Berberine: 17 Benefits, Dosage and Side Effects

Berberine is an active compound in many plants, and humans have long learned to use this substance in folk medicine. People claim it is good for diabetes, high cholesterol and parasitic infections. This article describes all the beneficial properties of berberine known to science.

The article is based on the findings of 112 scientific studies

The article quotes authors such as:

  • Department of Dentistry, Chenzhou First People's Hospital, China
  • Pennington Biomedical Research Center, Baton Rouge, USA
  • Shanghai Clinical Center of Endocrine and Metabolic Diseases, Shanghai Institute of Endocrinology and Metabolism, Ruijin Hospital, China
Please note that the numbers in parentheses (1, 2, 3, etc.) are clickable links to peer-reviewed scientific studies. You can follow these links and read the original source of information for the article.

Attention! All articles on the site are for informational purposes only. Before using any techniques or recommendations, be sure to consult with your doctor or specialist .

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics


The drug Berberine contains the active ingredient berberine bisulfate , which is a derivative of the alkaloid berberine obtained from the leaves and roots of barberry.

Has a choleretic effect. Refers to cholekinetics of plant origin. Irritates the receptors of the duodenal mucosa and causes the production of cholecystokinin , which stimulates bile secretion, decreased tone of the biliary tract and reduction of the gallbladder. When taking it, there is an increase in bile secretion and a decrease in its viscosity. It also has a hypotensive effect and stimulates labor.


Data not provided.

Instructions for use

The leaflet contains information about indications, drug combinations, side effects, use during pregnancy, contraindications, storage conditions, and method of administration.

The article also contains information about reviews, analogues, as well as average cost. It is imperative that you familiarize yourself with this information.

pharmachologic effect

Berberine has a pronounced choleretic effect. The pharmacological properties of the drug are determined by the content of barberine bisulfate. The substance provides the antispasmodic effect of the medication and affects the process of bile formation. The drug is prescribed for diseases accompanied not only by a violation of the composition of bile, but also by difficulty in removing it from the body. The impact on the biliary system is carried out at the cellular and molecular level. This feature of the drug explains the high degree of its effectiveness.

Pharmacological properties:

The medication is prescribed both as an independent drug and as part of complex therapy.

  • increased bile secretion;
  • normalization of the bile secretion process;
  • decreased blood sugar levels;
  • regulation of cell metabolism;
  • slowing down the process of carbohydrate breakdown;
  • normalization of cholesterol levels;
  • decreased bile viscosity;
  • decreased tone of the gallbladder;
  • reducing sugar production in the liver;
  • restoration of the biochemical composition of bile.


This drug can be prescribed in the presence of such conditions and diseases as:

  • Any type of ulcer;
  • Hepatitis (stage and form does not matter);
  • Hepatocholecystitis, cholecystitis, cholelithiasis;
  • Dysbacteriosis.

In addition, the doctor may prescribe this drug for biliary dyskinesia of the hypokinetic type. The use of this product should be adjusted with your doctor.

Method of administration

Under no circumstances should you treat yourself. This is because you can only make things worse.

The duration of taking the drug, as well as the necessary treatment regimen, can only be selected by a specialist who relies on the individual characteristics of the patient’s body, as well as the severity of the disease.

The drug should be taken orally, 5-10 mg 3 times a day before meals. Treatment should be continued for 14 days. If the doctor considers it necessary, the therapy is extended for another 14 days.

Release form

This choleretic agent is supplied to the market in the form of tablets. The active substance of the drug is Berberine bisulfate. In addition, talc, milk sugar, calcium stearate, and potato starch are also used to obtain the tablet.

The medicine is placed in jars made of dark glass. A jar usually contains 50 tablets. The jar itself is placed in a box (cardboard), on which there is information about the date of manufacture, as well as the expiration date.

Drug interactions

Before you start taking any medication, you should inform your doctor that you are taking other medications. No data on the drug combination with other drugs is provided.

Berberine is an extract from various plants. It is consumed for its ability to fight diabetes, which may resist the effects of some other medications.


Level 4 ATC code matches: Oxafenamide


Choleretic collection No. 3

Choleretic collection No. 2

Dandelion roots







Artichoke extract






Allohol , Tanacehol , Flamin , Chofitol , Artichoke extract .

Storage conditions

Berberine should be kept away from children and pets. In addition, the temperature in the selected room should be room temperature, i.e. do not exceed 25 degrees. The medicine should not be exposed to liquid or sunlight.

If these requirements are met, the drug Berberine can be stored for no more than three years. After the expiration date, the medicine should be discarded immediately. Further use of the product is contraindicated.

Did you know that the most common diseases of the 21st century are liver problems? More details:

  • How to recognize the first signs of hepatitis and effectively cope with the disease?
  • An interesting article about liver cirrhosis, you will learn about the history of the disease and its prevalence in the world.
  • Pain or discomfort in the right hypochondrium? Perhaps it's hepatosis! How can it be cured?


In recent years, information about the beneficial properties of the alkaloid berberine . Its effect on the cardiovascular system is manifested in vasodilation and a decrease in blood pressure . It regulates lipid levels and lowers blood sugar. Barberry preparations are known for their antioxidant properties. Reducing pressure in the gallbladder and ducts is an important mechanism that activates bile formation. The drug Berberine, which has these properties, acts through an increase in the production of cholecystokinin . It also has an anti-inflammatory effect and is most often used for diseases of the biliary system. There are few reviews about the drug, but they all indicate good tolerability and effectiveness.

  • “... For a “sluggish” gallbladder, this remedy was prescribed. She suffered from constipation and constantly had heaviness and bitterness in the right hypochondrium. I took it for 3 weeks while on a diet and felt significant relief”;
  • “... I often take it when I feel pain and heaviness in the right hypochondrium. A doctor once recommended it and helped me”;
  • “... It relieves bitterness well and normalizes stool, but it must be taken for a long time - up to a month”;
  • “... I suffer from chronic cholecystitis, so I periodically take choleretic drugs in courses - I give preference to herbal ones. Among them is Berberine. I'm happy with the price, on average 100 rubles. for 30 tablets"
  • “... I used to take it, but I noticed that on the third day itchy skin appeared. Refused him."

Side effects

In rare cases, the patient's body may give adverse reactions in the form of conditions such as low blood pressure, headache, bradycardia, as well as a decrease in general well-being.

If these conditions occur, it is recommended to immediately stop taking the drug and go to the hospital for further consultation.


To date, there are no registered cases of overdose. Episodes of severe overdose of Berberine have not been recorded in medical practice, but doctors do not exclude the risk of adverse symptoms with a single or regular excess of dosages.

The first warning signs are deterioration in general health, headache or dizziness, as well as a sharp drop in blood pressure. In persons with hypersensitivity to the drug, overdose symptoms may manifest themselves in the form of serious abnormalities in the functioning of the body.

Possible consequences of overdose:

  • throbbing headaches;
  • bradycardia;
  • prolonged constipation or diarrhea;
  • gagging and prolonged bouts of nausea.


The drug Berberine should not be prescribed if the patient has an allergic reaction or gallstones.

In addition, the drug Berberine should be prescribed with caution to people who have gallstone disease. The medicine can also be prescribed for mild and moderate damage to the pancreas and kidneys. If there is renal or liver failure, as well as serious damage to the pancreas, then you should immediately stop taking this medicine.

If left untreated, the symptoms of the lesion increase and chronic liver diseases develop. Systematic and excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages leads to the destruction of liver tissue and alcoholic cirrhosis, which ends in death.

Pregnancy period

During this period of time, you should stop taking the drug Berberine. If this is not done, then the baby will begin to develop intrauterine pathologies. If it is not possible to replace the drug with an analogue, then the pregnant woman should be in the hospital while taking it.

During breastfeeding, it is also better to avoid taking the drug. If you cannot refrain from taking the drug Berberine, then before using it you need to transfer your child to artificial nutrition, because the active substance has the ability to pass through breast milk, causing adverse effects on the baby.

Price, where to buy

You can buy Berberine at any pharmacy. The cost of 30 tablets ranges from 77-114 rubles.

  • Online pharmacies in RussiaRussia

LuxPharma* special offer

  • Berberine 500 mg extract (of which 10 mg of pure berberine) tablets No. 90
    RUB 1,590 order

special instructions

Impact on the ability to drive vehicles and control dangerous mechanisms

Studies of Berberine have not revealed the drug's ability to reduce psychomotor reactions and affect the state of the central nervous system.

Pregnancy and lactation

It is recommended to stop breastfeeding during therapy. Berberine is contraindicated for pregnant women. The corresponding mark is in the instructions for the drug. During lactation, the use of the medication should also be avoided.

Use in childhood

Berberine is not used in pediatric practice.

For liver dysfunction

Liver dysfunction is an indication for Berberine. The drug can be used as an independent drug or as an auxiliary drug in complex therapy.

For impaired renal function

The official instructions for the drug do not contain information about restrictions on taking Bereberine for kidney dysfunction.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies

The choleretic drug Berberine is sold without a prescription.

What is berberine?

Berberine is a plant isoquinoline alkaloid found in various plants, including barberry ( Berberis vulgaris

), Oregon Grape (
Mahonia aquifolium
), Goldenseal (
Hydrastis canadensis
) and Chinese Coptis (
Coptis chinensis
). It has a 3,000-year history of use in traditional Chinese and Indian medicine, especially to reduce diarrhea due to its antimicrobial effects. ()

Berberine has been studied by scientists for heart failure, diarrhea, infections and other diseases. But according to the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH, USA), berberine is very little absorbed in the intestines when it is taken orally (by mouth). Therefore, many of the research findings on berberine may not be the gold standard for evidence of benefit and effectiveness. ()

Berberine itself has many potential beneficial effects. It is often used to treat diabetes or high cholesterol problems, and some evidence supports the effects of such use. However, until now, there have been few high-quality, large-scale human studies of berberine.

Alkaloids – plant protection substances

In their natural habitat, plants are surrounded by a varying number of enemies, including a wide variety of viruses, bacteria, fungi, nematodes, insects and other herbivores, which are responsible for detrimental reductions in plant growth and production.

Plants protect themselves by producing a variety of compounds called secondary metabolites, including terpenes, phenols, sulfur compounds, saponins and alkaloids. Alkaloids are a diverse group of nitrogen-containing natural products consisting of more than 20 different classes, including pyrrolidines, pyrrolizidines, quinolizidines, tropanes, piperidines, pyridines, and others.

Most alkaloids are thought to function as nitrogen storage reservoirs, defenses against predators, especially animals, vertebrates, insects, and arthropods due to their general toxicity and deterrent properties, and growth regulators, since some alkaloids have structures similar to known plant growth regulators .

In addition, a number of alkaloids have been used as a source of drugs for thousands of years due to their structure-activity relationships, and this area of ​​interest continues to be a major area of ​​interest in the organic chemistry and pharmaceutical industries. For example, quinine , which is obtained from the bark of the tropical cinchona tree, was used by South American Indians to treat fever and later proved to be an essential medicine needed for malaria.

Alkaloids in various plants protect them from bacteria, viruses and animals. (source)


You should check the exact cost of the drug Berberine at a specific pharmacy.

The cost of a medicine is based on the individual markup of a particular pharmacy, transportation costs, and the region of sales.


In the Russian Federation, you will have to pay an average of 587 rubles for the drug Berberine.


On the territory of Ukraine, you need to pay 215.65 hryvnia for the drug Berberine.

Video on the topic: Berberine, students and “wrong” chemistry

Questions, answers, reviews on the drug Berberine

You can look at questions about the drug, as well as ask your question to a specialist, using a free consultation with a pharmacist or pharmacist.
The information provided is intended for medical and pharmaceutical professionals. The most accurate information about the drug is contained in the instructions supplied with the packaging by the manufacturer. No information posted on this or any other page of our website can serve as a substitute for personal contact with a specialist.

*Our site does not sell medicines and other goods; they must be purchased in pharmacies, in accordance with current laws. Data on prices and availability in pharmacies is updated twice a day. Current prices can always be seen in the section Searching and ordering medications in pharmacies.
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