Benefits of using runny nose patches for children

  • Benefits of runny nose patches for children
  • The difference between patches and other means of treating a runny nose
  • What types of plasters are there for a runny nose?
  • How to use a runny nose patch

About ten years ago, the word “plaster” was strongly associated with the treatment of rubbed calluses and the sealing of “battle” wounds in children.
If someone had suggested putting patches on clothes and using them to treat runny noses in children, that person would probably have been laughed at. Meanwhile, now this is one of the safest and most convenient means used by parents around the world. What are the advantages of runny nose patches for children:


– the patch acts in the same way as an inhaler, but is attached to clothing, that is, it is mobile, so treatment can not be interrupted even while walking. And the essential oils included in the composition usually not only help fight a runny nose, but also create a protective cloud of vapor around the child, through which it is very difficult for viruses and bacteria to penetrate. In addition, it is very difficult to drop or spray into the nose of a dodging child, but sticking a pleasant-smelling patch on clothes is easy.


– any parent is concerned about the health of their child, including the side effects of medications. For example, when using vasoconstrictor drugs, addiction occurs to them; some drops dry out the mucous membrane. In this regard, essential oils are one of the safest ways to treat rhinitis: they do not damage the mucous membrane and do not cause addiction.


– the child will feel the effect of using the patch quite quickly, despite the fact that complete healing will take some time. For example, as studies have shown, when using the Breathe® patch, in 90% of cases, breathing relief occurs within the first hours of use. This is most likely due to the fact that the composition includes levomenthol, which quickly relieves nasal congestion, and essential oils help to influence the disease at different levels: killing viruses and bacteria, reducing inflammation of the mucous membrane and increasing immunity.

The difference between patches and other means of treating a runny nose

Despite the fact that essential oils do not act instantly, they are much safer.
Since they are natural, there are far fewer contraindications for their use. The harm and even danger of using vasoconstrictors (usually drops or sprays for the common cold) for children has now been proven. The child may become addicted, the medications may damage the mucous membrane, and there is a risk of overdose. In addition, vasoconstrictor drugs do not eliminate the causes of the disease. The patches are free from all these disadvantages. And, by the way, they can be used together with vasoconstrictors. The Dyshi® patch mentioned earlier reduces the need for vasoconstrictor drops by 2 times.

Hormonal drugs are not addictive, do not damage the mucous membrane, but still have a large number of side effects, and they are not allowed for small children. And patches, as a rule, can be used by children from 2 years old.

Antibiotics only treat runny noses caused by bacteria. If the nature of the runny nose is viral, antibacterial drugs will not help. Essential oils are effective against both bacteria and viruses.

Seawater-based rinses, despite the procedure not being very pleasant for children, are quite effective in getting rid of mucus, have virtually no contraindications, and can be used for a long time. The main thing is to wash it correctly so that a runny nose does not turn into otitis media. The short-term effect of free breathing after washing can be increased by combining them with the use of a patch.

Instructions for the Nozzle patch for children

As for the use of this remedy against cold symptoms, firstly, it should be noted that the official instructions allow its use only in children over 2 years old, and also prohibits it in patients with asthma and whooping cough. A classic contraindication is intolerance to camphor and eucalyptus oils. Secondly, there are many precautions for Sopelka that you need to know about:

  • Do not apply the patch to the child’s skin to avoid causing a burn.
  • Each patch is designed for one-time use.
  • It is prohibited to place the “Nozzle” on synthetic fabrics.
  • Do not allow the oil-impregnated surface to come into contact with the mucous membrane and cornea.

Hemorrhoids kill the patient in 79% of cases.
The classic scheme of use is to attach the “Nozzle” to the baby’s chest (to clothes!), or to the crib. Please note that the surface should not be wet. The duration of therapy is 8 hours, after which the patch can be changed. It is advisable not to use more than 2 pieces per day.

  • Indications for the use of Sopelka in children are almost all ENT diseases: in addition to rhinitis, these are pharyngitis, tonsillitis, bronchitis.
  • Since the Sopelka patch is not officially approved for children under 1 year of age, they do not have instructions for its use. But some doctors who prescribe this method of treating a runny nose advise sticking to the manufacturer’s prescribed regimen, but just be more careful so that the baby doesn’t get to the patch and accidentally put it in his mouth.

Official medicine slightly disagrees with this instruction: essential oils are very concentrated products, and even for adults, prolonged inhalation of them can be dangerous. The child's body needs special care. Much more reasonable, according to doctors, is to use the same eucalyptus and camphor oils in evening inhalations for 3-4 minutes.

Translated into a ready-made patch, this means similar use for about 10 minutes, after which it must be removed from the baby’s reach so that an “overdose” does not occur. You can attach it in different parts of the room, but, again, in no case directly to the crib, and especially not to the child himself.

What types of plasters are there for a runny nose?

Rhinitis patches for children are presented on the domestic pharmaceutical market in several types:

  • “Breathe” (Russia);
  • "Sopelka" (Italy);
  • "Magikoplast" (China).

Patches vary in composition, price and number of patches in the package. The Sopelka patch was the first to appear in Russian pharmacies and is therefore quite widely known. However, experience with the use of the Sopelka patch has shown that it often causes allergies due to the camphor it contains. The “Breathe” patch, which contains levomenthol and five essential oils, does not have this drawback. In addition, it has undergone several clinical studies that have shown its effectiveness in facilitating breathing, improving the quality of night's sleep and speeding up recovery. The Magikoplast patch contains levomenthol and three essential oils. Unlike other patches, it must be stuck on the nose, which may not be pleasant for the child.

Sopelka patch: general characteristics

Aromatherapy with a patch is not the most understandable method of treatment for most consumers, but in reality it is very convenient, although not as effective as more “heavy” measures to combat a runny nose. The Sopelka patch, produced by the Italian pharmaceutical company, is a classic adhesive material consisting of 2 layers:

  • outer fabric with a silicone coating, providing it with strength;
  • inner layer impregnated with essential oils.

The manufacturer of the patch used camphor and eucalyptus, which are actively used in other preparations aimed at eliminating cold symptoms, and also have an antispasmodic effect, therefore used in the fight against headaches and nausea. How do they affect the body during a runny nose?

  • Eucalyptus is valued by doctors for 2 unique substances in its chemical composition - phellandrene and aromadendrene. When they come into contact with oxygen (which happens when the essential oil is applied to the fabric), due to a chemical reaction they acquire an active bactericidal property. Eucalyptus is used even in advanced stages of rhinitis and is considered the most effective remedy for any runny nose.
  • Camphor also has a bactericidal effect, and is also a good antiseptic; it is used in inhalation for colds. However, it has a lot of nuances: firstly, it excites the nervous system; secondly, it has a negative effect on the heart. In addition, it must be used in doses, because it is highly toxic.

According to doctors, the Sopelka patch is the same as any cloth made of natural material, onto which a few drops of eucalyptus and camphor oils have fallen, i.e. You can make such a remedy yourself if you can’t find it in the pharmacy. The only difference is ease of use, the principle of which is worth considering below.

How to use a runny nose patch

Using a runny nose patch for children, such as “Breathe” or “Nozzle”, is the simplest and safest.
You need to remove the protective film and simply stick the patch on the clothes, pillow or table where the child is studying. The fact is that oils evaporate from the surface of the patch at room temperature, so no special manipulations are needed anymore. The “Magikoplast” patch will have to be glued to the nose, which, of course, is less convenient and safe, and also limits its use: if the “Breathe” patch can be glued to clothes when sending a child to school or for a walk, then with a patch on the nose a child can hardly whether to agree to leave the house. Rhinitis patches, developed specifically for children, have opened up wide opportunities for safe, convenient and effective treatment of rhinitis. Having tried them at least once, the child will not want to return to traditional bitter nose drops. After all, during an illness you want maximum comfort, and what could be more comfortable than recovering while inhaling the pleasant aromas of essential oils?


Instructions for use

“Nozzle” is a patch that is glued to clothing and contains essential oils that evaporate during use.


1 sticker contains:

  • Eucalyptus oil - 187.5 mg,
  • Camphor - 62.5 mg.

The “Nozzle” effect is due to the evaporation of eucalyptus and camphor oil vapors.

Eucalyptus has an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect and has some sedative effect. Used for diseases of the upper respiratory tract: sore throat, tracheitis, laryngitis, bronchitis, as well as for neuroses, neurasthenia, insomnia.

Camphor is obtained from camphor laurel. Under the influence of camphor, a runny nose decreases and sputum separation improves.


The nozzle is used for children over two years of age and adults

Mode of application:

  1. Tear the Packaging
  2. Take out the Nozzle
  3. Remove the protective layer
  4. Stick the “Nozzle”

Stick on a dry surface. The most preferred place for sticking on clothing is the upper chest. Do not stick on synthetic clothing.

You can also stick the Nozzle on objects in your room, car or workplace. The used sticker can be easily removed without leaving any marks.

Applications can be repeated 1-2 times a day, as needed.

One sticker is valid for up to 8 hours!

Enjoy the healing aroma of eucalyptus and camphor!

Be healthy!


  • Age under 2 years
  • Allergy to eucalyptus oil, camphor and essential oils
  • Asthma


  • For external use only.
  • Do not stick the “Nozzle” to the skin.
  • Use one sticker once, do not reuse.
  • Avoid contact of the Nozzle with eyes, mucous membranes, damaged areas of the skin.

If the sticker is swallowed, seek immediate medical attention.

Stop using the Nozzle and consult your doctor if the cough does not stop within 7 days or appears again, fever, rash, or persistent headaches occur.

Keep the “Nozzle” out of the reach of children!

Release form: cardboard packaging with 4, 7, 10 or 15 stickers in individual packaging.

Shelf life: 3 years.

Storage conditions: store at room temperature, not higher than 30° C.

Manufacturer : Bouty SpA, 4 Via Vanaitelli, 20129, Milan, Italy Packer: Pharmaceutical S.A. st. Pelplinska 19, 83–200 Starogard Gdanski, Poland Exporter and organization accepting consumer claims: JSC Chemical and Pharmaceutical Plant AKRIKHIN 142450, Moscow region, Noginsk district, Staraya Kupavna, st. Kirova, 29 Tel.; fax (495) 702-95-03

Using the Sopelka patch in children under 1 year of age: reviews

The effectiveness of essential oil therapy is almost like the effect of homeopathy: a controversial thing. Reviews from both doctors and young parents make the consumer who is looking closely at this technique hesitate. In particular, both positive and negative comments can be found on the Sopelka patch.

  • Galina: I didn’t read the instructions and stuck the plaster on my eight-month-old daughter’s crib - she suffered too much with a runny nose in a week. Fortunately, nothing bad happened, but there was no improvement in the condition either - we did not notice any effect at all, although the smell from the patch was strong.
  • Olga: I used the Sopelka with caution, despite the pediatrician’s assurances that the patch was safe, and there was no need to think about age (which the instructions warn about). I stuck it literally for a couple of hours, a meter from the crib - both my son (10 months) and my husband were actively sneezing and coughing for the entire 2 hours. My husband asked me not to use it anymore. We decided that this remedy was not suitable for us: maybe an allergy, maybe just out of habit. They didn't experiment anymore.

It is important to clarify once again that essential oils in the treatment of a runny nose (especially eucalyptus) work very well, even in small children, but extreme caution must be used with them, because These are very allergenic products. Since the use of the Sopelka patch for children under 2 years of age is officially not encouraged, try not to resort to it to treat infants unless unnecessary.

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