What is chimes prescribed for during pregnancy: instructions for use

Most women, upon learning about their pregnancy, try to limit their medications. Of course, many medications can harm the fetus, but sometimes taking medications prescribed by a doctor is completely justified.

Dipyridamole is a drug that improves blood microcirculation. It is often prescribed to pregnant women. The medicine helps to cope with various pathologies that arise during pregnancy. Dipyridamole has a beneficial effect on the circulatory system as a whole, improving the condition of the mother and fetus.

Curantil: composition and mechanism of action

It is an antiplatelet agent and immunomodulator. The drug, by normalizing microcirculation, avoids many complications during pregnancy. Among them are gestosis, migraines, pressure fluctuations and other health problems in women, hypoxia and intrauterine fetal death, early aging of the placenta, and premature birth.

The active ingredient is dipyridamole. It improves immunity and protects the expectant mother from harmful bacteria and viruses, prevents thrombosis, and stimulates the production of interferon.

It has the form of a yellow dragee. There are 2 options for tablets in pharmacies:

  • Curantil 25 - it contains 25 mg of active substance;
  • Curantil 75 - respectively, 75 mg.

In this article we will tell you everything about Curantil: how to take it, when it can be done, and when it is strictly prohibited, about the effectiveness and action of the drug, its analogues.

To improve blood flow in the placenta

Pregnant women are susceptible to thrombosis due to hormonal imbalance and metabolic disorders. Chronic diseases, such as heart and blood vessels, and high cholesterol levels also increase the risk. Blood clots clog blood vessels and block blood access to the placenta. And the unborn child suffers from a lack of oxygen, and there is a high risk of complicated pregnancy and labor.

Under the influence of the drug, the walls of blood vessels relax, blood circulation improves, blood flows better to the placenta - enough nutrients and oxygen reach the fetus, and it grows and develops fully.

To prevent late toxicosis

Another reason to take medicine is the prevention of gestosis, or toxicosis in the 2nd 3rd trimester. This is a serious condition that is dangerous for both the woman and her child. Therefore, if there are signs or risk of developing gestosis, it is necessary to prevent the deterioration of the pregnant woman’s condition.

To protect against viral diseases

The body of the expectant mother is susceptible to virus attack, especially when pregnancy occurs in the autumn-spring period. In turn, temperature and other signs of a viral disease can negatively affect the further development of the child. This is why it is so important for a woman to protect herself from infection - taking Curantil makes it easier for the expectant mother to resist seasonal diseases.

Curantyl® N 25 (Curantyl® N 25)

Dipyridamole inhibits platelet aggregation and adhesion, improves microcirculation, and has a mild vasodilator effect. The mechanism by which dipyridamole has an inhibitory effect on platelet aggregation is associated with the suppression of the reuptake of adenosine (an inhibitor of platelet reactivity) by endothelial cells, erythrocytes and platelets; activation of adenylate cyclase and inhibition of platelet phosphodiesterases. Thus, dipyridamole prevents the release of aggregation activators from platelets - thromboxane (TxA2), ADP, serotonin, etc. Dipyridamole increases the synthesis of prostacyclin PgI2 by the endothelium of the vascular wall, normalizes the ratio of PgI2 and TxA2, preventing platelet aggregation; enhances the synthesis of endothelial nitric oxide (NO). Dipyridamole reduces platelet adhesiveness, prevents the formation of blood clots in blood vessels and stabilizes blood flow in the ischemic area.

Dipyridamole dose-dependently prolongs the pathologically shortened platelet life time.

Dipyridamole, due to its vasodilating properties, helps reduce total peripheral vascular resistance, improves microcirculation, and has an angioprotective effect. These effects are due to increased activity of endogenous adenosine (adenosine affects vascular smooth muscle and prevents the release of norepinephrine). Dipyridamole has both angiogenic and arteriogenic activity, stimulating the formation of new capillaries and collateral arteries.

Dipyridamole normalizes venous outflow and reduces the incidence of deep vein thrombosis in the postoperative period. Improves microcirculation in the retina and renal glomeruli.

In neurological practice, the pharmacodynamic effects of dipyridamole are used, such as reducing cerebral vascular tone and improving cerebral circulation. According to angiographic studies, the use of dipyridamole in combination with acetylsalicylic acid (ASA) can slow down the progression of atherosclerosis.

In obstetric practice, dipyridamole is used to improve placental blood flow and prevent dystrophic changes in the placenta, eliminate hypoxia of fetal tissue and the accumulation of glycogen in them. Thus, it is advisable to use dipyridamole for early manifestations of placental insufficiency, in pregnant women with a high risk of placental insufficiency: intrauterine infection, gestosis (threat of preeclampsia and eclampsia), autoimmune pathology, extragenital diseases (diabetes mellitus, metabolic syndrome); as well as diseases with a tendency to thrombosis.

As a pyrimidine derivative, dipyridamole is an interferon inducer and has a modulating effect on the functional activity of the interferon system, in
increases the reduced production of interferon alpha (α) and gamma (γ) by blood leukocytes. Increases nonspecific antiviral resistance to viral infections.

Benefits of Kurantil for mother and baby

The drug normalizes microcirculation, nourishing and enriching every cell with oxygen. It does not pass through the placental barrier, which means it does not harm the baby. At the same time, it has a beneficial effect on the blood vessels of the placenta, and it is through them that the fetus receives everything it needs for growth and development.

Therefore, gynecologists prescribe the drug to expectant mothers. Many women consider it an ordinary vitamin, although this is far from the case: this is a serious medicine that can only be prescribed by a specialist after examinations and if indicated.

Effect of the drug

Let us list the effects that Curantil has on the body of the expectant mother:

  1. The circulatory system is strengthened;
  2. Blood circulation improves, in particular microcirculation;
  3. Thinning the blood is a good prevention of blood clots;
  4. Prevention of such symptoms in women: convulsions, migraines, swelling, high blood pressure, kidney problems;
  5. The immune system is strengthened - prevention of viral and colds during pregnancy;
  6. Prevention of fetoplacental insufficiency - protects the baby from hypoxia and developmental disorders.

The medicine is quickly eliminated from the body and is harmless. Many obstetricians prescribe it to their patients at the stage of pregnancy planning.

At what stages of pregnancy is it prescribed?

The attitude of domestic and foreign gynecologists towards the drug is different.

In Russia, doctors use it for the prevention and correction of conditions in women in early pregnancy, but not in the West. If your doctor prescribes you a drug, but you are in doubt, consult with other gynecologists.

However, domestic obstetricians prescribe pills in the early stages. Depending on the woman’s health condition and the course of pregnancy, the gynecologist prescribes a treatment regimen: for example, a course or for almost three trimesters until childbirth.

Which is better – Curantil or Dipyramidol?

The medications Curantil and Dipyridamole are a kind of “twin brothers”. Of course, their composition differs slightly depending on the manufacturing company, but the active ingredient is dipyridamole.

At the pharmacy, Curantil 25 mg tablets can be purchased for 500–600 rubles. A similar package of Dipyridamole is cheaper. A domestic drug will cost 300–400 rubles.

The opinion of doctors about the drugs is ambiguous. Some experts are confident that the imported product is much more effective, and its list of side effects is shorter. Others believe that cheaper analogues of Kurantil are in no way inferior to it.

If, after a doctor prescribes Curantil, the patient develops an allergic reaction to one of the components of the medicine, then it is better to replace it with Dipyridamole or another drug from the same group. The analogue of Curantil's spectrum of action corresponds to the original medicine, therefore it is suitable for the treatment of the same diseases for which Curantil is used.

When is Curantil necessary?

According to the instructions, tablets are prescribed if a woman has a history of the following health problems:

  • increased blood clotting, proven by tests - the risk of blood clots, the blood needs to be thinned;
  • varicose veins - increased risk of swelling and blood clots;
  • Previously, the woman could not bear a child, for example due to a miscarriage;
  • atherosclerosis. Cholesterol is deposited on the vessels, which also risks the formation of blood clots in this area;
  • cardiovascular diseases. To protect a pregnant woman from a heart attack or stroke, she is prescribed Curantil 25 or 75.

Admission is indicated for placental insufficiency, deterioration of blood supply to the kidneys, uterus and other organs, as well as for postterm pregnancy.

Indications for use of the drug

Most often, the drug is prescribed to people with coronary heart disease or other organs. It is indicated for patients who have suffered a stroke or heart attack. Dipyridamole can be used as a prophylactic agent if the risk of developing cerebral, coronary or fetoplacental insufficiency is high. An antithrombotic agent is indicated for patients with a predisposition to thrombosis, including varicose veins.

Dipyridamole must be taken by patients who have undergone heart valve replacement surgery, because it prevents platelets from sticking together. Treatment with the drug will help avoid vascular thromboembolism.

Dipyridamole is also prescribed for the following indications:

  • prevention of artery blockage after installation of a stand or bypass surgery;
  • chronic circulatory failure;
  • sharp pain in the chest (angina pectoris);
  • vascular thrombosis;
  • encephalopathy;
  • atherosclerosis of blood vessels of the lower extremities;
  • disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) in children due to sepsis or toxicosis;
  • glomerular nephritis.

In what cases is the drug prohibited?

Tablets Curantil 25 and Curantil 75 are strictly prohibited for the following diagnoses:

  1. Cardiovascular diseases: coronary heart disease, atherosclerosis of the arteries supplying the heart, angina pectoris, aortic stenosis, collapse, arterial hypo- and severe hypertension, severe arrhythmias;
  2. Decompensated heart failure;
  3. Chronic lung diseases;
  4. Chronic renal and liver failure;
  5. Diseases of the hemostatic system: hemorrhagic diathesis;
  6. Predisposition to bleeding;
  7. Patients with duodenal and gastric ulcers are at risk.

Individual intolerance to the components of the drug also excludes the use of Curantil 25 and 75.

In each case, the decision whether a woman can take pills or not is made by the attending physician, based on the test results and the general condition of the patient.

Dipyridamole: active substance and its properties

The active ingredient of the drug is dipyridamole. The antithrombotic agent has a wide spectrum of action. The antiplatelet agent acts on arterioles, promoting their expansion.

The drug increases the speed of blood flow and reduces resistance to blood flow in the vascular system. The drug improves cerebral and placental blood circulation, preventing the development of fetal hypoxia.

The medicine has an angioprotective effect and also restores blood circulation in the retina. By stabilizing venous outflow, Dipyridamole prevents thrombus formation, therefore it is often prescribed to patients after surgery. In addition to all of the above, the active substance promotes the production of interferon, which increases the body’s resistance to infectious and viral agents.

Dipyridamole, once in the body, is distributed throughout cells and tissues, reaching maximum concentration an hour after administration. It undergoes breakdown in the liver.

The drug can be purchased in the form of tablets with a dosage of 25 and 75 mg and solution for injection. Dipyridamole injections are given only in a hospital setting; pregnant women are usually prescribed tablets.

How to drink Curantil during pregnancy

Only a doctor should prescribe a treatment regimen and dosage!

As a rule, expectant mothers are prescribed tablets in a dosage of 0.025 g. On an individual basis, the gynecologist can prescribe a larger dosage.

According to the instructions, you need to take the medicine 3 times a day. Here are some admission rules:

  1. It is optimal to take the tablet 1 hour before meals. But it is possible 2 hours after it;
  2. Swallow it whole, do not chew it;
  3. Take it with water (a few sips are enough). Never drink pills with coffee or tea - they reduce effectiveness;
  4. Take your medicine at the same time, and don't forget about it.

If you have not taken Curantil 25 or 75 before, monitor how you feel. If you notice any reactions or signs of overdose, stop taking the tablets and consult a doctor.

Use in late pregnancy

Before childbirth, the drug is discontinued. It thins the blood and can therefore cause bleeding. In the later stages, this is dangerous for both the mother and the baby.

Strictly adhere to the treatment regimen prescribed by your gynecologist. In this case, it is guaranteed to be safe for you and the child. After all, the effectiveness and safety of the drug has been proven by many years of its use in obstetrics and gynecology.

Adverse reactions when taking tablets

Curantil 75 and 25 are not vitamins, but a serious drug. Therefore, if taken incorrectly and individually, it can cause negative reactions. Therefore, if you notice any of the symptoms that we list below, contact your doctor:

  • The pulse quickened;
  • Blood rushes to the face, heat;
  • The heart rhythm is disturbed - bradycardia or tachycardia begins;
  • Stomach pain, vomiting or diarrhea;
  • Feeling dizzy or dizzy, or having tinnitus;
  • Drowsiness, weakness, bronchospasm appeared;
  • An allergic reaction has appeared: skin rash or itching, urticaria, rhinitis.

To reduce the risk of adverse reactions, follow these recommendations.

How to minimize negative reactions

First, do not take the medicine if you are at risk. Especially if you have acute problems with the cardiovascular system, lungs, kidneys, or liver. We have already talked about this above.

Secondly, take a coagulogram. This test will evaluate blood clotting. It is especially important to take it to women with peptic ulcer disease.

Thirdly, during the course, give up tea, coffee and products that contain it. They not only reduce the effectiveness of the drug, it generally does not combine well with caffeine. Moreover, coffee is also harmful to your unborn baby.

Fourth, take the drug under the strict supervision of a doctor if you have genital herpes, ARVI and other infections that often recur. In this case, you need to regularly monitor your blood clotting parameters.

Fifth, take the tablets with milk. This will help reduce the risk of developing an allergic reaction.

If you take any medications on a regular basis, be sure to inform your gynecologist. Since some drugs may affect the effectiveness of Curantil. For example, acetylsalicylic acid enhances its effect, and caffeine reduces it.

Curantyl is also prescribed in combination with Actovegin.

Possible harm to the expectant mother and fetus

If you follow the instructions for use and strictly adhere to the dosage of the medicine prescribed by your doctor, then the risk of unwanted effects from taking Dipyridamole will be minimized. Typically, expectant mothers tolerate the drug well. If side effects do occur, then, as a rule, they are mild and temporary.

During therapy with Dipyridamole, a woman may experience the following conditions:

  • change in heart rhythm;
  • lowering blood pressure;
  • hot flashes;
  • subclavian steal syndrome;
  • gastrointestinal disorders (vomiting, diarrhea, nausea, etc.);
  • decreased platelet levels;
  • weakness, dizziness, headaches;
  • nasal congestion;
  • joint and muscle pain;
  • allergic reaction.

If a woman exhibits one or more of the above symptoms, then the medicine should be discontinued. A pregnant woman should contact her doctor, who will suggest continuing treatment with an analogue.

What to replace: analogues of tablets

If for some reason you cannot take Curantil, your doctor may replace it with a similar drug. There are several such drugs. According to the instructions, they have the same indications, effect, composition and adverse reactions. The only difference is in the production technology and the company that produces the drugs.

Analogues include Persantine, Dipyridamole and Parsedyl.

Please do not self-medicate, especially during pregnancy. If you want to change the drug, inform your gynecologist.

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