Application of formic acid in various industries

Chemical properties

Chemical formula of formic acid: HCOOH. This is one of the first representatives of single-base carbon compounds. The substance was first isolated in 1670 from the forest (red) ant. In the natural environment it is found in the venom of bees, nettles and needles of coniferous trees, secretions of jellyfish, and fruits.

Physical properties

Racemic formula of methanoic acid: CH2O2. The substance under normal conditions appears as a colorless liquid, which is highly soluble in glycerol , acetone , toluene and benzene . Molar mass = 46.02 grams per mole. Esters (ethyl ether and methyl ether) and methane salts are called formates .

Chemical properties

Based on the structural formula of Formic acid, conclusions can be drawn about its chemical properties. Formic acid is capable of exhibiting the properties of acids and some of the properties of aldehydes (reduction reactions).

When formic acid is oxidized, for example, with potassium permanganate , carbon dioxide is actively released. The substance is used as a preservative (code E236). Formic acid reacts with acetic acid (concentrated) and decomposes into carbon monoxide and ordinary water, releasing heat. The chemical compound reacts with sodium hydroxide . The substance does not interact with hydrochloric acid, silver, sodium sulfate, and so on.

Preparation of formic acid

The substance is formed as a by-product during the oxidation of butane and the production of acetic acid . It can also be obtained by hydrolysis of formamide and methyl formate (with excess water); during the hydration of CO in the presence of any alkali. A qualitative reaction for the detection of methanoic acid can be a reaction to algedigs . An ammonia solution of silver oxide and Cu(OH)2 can act as an oxidizing agent. The silver mirror reaction is used.

Applications of formic acid

The substance is used as an antibacterial agent and preservative when preparing feed for long-term storage; the product significantly slows down the processes of decay and rotting. The chemical compound is used in the process of dyeing wool; as an insecticide in beekeeping; during certain chemical reactions (acts as a solvent). In the food industry, the product is labeled E236. In medicine, acid is used in combination with hydrogen peroxide (“pervomur” or performic acid ) as an antiseptic to treat joint diseases.

Side effects and interactions with alcohol

When treating leather with preparations based on formic acid, be careful and follow the manufacturer's instructions. Since saturated solutions of 10% and higher cause a painful reaction, they are characterized by corrosive properties. Accidental ingestion of such a substance burns the mucous membrane of the esophagus and stomach, and contributes to the appearance of severe necrotic inflammation. The vapors of the chemical compound corrode the tissues of the respiratory organs and cause burns to the cornea of ​​the eyes.

If a concentrated solution of formic acid gets on an area of ​​skin, immediately treat the area with an alkaline solution (baking soda - sodium bicarbonate).

Methane compound and its formaldehyde are metabolites formed during the breakdown of methanol in the human body. These substances are toxic and damage the optic nerve, leading to partial or complete blindness. If methanol enters the body, in order to avoid the formation of formic acid under the influence of alcohol dehydrogenase, you should immediately drink a solution of ethyl alcohol. This way you can prevent a reaction from occurring, the consequence of which is loss of vision.

Ethyl alcohol is a kind of antidote that prevents formic acid poisoning.


Formic acid is used externally for joint diseases in the form of a 1.75% alcohol solution, which is called formic alcohol. In cosmetics, it is included in anti-acne lotions.

It is used in leather dressing and fabric dyeing. In the chemical industry, the solvent methyl formate HCOOCH3 (methyl ester of formic acid) is obtained from it.

In livestock farming, formic acid is added to feed to prevent intestinal diseases in livestock, especially young animals. Beekeepers use it to treat varroatosis. Formic acid, labeled as E236, is included in drinks, sweets, cakes and other confectionery products. It is also added when pickling vegetables.

Formic acid from food products is easily absorbed by the body. But its solutions with a concentration of more than 10% can cause burns. Concentrated acid is very dangerous because it easily penetrates tissue and leaves very deep burns. If it gets on your skin or eyes, wash it off immediately with a baking soda solution.

Useful properties of formic acid

Formic acid is a useful product if you approach the process of its use correctly. Thus, a substance in concentrated form can cause harm to a person’s health rather than improve his well-being.

It is strictly prohibited to use pharmaceutical formic acid internally. Even a non-concentrated substance can cause serious harm to health and cause damage to the surface of internal organs.

Formic acid is used externally to relieve symptoms of the following diseases:

  • radiculitis and gout;
  • osteochondrosis and myalgia;
  • neuralgia and rheumatism;
  • phlebeurysm.

In addition, the disinfecting properties of formic acid have made it popular in the treatment of instruments before surgery and in the preparation of ointments. Doctors often use acid to treat tuberculosis.

Formic acid is an excellent stimulant. It affects directly, and indirectly, through stimulation of organ systems, as a result of which regeneration processes are significantly accelerated.

Features of the formic acid production process

As mentioned above, the most common method for producing formic acid is the oxidation of butane. The substance is also produced through the reaction of sodium hydroxide and carbon monoxide. The latter passes through sodium hydroxide under high pressure, the resulting substance is exposed to a strong oxidizing agent, which is most often sulfuric acid, and is sent for vacuum distillation.

A relatively new method for the production of formic acid is considered to be a gas-phase synthesis method with the catalytic oxidation of formaldehyde with oxygen. The alcohol is oxidized on a special catalyst under normal conditions, then oxidized at a temperature ranging from 120 to 140 degrees.

Harm of formic acid and contraindications to its use

Formic acid is not recommended for use by people with hypersensitivity. It is also not recommended to use products that contain the substance in question if there are wounds or irritations on the skin.

If formic acid enters the body, it can damage the gastrointestinal tract.

Formic acid in the form of food additive E236 can also be harmful to human health and provoke serious allergic reactions, as well as disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract.

With frequent use of ointments that contain formic acid, peeling of the skin and itching may occur. Concentrated acids cause burns.

Hair removal with methanic acid

The compound is used not to get rid of unwanted hair, but to slow down hair growth after the hair removal procedure. Formic acid is used as a powerful antiseptic, only in diluted form. It is added to the oil base or purchased ready-made product immediately. After the first application to the shaved area, oil with formic acid increases the time between epilations, prolonging the effectiveness of the procedure, then with regular use it blocks the activity of the follicle. As a result, hair fiber is not formed and vegetation growth slows down.

Sequence of the procedure:

  • remove hair from the problem area (using an epilator, wax, tweezers);
  • rinse and dry the skin;
  • Apply a thin layer of the product to this area for 15 minutes;
  • wash off the oil composition with non-hot water;
  • examine the skin area for the presence of an allergic reaction, discomfort (if itching, roughness, or redness occurs, applying oil with formic acid is strictly prohibited; if these phenomena are not observed, the procedure can be continued);
  • reapply the product to the selected area for another 15 minutes, gradually the duration can be increased and increased to 4 hours;
  • Wash off the oil thoroughly with soapy water.

Repeat this procedure as new hairs grow. To achieve a lasting result, be patient; you will need 7–10 epilations using ant oil. If there are damage to the skin (scratches, abrasions, wounds, cracks), you should refrain from the procedure until they are completely healed. In addition, for safety reasons, it is not recommended to apply the product during pregnancy and lactation.

For more delicate hair removal, 10 drops of ant oil should be added to baby cream; the resulting mixture can be applied daily to problem areas. In addition to slowing down hair growth, you will receive nourishment.

The effects of formic acid on the human body

Formic acid has been used as a medicine for many centuries. In 1924, a book was even published in Germany about the peculiarities of using acid to improve the health of patients. The author of the book, the famous German doctor Albrecht Reuther, treated a long list of diseases with formic acid, including: arthritis, gout, kidney stones, pulmonary tuberculosis, asthma, stomach ulcers, influenza, headaches, baldness.

The doctor even conducted experiments on the treatment of cancer with formic acid. Judging by the scientist’s diaries, he even succeeded in healing cancer patients. However, the specialist’s colleagues are not sure of the reliability of the data presented by Reuther: they say that in his old age the doctor could confuse cancer with bone tuberculosis.

No matter how it actually happens, the mistakes of the German scientist do not take away from formic acid a long list of its positive properties. The substance improves health and normalizes the functioning of internal organs. Methanoic acid can cause harm only in very high concentrations.

Formic acid is an excellent natural stimulant. It activates organ systems, thanks to which the body quickly returns to normal after serious illnesses.

Nowadays, acid can be found in many ointments, tinctures and other medications.



I use formic acid as an analogue of hydrogen peroxide. We use it as an antiseptic, and we also treat joints with it. Helps. The effect is especially noticeable with severe pain in the lower back and legs - rubbing not only freezes the pain, but also gives a calming effect. I use formic acid lotions for children to treat hematomas and bruises.


I use formic acid as a skin care product. Previously, rashes often appeared, and the skin, no matter what you treated it with, shone. After two weeks of using formic acid, the oily shine became less, and the rashes faded, new ones did not appear. The main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise you can dry out the skin.


I tried using formic acid to remove unwanted hair. I apply the product to the skin using a cotton pad. The effect is noticeable: the number of hairs has decreased, and they have become much slower to grow.

Instructions for use of formic acid

Formic acid is traditionally used in medicinal preparations for external use. It reduces pain and accelerates the regeneration process.

Preparations with formic acid are indicated for arthralgia, periarthritis, neuralgia and myalgia.

It is not recommended to use medicinal ointments in the presence of damage to the skin, inflammatory skin diseases, or during pregnancy.

The ointment is applied to the skin and thoroughly rubbed in the area of ​​pain. It is not recommended to combine methanoic acid-based ointments with other medicinal products.

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