes of destruction of cartilage tissue.
  • Prevents damage to connective tissue.

All this leads to a reduction in pain and increased joint mobility .

The medication is well absorbed when applied to the skin. The absorption rate reaches 14% . Dimexide, which is part of the drug, improves the absorption of chondroitin into deeper tissues. The drug selectively penetrates into the joints, the maximum content of the drug in them is observed after half an hour. The drug is removed from cartilage tissue in 2 phases . An hour after application, the rapid phase is completed. The retention time of the medicine in the joints is 5 hours.


Chondroxide (INN chondroitin sulfate) is a stimulator for the restoration of joint cartilage tissue from the Russian pharmaceutical industry, one of the three leaders among domestic drug manufacturers. It is produced in the form of an injection solution, tablets, as well as external forms - ointments and creams, and in the latter case the manufacturer managed to achieve an unprecedented high content of the active component. The systemic use of NSAIDs for osteochondrosis, osteoarthrosis and other degenerative diseases is fraught with serious adverse reactions, which increases the importance of effective local therapy: it is convenient, safe, does not entail the risk of unwanted pharmacological interactions and provides a therapeutic effect directly on the site of the pathological process. The oral form of chondroitin sulfate has low (13%) bioavailability, which is due to the impressive molecular weight of the active substance. In this regard, other ways of delivering the active component to the affected tissues, in particular, the local dosage form, are becoming increasingly relevant. The bioavailability of Chondroxide in the form of an ointment or cream is about 30%, which should be considered a very good indicator. The ointment contains dimethyl sulfoxide as an auxiliary component, which ensures effective penetration of chondroitin sulfate through the skin and mucous membranes to the affected joints and spine.

It is important that Chondroxide has a pronounced ability to slow down destructive processes in cartilage tissue and stimulate its regeneration. As a result, this leads to pain relief and increased joint mobility. The drug has an extremely favorable safety profile and, when used in doses recommended by the manufacturer, has virtually no side effects. The drug's over-the-counter status allows for its use as part of responsible and controlled self-medication. Chondroxide not only significantly reduces the severity of pain, but also has a direct effect on the cause of its occurrence - on the main pathogenetic link in the formation of pain, ensuring effective regeneration of the cartilage tissue of the damaged joint. An important caveat: this process requires a certain investment of time: the duration of use of the drug must be at least one month. Domestic doctors have accumulated considerable experience in the clinical use of Chondroxide. One of the studies was conducted in Tatarstan within the walls of the Kazan State Medical Academy. Scientists compared the effectiveness of Chondroxide and Ibuprofen in the treatment of lumbar sciatica (lumbar pain syndrome). The results of a clinical trial proved the high pain-relieving effectiveness of Chondroxide: after 14 days of treatment, the intensity of pain in patients decreased by half.

Gel Chondroxide

The gel is a yellowish transparent homogeneous mass with a fruity aroma. sodium chondroitin sulfate as a main component .

In addition to this, the medicine contains the following formative components:

  • Dimexide.
  • Macrogol.
  • Isopropanol
  • E1510.
  • E216.
  • E218.
  • E223.
  • Carbomer.
  • Orange scent.
  • Water.

Gel and ointment have a similar mechanism of action and pharmacokinetics.

You need to apply it to the pathological lesion in a thin layer using the plastic applicator that comes with the kit. Thanks to it, it is possible to apply the medicine without getting your hands dirty; in addition, it uses the medicine more economically. There is no need to apply the product in a thick layer, as it will begin to roll into small balls.


CHONDROXIDE® Intensive contains substances that have a positive effect on joint health:

  • Driving comfort

Willow extract combined with Curcuma longa extract is traditionally used in Ayurveda for joint health and flexibility. Boswellia serrata extract helps normalize joint function.

  • Nutrition for joints

Contains a combination of three natural building components of joint cartilage, which, according to experts, can do this better than collagen monotherapy: type II collagen, glucosamine sulfate and chondroitin sulfate.

Vitamin C helps normalize collagen formation for the normal functioning of bones and cartilage. Manganese promotes the normal formation of connective tissue.

  • Absorption enhancer (suction)

BioPerine® (black pepper extract) - a naturally occurring enhancer improves the absorption of certain minerals, vitamins and other substances by up to 80%**.

** Patent No. US 5972382

What do the release forms have in common?

Ointment and gel have the following similarities:

  1. They are used for degenerative-dystrophic pathologies of the skeleton . They can be used for the treatment and prevention of osteoarthritis and osteochondrosis.
  2. Chondroxide in dosage forms for external use can be used by children, pregnant and lactating patients, after consultation with a doctor.
  3. To date, there have been no cases of overdose with external dosage forms of Chondroxide.
  4. The medicine is contraindicated for use if you are allergic to its composition . The drug should not be applied to open wounds, you need to make sure that it does not get on the mucous membranes; if this happens, the medication should be washed off with water.
  5. They can cause allergies, which requires discontinuation of therapy and the prescription of antihistamines.
  6. They can be used in combination with other medications, since there are no cases of drug incompatibility of the ointment and gel with any drug.
  7. They do not have a sedative effect, their use does not slow down the psychomotor reaction and they do not have a negative effect on the ability to drive a car.
  8. Both dosage forms should be applied 2 or 3 times a day to pathological lesions with light massage movements for 2-3 minutes until the medicine is completely absorbed. The duration of therapy can vary from 14 days to 3 months . If necessary, the course of treatment can be repeated.
  9. They reduce the need for non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

Comparison and how they differ

There are the following differences between the external dosage forms of Chondroxide:

The basisThe ointment base is thicker, denser and oilier; it takes longer to rub in than the gel preparation, and it remains on the hands.The gel base spreads well over the skin, it rubs in easily and is quickly absorbed without leaving an oily sheen.
PriceThe price of ointment 30 g is about 330 rubles.The cost of 40 g gel is approximately 380 rubles.
SmellThe ointment has a specific, not very pleasant odor.The gel smells like orange.
Weight of the drugThe ointment can be packaged in 30 g and 50 g.The gel is available in 20, 25, 30, 35 and 40 g.
Vacation rulesPrescription drug.Over-the-counter product.
Best before date36 months.24 months.


Hypersensitivity to product components. The product should not be used as a meal replacement. A balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle are very important.

Do not exceed the recommended daily dose.

Do not consume after the expiration date stated on the package.

Before use, consultation with a doctor is recommended. Consult your doctor if you are taking blood thinners.


Use is contraindicated.


Do not use for children under 12 years of age.


Does not affect.


It is impossible to say unequivocally that ointment or gel is better; they have their pros and cons. Both dosage forms have identical indications and contraindications; they can provoke allergies.

When using ointment, extra effort must be made to rub it in, which may not be very convenient for older patients. In addition, this form of release has a specific smell, which not many people like, although some patients do not feel it. After using the ointment, it is not recommended to get dressed for half an hour, otherwise the drug will be absorbed into the clothes instead of the skin. In this regard, the gel is better, even if it gets on the fabric, it is easily washed off with water and leaves no traces. But the ointment is consumed more economically than the gel. And it is recommended to use it when the gel does not help, since in combination with massage movements when rubbing it in, the effect may be somewhat stronger.

Medicine and healthComment

CHONDROXIDE (ointment)

This product comes with detailed instructions that describe its properties, method and frequency of use:
The ointment is a thick, yellowish mass, almost odorless, with a consistency very similar to Vaseline - fatty, viscous, viscous.

It is difficult to spread over the skin - you have to rub it with fairly vigorous movements. It is practically not absorbed, so you need to actively massage it for about five minutes so that at least something is absorbed, and then wait another half an hour without getting dressed - otherwise the cream will be absorbed into the fabric of your clothes instead of the skin. I have two problems with using this drug - osteochondrosis and “creaking” and “crunching” in the knee. I’ll say right away that the Chondroxide knee is easier to understand; cream + training - and the problem is almost gone. But with osteochondrosis everything is more complicated. I have been using the drug for about six months now and I can say the following: - it definitely facilitates mobility (although I note that I also add physical exercises, but they were there before using the ointment) - the problem area began to feel more flexible, more pliable, lighter and takes the load longer, there is no inhibition, pain or crunching during turns, bends, etc. - oddly enough, I can confirm the analgesic effect - it really does exist; sometimes at work you have to sit motionless for quite a long time, concentrating on documents, after which pain may occur - “Chondroxid” eliminates them - not instantly, like, for example, a specific anesthetic gel, but nevertheless the effect of getting rid of pain is present - very similar The fact that the product stops the progression of the problem - since I’ve been using it - I haven’t gotten any worse. As for the anti-inflammatory effect, I can only say one thing - no inflammatory processes occurred during the use of the ointment. What makes me somewhat doubtful is the possibility of restoring cartilage tissue with the help of such a drug; but since chondroitin normalizes metabolism, reduces calcium loss, stimulates the synthesis of glycosaminoglycans and intra-articular fluid, and blocks enzymes that destroy cartilage tissue, it may actually stimulate regeneration, especially in unadvanced cases. I myself have not been using this drug for so long to seek confirmation from doctors - it is necessary to regularly smear problem areas for several years in order to then check the result. It is advisable to carry out treatment in courses for about six months, then a short break and another course. “Chondroxide” can also be used for prevention - it is much easier to prevent a problem than to eliminate it later, especially since this drug has practically no contraindications - rare allergic reactions:

I will recommend it - the product works, not magically as we would like, but nevertheless there is a tangible result.

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