Astaxanthin: what it is, how to take it, benefits and harm for the human body

Benefits for the body

Astaxanthin has 2 additional oxygen atoms on each of its six-membered rings. Scientists have proven that this substance:

  • prevents the destruction of cell biomembranes;
  • slows down aging;
  • prevents the development of cancer;
  • optimizes energy metabolism and recovery processes;
  • moisturizes the skin, makes wrinkles less pronounced, and tightens the oval of the face;
  • accelerates growth, improves hair appearance;
  • increases sperm motility and their ability to fertilize an egg, therefore it is used in the treatment of male infertility.

Astaxanthin also weakens the course of chronic diseases and reduces the number of exacerbations. It has also been proven that this substance improves the cognitive functions of the brain and can have a positive effect on patients with Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases.

Now Foods, Astaxanthin, 4 mg, 60 Veggie Caps


764 rub.

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Astaxanthin for athletes

In addition to the general benefits of astaxanthin for humans, the supplement should be considered separately for athletes. With an active lifestyle and physical activity, the number of free radicals increases significantly. It often exceeds the capabilities of the body's defense systems, which leads to increased fatigue, increased pain, and suppression of the immune system. This also increases the risk of various system failures. The beneficial properties of astaxanthin can significantly accelerate recovery processes and the rate of progression in sports. In addition to other effects, the following are extremely important to improve the performance of athletes:

  • Protecting muscles from destruction;
  • Increased endurance level;
  • Faster recovery after exercise.

Astaxanthin is not particularly popular in the CIS countries. Although in Europe and the USA, as well as in some regions of Asia, the substance is actively used as a supplement by athletes at both amateur and professional levels.

Indications for use

Let's consider the use of astaxanthin for different purposes.

To strengthen the immune system

Astaxanthin increases the activity of neutrophils and lymphocytes, the main cells used by the immune system against infections. During an epidemic of influenza or acute respiratory viral infection, the carotenoid helps not to get sick, and also reduces the duration of the disease if it occurs.

For oncology

Astaxanthin is used in oncology to protect the genetic material of cells from damage and tumor formation, and in cancer, to slow down the process of spread of metastases. Scientists also admit that this substance can be used for prevention in the complex treatment of precancerous diseases.

For problems with the gastrointestinal tract

It is known that peptic ulcers and gastritis are associated with the bacterium Helicobacter pylori, which increases the risk of developing gastric adenocarcinoma. Astaxanthin is able to inhibit the vital activity of this microorganism, reduce its activity, and also have an anti-inflammatory effect.

In patients with gastritis, ulcers and inflammation of the intestines taking the drug, the frequency of nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and stool disorders decreases.

Attention! Astaxanthin only increases the effectiveness of treating stomach ulcers or gastritis, and does not replace it.

For the cardiovascular system

Astaxanthin has a positive effect on 2 main components involved in the functioning of the heart and blood vessels - blood pressure and cholesterol levels. The substance stops the progression of atherosclerosis and hypertension, protects against coronary disease, and reduces the likelihood of heart attacks and strokes.

For the brain and nervous system

Decreased memory, learning ability, and spatial orientation are typical not only for elderly patients. These symptoms of deterioration in the functioning of the central nervous system and brain can also appear in people under stress or physical overload.

Astaxanthin can be taken as a nootropic for neurodegenerative diseases, impaired blood supply to the brain, toxic damage to the central and peripheral nervous system (for example, alcohol), as well as for senile degenerative processes.

For eyes

The retina of the eye is exposed to the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays, etc. Its damage leads to deterioration of vision over time. The carotenoid is used to prevent retinal damage, treat cataracts and for visual impairment of other etiologies.

For skin

Astaxanthin increases skin elasticity, reduces the depth of wrinkles, eliminates dryness and severity of age spots. It exhibits these properties especially effectively when combined with cosmetics containing antioxidants.

California Gold Nutrition, Astaxanthin, Pure Icelandic AstaLif, 12 mg, 30 Vegetarian Softgels


1,005 rub.

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For weight loss

The drug exhibits a fat-burning effect if taken with a balanced diet and physical activity. But it doesn't just help you lose weight. The carotenoid increases muscle endurance and also:

  • provides the body with energy, facilitates tissue restoration after training;
  • supports the cardiovascular system;
  • reduces the level of lipid oxidation, an increase in which is typical for obese people.

Astaxanthin - what is this substance?

Astaxanthin is a powerful antioxidant.
According to the classification, it belongs to xanthophylls, a subcategory of a group of natural pigments from the carotenoid family. They are produced both in plants, mainly seaweed, and in animal organisms. Many sea creatures, such as shrimp, lobsters, and salmon, have a bright red color due to the large amount of astaxanthin they receive from their diet. It is found in small microorganisms and plankton, entering the body when eating algae. When studying astaxanthin, scientists found that the substance has a powerful antioxidant effect. According to some data, it is superior to:

  • Alpha lipoic acid - 70 times;
  • Green tea - 400-500 times;
  • Coenzyme Q10 - 800 times;
  • Vitamin C - 6000 times.

This difference in effectiveness, compared to other sources, does not make astaxanthin unsafe to take. Due to its action and high bioavailability, it is enough to use a small amount of the substance as a supplement to obtain the recommended dose of antioxidants.

The importance of the substance is due to the fact that it is not produced in the body. Astaxanthin is found in small amounts in foods, so large amounts of food must be consumed to obtain the recommended amount of the substance. Also in the CIS countries, products that contain antioxidants (lobster, shrimp, salmon, algae) are considered scarce and are rarely present in the diet. That is why the optimal and most convenient source for the substance to enter the body are dietary supplements. The benefits and effects of Astaxanthin

The substance is an antioxidant, therefore the main effect of astaxanthin is to provide comprehensive protection to the body. It counteracts free radicals and blocks chain reactions of processes harmful to the body. Other properties of astaxanthin include:

  • Anti-inflammatory effect;
  • Maintaining cell health and integrity;
  • Rejuvenating effect;
  • Reduction of joint and muscle pain;
  • Improving the condition of skin, hair and nails.

Taking astaxanthin affects almost all body systems and has a complex effect.

From the skin

Pronouncedly affects the condition of the skin, improving its tone and health:

  • Smoothes wrinkles;
  • Increases elasticity and firmness;
  • Reduces dryness and flaking;
  • Moisturizes and eliminates excess shine.

One of the most important effects of the supplement is reducing cell destruction and protecting against exposure to ultraviolet rays.

From the point of view

Increases visual focus, the ability to concentrate on one point. Reduces eye fatigue. Provides protection of the retina from direct sunlight. With constant intake into the body, it reduces the risks of developing cataracts and glaucoma, and slows down the development of diseases.

Astaxanthin is also useful in old age; the substance slows down the degradation processes in the eyes associated with aging.

From the side of the brain

Increases cognitive function and mental alertness. Helps improve oxygen saturation of brain cells. Improves memory and attention. Protects the central nervous system and helps reduce stress.

From the cardiovascular system

When taken regularly, it improves blood microcirculation and normalizes glucose levels in the blood plasma. It also protects the body from the effects of hydroperoxides in red blood cells, which increase cell destruction.

From the digestive system

Used to prevent stomach ulcers and other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Suppresses inflammatory processes, reduces fermentation. Reduces the activity of pathogenic bacteria.

Scientific studies prove that taking astaxanthin shows a positive effect and can be considered a prevention against cancer, diabetes, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases, and diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Special attention to this antioxidant has arisen against the backdrop of the COVID-19 pandemic. To alleviate the course of the disease and during the recovery process, antioxidants are used in medicine, especially alpha-lipoic acid and vitamin C. They help relieve ARDS and reduce the effects of oxidative stress. Given its high potency, taking astaxanthin after Covid may be a more effective replacement for other antioxidants.

Release forms

The drugs are available in 3 forms: capsules, tablets and liquid.


It is a liquid or powdery substance enclosed in a shell of various origins. Capsules can be hard, soft, gelatin or vegetarian. Their effectiveness is the same and does not depend on the type of shell.


  • capsules are convenient to take with you;
  • have no taste or smell;
  • contains a minimum of components.


  • difficulty swallowing large capsules.


Combined antioxidant preparations are mainly produced in tablet form to improve and maintain vision. They are produced in the form of compressed active components with or without a shell.


  • The tablets contain substances that enhance each other’s effects.


  • there is a risk of developing allergies.


Astaxanthin can be obtained by taking complexes with polyunsaturated fatty acids, vitamins A and D. This substance is also present in fish oil made from red fish.


  • the drug can be given to children.


  • low dosages;
  • specific taste and smell.

Contraindications for taking Astaxanthin

The substance is considered to be sufficiently studied, so scientists can safely say that astaxanthin is not harmful. No cases of negative effects have been recorded even with a significant increase in recommended dosages. The additive has neither mutagenic nor clastogenic properties. Can be used on an ongoing basis as it is not addictive.

The only contraindications relate to the combined effects of astaxanthin with drugs of certain categories. Avoid simultaneous use with:

  • Reducing sugar levels;
  • Drugs for the treatment of hormonal disorders;
  • Immunosuppressants;
  • Medicines to lower blood pressure.

Reviews about the application

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According to reviews, most buyers are satisfied with the drug and the results of treatment. Consumers mainly note:


  • relieves eye fatigue, improves vision;
  • increases immunity;
  • well tolerated.


  • The substance caused loose stools in some customers.

How to take Astaxanthin

The substance is considered quite powerful, so it is important to study the instructions for the supplement and understand how to take astaxanthin. Despite the fact that even with increasing dosages the drug does not cause side effects, it is recommended to adhere to the indicated dosages. The daily dose ranges from 4 to 30 mg. It depends on body weight, level of physical activity throughout the day and diet. For low or moderate activity, in case of frequent absence of seafood and red fish in the diet, it is recommended to take 20-30 mg per day (20 mg for a body weight of about 60-65 kg, 30 mg for a body weight over 80 kg).

The maximum daily dosage is 40 mg. Exceeding it will not give a linear increase in the effect, and the remaining part of the substance above the specified norm will be excreted from the body.

It is recommended to divide the daily intake into 3 meals. For example, 10 mg with breakfast, lunch and dinner. To increase bioavailability, the supplement is taken with food, as fatty foods improve the absorption of the substance. The standard course of treatment is 2 months, followed by a break of 3-4 weeks. On the recommendation of a doctor, the duration of the course can be increased to 3-4 months.

The rules for taking the supplement are no different for athletes. The daily norm is divided into 2-3 servings and consumed throughout the day. Additional intake of a substance with Omega-3 fatty acids can increase the absorption of astaxanthin, which is why these supplements are often used together.

Best Astaxanthin Supplements

Taking into account the fact that astaxanthin is contained in minimal quantities in products, receiving the substance in the form of a supplement is recommended for every person. Many manufacturers produce astaxanthin, so the choice of supplement depends on packaging, dosage and cost. Among brands with a reliable reputation, you should pay attention to the following products:

  • NOW Astaxanthin is one of the most popular supplements from a renowned brand. Each capsule contains a standard 4 mg of the substance. For preventive purposes, it is enough to take 1 capsule three times a day. When playing sports - 2 capsules three times a day;
  • Astaxanthin from Solgar - the peculiarity of the supplement from this brand is its increased dosages. Each capsule contains 10 mg of the substance, which makes the use of the supplement convenient;
  • Astaxanthin from California Gold Nutrition - often used by athletes due to increased dosages. Each capsule contains 12 mg of the substance, which is 3 times higher than NOW. The brand produces different packaging, including 120 capsules;
  • Astaxanthin with Phospholipids from Life Extension - Like NOW, this product contains 4 mg per serving. The complex also includes phospholipids, which increase the bioavailability and absorption of the substance. The only disadvantage of the complex from Life Extension is its higher price compared to its competitors.

What is Astaxanthin

Astaxanthin is a substance found in algae cells. It is released when environmental conditions change to unfavorable ones: the reservoir dries up, there is no shading, or frosts arrive. Astaxanthin can be seen - it appears as a red pigment on the leaves. Thanks to the presence of this antioxidant, some algae can survive in conditions unsuitable for life for 40 years. The plant goes into a state of hibernation until food, water, and a temperature suitable for life appear.

Since algae are the food of many marine organisms, thanks to the natural food chain, astaxanthin is found in the meat of red fish and other marine life, including:

  • shrimps;
  • salmon;
  • lobster;
  • trout;
  • crab.

Science, studying the endurance of salmon, has come to the conclusion that its muscles are so strong due to the high content of astaxanthin in them. It is the presence of this substance that allows fish to swim against the flow of a mountain river and climb waterfalls.

Astaxanthin is officially recognized as the strongest antioxidant. It prevents free radicals from creating dangerous chemical bonds in the human body, while simultaneously suppressing the activity of dangerous oxygen molecules, which, like hydrogen peroxide particles, enter into lightning-fast reactions in the body. These reactions lead to tissue oxidation, which has a detrimental effect on the functioning of internal organs and systems.

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