Calamus marsh: application, medicinal properties and contraindications

Photo: UGC There are plants that have been successfully used in traditional medicine for thousands of years. One of them is marsh calamus. The magical properties of this wonderful herb were described by Hippocrates. Today it is successfully used in Ayurvedic, Chinese, and European medicine. What makes the plant so useful and effective, and why should it be used with caution? I will talk about this in the article.

Chemical components

Traditional healers claim that the roots of common and marsh calamus can help cure a number of diseases. Collection for these purposes is carried out in the autumn and spring periods. One of the characteristics of the plant is a large amount of essential oil in its composition, which gives it a number of useful and pleasant properties. Calamus oil is rich in:

  • asarone;
  • borneol;
  • calameol;
  • beta-pinene;
  • element;
  • akoron;
  • turmeric.

In addition, there are other substances that have a positive effect on the body. Although asarone is considered the root component, besides it you can find in the grass:

  1. Starch . Contains carbohydrates, which are a useful source of energy. There is a positive effect on digestive processes.
  2. Vitamin complex . The plant is rich in vitamins A, C, K, E and PP, as well as the entire group B. They are indispensable for various processes occurring in the body. Most of it supports vision, promotes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, urinary organs and the reproductive system as a whole.
  3. Kholin . Vitamin B4, necessary for organizing the correct functioning of the central nervous system. This herb is contained in sufficient quantities, which makes it possible to create a line of special sedatives based on calamus. It is widely used among traditional methods of treatment.
  4. Iodine . Without this chemical element, proper functioning of the thyroid gland is not possible. The inhabitants of the northern expanses of Russia are often susceptible to iodine deficiency, which is why traditional medicine advises collecting and using calamus as a means of replenishing this substance.
  5. Tannins . Certain components are present in every second plant and calamus is no exception. They have a positive effect in the treatment of diseases of the digestive system. In addition, these substances have wound healing and anti-inflammatory properties.
  6. Ascorbic acid . An abundance of vitamin C, which is involved in building the body's defenses. With a deficiency, the risk of catching a cold or the flu increases, and in more advanced cases, another serious pathology.
  7. Palmitic acid . It is one of the main components of palm oils. The component is widely used in the cosmetology field. It helps accelerate healing processes, relieves irritation, eliminates skin flaking and participates in restoring the structure of damaged hair.

Where does calamus grow (distribution and ecology)

Scientists suggest that the homeland of calamus is India and China, but already in ancient times, together with humans, the plant spread throughout Asia.

The modern growing area of ​​calamus is clearly divided into four zones:

  • Asian – India and Southeast Asia;
  • European – Europe and the European part of Russia;
  • Siberian - Ussuri region, southern Siberia and the Far East;
  • American - Brazil, southern Canada and the USA.

In Russia, the range of calamus is scattered. In the European part it grows mainly in the south, penetrating north to the southern part of the forest zone, and east to the Volga; further in the east it is found in Siberia from the Irtysh to the shores of the Pacific Ocean, reaching central Yakutia in the north.

In the Middle East, calamus came into trade approximately 4,000 years ago. From the East, in dried form, it reached Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome. In the Middle Ages, calamus root was transported through Turkey to Europe only in candied form as an oriental sweet, and the Turks carefully guarded the secret of the origin of this “incense cane.” However, in 1574, the Austrian ambassador to Turkey managed to send C. Clusius (director of the Vienna Botanical Garden) a parcel with fragrant calamus rhizomes suitable for planting. It turned out that for Eastern Europe this is not an exotic plant at all, but has long been known under the name “Tatar grass” or “Tatar potion”.

Since the 16th century, calamus began to be grown as a medicinal plant in Western Europe. The plant reached North America in 1783. Today the plant is cultivated in Western Europe, India, China, Myanmar, Indonesia, Brazil, Belarus and Ukraine; Mass harvesting is also carried out in Kazakhstan (in the Irtysh floodplain).

Nomads and traders associated the spread of calamus with the suitability of water for drinking, therefore, crossing water barriers, they scattered its rhizomes. The Tatars brought calamus to Russia in the 12th-13th centuries. They thought that calamus roots purified water bodies, and such water could be drunk without the risk of getting sick. To do this, the Tatar horsemen carried with them pieces of living rhizomes and scattered them into all bodies of water on their way.

Type and places of growth

This species is not an annual species. Approximately six varieties have been identified, but only two are recognized in official sources. There you can also find the names ordinary and cereal. It grows on the banks of fresh water, but is also found near swamps and small streams . It was the habitat that gave the grass its characteristic name.

Calamus is fruitful. Its fruit can be red or green. Botanists put forward the version that the grass came to Europe not without the help of importation. History knows the facts of the use of roots by Mongol-Tatar soldiers - they placed them in a pond. It was believed that calamus would help make the liquid safer by purifying it and preparing it for ingestion. For this reason, another popular name “Tatar potion” was established.

The marsh calamus has the ability to take root, which gave it the opportunity to spread to all corners of Europe. The grass looks like a small shrub, with a height not exceeding 1.6 meters. More often, the height of the bush is about 1.2 meters.

The leaves are bright green in color, can grow up to a meter in length and three centimeters in width, and are xiphoid in shape. The growth is fan-like, on top of the root. The spicy marshy smell is a striking difference between calamus and other related plants. The European population of the Russian Federation calls it marsh cinquefoil, due to its appearance.

The root can grow up to one and a half meters . Its surface has a dark crust that hides the light pinkish flesh. Its taste is bitter, but it is quite edible. The smell of the root can be compared to a mixture of tangerine and cinnamon.

The stem shape is straight. It is equipped with clearly defined sharp edges resembling a blade. The flowers are highlighted in yellow and are contained in a quantity of at least eight per inflorescence. They grow from the central point of the leaf.


After the entire trunk has grown into leaves, the plates begin to grow together. The flowers of the houseplant calamus are yellow in color. After the flowering period, fruits appear. Animals begin to spread them throughout all areas. In some places the plant has lost its ability to bear fruit.

An amazing aquatic plant growing along the banks of reservoirs is found throughout the country. Loved by the peoples of the world for its extraordinary qualities. The marsh calamus has received many name variations.

Indian reed, calamus, sweet calamus, acorn root, Tatar potion - these are not all the names of calamus. It is generally accepted that it appeared in Rus' during the arrival of the Tatar-Mongols, who used the ability of calamus to purify water. To do this, the roots of the plant threw water.

Collection and storage

Harvesting marsh calamus should begin in early autumn or spring . You can collect the plant using a regular rake, since it is too difficult to try to do it with your bare hands. The rhizome is separated from the flowering part and stem and washed. The resulting components need to be laid out in the open air for a couple of days to dry completely.

After complete drying, the root must be divided into parts, each of which is no more than twenty centimeters in length. In a situation where the roots are of considerable thickness, they need to be split. This allows you to make the preparation and drying process much faster, as well as increase storage time.

The prepared part of the roots is placed in a container with an iron top and left to mature at thirty-five degrees. It is extremely important not to exceed this value. Otherwise, the process of evaporation of essential oils will begin. At the end, the product will be practically useless.

In the process, try to break the rhizome . If this does not require much effort, then the product is ready for further processing. It can be placed in a glass container or a fabric bag. Storage is carried out in dark, dry and cool places. The average time when calamus does not lose its properties during storage is one year.

The finished raw material is light in weight and yellowish-brown in color, while the pulp acquires a white or pink tint.

Reproduction of calamus

To propagate calamus, one type is used - dividing the rhizome. The roots are extracted from the water. To avoid damaging them, you can use a pitchfork. They are divided into several parts. Each part must have a point for new roots to appear.

  1. They are planted in the soil so that almost all the roots are above the ground. That is, the plant is planted horizontally. Indoor plants are planted in a peat substrate.
  2. If the soil is too cold, the rhizome may begin to rot. Among the harmful insects, the plant can be affected by spider mites.
  3. They fight it by spraying with special insect repellents.

Growing calamus in a summer cottage

Growing the calamus plant is possible in a summer cottage. The culture is unpretentious and grows wonderfully in man-made reservoirs and even in garden beds.

The species belongs to coastal aquatic plants. Accordingly, it loves waterlogged soils. Standing waters with neutral acidity are suitable for it. The soil is preferably silty, sandy, peaty. If the plant is planted in beds, then monitor the soil moisture.

Calamus propagation by root division

Calamus is easy to propagate. In early spring or mid-summer, take parts of the root with one or two buds from a natural reservoir where calamus grows.

Prepare the landing site in advance. It is better to choose a soil with a medium mechanical composition. Add organic matter to the soil. Plant parts of the root, maintaining a distance of 15 cm. Between rows, a distance of up to 50 cm.

The planting process itself is similar to planting irises. The leaves are also shortened, leaving a third of the leaf.

At first you need to water frequently. After rooting, calamus grows without watering even during dry periods. These periods sometimes reach three weeks. The plant will not die, but calamus will not grow much.

The healing effect of calamus roots

The composition of the plant allows it to be used for treatment purposes. Among the beneficial properties of calamus are :

  1. Vasodilation, which restores blood pressure.
  2. Elimination of acute pain - the plant is also an excellent pain reliever.
  3. Relieves spasms, which become the starting point for pain. The active substance eliminates spasms in muscles and all internal organs, which helps alleviate the patient’s condition.
  4. Antibactericidal action. A number of special substances in the herb have an antimicrobial effect, destroying the pathogenic microorganism and slowing down its logistics throughout the body.
  5. Restores the proper functioning of nerve centers. With this property, this type of herb can be used in the treatment of neurological disorders, including depressive conditions.
  6. Stops bleeding. A remedy based on marsh calamus can be used to stop internal and external bleeding, which is extremely dangerous to human health - they can lead to anemia, low blood volume, which will certainly worsen the condition.

In addition to all of the above, the plant has astringent properties. In general, it can be used to increase tone. These are also used by chefs who add herbs to various dishes.

For women

Traditional healers recommend using calamus to make products to combat fibroids.

The plant is beneficial for women's health due to the fact that it has a high restorative effect on hormonal levels. The course of therapy allows you to see a favorable state of the body, a decrease in the intensity of the symptom or its complete disappearance. But you need to start treatment immediately, at an early stage of the disease.

For men

The roots of the marsh plant are also beneficial for men. In addition to its therapeutic effect, we note that calamus is an aphrodisiac.

Medicinal assemblies based on this herb have a general positive effect in the treatment of the reproductive system. The root can not only increase potency, but also help improve overall tone, reducing the risk of developing diseases such as prostate adenoma. Calamus improves the quality of semen, which increases the efficiency of reproductive functions. Suitable for the treatment of infertility.

Medicine and marsh grass

Traditional healers have identified a number of diseases that the plant copes with:

  1. Gastrointestinal diseases . Calamus will restore lost appetite, help with stomach upsets, intestinal colic, diarrhea and flatulence, as well as many other diseases. Successfully eliminates spasms and relieves pain. It has an enveloping effect that reliably protects the gastrointestinal tract from a number of factors. Also, medicines based on it have the properties of reducing acidity.
  2. ARVI and influenza . In this case, it is used to make decoctions and tinctures to fight colds - calamus perfectly removes phlegm from the bronchi. In addition, the drugs can be taken for preventive purposes.
  3. Cardiovascular pathologies . It is used when a painful sensation occurs in the chest area, dilated vascular walls. Increases tone.
  4. Diseases of the central nervous system . A number of active substances in the herb will help overcome stress and depression. The medicine is a mild sedative.
  5. Headache . Calamus helps in eliminating recurring headaches, especially those caused by high blood pressure.
  6. Poisoning , including hallucinogenic substances. This plant easily copes with intoxication by hallucinogenic substances in the shortest possible time, neutralizing their effect.
  7. Male pattern baldness . Trouble for men over thirty-five. Regular use of the decoction allows you to preserve your hair.
  8. Male infertility . Improving the composition of semen and the overall effect can cure and prevent prostate adenoma.
  9. Tuberculosis . Plants are recommended when determining the disease, as it can help neutralize the action of pathogenic microflora. It also helps speed up recovery.
  10. Rheumatism . The roots of this plant eliminate the entire list of unpleasant sensations inherent in this pathology.
  11. Liver diseases . Various calamus-based remedies can reduce the negative effects on the liver.

In addition to those indicated in the list, there is an additional range of applications: for painful menstruation, to improve secretory function and to relieve heartburn.

During menopause

Calamus infusions help stop the onset of menopause. After completing a course of therapy, a woman will feel a significant improvement in her overall health. The hot flash disappears, the central nervous system returns to normal, attacks of irritability stop, depression recedes and overall mood improves.

For potency

This property is due to the components included in the composition, which also help improve sperm quality. As a result, reproductive capacity is significantly increased.

For teeth

Calamus roots are useful in treating gum inflammation and tooth pain. It stops bleeding and relieves pain. It is recommended to use for the prevention of oral diseases. A decoction is used to rinse the mouth every day, ideally after every meal. Pleasant properties include improving bad breath and relieving inflammation.

For gastritis

The ordinary and marsh varieties are recognized by folk medicine as the most effective means of preventing and treating gastrointestinal diseases. Reduces the risk of ulcers. Thanks to the high enveloping effect, a similar property is achieved.

The active substance will protect the intestinal mucosa, not only preventing the action of a negative factor, but also stopping the inflammatory process entirely. However, such treatment requires consultation with a gastroenterologist.

Fighting nail fungus

The tincture of the plant's root has a strong antimicrobial effect, which makes it possible to use it in the treatment of nail fungus. It is applied to the nail plate and surrounding area.

Treatment will take a couple of weeks, a month at most. However, after the course, the nails will look healthier and the symptoms will disappear.

For vision

Traditional medicine has a rich collection of recipes that help improve and maintain vision and the functioning of the visual organs, in general. They are prepared based on the symbiosis of calamus and calendula.

The healing properties of the plant make it possible to restore eye pressure, normalize blood circulation in the eyes, and relieve fatigue. It also helps strengthen the retina and normalizes tear fluid.

When smoking

Traditional methods of getting rid of tobacco addiction note the effectiveness of this root. The recipe is simple - you need to chew pieces of dried roots. This reduces cravings. And when used together with mint, you can achieve double the effect.

For pancreatitis

When such a diagnosis is made, you can immediately proceed to the use of calamus in powder form. The product helps improve bile synthesis and its permeability. In addition, there is a restoration of acidity levels.

The powdered root is taken orally - a small volume, literally at the end of a spoon, is kept in the mouth, and then washed down with a mug of water.

For sore throat

A fresh decoction or tincture based on the root helps get rid of the disease. It destroys pathogenic microorganisms, relieves pain and eliminates inflammatory processes.

Healing compositions with calamus

Calamus, like calamus, is used as a base for many medicinal products.


To prepare the infusion you need twenty grams of dried roots, which are crushed in a blender before cooking. The resulting mass is poured into a glass of boiled water. The container is covered with a lid and heated for no more than fifteen minutes in a water bath.

After which, the resulting cake and liquid are left for sixty minutes to infuse, and then brought to the initial volumes using the same boiled water. Fifty milliliters per day is consumed.

Use in the detection and prevention of stomach diseases, colds, intestinal and toothache.


This type is used for neurosis, excessive growth of the endometrium, migraine, and menstrual irregularities. Its preparation requires three teaspoons of dried roots and a glass of water. Place the container on the stove and boil for fifteen minutes. Take a third of a glass before meals.

Candied fruit

Calamus roots are used to prepare not only medicinal, but also very tasty products. Not only children, but also adults will definitely like them. Before preparing candied fruits, the syrup must be boiled. The roots are cut into small pieces and dipped into the finished syrup. Cook for five minutes.

After which, the pan is removed from the heat and left for exactly half a day. After 12 hours, you need to boil the pan again and leave for five minutes. The dried pieces are eaten.

Powder look

Suitable for treating wounds or ulcers, as well as runny nose. Dried root segments are ground into powder using a blender or coffee grinder. An excellent remedy for allergies. Together with honey, the effect against sore throat is enhanced.


It is especially worth noting the pain-relieving properties of calamus root for teeth. The bactericidal substances contained in its composition reduce toothache. It is necessary to rinse the mouth with infusion several times a day. You can make a more effective composition by adding propolis. This mixture will repair microcracks in tooth enamel and reduce pain.

To prepare a mixture of calamus root and propolis for dental treatment, you need to prepare two tinctures separately:

  • with root;
  • with propolis.


The root is used in home cosmetic kits to prepare hair care products. They relieve a wide range of problems, for example, peeling skin and hair loss. Each prepared infusion or decoction gives the curl shine, restores the thickness of the strand and a pleasant overall appearance.

There are a number of standard recipes:

  1. Decoctions for strengthening hair . It is prepared as follows: prepare four tablespoons of root powder and a liter of boiled water. All this is sent into a container, which is covered with a lid. The decoction is infused for two to three hours. The products can be used in two ways: rinsing the head and rubbing into the skin. You can dilute the recipe with crushed hop cones in the amount of one tablespoon and burdock. The latter is also dried and crushed. The resulting product is extremely popular for combating baldness.
  2. Mouthwash . The ingredients are selected in any proportions. Swamp calamus, dried or crushed, is poured with boiling water. After which, the product settles for about two hours and strains through a sieve. Apply after every hair wash.
  3. Anti-hair loss mask . A separate container is filled with two and a half hundred grams of crushed roots, half a liter of table vinegar and sent to cook on the stove over low heat. Time - fifteen minutes. Immediately after boiling, add three tablespoons of clean water and mix the resulting mixture. The mask is applied to the hair over the entire length. But wait until it cools down before applying.
  4. Facial rinses . The products will help get rid of excess fat and restore the natural color. To prepare, you need to take two tablespoons of ground roots. They are filled with a liter of boiling water, after which the container must be closed with a tight lid and put in a dark place for three hours. The resulting decoction is applied to the face; this can be done in the morning and before bed. The shelf life of the product is no more than two days in the refrigerator.

Use in cooking

Ordinary calamus can be used not only as a remedy for most pathologies or caring for the beauty of skin and hair. It is widespread in the culinary world. Calamus is used to prepare specific dishes. It itself serves as a seasoning, which has long been a tradition when preserving fish. Moreover, calamus is also found in alcoholic drinks.

The leaves are suitable for making jam - they will give it an indescribable aroma. It is a kind of replacement for pepper, cinnamon and nutmeg.

Oils obtained from plant roots are used in the production of alcohol. It is because of this that Western Europe has been growing this plant on an industrial scale for a long time.

In addition, calamus is found in:

  1. Salatah . Only young inner foliage is used. It is cut into strips and placed on a plate. Sour cream, chopped onions and salt are also added there. All this is filled with syrup. The result is not only a tasty, but also healthy salad.
  2. Candied fruits . Great substitute for dessert. First, you need to prepare the syrup. Pre-crushed root segments are also dropped there. It is important that each piece does not exceed four, maximum five centimeters in length. The root is dipped in boiling syrup for ten minutes, after which it is removed and dried. For storage, candied fruits are placed in a glass container and placed in a dry place.
  3. Pancakes . A traditional dish is prepared from plant powder. It is added to the pre-prepared dough and kneaded with it. Pancakes, as in any other case, are baked in vegetable oils.
  4. Kvass . To begin with, prepare the most ordinary kvass, then a decoction of calamus root. To prepare the latter, four tablespoons of root powder are poured with boiling water and simmered over low heat. Boiling is carried out for fifteen minutes. The resulting mixture is added to kvass in accordance with the proportion: one glass of broth per three liters of kvass.

Using calamus in cooking fills dishes with a special smell and taste. But, at the same time, a number of medicinal properties remain with it, helping to reduce the possibility of a cold. The result is a double advantage.

Growing a plant

The soil for planting calamus should be constantly moist and rich in nutrients, especially humus. The ideal place for planting would be a swampy area near water. They dig up the ground, remove all weeds and unnecessary roots, and add peat to it.

Conditions for landing

The plant is planted only in spring. The swamp type of crop can be planted in water. But the planting depth should not exceed twenty centimeters. You can plant calamus at the bottom of reservoirs only in a pot or in a box.

The plant is not capricious in terms of care. It can be planted both in a bright place and in the shade. It is better to prevent direct rays of the sun from reaching the leaves of the crop. It is resistant to drafts and sudden changes in temperature.

Weeding and watering

Caring for calamus is simple; it is enough to periodically weed the soil. It is important not to damage or touch the rhizome.

The culture loves moisture and liquid. If you don't water it on a hot day, it can survive it. Watering is carried out privately and in large quantities.

Frost resistance

Frost resistance does not exist in all types of calamus. The cereal type and the marsh type can tolerate frosts without damage or disease. Flower growers beware. Therefore, in the middle zone of the Earth it is not customary to leave such plants in open ground.

Calamus is hidden for the winter in greenhouses or cellars. Small varieties love warmth and do not tolerate cold weather.


Fertilizers are not applied to the soil for calamus. But the circumcision procedure is carried out. This must be done to prevent the culture from growing. In autumn, dried leaves are not removed from the bush. The plant is replanted only at the moment when the need arises.

Collection of raw materials

To prepare medicinal preparations, the roots and leaves of calamus are collected.

In natural conditions, the roots of calamus are collected in summer and autumn. It is preferable to collect leaves in July.

Stages of collecting raw materials

  1. Harvesting is done when the groundwater level drops. They dig with a pitchfork or take it out with a rake.
  2. Recovery in plants occurs slowly. In order not to harm natural growth, take 30% of the roots and leaves from each thicket.
  3. After collection, the roots are cleaned of silt and dry shoots.
  4. Cut into pieces up to 30 cm long.
  5. If the rhizome of the plant is thick, then it is broken lengthwise.
  6. Remove the crust - the cork layer. Thus, purified and unrefined raw materials are obtained.
  7. The unpeeled root retains its aroma longer.
  8. Next, the processed raw materials are dried in the fresh air for several days.
  9. The next stage is drying the raw materials. To do this, lay it out in a dry, warm room that is well ventilated.
  10. The prepared raw materials can be stored for up to three years.

If a special dryer is used when drying calamus, the temperature is set to +35 degrees.

Otherwise, the raw materials will lose their medicinal properties and the essential oils will leave them. Dry the roots and leaves until brittle. The break should be white and pink.

Contraindications for use

Plants, despite a number of their qualities, cannot be used as medicine in all cases due to the fact that they have contraindications:

  1. Pregnancy. The abundance of active substances can negatively affect the development of the child.
  2. Bleeding from the nose. This can be explained by the fact that medications based on calamus roots have a vasodilating effect, which in turn increases bleeding.
  3. Intestinal and stomach ulcers in acute forms.
  4. Increased acidity.
  5. Inflammation of the kidneys during the acute course of the disease.
  6. Individual intolerance by the body to a number of substances in the herb.
  7. Allergy to calamus. Expressed by the following symptoms: itching, rash, runny nose. It can lead to the formation of Quincke's edema, which can lead to anaphylactic shock. This condition is dangerous to human health.

In addition, ordinary calamus cannot be used for low blood pressure, as it lowers blood pressure.

Doctors also insist on avoiding the use of leaves and medicines based on them while breastfeeding. This is due to the possibility of allergies in the child.

From the above it can be understood that marsh calamus is one of the list of the most popular folk medicines. Various preparations based on it save from a large number of painful and unpleasant symptoms, and carry out the prevention and treatment of various pathologies.

Indications for use

What can remedies made from calamus root help to cure? The list of diseases is very wide:

  1. Joint diseases.
  2. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (stomach ulcer, cholecystitis, gastritis, diarrhea).
  3. Diseases of the upper respiratory tract (sore throat, pneumonia, laryngitis, bronchitis, pharyngitis).
  4. Circulatory system disorders (varicose veins, hypertension, thrombosis, thrombophlebitis).
  5. Skin diseases (pustules, ulcers, cracks, fungal skin diseases).
  6. Nervous system disorders (depression, neurosis, mental disorders).
  7. Diseases of the genitourinary system (menstrual irregularities, inflammatory processes, prostatitis, urolithiasis).
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