Sodium benzoate in cosmetics. What is it, benefits and harms, preservative composition, overdose symptoms
Sodium benzoate in cosmetics. What is it, benefits and harms, preservative composition, overdose symptoms
Most manufacturers of cosmetics, taking into account current industry trends, strive to minimize the share of chemicals
TOP 11 analogues of the drug Trental produced in Russia and abroad
Trental is a peripheral vasodilator. The medication is prepared in a solution for injections and in
Myopia (myopia) causes
Myopia (myopia): causes, symptoms and treatment
Myopia, better known as myopia or simply myopia, is one of the most ancient
Askofen: composition of the drug, what it helps with, instructions
Askofen: composition of the drug, what it helps with, instructions
Pain or fever may appear suddenly, causing a person a lot of discomfort. With different
Ectopic pregnancy.jpg
When the body is confused. Why does ectopic pregnancy occur?
Ectopic pregnancy IVF 21317 May 31 IMPORTANT! The information in this section cannot be used for
aspirin and bile
Acetylsalicylic acid (Acidum acetylsalicylicum)
Aspirin, or acetylsalicylic acid, is a medicinal substance belonging to the group of so-called non-steroidal
Causes of ASD
Autism spectrum disorder: “rain children”
Autism is not one disease, but a large complex of neurodevelopmental disorders of various types.
Inguinal hernias in men: what to do if you have already been sent to the surgeon’s table?
Inguinal hernia: symptoms, causes and treatment options Inguinal hernia in men is a disease
Liver hemangioma
Should I be concerned if an MRI reveals a liver hemangioma?
Liver hemangioma - what is it? This disease is a benign vascular tumor that
Epilepsy in adults causes, symptoms, treatment and prevention methods
Published: 10/01/2021 13:30:00 Updated: 10/01/2021 Epilepsy is a chronic neurological disease characterized by recurrent seizures
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