Dietary supplement "Golden mumiyo" from "Evalar": composition, use, recommendations, indications and contraindications

There are many dietary supplements available to consumers today. Although they are not traditional medicines, they help successfully fight various diseases. “Golden Shilajit” from the Evalar company has become especially famous due to its wide range of biological activity.

It is important to understand that before you start using mumiyo, you must undergo an examination and consult a specialist. Only a doctor can make an accurate diagnosis, draw up the correct treatment plan and prescribe the necessary therapy.

Homemade recipes for hair masks with mumiyo

Homemade masks with mumiyo are prepared from products at room temperature; nothing, especially mumiyo, needs to be heated, otherwise all the benefits will simply disappear. Despite the dark shade of the drug itself, the good news for blondes is that mumiyo does not color hair. If you still have a mask left after your wellness session, it’s okay; it can be stored for several days in an airtight container, placed in a dark and cool place.

Mask for growth

Effect: deeply nourishes and restores hair, gives mirror shine, smoothness, accelerates growth.


  • 2 gr. powder or 10 tablets weighing 0.2 g;
  • 1 tbsp. water;
  • 40 gr. honey;
  • 10 drops of sea buckthorn oil.
Method of preparation and application method:

Dissolve the drug in water, add honey and oil; if tablets are used, they must be crushed. Rub the finished mixture into the roots, you can massage the head, smear the rest along the length of the strands, collect it in a bun, place it under film and a warm scarf for half an hour. We wash it off traditionally.

Anti-hair loss mask

Effect: stops even the most intense alopecia, improves blood flow to the roots, and treats split ends.


  • 2 tbsp. l. castor oil;
  • 1 yolk;
  • 5 tablets of mumiyo weighing 0.2 g;
  • 1 tsp. glycerin;
  • 1 tsp. tartaric acetic acid (apple cider vinegar).
Method of preparation and application method:

Mix the powder thoroughly with all components, let stand for 15 minutes until completely dissolved. We treat the base of the hair with the prepared solution, cover it with film and a cap. After 30 minutes I use the standard method.

Strengthening mask

Effect: strengthens the roots, smoothes the hair shaft, eliminates split ends, hair loss and fragility.


  • 30 gr. honey;
  • 1 yolk;
  • 3 gr. main ingredient.
Method of preparation and application method:

Beat the powder with the yolk until smooth, add the beekeeping product and beat again. Distribute the mask over the entire hair surface, paying special attention to the crown and ends. We wear the mixture under film for 30 minutes, rinse off using the traditional method.

Mask against brittleness and dryness

Effect: supplies the hair with the necessary moisture, making it vibrant, soft and elastic, giving a mirror shine.


  • 3 yolks;
  • 50 gr. cream;
  • 10 tablets.
Method of preparation and application method:

Knead the tablets, dilute with cream, beat with yolks. Distribute the mixture throughout the hair, grease the ends, and treat the roots. We put on a warm cap and wash my hair after half an hour.

Mask for split ends

Effect: smoothes bristling scales, moisturizes curls.


  • 30 gr. burdock oil;
  • 2 gr. mumiyo;
  • 100 gr. kefir
Method of preparation and application method:

Grind the tablets into powder, mix with kefir and butter. Generously lubricate the ends with the resulting liquid, rub into the roots and along the length. Leave in a warm place for half an hour and wash your hair as usual.

Mask for damaged hair

Effect: helps to deeply nourish strands damaged by styling, restores structure, and returns natural beauty.


  • 5 gr. drug;
  • 10 drops of oil;
  • 30 gr. castor oil;
  • 2 tbsp. l. water;
  • 1 yolk;
  • vitamins B6 and B12, 1 ampoule.
Method of preparation and application method:

We dilute the mumiyo with water until it has a homogeneous consistency and mix with the rest of the ingredients. We treat the top of the head with massage movements, then the entire length, and insulate it for half an hour. We wash off traditionally.

Mask for oily people

Effect: cleanses the head well of dirt, normalizes the functioning of the exocrine glands.


  • 50 ml skim milk;
  • 3 yolks;
  • 10 tablets;
  • 1 tsp. lemon juice.
Method of preparation and application method:

We dilute the crushed tablets with milk, combine with yolks and juice. Apply the mixture generously to the skin, distributing the remainder along the length. Leave under an insulated cap for half an hour and wash off.

Moisturizing mask for dry skin

Effect: nourishes and restores weak and dried out hair, adds shine, softness and elasticity.


  • 50 ml flax oil;
  • 3 tablets.
Method of preparation and application method:

Grind the tablets, mix the finished powder with oil. We treat the hair with the resulting mixture and leave it under the shower cap for a quarter of an hour. Wash thoroughly with shampoo.

For blonde hair

Effect: provides complete care, adds shine, does not color blond hair.


  • 4 tablets;
  • 30 gr. honey;
  • 40 ml milk;
  • 1 yolk;
  • 15 ml wheat oil.
Method of preparation and application method:

Stir all the ingredients into a homogeneous mixture, coat the entire head of hair with it, especially generously lubricate the roots and ends. We put on a shower cap, warm ourselves up, and after 40 minutes wash it in the standard way.

Against dandruff and itching

Effect: eliminates any type of dandruff and other fungi, helps get rid of seborrhea.


  • 250 ml boiling water;
  • 1 tbsp. l. calendula flowers;
  • 2 gr. powder.
Method of preparation and application method:

Brew the mixture in boiling water, leave until it cools completely, filter through cheesecloth. We dilute the tablets with a decoction, treat the root area of ​​the hair with the resulting solution, and leave for half an hour. Rinse with water.

Mask with mumiyo and vegetable oils

Effect: like any other oil mask, it adds shine, softness, moisturizes and nourishes.


  • 20 ml liquid;
  • 1 gr. mumiyo;
  • 20 ml burdock oil;
  • 5 drops of lavender essential oil;
  • 3 drops lemon;
  • 2 ampoules of nicotine.
Method of preparation and application method:

Dilute the main ingredient with water, mix with oils, apply to your hair, and place the top of your head in an insulated cap. After 60 minutes, go wash it off with shampoo.

Nourishing mask

Effect: tones the scalp, eliminates itching, flaking, dandruff, moisturizes curls, strengthens.


  • 2 gr. tablets;
  • 100 gr. aloe gel;
  • 1 yolk;
  • 15 gr. honey.
Method of preparation and application method:

We dilute the powder with aloe and other ingredients, making a homogeneous mass. Lubricate the roots and along the length of the strand with the resulting solution. We insulate for 40 minutes and wash as usual.

Video recipe: Restoring and healing hair at home

For frequent constipation

It is necessary to dissolve two grams of the drug in boiled water and consume it in the morning on an empty stomach. Therapy is carried out daily for a two-week period.

It must be remembered that no matter how simple these recipes may seem, when choosing the right one for yourself, you should definitely consult with your doctor!


There are a lot of enthusiastic reviews from people about “Mummy” from “Evalar”. Among the advantages are listed:

  • excellent composition;
  • effective elimination of skin inflammation;
  • general strengthening of the body and bone tissue, assistance with joint pathologies, toning;
  • Hair Growth;
  • drying effect on acne;
  • affordable price.

However, there are also disadvantages, judging by the comments of patients:

  • bitter taste;
  • peculiar aroma;
  • difficulty tracking the effect;
  • long dissolution in water;
  • stains clothes.

Some users say that the benefits of the supplement are exaggerated. There are reviews that talk about the pointlessness of taking the drug, wasted time and money. In this case, it is advised to give preference to multivitamins.

Side effects

It is necessary to adhere to the dosage of the drug recommended by the doctor. Exceeding doses and taking “Golden Shilajit” for too long can cause the development of adverse reactions.

These are mainly local allergic reactions in the form of redness and rashes on the skin.

In case of internal use, intoxication of the body is possible, which is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • tachycardia;
  • increased nervousness;
  • irritability;
  • insomnia;
  • diarrhea;
  • limb spasms;
  • increased blood pressure.

Original product and counterfeit natural component


Unfortunately, most of the mumiyo medicines are fake. Some of the goods offered in online stores and even pharmacies are, in fact, not natural products at all. The product is a very rare drug, its value is very high, the price per unit cannot be low. By buying a counterfeit, a person risks not only losing money, but also the fact that he is taking a drug of unknown origin, and this can cause poisoning and side effects.


About apple cider vinegar for dermatitis

The original product is a storehouse of natural minerals and vitamins. The drug has a large number of beneficial effects on the body. The appearance of the product resembles a resinous, frozen liquid of a dark color. Sometimes mumiyo is light or brown in color.


Before starting to use mumiyo, be sure to consult a doctor who, based on tests and examination, will determine the advisability of using mumiyo and prescribe a course and dosage.

According to the instructions, “Golden Shilajit” is used to prevent many diseases and as a healing agent. It is indicated for the following conditions:

  • disorders of mineral metabolism;
  • injuries, burns and other skin damage;
  • inflammatory diseases of the ENT organs;
  • inflammatory processes in the genitourinary system:
  • kidney dysfunction;
  • diseases of the reproductive system;
  • any disorders of the digestive system, including peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum.

The supplement may be recommended for bone fractures. It activates metabolic processes in the body, promotes the regeneration of muscles and bones.

It is recommended to take it for allergies of various etiologies and diseases of the nervous system. Shilajit will be very useful for women with gynecological problems. When used internally, it stimulates the immune system, helping the body fight diseases and speeding up the healing process. Also among the indications are blood diseases and poisoning by poisons of animal or plant origin.

The supplement effectively copes with stress, chronic fatigue, and asthenia. It also increases physical and mental performance, stimulates brain activity, gives strength and energy.

Today, mumiyo is actively used by nutritionists and cosmetologists to improve the health of the body. Based on a natural product, therapeutic face masks and hair shampoos.

Contraindications to the use of Altai mumiyo

Important: When treating with drugs containing mumiyo, you should avoid drinking alcoholic beverages.

Doctors recommend avoiding use for the following groups of people:

  • Pregnant women and during lactation. The child's sensitive body does not need active stimulation of the body with the help of extraneous means.
  • For people with individual intolerance to individual components of mumiyo.
  • People with cancer. Taking mumiyo can trigger the development of cancer cells. Here, consultation with specialists is necessary.

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The starting raw material for dietary supplements from Evalar is mumiyo, mined in caves and rocks of the Altai region. This is a completely natural product, free from sand and earth, and does not contain any artificial inclusions.

One tablet of “Golden Mumiyo” contains:

  • valuable microelements, in particular calcium and iron;
  • metal oxides, soluble in water;
  • vitamin complex;
  • saturated semi-fatty and organic acids;
  • esters;
  • herbal antibiotics;
  • amino acids;
  • anticoagulants.

Properties of the dietary supplement

The Golden Mumiyo dietary supplement includes a range of natural substances necessary for the body to function properly. It has the following actions:

  • immunomodulatory;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • disinfectant.

The dietary supplement is used as a general strengthening and tonic natural remedy. It helps cleanse the liver, removes toxins and waste, and also:

  • stimulates hematopoiesis;
  • normalizes mineral metabolism;
  • improves the functioning of the heart muscle;
  • accelerates recovery after serious illnesses and operations.

Mumiyo is easily absorbed by the body and has virtually no side effects.

Impact on the body at the cellular level

The components of the product affect the body at the cellular level; the presence of mumiyo components in the body allows one to accelerate cellular growth and recovery. The biological supplement “Golden Shilajit” from “Evalar” accumulates in the human body and has a positive effect on it. With regular use of the product, men's libido increases and sexual health improves. The substance contained in mumiyo is aimed at combating the aging process and helping to prolong youth. At the same time, the drug prolongs not only external youth, but also internal youth, the body is restored.

In addition to those listed above, the following mummy abilities should be noted:

  • helps overcome stress, fights nervousness and depression;
  • improves sleep;
  • restores blood circulation;
  • helps the skin;
  • activates the functioning of the immune system;
  • helps fight lung pathologies;
  • is the prevention of furunculosis.

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