Instructions for use BIFIDUMBACTERIN DRY

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Bifidumbacterin siccum dry

Bifidumbacterin is used orally for intestinal diseases, and intravaginally in obstetric and gynecological practice.

Dissolve the contents of the bottle with boiled water at room temperature at the rate of 5 ml (teaspoon) of water per 1 dose of the drug.

Dissolution is carried out as follows: pour the required amount of water into a glass (in accordance with the number of doses indicated on the bottle); open the bottle by removing the cap and stopper; transfer a small amount of water from the glass into the bottle; after dissolution (the drug dissolves in no more than 5 minutes to form an opaque homogeneous suspension), transfer the contents of the bottle into the same glass and mix. One teaspoon of the drug dissolved in this way is 1 dose. The dissolved drug cannot be stored.

Take the required number of doses (respectively, teaspoons) 20-30 minutes before meals. The drug can be given to infants immediately before feeding.

For intestinal diseases: for children in the first half of life, the drug is prescribed 5 doses per dose 2 times a day, for children in the second half of the year and older - 5 doses 3 times a day.

For newborns at risk, it is advisable to start using the drug in the maternity ward from the first day of life until discharge, 2.5 doses per dose 2 times a day.

Children with sepsis, pneumonia and other purulent-infectious diseases are prescribed 5 doses 3 times a day in combination with generally accepted methods of treating the underlying disease. If gastrointestinal dysfunction and the threat of ulcerative necrotizing enterocolitis occur in this group of children, the dosage of bifidumbacterin is increased to 20 doses per day.

For acute chronic inflammatory diseases of the small and large intestines, colitis and enterocolitis in adults, it is recommended to take 5 doses 2-3 times a day.

For intestinal diseases, the duration of treatment with bifidumbacterin is determined by the severity of clinical manifestations, the age of the patient and is 2-4 weeks, and in some cases - up to 3 months.

Treatment of the nipple and areola area of ​​postpartum women: soak 2 sterile swabs with the dissolved drug (5 doses) and apply it to the mammary gland for 20-30 minutes before feeding. The course of treatment is 5 days.

For intravaginal use, insert a sterile tampon soaked in the drug into the vagina and leave for 2-3 hours.

For inflammatory diseases of the female genitalia and prenatal preparation of pregnant women at risk, bifidumbacterin is prescribed 5-10 doses once a day for 5-8 days under the control of restoration of the purity of vaginal secretions to grade I-II and the disappearance of clinical symptoms of inflammation.

When accepted

Bifidumbacterin should be taken for the following diseases and problems:

  • dysbacteriosis;
  • acute intestinal infection;
  • chronic inflammatory processes in the intestines;
  • transfer of infants to artificial formula.

Can be used in complex therapy for the treatment of sepsis and pneumonia in children. It is also used for the purpose of sanitizing the female genital organs by women who are preparing to give birth. Elderly women are often prescribed for inflammation of the vaginal mucosa.

The product is effective for preventive purposes for women during lactation.

special instructions

This drug is prescribed with caution to people with lactase deficiency.

When consulting the instructions on how to drink Bifidumbacterin for adults or how to give this medicine to a child, you should take into account that it cannot be dissolved in water whose temperature exceeds 40 °C. Do not store the prepared solution. You should carefully study the instructions on how to dilute 5 doses of the product or use the product in a different dosage.

You cannot use a product for treatment if the integrity of its packaging has been damaged.

When using suppositories, you can simultaneously treat with antiviral, immunostimulating, and antibacterial drugs. Do not use candles that have the aroma of rancid oil.

Bifidumbacterin price, where to buy

The price of dry Bifidumbacterin (30 sachets) is on average 250 rubles. The price of Bifidumbacterin for newborns (ampoules, 10 pcs.) is 90 rubles. The price of the same drug in Ukraine is on average 70-90 UAH. You can buy Bifidumbacterin powder in Kyiv for a price starting from 70 hryvnia.

The price of Bifidumbacterin liquid (10 bottles of 10 ml each) is approximately 950 rubles. The price of Bifidumbacterin suppositories is from 90 rubles (10 pcs.) The price of Bifidumbacterin tablets is from 90 rubles. for 30 pcs. You can buy candles in Ukraine (Kharkov, Odessa and other cities) for prices starting from 100 UAH.

You can find out how much each form of the drug costs (capsules, tablets, etc.) in a specific pharmacy chain.

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Bifidumbacterin for newborns is widely used to eliminate dysbiosis and relieve babies from colic. The instructions for Bifidumbacterin for newborns indicate that the drug is indicated for the treatment of premature babies, children born by cesarean section , in the presence of intestinal infections, etc.

Reviews from parents are mostly positive, saying that the product works effectively. At the same time, parents should clearly know how to dilute Bifidumbacterin for newborns and how to take the drug. You can learn how to give the drug to newborns from the instructions, or use the regimen prescribed by the pediatrician. It is important not to store diluted powder.

Depending on how severe the disease is, the treatment period lasts from one week to several months. It is necessary to give the child the drug at a time when his stomach is empty, that is, before meals - 30 minutes or after meals - after one hour. You can give the remedy before going to bed, at night.

Some parents are interested in whether this drug can be added to the mixture. Experts believe that diluting the drug in formula milk is acceptable. But at the same time, its effectiveness may be somewhat less, since it is advisable to take the drug on an empty stomach.

pharmachologic effect

The abstract indicates that the product has an antibacterial effect against a number of pathogenic (those that cause diseases in humans) and conditionally pathogenic (those that provoke the development of diseases in the presence of certain conditions) bacteria. In particular, live bifidobacteria act on enteropathogenic E. coli, staphylococci, shigella, and some types of yeast-like fungi.

The drug helps restore intestinal microflora, balances the vaginal microflora, normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, has an immunomodulatory effect, and has a positive effect on the activity of metabolic processes.

Reviews about Bifidumbacterin

In most cases, reviews of Bifidumbacterin for newborns that parents leave on the forum are positive. It is noted that after prescribing Bifidumbacterin for children, their anxiety during colic disappears, and dysbacteriosis is cured. Parents also mention that the drug is easy to use.

Women often leave positive reviews about Bifidumbacterin suppositories in gynecology. According to patients, they help effectively cure vaginal dysbiosis ; suppositories are also effective for thrush. The product also has a positive effect after taking a course of antibiotics, eliminating the symptoms of intestinal dysbiosis. Some patients mention the positive effect of the product when used to cleanse the body. In particular, it is noted that the medicine helps get rid of acne.

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