"Upsarin Upsa": indications, instructions for use

Among the effective antipyretic and painkillers, the drug “Upsarin Upsa” stands out. This is a fast-acting medicine based on acetylsalicylic acid. Eliminates pain in the head, joints, teeth, muscles, helps normalize body temperature. Approved for use by adults and children over 15 years of age. The medicine is inexpensive and accessible; you can buy it at any pharmacy; you don’t need to present a prescription.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

The principle of action of Upsarin UPSA is based on a non-selective decrease in the activity of cyclooxygenases 1 and 2, which are actively involved in the synthesis of prostaglandins (forming pain and swelling in the area of ​​inflammation).

The medication has analgesic, anti-inflammatory, and moderate antipyretic effects.

The active substance is acetylsalicylic acid . With a decrease in the concentration of prostaglandins in the area of ​​thermoregulation, body temperature decreases due to increased sweating and expansion of the lumen of blood vessels. The analgesic effect is achieved by the central and peripheral actions of acetylsalicylic acid. The drug inhibits the synthesis of thromboxane A2 in platelet cells, reducing thrombus formation, adhesion and platelet aggregation. After a single dose of Upsarin Upsa, the achieved antiplatelet effect can last for seven days (the severity of this effect is stronger in males compared to females).

The medication reduces the risk of myocardial infarction and the mortality rate when diagnosing unstable angina. Effectively used in susceptible individuals for primary and secondary prevention of myocardial infarction. At a dose of 6 grams per day, it increases the prothrombin time and at the same time suppresses the formation of prothrombin in the hepatic system.

Upsarin UPSA is able to reduce the level of vitamin K-dependent coagulation factors (2,7,9,10), and increases the fibrinolytic activity of plasma. During treatment with the drug, the risk of bleeding and hemorrhagic complications during surgical interventions increases significantly.

By disrupting the reabsorption of uric acid in the tubules of the renal system, acetylsalicylic acid stimulates its excretion.

The drug reduces the activity of gastroprotective (protective) prostaglandins and blocks cyclooxygenase-1, which can cause ulceration of the gastric mucosa with subsequent bleeding. It is recommended to give preference to dosage forms that contain a special enteric coating and buffer substances.

An additional form of medication is available - Upsarin UPSA with vitamin C. This is a complex drug that contains ascorbic and acetylsalicylic acids. Vitamin C takes an active part in oxidative and reduction processes, regulates blood clotting , the process of synthesizing various substances and carbohydrate metabolism. Ascorbic acid has a pronounced antioxidant effect and increases the regenerative capabilities of tissues.

What to do if the hangover is very severe?

If while drinking you have significantly exceeded your individual norm and the hangover is moderate to severe, then there is only one way to get rid of a hangover quickly - call a narcologist to your home. An experienced specialist, after examination and express diagnostics, will correctly assess the patient’s condition and prescribe adequate treatment. The fastest and most effective way to relieve a hangover is a dropper based on a saline solution with a composition that restores the water-salt and acid-base balance.

Additionally, the following devices can be connected to the dropper:

  • Diuretics to force diuresis and rapid elimination of acetaldehyde.
  • B vitamins, ascorbic acid (vitamin C).
  • According to indications, sedatives, antihypertensive drugs, hepato- and cardioprotectors are prescribed.

We provide 3 types of drips for alcohol poisoning: standard, intensive and triple. The latter provides protection for the heart, liver, nerve cells and kidneys from the toxic effects of alcohol.

Only a doctor can decide what to do in case of a severe hangover with life-threatening symptoms. Typically, in such cases, treatment for a hangover is indicated only in a hospital, in order to ensure the provision of resuscitation measures as quickly and fully as possible.

Indications for use of Upsarin UPSA

What are the tablets prescribed for?

The medication is prescribed for pain syndrome : neuralgia, headaches, myalgia, lumbago , toothache, algomenorrhea, arthralgia, radicular syndrome.

The drug Upsarin UPSA is used to relieve moderate febrile syndrome , which accompanies many diseases of an infectious-inflammatory nature.

With unstable form of angina, painless form of myocardial ischemia, with myocardial infarction, with diagnosis of several risk factors for coronary heart disease, after heart valve replacement , after coronary balloon angioplasty, after installation of a special stent, with aortoarteritis , with lesions of the coronary arteries of non-atherosclerotic origin, with mitral valve prolapse , Dressler's syndrome, acute thrombophlebitis, pulmonary infarction Upsarin UPSA is prescribed as an antiplatelet agent in a daily dose of up to 300 mg.


Various hemorrhagic diathesis (thrombocytopenic purpura, hemophilia, hypoprothrombinemia, telangiectasia, von Willebrand disease), the presence of the “aspirin triad” (simultaneous diagnosis of a recurrent form of polyposis of the nose and adjacent sinuses, bronchial asthma and intolerance to pyrazolone drugs, acetylsalicylic acid).

The drug is not prescribed for erosive and ulcerative pathology of the mucous walls of the digestive tract (acute stage, exacerbation), intolerance to the active component, vitamin K deficiency, pregnancy, severe pathology of the liver and renal system.

The use of Upsarin UPSA during breastfeeding is contraindicated.

With a history of ulcerative lesions of the digestive system, with a decompensated form of CHF, gout , hyperuricemia, nephrourolithiasis (urate form), Upsarin UPSA is used with caution (additional consultation with specialists is required), assessing possible risks and long-term consequences.


Does aspirin help with hangovers—yes, it does. But for this it is necessary to create optimal conditions for the body and reduce the likelihood of side effects. Aspirin is an almost ideal option, but only in cases of uniform use. In large quantities with regular use, it can cause irreparable consequences that will have to be eliminated with medications that contribute to the emergence of new problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, it is important to be aware and careful when taking any medications, otherwise you can harm your own body.

Side effects

As a result of the hapten mechanism, “aspirin aspirin” is formed (includes a simultaneous combination of nasal polyposis, adjacent sinuses, bronchial asthma and intolerance to pyrazolone drugs and acetylsalicylic acid).

It is possible to develop allergic responses in the form of bronchospasm, various rashes on the skin, and angioedema.

The drug may cause problems with the kidneys and liver system. Long-term therapy causes vomiting, dizziness, hypocoagulation, interstitial nephritis , bronchospasm, erosive and ulcerative lesions of the digestive system (stomach, duodenum), tinnitus, visual and auditory perception disorders, papillary necrosis , prerenal azotemia with hypercalcemia and increased creatinine, increased severity of clinical symptoms of CHF, aseptic meningitis, nephrotic syndrome, swelling.

What not to do if you have a hangover?

Let's rephrase the question: what should never be used to treat a hangover? Because all the actions of a person suffering from a hangover are aimed at alleviating the symptoms. At the same time, the set of methods and means can be very diverse. But if some of them really help, while others play the role of a placebo, then others can only do harm. It is precisely these methods that I want to warn against:

  • As already mentioned, you should not relieve a hangover with coffee or strong tea. The caffeine contained in them increases the myocardial need for oxygen, and the heart already needs it. And besides, caffeine can increase blood pressure, and this is already dangerous and can result in a stroke.
  • You shouldn't fight a hangover in a bathhouse. It seems that all toxic metabolites will be released with sweat. But this is far from true. Excessive sweating will cause even more severe dehydration of the body, which, together with high temperature and high humidity, can be extremely dangerous for the heart and result in a heart attack.
  • And I won’t tire of repeating – you can’t get hungover. This is the greatest harm, leading to increased intoxication, alcoholization of the body, and even binge drinking. The latter is especially relevant for the first stage of alcoholism and symbolizes its transition to the second stage.

By the way, call an ambulance immediately if, during a hangover, you suddenly feel something unusual in the form of:

  • too pronounced tachycardia, when the heart almost jumps out of the chest;
  • interruptions in cardiac activity (arrhythmias);
  • sharp throbbing headache;
  • pressing pain behind the sternum radiating to the left arm, etc.

These may be symptoms of a stroke or heart attack.

Upsarin UPSA, instructions for use (Method and dosage)

Treatment of acute rheumatism: the daily dose is calculated according to the scheme 100 mg per 1 kg of weight per day, the frequency of administration is 5-6 times a day.

Pain and fever: 500-100 mg per day, divided into three doses. The course of therapy is no more than two weeks.

How to take Upsarin UPSA: effervescent tablets are recommended to be taken after meals, previously dissolved in water (100-200ml), 3-4 times a day. The duration of therapy can vary from 1 day to several months. Take 150-250 mg of acetylsalicylic acid per day, which improves the rheological properties of the blood.

According to the instructions for use of Upsarin UPSA, patients who have suffered a myocardial infarction, as well as for secondary prevention, are recommended to take 40-325 mg of the drug daily (the average dose is 160 mg). To inhibit platelet cell aggregation, 300-325 mg of the drug is prescribed daily.

Method of use of Upsarin UPSA for cerebral thromboembolism , with dynamic changes in cerebral circulation: initial dose - 325 mg per day, then a gradual increase in the amount of the drug is recommended to 1000 mg per day. Taking 125-300 mg per day prevents relapses. Taking 325 mg of acetylsalicylic acid every seven hours through a special gastric tube (installed intranasally) prevents aortic bypass occlusion and thrombosis. Next, it is recommended to switch to oral forms of the medication: three times a day at a dose of 325 mg in combination therapy with Dipyridamole for a week.

How severe can alcohol poisoning be?

It all depends on the severity of the poisoning. Depending on the ethyl alcohol content, the following degrees of alcohol poisoning are differentiated:

  • A mild degree that occurs when the concentration of ethanol in the blood is no more than 1 ‰ (ppm is 1 thousandth of something or 1 tenth of a percent (‰ = 1⁄1000 = 0.1% = 0.001). This degree of intoxication is accompanied by moderate disturbances of autonomic function in in the form of facial flushing, increased breathing, tachycardia, as well as fine motor disorders.These manifestations do not require special medical intervention and go away on their own after a few hours of sleep.
  • The average degree is observed at an alcohol concentration of 1 to 2.5 ‰. With a hangover, nausea, vomiting, pallor or cyanosis of the skin, severe shortness of breath and tachycardia, and possible arrhythmia often develop. In this condition, urgent detoxification is required by a drug treatment team called to the home. Hospitalization for moderate alcohol poisoning is not provided.
  • Severe degree - ethanol content exceeds 2.5‰, sometimes reaching very high levels requiring resuscitation measures. Accompanied by depression of consciousness, misunderstanding of speech, change in skin color, vomiting, salivation (hypersalivation) and even coma. Convulsions, epileptic seizures, respiratory and cardiovascular disorders that are life-threatening may occur.

The state of severe intoxication can only be relieved in a hospital setting.


Manifested by central hyperventilation , bleeding, anuria, respiratory alkalosis, collapse, drowsiness, metabolic acidosis and confusion.

At the initial stage, hyperventilation of the lungs leads to respiratory alkalosis: cyanosis of the limbs and body, suffocation , shortness of breath, the appearance of cold, sticky sweat. Further, as a result of increased intoxication, respiratory paralysis and complete uncoupling in oxidative phosphorylation develop, which ultimately leads to respiratory acidosis.

In case of poisoning, it is recommended to provoke vomiting, prescribe laxatives, enterosorbents, and activated carbon. Monitoring of electrolyte balance . If necessary, a solution of lactate , citrate or sodium bicarbonate is administered.

The excretion of acetylsalicylic acid can be enhanced by increasing reserve alkalinity. acetazolamide to alkalize urine (possible development of acidemia, increased toxic effects of acetylsalicylic acid).

In elderly people, intensive infusion therapy can lead to pulmonary edema , which must be taken into account when treating intoxication with Upsarin UPSA.

Hemodialysis is prescribed when the medication level is more than 100-130 mg%.

With the development of pulmonary edema, artificial ventilation of the lungs is prescribed with a special mixture rich in oxygen.

How to relieve a hangover in a mildly intoxicated person?

Typically, a hangover in a healthy person lasts about 24 hours. You need to hold out for 24 hours. How to do it? Regardless of the severity of the symptoms, the most important way to relieve hangover symptoms is to quickly remove acetaldehyde from the body, and for this you need to drink as much as possible - water, weak sweet tea, tomato juice, cabbage or cucumber pickle.

When choosing an anti-hangover drink, listen to your body - drink what you want. The exception is strong tea or coffee. They will not help you, but will only increase the load on the heart, which is already damaged. It is advisable not to drink carbonated drinks.

And one more recommendation for mild intoxication is sleep, during which the liver enzyme systems will independently cope with the incoming dose of alcohol poison. What you should never do is get hungover. A new portion of alcohol will return the state of euphoria for an hour, but the ethanol processing systems already running in enhanced mode will quickly utilize ethanol to acetaldehyde and increase its concentration in the blood. This will ultimately only increase intoxication and initiate the onset of alcohol dependence. To summarize, we can say that if hangover intoxication is not severe, the best ways to cure a hangover are to drink plenty of fluids and sleep.

For severe headaches, you can take medications based on acetylsalicylic acid. To remove unabsorbed alcohol and reduce nausea, you can take enterosorbents. But do not experiment, use only drugs that you have already tested and tolerate well.


Upsarin UPSA increases the concentration of lithium salts, barbiturates and digoxin in the blood plasma.

Ethanol-containing medications, glucocorticosteroids, ethanol increase the irritating effect of acetylsalicylic acid on the mucous walls of the digestive tract (the likelihood of gastrointestinal bleeding increases significantly).

The drug increases the effectiveness of reserpine, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, thrombolytics, indirect anticoagulants , sulfonamides (for example, Co-Trimoxazole ), narcotic analgesics, platelet cell aggregation inhibitors, hypoglycemic agents (oral forms).

The medication enhances the toxic effects of methotrexate .

Instructions for use Upsarin UPSA is not recommended to prescribe the medication simultaneously with diuretics (veroshpiron, furosemide), antihypertensives, uricosurics (sulfinpyrazone, benzbromarone).

The rate and quality of absorption of acetylsalicylic acid are reduced when taking antacids , which contain magnesium and aluminum salts.

Properties of aspirin

The main reason for using aspirin after a hangover is to try to alleviate a person’s condition, which is aggravated after drinking too much alcohol. The anti-hangover pill aspirin can improve the condition, restore physical activity and relieve headaches. The effect of aspirin is to instantly affect the composition of the blood, which has a viscous form after drinking alcohol. It thins the blood, prevents the formation of clots and blood clots, stimulates blood flow and alleviates the general condition of a person. Aspirin promotes and restores processes in the body, relieves dehydration and weakness.

special instructions

Long-term treatment with Upsarin UPSA requires mandatory monitoring of the main indicators of blood condition and regular stool testing for occult blood.

When using the drug as an anesthetic, acetylsalicylic acid can be taken for no longer than a week. To achieve an antipyretic effect, the drug can be used for no more than three days.

It is recommended to completely avoid salicylates 7 days before the planned surgery. The use of Upsarin UPSA in pediatric practice for viral pathology is contraindicated due to the risk of developing Reye's syndrome (increase in liver size, formation of acute encephalopathy, uncontrollable vomiting).

Carefully crushing the tablets, taking the medication after meals, using enteric forms of acetylsalicylic acid, and using medications that neutralize the increased acidity of gastric juice can reduce the irritating effect of Upsarin UPSA on the mucous walls of the digestive tract.

The drug may trigger a new attack of gout in susceptible individuals. This effect is explained by a decrease in the amount of uric acid during treatment with the drug.

Acetylsalicylic acid is excreted in breast milk, increasing the risk of bleeding in infants due to functional changes in blood platelet cells.

The teratogenic effect of the drug is manifested by hypertension in the “lesser” circulation, hyperplasia of the vessels of the pulmonary tissue, and premature closure of the lumen of the ductus arteriosus.

What advice can you give to those suffering from a hangover?

The most important prevention of a hangover is not to abuse alcohol, and also to learn to say no to drinking company if you feel that your limit has already been exhausted. Of course, this is difficult to do - you need to have the will and character to resist temptation. But, if you do have too much, be prepared for a hangover and all its negative manifestations.

Read our articles on how to force your husband to stop drinking and start treatment for an alcohol-dependent person.

If you are feeling particularly hard the next morning, call ours - we will arrive as quickly as possible, promptly select an IV, and within an hour or two you will feel relatively normal and will even be able to go to work. Well, if the hangover is particularly severe, we will be able to completely restore your health upon admission to our clinic. The main thing is not to delay - because the sooner therapy begins, the faster and without complications there will be a way out of a hangover.


Level 4 ATC code matches:
Acetylsalicylic acid








Cefekon N



Alca Prim



Analogs include the following drugs: Asafen , Aspeter , Aspirin , Acetylsalicylic acid , Asprovit .

Price Upsarin UPSA, where to buy

A package of medicine in 16 tablets is sold at a price of 200 rubles.

  • Online pharmacies in RussiaRussia
  • Online pharmacies in UkraineUkraine


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  • Upsarin Upsa (tab. spike. 500 mg No. 16)Bristol Myers

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