Indications for magnetic therapy Pain syndrome in neurological diseases (osteochondrosis, intercostal neuralgia). Decline (violation)
Write a review Reviews: 12 Manufacturers: Biochemist Active ingredients Caffeine Paracetamol Class of diseases Migraine Influenza,
At first glance, nowadays, even children know what electricity is, as with
Wormwood What connects Edgar Degas, Vincent van Gogh and Pablo Picasso, besides outstanding talent
Contraindications, side effects Analogues Reviews In preschool age, children need the maximum amount of vitamins and minerals
Waiting for a baby is a trembling and exciting process. But for now mommy is emotional and
Nosological classification (ICD-10) D44.8 Neoplasm of uncertain or unknown nature with damage to more than one
Adrenergic stimulants (adrenergic agonists) are medications that stimulate different types of adrenergic receptors in organs and
Dystreptase Dystreptase is a rectal suppository produced by Poland. The active ingredients of the drug are streptodornase,
Berberine is an active compound in many plants, and humans have long learned to use this substance