Analogs Matches by level 4 ATC code: Estifan Septilin Sodium Nucleinate Gepon Imudon Immunal
Mental ill-being, endogenous disease of the schizophrenia spectrum, severe chronic illness leading to mental impairment,
Composition Mechanism of action Indications Contraindications Instructions Side effects Evalar CJSC is the largest Russian concern
"PREVENAR" - vaccination against pneumococcal infection Pneumococcal polysaccharide conjugate adsorbed thirteen-valent vaccine Manufacturer: Wyeth
Endometriosis is a disease in which tissue from the lining of the uterus is found in places where
Manufacturer: FUNGODOCTOR, Ukraine. Active ingredients Not specified. See instructions Pharmacological actions Not specified. Cm.
Diarrhea is an extremely unpleasant disorder that can take both children and adults by surprise.
Urinary tract infections are a common disease in everyday urological practice. Significant progress in treatment
Rhinolalia is a speech disorder manifested by severe distortion of speech and incorrect pronunciation of individual sounds. How
Don't wait for a second wind. Breathe first! My son, like many allergy sufferers, is in