Basal cell skin cancer
Skin neoplasms: causes, symptoms and treatment at the Yusupov Hospital
Skin neoplasms are usually understood as benign or malignant skin lesions of a tumor nature against the background
Sibutramine in the treatment of obesity (based on materials from the congress “Man and Medicine”. Moscow, April 2001)
Sibutramine is an anorexigenic drug that is used in medicine as a sensation-creating agent.
What does pressure 100 over 80 mean, why is this not a normal indicator, reasons and what should the patient do?
The arterial indicator is considered the main one in assessing the quality of health of the cardiovascular system and the patient’s condition
Biogay powder is also not used in case of impaired renal function or diabetes. Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding
Drops for children to regulate intestinal microflora BioGaya Probiotic bottle 5 ml
BioGaia Protectis drops are used as a dietary supplement for children from birth and adults, in
Pneumosclerosis is a legacy of COVID-19. What will happen to the lungs after coronavirus?
Pneumosclerosis is a lung disease that is characterized by the replacement of normal lung tissue with connective tissue. Process
Rosacea disease: causes, treatment, prevention
Forms and complications of rosacea Previously, several subtypes of the disease were identified in accordance with the most pronounced
Benefits of denosumab for osteoporosis
Materials and methods The open prospective study included 98 women (mean age 68±9 years,
What is dissociative identity disorder
Dissocial Identity Disorder: History and Current Concepts (Brief Review)
Dissociative identity disorder is a mental disorder characterized by either two or more
Formic alcohol is a synthetic drug with methanoic acid
Alcohol tinctures are used in everyday life for a wide variety of purposes, both local and
Fermencol gel. Instructions for use for scars, scars, stretch marks. Composition, price, analogues
From this article you will learn: Fermenkol: patient reviews, price, Fermenkol gel - instructions for use
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