Everything about migraine: provoking factors, precursors, distinctive characteristics

Neurologist (algologist)


Marina Gennadievna

25 years of experience

Head of the Pain Treatment Center, neurologist-algologist, member of the Society of Neurologists and Neurosurgeons, Russian Society for the Study of Pain, Association of Interdisciplinary Medicine, International Association for the Study of Pain (IASP)

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Migraine has been known to mankind for many centuries. This disease is characterized by severe paroxysmal headaches. Experts define migraine as a type of neurological pathology, which is characterized by pain localized in one half of the head. The nature of the pain and the absence of organic causes causing it significantly complicate the diagnosis of the disease. Migraine, the symptoms and treatment of which depend on many factors, is classified by doctors as a chronic disease that is practically untreatable. At the same time, provided that certain preventive measures and rules are followed, attacks can be successfully stopped and their number reduced. Questions regarding how to treat migraines are found quite often on the Internet. The best way to solve this problem is to timely contact a qualified doctor who will conduct a comprehensive examination and suggest a course of treatment.

Symptoms and signs of migraine

In most cases, migraine manifests itself, the symptoms of which depend on the cause of the pathology, severe throbbing pain in the head. In addition to severe pain with throbbing, hemicrania is characterized by:

  • nausea or vomiting, loss of appetite and often slight weight loss;
  • dizziness;
  • irritability up to attacks of aggression;
  • drowsiness;
  • increased sensitivity to smells, tastes and light.

Symptoms depend on the stage of development of the pathology. After the migraine attack passes, patients usually feel well. Experts identify the following stages of disease development:

  • precursors of migraine are characterized by manifestations of depression, fatigue, and irritability several hours before the attack. Some patients, on the contrary, feel an increase in activity and appetite;
  • aura, which is a reflection of certain processes occurring in the brain that are associated with the mechanism of migraine development. The duration of the aura is on average up to 30 minutes, but in some cases the stage can be longer. This stage is characterized by visual effects such as blind spots, flashes of light, sensory effects such as numbness or tingling sensations, problems finding words or difficulty speaking. Symptoms may appear individually or in combination;
  • The headache can last from 2-3 hours to several days. Very strong pain of a bursting or pulsating nature can cover the entire head or be localized in the temporal region. At this stage, nausea or vomiting attacks and a desire to hide in a dark room alone are common;
  • resolution follows the headache phase and is accompanied by fatigue, depression, or irritability. Concentration is difficult. Symptoms persist for up to a day.

Migraine pain

People describe the pain as:

  • pulsating
  • Rhythmic
  • Drilling
  • Beating
  • Exhausting

It can also be severe and dull, but long-lasting. The pain is mild at first, but without treatment it will increase from moderate to severe.

Migraine pain most often affects the forehead area. As a rule, on one side of the head, but maybe on both, or alternately. Most migraines last about 4 hours. If they are untreated or do not respond to treatment, they can last from 72 hours to a week. With an aura, pain is replaced by an aura or does not occur at all.

Signs and aura

The signs of migraine are determined by the form of the pathology. There is no particular difference between the symptoms in men and women, but women have attacks more often. Experts distinguish migraine, the causes of which are different, with and without aura. Aura with hemicrania is a complex of neuropsychological symptoms caused by spasms of cerebral vessels at the initial stage of development of the next attack.

There are the following types of aura, classified according to the symptoms that appear:

  • visual with characteristic glare, distortions, flashes in the eyes, loss of visual fields;
  • auditory with characteristic auditory hallucinations, tinnitus;
  • motor, manifested by difficulties when moving;
  • sensory, characterized by changes in smell and taste;
  • vestibular with dizziness and even falls;
  • aphasic with speech impairment.

Migraine specialists consider two main forms: regular and pathological with neurological symptoms.

What are the characteristics of migraine with aura?

About 20% of patients experience an aura. But only a few say that it occurs with every attack. The most common symptom of an aura is visual disturbances. Less commonly – sensory organ disorders (tingling, numbness, goosebumps). Aura symptoms are divided into positive and negative. In the first case, something is felt, and in the second, the fields of vision disappear or the hands go numb. Another property of the aura is dynamism. That is, a gradual increase in symptoms, and then their gradual decline. Usually the aura is replaced by a headache, but sometimes the aura appears on its own.

Migraine with aura is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • Two episodes of migraine without aura.
  • The presence of an aura for 1 hour or more before pain occurs. In this case, the following neurological symptoms appear - one or more:
  • visual disturbances – photophobia, blinking, black spots in the field of vision, flickering arches, lines, zigzags, incorrect perception of objects in the field of vision;
  • sound disorders, mainly intolerance to any sounds;
  • speech problems;
  • sensory disturbances – tingling, burning, numbness, etc.;
  • impairment of motor abilities, such as sudden weakening of muscles on one side of the body.

Classification of hemicrania depending on symptoms

  • Migraine headache without aura is defined by episodic headaches without neurological deficits.
  • Cervical migraine with severe headaches due to impaired blood flow through the vertebral artery.
  • Paroxysmal chronic, which is characterized by short-term pain repeated several times a day.
  • The ocular one, which lasts no more than half an hour, appears due to circulatory disorders in the occipital part of the cerebral cortex.
  • Ophthalmoplegic with characteristic gas motor disorders due to compression of the gas motor nerve and spasms of the artery supplying the nerve.
  • Retinal with characteristic attacks of transient blindness due to spasms of retinal vessels.
  • Afactual with speech disorders during severe pain.
  • Basilar (rare), characterized by tinnitus, visual disturbances, incoordination, dizziness, loss of consciousness and severe prolonged pain. Most often, this variety occurs during puberty in girls.
  • Abdominal, accompanied by nausea, diarrhea, vomiting and severe abdominal pain, occurs only in children.
  • Hemplegic with short attacks, weakness in the body and limbs.
  • “Beheaded” is distinguished by visual disturbances and is difficult to diagnose.

Only a qualified doctor after an examination can answer the patient’s question as to why the migraine appeared.


There are many types. The two most common types are without aura and with aura. Some people have both types.

Migraine without aura

This type used to be called common migraine.

According to the International Migraine Society, people with migraine without aura have had at least five attacks that have the following characteristics:

  • A headache attack usually lasts from 4 to 72 hours if left untreated or if treatment does not help.
  • A headache has at least two of the following features:
  • it only occurs on one side of the head
  • throbbing pain
  • pain level is moderate to severe
  • pain worsens with movement, such as walking or climbing stairs
  • The headache has at least one of these features:
  • Sensitivity to light appears (photophobia)
  • Sensitivity to sound appears (phonophobia)
  • You experience nausea with or without vomiting or diarrhea
  • The headache is not caused by another health problem or diagnosis.

Migraine with aura

This type was previously called classical, complicated and hemiplegic. Migraine with aura occurs in 25 percent of people.

According to the International Migraine Society, you must have had at least two attacks with the following characteristics:

  • An aura that disappears may return and includes at least one of the following symptoms:
  • vision problems (the most common aura symptom)
  • sensory problems such as numbness, tingling, or dizziness
  • problems with speech or language
  • trouble moving or weakness that may last up to 72 hours
  • brain stem symptoms:
  • difficulty communicating or dysarthria (fuzzy speech)
  • dizziness
  • tinnitus
  • Hypacusis (hearing problems)
  • diplopia (double vision)
  • ataxia, or inability to control body movements
  • clouding of consciousness
  • vision problems in only one eye, including flashes of light, blind spots, or temporary blindness (when these symptoms occur, they are called retinal migraines)
  • An aura that has at least two of these traits:
  • at least one symptom gradually gets worse over five minutes or more
  • Each aura symptom lasts from five minutes to one hour (if you have three symptoms, they can last up to three hours)
  • at least one aura symptom affects only one side of the head, including problems with vision, speech, or language
  • aura occurs with headache or an hour before headache begins
  • The headache was not caused by another medical problem, and a temporary ischemic attack was ruled out.

The aura usually occurs before the headache begins, but it may continue during the headache. In some cases, the aura may begin at the same time as the headache.

Chronic migraine

Chronic headaches used to be called combined or mixed headaches because they can have features of migraines and tension headaches. It is also sometimes called severe and can be caused by overuse of medications.

People with chronic migraines experience severe tension more than 15 days per month for 3 or more months. More than eight of these headaches are migraines with or without aura.

  • severe headaches
  • major incapacity
  • depression
  • another chronic illness, such as arthritis
  • other serious health problems (comorbidities), such as high blood pressure
  • previous head or neck injuries

Acute migraine

Acute is a general term that is not diagnosed as chronic. Another name for this type is episodic. People who suffer from episodic migraines experience headaches up to 14 days a month. Thus, people with episodic migraines suffer less headaches than people with chronic ones.

Vestibular migraine

Vestibular is also known as vertigo. About 40 percent of people have some symptoms related to the vestibular system. These symptoms make it difficult to balance, cause dizziness, or both. People of any age, including children, can experience vestibular migraines.

Neurologists typically treat people who have difficulty coping with migraines, including vestibular migraines. For this type of migraine, the same medications are prescribed as for its other types. Vestibular migraines are also sensitive to foods that trigger migraines. So, you can prevent or reduce dizziness and other symptoms by making changes to your diet.

Your doctor may also recommend that you see a vestibular rehabilitation therapist. He or she can teach you exercises that will help you maintain balance when your symptoms are at their worst. Because they are so debilitating, you and your doctor may want to discuss taking preventive medications.

Optical migraine

Optical is also known as ophthalmic, ocular, ophthalmic, monocular and retinal migraine. This is a rarer type with an aura, but unlike other visual auras, it only affects one eye.

The International Migraine Society defines retinal migraines as attacks of completely reversible and temporary vision problems in only one eye. Symptoms may include:

  • flashes of light called scintillations
  • blind spot or partial loss of vision called scotomata

These vision problems usually occur within an hour of the headache. Sometimes optical migraines are painless. Most people with optical migraine have previously had another type of migraine.

Physical activity can trigger an attack. These headaches are not caused by eye problems such as glaucoma.

Complex migraine

Complex headache is not a type of headache. Some people refer to "complex migraine" as migraine with aura, which has symptoms similar to those of a stroke. These symptoms include:

  • weakness
  • speech problems
  • loss of vision

Seeing an appropriate specialist will help you get a correct and accurate diagnosis.

Menstrual migraine

Menstruation-related pain affects up to 60 percent of women. They may or may not be accompanied by an aura. They can also occur before, during or after menstruation and during ovulation.

Research has shown that menstrual migraines are more intense, last longer, and are more likely to cause nausea than other migraines.

In addition to standard treatment, women with menstrual migraines will benefit from medications that affect serotonin levels, as well as hormonal treatments.

Acephalgic migraine

Acephalgic is also known as migraine without headache, aura without headache, silent and visual migraine without headache. An acephalgic migraine occurs when a person experiences an aura but does not have a headache. This type is not uncommon among people who begin migraines after 40 years of age.

Visual aura symptoms are the most common. With this type, the aura may appear gradually, with symptoms spreading over several minutes and moving from one symptom to another. After visual symptoms, people may experience numbness, problems speaking, and then feel weak and unable to move parts of their body normally.

Hormonal migraine

Also known as exogenous estrogen headaches, hormonal headaches are associated with female hormones, usually estrogens. These include migraines during:

  • your menstruation
  • ovulation
  • pregnancy
  • perimenopause
  • the first few days after starting or stopping medications that contain estrogen, such as birth control pills or hormone therapy

If you are taking hormone therapy and your headaches are getting worse, your doctor may suggest:

  • adjust the dose
  • take a different type of hormone
  • stopping hormone therapy

Migraines from stress

Stress migraines are not a type of migraine recognized by the International Migraine Society. Stress may be the cause.

There are headaches that arise from stress. They are also called tension headaches. If you think stress may be causing a migraine, try yoga for relaxation.

Cluster migraine

Cluster is also not included in the classification of the International Migraine Society. However, cluster headaches do exist. These headaches cause severe pain around and behind the eye, often accompanied by:

  • tearing
  • nasal congestion
  • redness

They can be triggered by alcohol or excessive smoking. You may suffer from both cluster headaches and migraines.

Vascular migraine

Vascular is not included in the classification of the International Migraine Society. Vascular headache is a term some people use to describe the throbbing and throbbing headaches caused by migraines.


The reasons why hemicrania appears are still not fully understood. During the research, scientists determined the fact that predisposition to this disease is inherited. The disease, namely the characteristics of the nervous system, is transmitted by women who suffer from hemicrania much more often than men.

The main cause of attacks is said to be activation of the trigeminal nucleus, which alternately leads to spasm and subsequent dilation of the arteries of the brain. It has also been determined that a failure of seratonin metabolism in the central nervous system is involved in the formation of pain.

Predisposition appears when exposed to triggers or certain factors, which doctors have divided into 4 groups:

  • psychological triggers, including stress, emotional and mental stress;
  • external triggers, the list of which includes changes in atmospheric pressure, loud sounds, bright lighting, odors, stuffy atmosphere, etc.;
  • physiological triggers, which include fatigue, insomnia, hormonal imbalances;
  • food triggers. Doctors call alcohol and tyramine contained in many foods (citrus fruits, smoked meats, cocoa, cheese, nuts, chocolate, etc.) the main stimulants of hemicrania attacks.

An attack can also be caused by insufficient consumption of clean water and food, diet or caffeine withdrawal, traveling with a change in time zones, weather changes, menstrual cycles in women, relaxation after severe stress. Migraines can occur in men and women due to hormonal imbalances due to external factors, as well as due to prolonged abstinence during sexual activity.

What causes migraines?

Researchers have not determined the cause. They have found some contributing factors that may lead to this disease. These include changes in brain chemicals, such as a decrease in the amount of serotonin in the brain.

Other factors that can cause migraines include:

  • bright lights
  • extreme heat or other extreme weather conditions
  • dehydration
  • changes in atmospheric pressure
  • hormonal changes in women, such as fluctuations in estrogen and progesterone during menstruation, pregnancy, or menopause
  • excessive stress
  • loud sounds
  • intense physical activity
  • skipping meals
  • changes in sleep patterns
  • using certain medications such as oral contraceptives or nitroglycerin
  • unusual smells
  • certain food
  • smoking
  • alcohol consumption
  • trips

If you suffer, your doctor may ask you to keep a headache journal. Writing down everything you did, what food you ate, and what medications you took before your migraine started can help identify your triggers.

Foods that cause migraines

Some foods or food ingredients are more likely to cause it than others. They include:

  • alcoholic or caffeinated drinks
  • food additives such as nitrates (a preservative in cured meats), aspartame (an artificial sugar), or MSG
  • tyramine, which is found in some natural foods

Tyramine also increases when foods begin to ferment or are aged. This includes foods such as some aged cheeses, sauerkraut and soy sauce. Ongoing research is looking more closely at the role of tyramine in migraines. For some people it may be a headache protector, but for others it may be a headache trigger.

Hemicrania in women

Migraine is diagnosed, the symptoms of which in women depend on the cause much more often than in men. Among the main causes of attacks in women:

  • changes in vascular tone under the influence of hormonal levels changing throughout the menstrual cycle. For some women, migraine pain occurs during bleeding, for others during ovulation. Migraine medication is prescribed taking into account the patient’s hormonal background and her age;
  • pregnancy, during which the load on the pregnant woman’s circulatory system increases significantly. Treatment of migraine in pregnant women requires caution when choosing medications;
  • menopause, with the onset of which the ratio of hormones in a woman’s body changes significantly.

Since migraine, the symptoms and treatment of which in women depend on the individual characteristics of the body, can appear unexpectedly, doctors recommend taking preventive measures. Prevention using traditional medicine, massage and other types of therapeutic effects can significantly reduce the risk of an attack.

Treatment at the Energy of Health clinic

Neurologists at the Health Energy clinic are ready to help with migraines of any severity. We offer each patient:

  • individual selection of drugs for the relief and prevention of attacks;
  • training in relaxation and self-help techniques;
  • sessions of restorative massage and physical therapy in the absence of contraindications.

Treatment is selected according to the individual characteristics of the body. Before prescribing a specific regimen, a complete examination of the patient is carried out to exclude other causes of headache.

Hemicrania in children

Migraines in children appear in most cases due to overwork due to heavy workload at school. Another cause is hormonal changes due to puberty. If migraine occurs more often in women than in men, then in childhood, on the contrary, boys suffer from migraine attacks more often. It is very difficult to diagnose migraine in young children who cannot formulate their complaints clearly. Migraine medications for children and adolescents are prescribed based on examination data.

Risk factors

Risk factors for hemicrania are:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • age – most often the disease occurs in patients 30-39 years old;
  • frequent stressful situations;
  • some food products, including those of artificial origin or low quality;
  • fasting or irregular, poor nutrition (diet);
  • changing sleep patterns;
  • weather changes or moving to a different climate zone;
  • intense physical activity;
  • taking medications.

When to see a doctor

The Pain Treatment Center provides diagnosis and treatment of migraines. You should make an appointment with a neurologist for suspected migraine if you have the following symptoms:

  • vision is blurred;
  • flies float in front of your eyes;
  • severe paroxysmal, pressing or throbbing headache;
  • feeling sick or vomiting;
  • dizzy;
  • state of drowsiness and weakness;
  • increased irritability.

In order to eliminate unpleasant consequences, it is enough to make an appointment with a neurologist at Meditsina JSC (academician Roitberg’s clinic) in the center of Moscow.

JSC "Medicine" (academician Roitberg's clinic) has modern diagnostic and medical equipment and a comfortable hospital. The Pain Treatment Center uses effective programs for the treatment, therapy and prevention of neurological diseases. The clinic's doctors widely use modern methods of physiotherapy. Contacting a clinic provides an opportunity to reduce the likelihood of developing migraines and avoid the consequences of the disease becoming severe.

Advantages of the clinic

Medical facilities are equipped in accordance with modern standards of diagnosis and treatment of diseases. We try to make every patient feel comfortable within the walls of the clinic and offer:

  • consultations with doctors of various specialties;
  • informative methods of instrumental, functional and laboratory diagnostics;
  • individual selection of treatment regimen;
  • complex effect on the body using not only drugs, but also additional methods: physiotherapy, massage, exercise therapy, manual therapy, etc.

Reception is by appointment, without queues or long waits. The location of the centers allows both motorists and those traveling by public transport to reach us comfortably.

If migraine attacks are making your life miserable, do not endure the pain. Contact the neurologists at Health Energy. Together we will find a way to relieve you of this disease.


Diagnosis of migraine is carried out on the basis of collecting complaints and anamnesis of patients, examining the patient and talking with him. If the initial consultation does not allow you to accurately diagnose the disease or identify the causes of the pathology, the neurologist can give a referral for an extensive examination using modern diagnostic equipment:

  • MRI of the neck and brain;
  • CT scan of the brain;
  • brain scinography;
  • electroencephalography;
  • duplex scanning of arteries;
  • Doppler ultrasound.

Consultation with an ophthalmologist allows you to determine the condition of the fundus and cerebral vessels. The presence of migraine symptoms may indicate serious pathologies, so a thorough examination is mandatory. JSC "Medicine" (academician Roitberg's clinic) is equipped with the latest diagnostic equipment, allowing examination of any complexity. The clinic is located in the center of Moscow at 2nd Tverskoy-Yamskaya lane, 10, a five-minute walk from the Mayakovskaya metro station.

Migraine is often a symptom of more severe diseases, so high-quality diagnosis using modern diagnostic equipment is an effective way to timely detect pathologies. Timely detection of diseases and contacting qualified doctors is a prerequisite for recovery and full restoration of vital activity.

JSC "Medicine" (clinic of academician Roitberg) is a multidisciplinary center, which provides patients with the opportunity to easily consult with specialists in various fields of medicine.

Why do violations occur?

COVID-19, like any other virus, affects the functioning of many body systems and affects not only the respiratory tract and lungs, but also the central nervous system. This is called neurotropism - the ability of an infection to infect cells of this system. Moreover, researchers believe that the virus multiplies inside the nerve cells of the brain.

Autopsy results show that coronavirus leads to inflammation of brain tissue. And neuroimaging techniques that show the structure and dysfunction of the brain reveal microstrokes and leukoencephalopathy, a condition that leads to demyelination when the covering of nerve cell processes is destroyed.

These organic damages lead to the person developing mental and neurological disorders, which are complications.


If a patient is diagnosed with migraine, the doctor selects treatment taking into account many factors, including examination results:

  • Drug therapy is symptomatic. The main goal of drug therapy is to reduce the intensity of attacks. The doctor selects tablets for migraine taking into account the form of the disease, the patient’s health condition and the nature of the attacks;
  • for minor pain, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs can be prescribed;
  • for infrequent attacks and mild forms of the disease, anilades in combination with the effect of vasoconstriction are effective against migraines;
  • triptans for migraines with a vasoconstrictor effect.

It is important to remember that migraine medications are selected for the patient and prescribed only by a doctor, since uncontrolled use of medications can cause side effects and complications that will lead to serious deterioration in health.

Non-drug methods include organizing a work and rest schedule, eliminating foods that stimulate attacks, giving up alcohol and smoking, selecting a diet, etc.

Among non-drug methods, mention should be made:

  • neck massage;
  • acupuncture;
  • acupressure.

Specialists at the Pain Treatment Center of JSC “Medicine” (academician Roitberg’s clinic) approach the treatment of migraines in a comprehensive manner. An integrated approach allows us to minimize the impact of the disease on the patient’s body and the patient’s health as a whole. The combination of various methods of rehabilitation and therapy allows you to achieve excellent results in a short time. Contacting the neurologists of JSC "Medicine" (clinic of Academician Roitberg) provides the opportunity to significantly improve the quality of life.

Nausea with migraine

More than half of people experience nausea along with other symptoms. And most of them also vomit. These symptoms may appear simultaneously with a headache. Although they usually appear an hour after the headache begins.

Nausea and vomiting can be just as troublesome as a headache. If you only have nausea, you can take your regular medications. But vomiting can prevent you from taking the pills or keeping them in your body long enough for them to be absorbed. If you have to delay taking your medications, your pain will only get worse.

If you have nausea but no vomiting, your doctor will recommend medications to relieve nausea, known as antinausea or antiemetic medications. In this case, an antiemetic will help prevent vomiting and reduce nausea.

Acupressure is very helpful in treating nausea associated with migraines. A 2012 study found that acupressure reduced the intensity of nausea after 30 minutes, and improved after 4 hours.

Simultaneous treatment of nausea and vomiting

Instead of treating nausea and vomiting separately, doctors prefer to relieve these symptoms by treating the migraine itself. If accompanied by severe nausea and vomiting, you may want to talk to your doctor about taking preventative medications.

Migraine tests

Doctors diagnose migraines by analyzing symptoms, medical history and family history, and performing a physical examination to rule out possible causes. Scans such as a CT scan or MRI can rule out other causes, including:

  • Tumors
  • Abnormal brain structures
  • Stroke

Home remedies

Home remedies for migraines can complement the effects of drug therapy. If migraine is diagnosed, treatment at home can be undertaken after consultation with a doctor. Among the most effective methods it should be noted:

  • infusions of medicinal herbs (chamomile, peppermint, lavender, raspberry leaves, etc.);
  • infusion of oregano as a preventative measure;
  • mumiyo solution before bedtime;
  • rubbing essential oils into temples for mild attacks;
  • cold compresses on the head;
  • rest in a darkened room with clean air in silence.

How to treat migraine with aura and how to relieve pain effectively and quickly

Since it is almost impossible to avoid an attack if there is a trigger, you need to know ways to improve the condition, because migraine is not a death sentence.

The final diagnosis is made by a neurologist. He will tell you what to do, how to treat the disease, how to increase the intervals between attacks.

Treatment for migraines is based on eliminating the pain and making it happen as little as possible or go away altogether. NSAIDs or specific medications, most often triptans, may be used. Intravenous infusion therapy is also used to treat migraines. The effectiveness of pain relief is directly proportional to the time of taking the drugs. You can stop an attack when it has just begun. Unfortunately, many people miss this moment with the thought “what if it doesn’t hurt.” However, at the peak of an attack, the tablets have almost no effect, because with migraine gastrostasis in the intestines, the absorption of any substances is very difficult.

Alternative ways to alleviate the condition are physical activity, exercise therapy, physiotherapy, and psychotherapy. Massage of the collar area is especially useful, because muscle spasm in this area can provoke an attack. Recently, migraines have been successfully treated with injections of botulinum toxin type A. The injections make remission last longer, and in some cases relieve pain for a very long time.

Treatment of migraines using traditional medicine

Many traditional medicine methods can provide relief from pain.

Ginger root

Ginger has the ability to block prostaglandins, thereby reducing the severity of pain. The same principle applies to most NSPVs. Ginger tea is prepared at home. Ginger root is crushed, then added to boiling water and simmered for 10 minutes over low heat. Next, the tea is filtered and drunk plain or with lemon and honey.


Has an anti-inflammatory and calming effect. You need to take two tablespoons of chamomile in a glass of water and cook the mixture for 5 minutes over low heat. Next, you need to strain the broth and drink it plain or with lemon and honey.


Lavender oil is used for inhalation. The solution is prepared as follows: a teaspoon of oil is diluted in three glasses of boiling water. Breathe over the resulting solution for 15 minutes. Lavender oil can be mixed with peppermint oil and apply the mixture to the temples, gently massaging it a little. It is best to combine massage and inhalation.


In severe forms of hemicrania, preventive drug therapy can be prescribed, the use of which can significantly reduce the frequency and intensity of attacks. A drug for the prevention of attacks of hemicrania is prescribed by a doctor solely based on the data of the examination and examination of the patient. Doctors at JSC "Medicine" (clinic of academician Roitberg) use certified drugs that combine high efficiency with safety for the health of patients.

An important role in prevention is played by giving up bad habits, normalizing exercise and rest, and minimizing emotional and physical stress. During pregnancy, preventive medications are not prescribed due to possible harm to the health of the fetus.

How to make an appointment with a neurologist

JSC "Medicine" (academician Roitberg's clinic) in Moscow offers European-level services for the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of migraine. To receive highly qualified medical care, you must make an appointment with a neurologist who will conduct an examination and a comprehensive medical examination.

To make an appointment with a specialist, use one of the following methods:

  • quick registration form on the main page of the clinic’s website;
  • by phone 24 hours a day +7 (495) 775-73-60;
  • using a mobile application.

The clinic is located in the center of Moscow at 2nd Tverskoy-Yamskaya lane, 10, a five-minute walk from the Mayakovskaya metro station.

JSC "Medicine" (clinic of academician Roitberg) in Moscow also offers emergency call services around the clock by calling +7.

Migraine classification ICD-10

Migraine is coded G43: Diseases of the nervous system => Episodic and paroxysmal disorders => Migraine.

G43.0Migraine without aura (simple)
G43.1Migraine with aura (classic)
G43.2Migrainous status
G43.3Complicated migraine
G43.8Other migraine
G43.9Migraine, unspecified
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