Indol-F dietary supplement with complex action capsules bottle 120 pcs

Active substances

  • Indole-3-carbinol (I3C) is a biologically active compound that normalizes the metabolism of female sex hormones estrogen, resulting in a reduction in the development of estrogen-dependent hyperplastic processes in a woman’s body. I3C inhibits the synthesis of the proliferative metabolite 16α-ONE1, which, firmly binding to estrogen-dependent receptors, causes uncontrolled proliferative processes, being a carcinogen in relation to the reproductive organs of not only women, but also men. I3C has a powerful antiproliferative effect, inhibits inflammation, growth and proliferation of transformed cells, prevents the synthesis of E7 protein in epithelial cells infected with human papillomavirus, including types 16 and 18, inhibiting the processes of malignancy. I3C activates the expression of the tumor suppressor gene BRCA1. Shows high antioxidant properties.
  • Cruciferous vegetables are a source of active natural indole substances: ascorbinogen, diindolylmethane, food indole, as well as isothiocyanates, the most active of which is sulforaphane. The combined effect of these substances reduces the risk of malignant processes in the human body. Ascorbigen is a biologically active compound of the cruciferous family; when ascorbigen is combined with indole-3-carbinol, their effect is mutually enhanced. Ascorbigen acts as an immune system enhancer and prevents the absorption of toxins through the walls of the small and large intestines.
  • Diindolylmethane is a compound formed by a combination of 2 I3C molecules, the effectiveness of which is significantly increased when used simultaneously with I3C.
  • Sulforaphane is a biologically active compound from plants of the cruciferous family, which has antitumor, antidiabetic and antibacterial effects.
  • Broccoli cabbage extract is the leader in the content of indole-3-carbinol. Contains a large amount of selenium (a trace element with powerful antioxidant properties, improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system, liver and gastrointestinal tract, increases immunity, stimulates insulin production), vitamins C, B group A, anti-ulcer vitamin U, microelements: potassium, calcium , phosphorus, iron, sodium.
  • Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) is an active participant in the regulation of redox processes in the body, regulates carbohydrate metabolism, blood clotting, tissue regeneration, reduces the permeability of the vascular wall, and has antiplatelet and pronounced antioxidant properties. Strengthens the detoxification and protein-forming function of the liver, increases the synthesis of prothrombin; increases the body's resistance to infections, inhibits the formation of inflammatory mediators and allergic reactions - exhibits an antihistamine effect.
  • Dietary supplement Evalar INDOL forte - reviews


    When I took indole, I noticed that my periods became less painful. In general, this is a good prevention of endometriosis.


    I took Indol Forte Evalar for chest pain (Mastopathy) and forgot for half a year. I took expensive Indol Forto, at first the pain disappeared, but for some reason I returned without finishing the last two tablets. I don’t know what this is connected with, but today I’m going to get a dietary supplement !!!


    Advantages: natural composition

    I have had fibrocystic mastopathy for several years now, doctors won’t treat it, they say give birth to a child and everything will pass, but since I don’t plan to give birth yet, I take homeopathic medicines once a year to prevent the development of mastopathy.

    After the next ultrasound, the doctor prescribed me indinol, I read a lot of reviews about it on the Internet, mostly they are very positive, they are often prescribed along with epigallate (this is an antioxidant based on green tea), but the doctor told me that it would be enough to buy our Russian penny aevit, the effect is no worse !

    So I was prescribed a dosage of drinking 2 capsules 2 times a day for 6 months (i.e. daily dose 400 g), I know that this is the most popular prescription for mastopathy, plus an Aevit capsule. At the moment, I’ve only been drinking for a month, I haven’t had an ultrasound yet, but I definitely feel like there is an effect, the mastalgia (cyclical chest pain) has almost completely gone, the breasts have become softer!

    Today, indole is considered a revolutionary substance that prevents the occurrence of oncology in mastopathy, fibroids, etc. etc. Moreover, it is completely natural (essentially it is an extract of plants from the cruciferous family), and also reduces the size of tumors.

    Now about the selection of the drug: once again, I was prescribed indinol, I looked at the price for it in pharmacies, of course it’s a bit expensive, well, as you know, many expensive drugs (in this case dietary supplements) have cheaper analogues, so I found only 2 indole forte from Evalar and in the famous online store iHerb, but there is a long wait for an order from there. Therefore, while I am drinking indole forte, there is no doubt about the quality of Evalar dietary supplements.

    So, the promised comparison of formulations and the approximate cost of a monthly course (my dosage is 2 capsules 2 times a day for a total of 120 capsules per month):

    1. Indinol

    Ingredients: cruciferous family extract – 100 mg, lactose – 90 mg, starch – 80 mg, microcrystalline cellulose – 27 mg, magnesium stearate – 3 mg.

    In my city, the lowest price I found was a pack of 120 capsules - 2,405 rubles.

    2. Indole Forte (Evalar):

    Ingredients: indole-3-carbinol – 100 mg, broccoli concentrate – 92.5 mg, excipients: microcrystalline cellulose, calcium stearate, aerosil.

    In my city, the lowest price I found was a pack of 30 capsules - 230 rubles, a total of 920 rubles for a month.

    As you can see, the composition is almost identical, in my opinion Evalar’s ​​is even better, plus indole and excipients there is also broccoli extract, and the price is 2.5 times lower, for me the choice is obvious.

    By the way, here is a very convenient assistant in searching for the availability and prices of medicines in your city

    But the cheapest indole-3-carbinol, although it has to be ordered from the USA


    I came across your topic and decided to share.. During menstrual pain, my breasts began to hurt too much, they became very swollen and impossible to touch. I went to the mammologist for an examination, even just in case the fireman said that there were no abnormalities, everything was normal. I didn’t want to take some hormonal pills, I’m afraid I’ll gain a lot of weight from them, I want to maintain my figure, and every year it becomes more and more difficult) I took Indole Forte for a month and a half, bought it on the advice of a friend, complained to her about my problem, and she told me I'm talking about indole forte. And so the last menstruation passed almost calmly, of course, the breasts swollen and became more sensitive at this time, but at least the pain went away. In general, hormones are already starting to jump, I feel that we need to take care of women’s health.


    I am now using this dietary supplement in combination with hormone therapy. In fact, this remedy cannot do any harm in case of fibroids and can worsen the condition, especially if there is an increase in fibroids, then most likely it is a matter of incorrectly selected primary treatment, and not a dietary supplement.

    So, indole-3-carbinol regulates estradiol, normalizes its ratio, thereby helping the body. I have been using 2 tablets a day for a month now, I would like to note the improvement in my health, as well as the fact that swelling has stopped appearing, especially on the face it is noticeable.

    Indole helps the liver cope with the influx of drugs, hence the improvements.

    It’s too early to draw conclusions about the drug, but I like it for its naturalness and high content of active ingredients... Special thanks for the relatively low cost! Much cheaper than its analogue.


    Satisfied with indinol forto. I have mastopathy and a tendency to form all sorts of cysts and adenomas. Before this, I took the supplement Vitaline Indogrin - zero effect. Two doctors have already said that indinol forto is fundamentally different from other similar things, that we have this only medicine of this kind with a proven effect. Please note that it is imperative to take it at least an hour before meals. At first I drank it a few minutes before eating, and it didn’t work. Then the doctor enlightened me. And you should also pay attention to the choice of pharmacy. I drank for 4 months and everything was great. Then I saw a cheaper price in pharmacies in the capital - 2200 (I bought it for 2500-2600). For two months I drank the indinol I bought there and my mastopathy began to return: everything hurt again. Now I bought a more expensive one at the pharmacy again and after three weeks everything is fine again. I’m not 100% sure that the pharmacies in the capital are counterfeits, but it’s better to play it safe and watch where you buy


    Pros: High efficiency

    I drank indinol at one time and now I tried indole, since there was no money for indinol and the effectiveness is the same! I am shocked by how manufacturers profit from the grief of women who are forced to buy expensive drugs on the advice of corrupt doctors.

    Indole contains the same indole 3 carbinol, the drug works in exactly the same way, and now the number one remedy for mastopathy! I recommend that you take a drug not by its price and judge its quality, but by its effectiveness. And the effectiveness of indole forte is simply excellent


    I was diagnosed with mastopathy, and my mammologist prescribed the drug Indole Forte. This is our budget analogue of the expensive drug. And I generally trust Evalar products. I like that the preparations consist of herbal ingredients. I took 1 capsule 2 times a day, after a month of taking it I already noticed results, the pain in the chest area disappeared, when I touch it it doesn’t hurt so much anymore. After I finished taking it, the pain went away and the pain went away too, I can finally sleep peacefully on my stomach. After visiting the doctor, I was pleased with good results, so the drug is definitely good, and I recommend it!


    I advise every woman to get acquainted with this supplement, since protecting your body is very important.

    This drug is on a par with indinol, because they have the same active ingredient - indole-3-carbinol, the only difference is the price... unfortunately, the foreign drug costs almost 3 times more than our domestic one, so it is much more economical to buy indole forte .

    It helps with mastopathy, together with proper treatment, it accelerates recovery and subsequently is a drug for preventing the development of this disease.

    I recommend that you immediately carry out prevention and not wait for health problems... believe me, this is not the most pleasant disease, it is better to avoid it!


    https://xn--b1accz8b1g.xn--j1amh/ru/%D0%B1%D0%B0%D0%B4_%D1%8D%D0%B2%D0%B0%D0%BB%D0%B0%D1 %80_%20%D0%B8%D0%BD%D0%B4%D0%BE%D0%BB_%D1%84%D0%BE%D1%80%D1%82%D0%B5-r1254985.html

    Indole forte from Evalar. I discovered the EVALAR company a long time ago, and no matter what I buy, everything helps. I have a good attitude towards dietary supplements; after all, they have natural ingredients and composition, there is nothing wrong with using them.

    I take indole to prevent the development of mastopathy, and I also have a predisposition to the papilloma virus. They also say that it is very useful for the female body.

    Very convenient use - just 1 capsule per day with meals. This provides the body’s daily need for indole-3-carbinol, which is found in regular cabbage, radishes and turnips (another plus for those who don’t like cabbage).

    Ingredients: Indole-3-carbinol 100 mg, broccoli concentrate 92.5 mg.

    Oksana Miletdinova


    I noticed that my hair began to thin and began to look for a product to strengthen and grow my hair. I saw Expert Hair spray lotion from the Evalar company in the pharmacy and decided to try it.

    The lotion contains: ethyl alcohol, water, panthenol, nicotinamide, ascorbic acid, citric acid, sodium hyaluronate, taurine, L-arginine, L-carnitine, biotin, vitamin B6, aminophylline, lauric acid, menthol, etc. As you can see, it is very rich composition.

    When applying, the spray lotion should be sprayed onto the hair roots and scalp, and then washed off with massage movements. When you apply willow once, you experience an unforgettable experience - your scalp is irritated by alcohol or menthol. This ensures a powerful flow of blood to the head, and with it vitamins.

    The spray lotion does not need to be washed off; it does not weigh down the hair.

    The first results are already visible - hair has stopped falling out.

    Alena 54


    A worthy analogue to the expensive indinol.


    Rarely available in pharmacies.

    Good day, visitors to the Otzovik website. I really want to share with you about these Indole Forte tablets. It contains indole 3-carbinol, broccoli concentrate. My doctor prescribed me expensive Indinol, which costs 1,500 rubles. since now doctors work for pharmacies, receiving their bonus money from sales, but I, as a former pharmacist, found for myself a worthy replacement for this expensive indinol, and bought this drug, the composition is the same, and the price is several times cheaper, and the properties are the same Well, why pay more if there are our domestic, cheaper generic analogues. So, it is quite a worthy drug in the complex treatment of hormonal diseases that are now common, such as fibroids.



    natural, no side effects, no addiction



    After some problems with women’s health, I was prescribed indole, I take courses of it 3 times a year, this probably saves me from problems with the mammary gland. Natural, its use does not cause addiction or side effects. I strongly advise every girl and woman to pay attention to this drug, since in our time neoplasms, especially in the mammary gland, are not uncommon. And it is better to prevent their occurrence using publicly available means than to suffer with operations later.

    Bo Peep

    Hello, I wanted to share my experience of using the drug Indole Forte, manufactured by the company Evalar. A mammologist prescribed it to me for the treatment of fibrocystic mastopathy. The condition of my breasts has improved, but I also took other medications, so I am inclined to consider this the result of more complex treatment. But what Indol really clearly helped me with was in the fight against warts. Or rather, I didn’t even fight anymore, since previous attempts were unsuccessful. I even burned them out, but they appeared again. Therefore, I decided not to touch them anymore and will adapt to living with them. Fortunately there are only two of them and on the toes. But one day I discovered that I no longer had warts. At first I didn’t understand what was going on. Until I read that Indole is indicated for use in papillomavirus infections. I took it for a long course of 4 months, 2 tablets a day, 1 time in the morning.

    Another point that I wanted to mention is that I also have endometriosis, but after taking Indole I did not have hysteroscopy, so I cannot say for 100 percent that it is gone. The only thing I can say is that 2 months after I took this drug, I became pregnant. So I’m inclined to think that it helped me cope with endometriosis to some extent.

    I didn’t drink it during pregnancy and breastfeeding, but after completing breastfeeding I took a course for 1 month. Now I will drink it once every six months.

    The only thing that caused inconvenience is that it is terribly weak. Therefore, it is better to drink it during a period when there are not many fresh vegetables and fruits, since they already put a strain on the intestines.

    Recommendations for use

    Recommended as an additional source of indole compounds and ascorbic acid. Helps prevent all proliferative processes in the female reproductive system.

    "Indol-F®" is recommended for use:

    • to normalize metabolic processes in a woman’s body in the reproductive organs and mammary glands;
    • for diseases of the female reproductive system, which are based on the processes of pathological cell proliferation;
    • in order to normalize estrogen metabolism in estrogen-dependent diseases: endometrial hyperplasia, uterine fibroids, endometriosis, menstrual irregularities, mastopathy;
    • in order to reduce the frequency and severity of psychoemotional and neurovegetative disorders in women in the premenopausal and early menopausal periods;
    • for cervical dysplasia, anogenital condylomas associated with HPV.
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