Biovestin-lacto - instructions, composition and method of use

"Biovestin-lacto" is a complex preparation containing representatives of normal human microflora - bifidobacteria and lactobacilli.

Contains a pharmacopoeial strain of bifidobacteria with high antagonistic activity against opportunistic and pathogenic microorganisms and resistance to therapeutic doses of the most common antibiotics:

  • Bifidobacterium longum MS-42

In addition, Biovestin-lacto contains a pharmacopoeial strain of lactobacilli, known for its positive properties in the treatment of human dysbiosis:

  • Lactobacillus plantarum 8P AZ

Indications for use

"Biovestin-lacto" should be used to protect the intestinal microflora when using antibiotics and other antibacterial drugs.

In addition, Biovestin-lacto should be used in complex therapy for:

  • intestinal dysfunctions (diarrhea as a clinical manifestation of dysbiosis);
  • dysbacteriosis of various origins, caused by the presence of opportunistic and pathogenic intestinal microflora;
  • correction of the microflora of open mucous membranes (oral cavity);
  • carrying out prenatal preparation;
  • long-term receipt of hormonal and radiation therapy;
  • respiratory infections and their prevention; food allergies;
  • iron deficiency anemia, vitamin deficiency conditions, rickets;
  • bacterial vaginosis;

Directions for use and doses

But based on practical application, for the best effect, it is advisable to take Biovestin-lacto before meals (15 minutes before) so that its evacuation from the stomach to the underlying parts of the intestine is carried out as quickly as possible. For more comfortable use, you can dilute a single dose in boiled chilled water, milk, juice.

Biovestin-lacto is compatible with all medications, including antibiotics. Admission does not require discontinuation of medications. When eliminating dysbiosis caused by a lack of bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, the course of taking Biovestin-lacto is 2 weeks.

To protect the normal intestinal microflora while taking antibiotics, the course of treatment is the entire period of taking antibiotics.

Daily doses of "Biovestin": • Children from 1 to 3 years old - 3 ml per day; • Children from 3 to 6 years old - 6 ml per day; • From 6 years and adults - 12 ml per day.

Against the background of antibiotics, the dosage can be increased by 2 times. Let's take it with antibiotics for 2 hours. "Biovestin-lacto" is absolutely physiological for humans and its overdose is not dangerous.


Individual intolerance to milk protein.

Release form

The product is packaged in 7x12 ml dark glass bottles.

Storage conditions and shelf life

"Biovestin-lakto" is stored in the refrigerator for 60 days, at a temperature of +2 +6 oC.

When storing Biovestin-lakto, a white film may appear on the inner wall of the bottle—remnants of milk fat. When the contents of the bottle are heated to room temperature, the film dissolves. Do not shake bottles with Biovestin-lakto and do not heat them above +40oC.

Opened bottles are stored in the refrigerator for no more than 2 days. Please note that Biovestin-lacto, which contains lactobacilli, becomes more acidic over time, even when stored in the refrigerator. This is due to the active activity of lactobacilli in a wide temperature range, while the quality of the product is maintained.

"Biovestin-lacto" live bifidobacteria and lactobacilli

Additional information confirmed by voluntary certification.

Mandatory consumer information is placed on the packaging

Areas of use

  • To prevent complications during antibiotic therapy, radiation and chemotherapy.
  • To correct the immune status, including in HIV-infected people.
  • To restore normal intestinal microflora, incl. nasointestinal probe and rectal endoscopic method.
  • To normalize microflora and improve the barrier function of human mucous membranes.
  • To improve the motor-evacuation function of the digestive system, restore the condition of the mucous membrane of the digestive tract.
  • To restore the activity of the immune system in often long-term ill children, often ill people, after acute infectious diseases, during seasonal epidemic diseases.
  • To prevent and reduce the severity of viral diarrhea.
  • For inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system (cystitis, pyelonephritis, bacterial prostatitis, bacterial vaginosis, chronic salpingoophoritis).
  • To correct lipid metabolism.
  • To reduce the external and internal toxic load on the body, incl. as a hepatoprotective agent.
  • To protect against intoxication by harmful environmental chemicals.
  • For chronic stress, winter fatigue syndrome, chronic fatigue syndrome.
  • To increase endurance and sports performance in athletes of various qualifications.

Mechanisms of action
of the dietary supplement Biovestin is an additional source of bifidobacteria and promotes the restoration of symbiont microflora (SM).


Symbiont microflora has universal immunomodulatory properties. The main immunomodulatory mechanisms are provided by bifidobacteria and lactobacilli. Colonization of the intestinal epithelium by bifidobacteria during interaction on the surface of M-cells of Peyer's patches leads to stimulation of lymphoid tissue, enhancement of innate immune reactions of the cellular and humoral immunity, and activation of cytokine production. Secretory IgA, produced with the direct participation of the normal flora of the mucous membrane of the genital tract and oropharynx, is an important factor in local immunity. Bifidobacteria, in addition to activating the production of IgA, stimulate phagocytosis and the formation of interleukins and interferons.

Regenerative (restoration of the intestinal mucosa)

SM metabolites take an important part in the life of the intestinal mucosa. Volatile fatty acids are a source of nutrition for mucosal cells, as well as an energy substrate for colonocytes. Butyric acid, butyrate, and estrogen-like substances are involved in the regulation of proliferation and differentiation of the epithelium of the gastrointestinal mucosa.


Violation of one of the functions of the intestinal microbiocenosis entails disturbances of various types of metabolism, contributing to the emergence of a deficiency of micronutrients - vitamins, microelements, minerals. SM ensures the synthesis of B vitamins, vit. K, folic acid due to its own synthesis. SM highly contributes to the modulation of the mineral metabolism of sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, chlorine, iron, zinc, manganese, selenium, copper, etc. SCFAs produced by SM as energy substrates occupy a significant place in the daily energy balance of a person.


Symbiont microflora (SM) inactivates toxins and microflora aggression factors, reduces histamine synthesis by inhibiting histidine decarboxylation, which helps reduce the content of endogenous toxins in the intestine. The metabolic products of SM and SCFA contribute to the suppression of putrefactive processes and suppression of the formation of ammonia, aromatic amines, sulfides, and endogenous carcinogens.

SM performs a detoxification function against many exogenous potentially toxicogenic substances supplied with food, water, and air. Such as salts of heavy metals, pesticides, nitrates, food additives and other xenobiotics. SM also acts as a “natural sorbent”, accumulating toxic products and preventing them from entering the portal vein system.

In addition, SM has antimutagenic activity.


The components of SM metabolize FA and cholesterol with the formation of coprostanone, coprostanol, cholestenone through the hydrogenation reaction of the 5th and 6th double bonds of the cholesterol core.

Bifidobacteria, in the presence of bile salts, promote the transition of taurine and glycine-containing bile acid amides into poorly soluble precipitates that bind colonic cholesterol, which ensures its excretion with feces, and reduces the release of cholesterol from liver cells.


The anaerobic component of the symbiont microflora is involved in the synthesis and regulation of neurotransmitters: alpha-alanine, 5-aminovaleric and GABA, glutamate, serotonin, dopamine, etc. SM through bacterial metabolites activates the synthesis of serotonin in the intestine.

Barrier (protective)

SM prevents the colonization of the intestinal mucosa by the PM and UPM by ensuring colonization resistance due to the competition of normal flora elements for adhesion sites, the production of corresponding metabolites - SCFA, bacteriocins, and competition for food substrates. The interaction of SM with the humoral and cellular components of mucosal immunity prevents the colonization of the mucous membrane of the genital tract by foreign microorganisms and prevents their translocation to other biotopes.

The same barrier mechanism also operates in the biotope of the mucous membrane of the oropharynx.


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How to open a bottle. How to dose the contents in drops

  • Lift the cap cover according to fig. 1-2.
  • Open from the side of the dotted notch on the cap.
  • For drip dosing: pierce the membrane with two straws so that one touches the bottom of the bottle - fig. 4.
  • Invert the bottle and dose according to the instructions, Fig. 5.

Dosing method

Age O - 3 months. 3 months - 1 year 1-3 years 3-6 years From 6 years and adults
Daily dose 0.5 ml

10 drops

1 ml

20 drops

3 ml

By mark or ¼ fl.

6 ml

By mark or ½ fl.

12 ml

1/1 bottle

Recommended daily doses are taken in 1-2 doses with meals.
The course of admission is 3-4 weeks. Before use, the contents of the bottle can be carefully mixed. To increase the effectiveness of use, it is recommended to take Biovestin 30 minutes before meals, or 1.5 hours after meals. Contraindications: individual intolerance to the components of the product, intolerance to milk protein. Consult your physician before use. Children from birth to 14 years old need to consult a pediatrician.

Storage conditions: store at a temperature of (4±2) C. When stored in the refrigerator, a consistency with single inclusions of milk fat or a fatty film is allowed. When opening the package, a slight release of carbon dioxide is allowed, due to the technology used to obtain the product. After opening, store in the refrigerator in a tightly closed bottle for no more than one day. Shelf life: 75 days from the production date in unopened original packaging.

Hotline “BIO-WESTS”. The call is free within Russia.

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