Ginkgo biloba: medicinal properties, use and contraindications

The leaves of Ginkgo biloba have gained a reputation as a unique remedy for stimulating brain activity. Numerous studies have shown that the plant increases the viability of nerve cells, improves microcirculation, memory, and stimulates cognitive processes. It is thanks to these properties that manufacturers began to make dietary supplements (BAS), drinks, and vitamin complexes based on it. But from the leaves of Ginkgo biloba you can also prepare tinctures, decoctions, teas, etc. at home. Let’s take a closer look at the instructions for using parts of this tree.

Ginkgo biloba. Tree that gives youth. Historical reference

Ginkgo biloba is a relict plant that has an ancient history and exhibits incredible medicinal properties. This tree is considered to be the same age as dinosaurs. It has survived to the present day from the Mesozoic period, the era of which ended 250 million years ago. By the end of the Mesozoic era, flora began to actively develop, and gymnosperms, which include ginkgo, became quite widespread. In the leaves of Ginkgo biloba, fragments of DNA from ancestors - ancient seed ferns and algae - are identified. At that time, plants of the Ginkgo class were widespread throughout the Earth, presumably growing even in the wooded areas of modern Siberia. Unfortunately, during the Ice Age they all died, with the exception of Ginkgo biloba - Ginkgo biloba.

This living fossil, as Charles Darwin called ginkgo biloba, is mentioned in ancient manuscripts from mountainous China of the 6th-8th centuries. And in the 16th century, the tree was mentioned from the point of view of its healing properties and effects on the body in the medical monograph “Great Herbs” by the famous physician and pharmacologist Li Shi-Zhen. In those eras and to the present day, this relic of the Mesozoic was considered a precious tree. Moreover, in the territory of modern growth - in China and Japan, long-lived trees have been preserved, some of them are four centuries old. Such trees are located mainly at the foot of Buddhist temples, monasteries and tombs. They are revered and worshiped, especially during leaf fall. This sacred tree is a symbol of meditation, wisdom, love and resilience.


For Europeans, this unique type of tree was discovered at the end of the 17th century (in 1690) by Engelbert Kaempfer.

The German traveler, scientist, botanist and doctor by profession spent about two years of his life in Japan. Writing in 1712, he described the tree as a "silver apricot", giving it the Latin name Ginkgo Biloba. The tree's silvery-yellow seeds and amber-colored rounded fruits prompted it to give the tree a similar name.

Thanks to this scientist, ginkgo biloba (biloba) began to be cultivated in other countries. To study the properties of the plant, he brought its seeds to Europe. There, Ginkgo biloba was planted in the Botanical Garden of Milan, where scientists conducted the very first studies.

Then, more than half a century later, the tree became an inhabitant of America's squares and parklands. Subsequently, the plant spread to Germany, where its beauty did not leave Johann Wolfgang von Goethe indifferent, who in 1815 wrote the poem “Ginkgo biloba”, dedicating it to his beloved Marianne. He attached dry leaves of a tree to the letter, which in their shape resemble a heart.

Expert opinion

The plant is often called the “tree of youth” because, according to scientific research, the antioxidant components included in its composition inhibit the process of physiological aging of the body and have a complex effect on the blood circulation, cardiovascular system, brain, peripheral organs, liver, etc.

Vascular surgeon, phlebologist

Osipova Ekaterina Yakovlevna

How does ginkgo biloba (biloba) work and what does it treat? What beneficial properties does it have, and does it have any contraindications? More on this later.

What kind of tree is this and what is it for?

Europeans first became acquainted with the tree in 1730. And only half a century later the seeds sprouted on the American continent. Ginkgo, the most relict tree among all gymnosperms, has remained unchanged on Earth since the era of dinosaurs. Fossil leaves were found over a vast area, among the bones of ancient animals, indicating the spread of ginkgo throughout the hemisphere. Archaeologists have discovered layers of ginkgo leaves throughout the Jurassic period. Uncultivated trees remain today only in Eastern China.

Ginkgo biloba is now grown in many countries: in Japan, Korea, North Korea, North America, in the subtropics of Europe, on the Black Sea coast of Crimea. In Southeast Asia, the fruits have been used for nutrition for many centuries, and the leaves have been used to strengthen the spirit and health. A documented fact has drawn attention to ginkgo all over the world: after the explosion of the atomic bomb in Hiroshima, everything within 1.5 km was destroyed, only 6 ginkgo trees survived. They were charred, but the following spring green branches sprouted from them. The great life force of this tree conquered death.

In this article we will talk in detail about the benefits of this miracle plant and the advisability of its use, let's figure it out.

Ginkgo biloba: botanical description

Ginkgo biloba or ginkgo biloba (from Latin Ginkgo Biloba) is a gymnosperm plant, the only representative of a relict species. This is a deciduous tree. Its crown is leaf-like needles in the shape of a fan on a long thin petiole. The needles are pyramid-shaped at the beginning, and become spreading over time. The tree reaches a height of 35-40 meters. Rare specimens - 50 meters. The trunk diameter can reach 4-4.5 meters, the wood is soft and light. The plant has a well-developed root system that can withstand any bad weather, including wind and snowfall. Even the nuclear explosion over Hiroshima in August 1945 did not destroy the trees. Being located at a distance of just over a kilometer from the epicenter of the explosion, the trees survived. And their foliage turned green again after a very short amount of time.

The Ginkgo biloba plant is dioecious. Ovules develop on female trees, and pollen grains develop on male trees. The flower, like other gymnosperms, is absent, and the seeds, not covered with pulp, resemble fruits or berries. In appearance and size, the seeds resemble an apricot with a three-layer peel. The middle layer is distinguished by its thickness - it is 0.5 cm. The last layer of the Ginkgo biloba seed (biloba), on the contrary, is incredibly thin, parchment-like. Where does this tree grow? It grows exclusively in China, but, nevertheless, is cultivated in a number of countries with a temperate climate. It can be found in North America, East Asia and in certain European countries, where it is grown for the needs of the pharmaceutical market. You can also find the plant in most botanical gardens, including in Russia. For example, at the Moscow Agricultural Academy. K.A. Timiryazev.

Chemical composition of ginkgo biloba

Popular varieties of relict tree Ginkgo biloba

In landscape design, the following Ginkgo Biloba varieties are in demand:

Ginkgo biloba horizontalis

The height depends on the level at which the top was pinned.

Ginkgo biloba horizontalis forms an umbrella-shaped crown

This is a powerful tree, the branches of which are located horizontally; with age, the branches droop.

Ginkgo biloba Mariken

The low tree belongs to the dwarf varieties. The crown is easily formed into a round or flat ball.

Dwarf tree of Ginko biloba - Mariken.

In an adult crop, the trunk reaches 1 m in diameter.

Ginkgo biloba Pendula

Thanks to the weeping branches, an elongated dome-like shape is formed. This variety initially produces horizontally spreading branches, which later fall heavily.

The Pendula variety has a “weeping” tree shape

The height depends on the grafting site, usually from 2 to 2.5 m. It grows slowly, so it is suitable for use in small gardens. The fan-shaped leaves are collected in bunches of 3–5 together and have a notched top. Pendula is often confused with the cultivar Horizontalis, which has more horizontal branches, especially later in life.

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Ginkgo biloba (biloba) and its chemical composition

The unique chemical composition of the leaf-like needles of Ginkgo biloba represents an extensive table of more than 100 active substances. Of particular note is that some biological substances, such as the triterpene lactones ginkgolide and bilobalide, are found exclusively in this single plant species. They are contained in 6-12% of the total composition of active substances. More than 1/4 of the composition of ginkgo biloba is occupied by the content of substances such as bioflavonoids - quercetin (Quercetinum), isorhamnetin, kaempferol and flavonoid glycosides - ginkgetin, bilobetin, myricetin. In addition to the above components, the Ginkgo biloba formula contains condensed tannins, organic and ginkgoic acids, polyprenols, nitrogenous bases, amino acids, waxes, catechins, steroids, cardanols and sugars. There are also a large number of trace elements such as magnesium (Mg), iron (Fe), potassium (K), calcium (Ca), phosphorus (P). As well as minerals: selenium (Se), manganese (Mg), copper (Cu), titanium (Ti). A valuable enzyme, superoxide dismutase, is also isolated from the leaves, which protects the body from free radicals.

Ginkgo biloba and its extract: medicinal properties. Indications and contraindications

Endowed with such an incredible composition of components, ginkgo biloba combines a huge range of beneficial properties. They have a positive effect in the treatment of many painful conditions.

Leaves and seeds are to be collected. The wood and root of Ginkgo biloba have no practical use for medicinal purposes. It is extremely important to properly prepare raw materials in order to appreciate its effectiveness later. The collection of ginkgo biloba herb - leaves - occurs during the growing season, which depends on latitude and climate. To preserve all the beneficial properties, green leaves are chosen for harvesting without compromising the integrity. Dry them in the shade outdoors or in a well-ventilated area.


Seeds are harvested after they fall to the ground; this happens mainly during the first frost.

After collection, preparations for drying occur - the seed is removed from the pulp and washed under running water. Drying occurs unfolded at room temperature and in a well-ventilated area.

The collected and dried raw materials must be stored in glass jars with a tightly closed lid. Containers with raw materials must be stored away from humidity and light. The maximum storage period is no more than 2 years.

Ginkgo biloba extract is isolated from dried plant materials, namely green leaves. This is an extract of beneficial substances from ginkgo biloba. There are liquid and dry extracts. Extract is the most expensive form of release, because To produce 0.5 kg of useful raw materials, about 30 kg of leaves are needed.

So what properties do the leaves, or more precisely the leaf extract, of Ginkgo biloba have? What are their benefits? And are there any contraindications?

Ginkgo biloba extract has the following properties:

  • slows down the aging process of the skin and body (antioxidant effect);
  • has immunomodulatory and antiviral effects;
  • relieves inflammation;
  • Ginkgo biloba is an anticoagulant (reduces the activity of the blood coagulation system, reducing blood viscosity);
  • has an antiplatelet effect (antithrombotic effect is achieved by stabilizing the membranes of erythrocytes and platelets);
  • expands the lumen of blood vessels, strengthens vascular walls and the tone of venous vessels;
  • reduces the permeability of the vascular wall, providing an anti-edematous effect;
  • exhibits an antihistamine effect;
  • has a diuretic effect;
  • by regulating carbohydrate metabolism, it protects the pancreas and increases insulin production;
  • stimulates cellular metabolism (useful for improving cerebral circulation);
  • normalizes cholesterol levels;
  • reduces the incidence and severity of depressive conditions;
  • normalizes uric acid levels in the body;
  • improves the transmission of nerve signals;
  • ginkgo biloba normalizes blood pressure;
  • serves as an additional source of energy for the human body;
  • gives a neuroprotective effect (protects brain cells from damage);
  • exhibits antitoxic effect;
  • oncoprotective effect (reduces the risk of skin tumors);
  • improves memory, maintains mental clarity, increases learning ability;
  • Ginkgo biloba resolves cysts and nodes.

Preparations and medicines containing ginkgo biloba have very broad indications for use. So, consuming ginkgo biloba will have a positive effect for:

  • atherosclerosis (Atherosclerosis);
  • varicose veins, including in the treatment of hemorrhoids (Haemorrois) (to thin the blood);
  • for athletes in weight loss programs;
  • migraines and dizziness;
  • cerebrovascular disorders of various origins;
  • Alzheimer's disease;
  • diabetes mellitus (Diabetes mellītus);
  • erectile dysfunction;
  • andropause and menopause;
  • in the treatment of kidney diseases, including chronic renal failure;
  • in the prevention and treatment of viral infections;
  • in the treatment of encephalopathy of various origins;
  • clouding of the lens (cataract);
  • disturbances of macro- and microcirculation of blood in the auricle, combats noise in the ears and head;
  • symptoms of depression and insomnia;
  • in the treatment of alcohol and tobacco addiction;
  • dementia syndrome (Dementia);
  • asthma;
  • correction of age-related skin changes, subcortical structures of the brain, etc.

The fact that ginkgo biloba will benefit the body in curing a number of painful conditions is already clear, but can it cause harm?

Expert opinion

First of all, ginkgo biloba can have side effects. Their presence causes too much active substances in the plant composition. Therefore, in rare cases, phenomena such as headache, diarrhea, anxiety, rapid heartbeat, nausea or vomiting are still possible. The occurrence of certain undesirable effects depends on the characteristics of the body, on the duration of use, on what concomitant diseases the person has, and, accordingly, what medications he is still taking.

Vascular surgeon, phlebologist

Osipova Ekaterina Yakovlevna

There are also a number of people who should use ginkgo biloba – medicines based on it – with caution:

  • if you have diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • increased tendency to allergic reactions;
  • bleeding tendency;
  • children's age up to 12 years.

The use of ginkgo biloba is prohibited in case of individual intolerance, pregnancy and lactation.

Expert opinion

It is especially not recommended to take products with ginkgo biloba extract during the period of use of anticoagulants (blood thinners) and in preparation for surgery. This is due to the blood-thinning properties of this plant, which may cause the patient to bleed. It is also better to refrain from using products with ginkgo biloba in case of myocardial infarction and intracranial pressure disorders.

Vascular surgeon, phlebologist

Osipova Ekaterina Yakovlevna

The use of ginkgo biloba for varicose veins

Ginkgo biloba: use in traditional and folk medicine for varicose veins

Based on the above material, it becomes clear that ginkgo biloba has a fairly wide medical use due to its pharmacological action. Ginkgo biloba, which is part of any drug, has a positive effect on the body as a whole and on its systems individually.

The use of ginkgo biloba for varicose veins is considered one of the main methods in medical practice.


Ginkgo biloba thins the blood and affects blood pressure by acting as a vasodilator.

The value of ginkgo biloba for blood vessels is greatest. Therefore, it is used in quite a variety of release forms. This can be a tincture, liquid extract, balm, gel, ointment, cream based on ginkgo biloba, vitamin complexes containing ginkgo biloba extract. For varicose veins, all pharmacological forms are used, but the choice depends at least on its location.

For the treatment of varicose veins of the lower extremities, creams with ginkgo biloba are most often used. The consistency of this pharmaceutical form has advantages over ointments and gels. Creams are quickly absorbed and easily distributed over the skin, leaving no traces or greasy or sticky film. When using NORMAVEN® foot cream with ginkgo biloba for varicose veins and for its prevention, an integrated approach to solving the problem is provided. This product was developed by specialists from the pharmaceutical company VERTEX, has undergone clinical trials and has the entire package of necessary documentation and quality certificates. It contains carefully selected natural ingredients, due to which it acts in 4 directions at once:

  • has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • relieves pain;
  • tones veins;
  • intensively cares for the skin of the feet, eliminating dryness and flaking.

The use of "NORMAVEN®" foot cream with ginkgo biloba leaf extract provides daily foot care at home. It effectively fights swelling, improves microcirculation in the vascular bed, increases the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels and prevents capillary fragility. The advantage of this product is its clinically proven effectiveness and safety when used during pregnancy. The drug was tested for 4 months at the State Health Institution “City Clinic No. 49”, in the antenatal clinic No. 12, in 2007. Against the background of individual tolerance, the effectiveness of the cream, according to the testing results, was assessed by experts as high. Already after the first month of use, an improvement in the condition of the lower extremities is noted; the maximum effect of the cream can be assessed after three months of daily twice-daily use according to the instructions. You can find information about whether NORMAVEN® foot cream with Ginkgo biloba extract from the pharmaceutical company helps in the “Reviews” section. Anyone who has used this remedy to treat veins can leave their opinion there. You can buy this product at an affordable price in most pharmacy chains in the Russian Federation.

Expert opinion

Dry extract of Ginkgo biloba is included in various preparations for oral administration - these can be tablets or gelatin capsules. The release form, dosage regimen, and duration of treatment are determined by the attending physician. There are drugs, for example dietary supplements, combining grape leaf extract and ginkgo biloba. They create an effect that can be called “clean blood vessels,” because by interacting, they prevent blood clots and the deposition of cholesterol plaques.

Vascular surgeon, phlebologist

Osipova Ekaterina Yakovlevna

The Ginkgo biloba tree has gained incredible popularity and use in folk medicine. Most of the powder used is ginkgo biloba leaves. Traditional recipes are quite simple to prepare. Based on the powder, decoctions, infusions and rubbing are made. Depending on the existing health problem, powder, water, and additional ingredients (for example, honey) are used in certain proportions. The duration of the course is determined by the state of health.

You can also brew tea from dry leaves of Ginkgo biloba - a teaspoon of dry leaves per glass of boiling water. You should not overuse this tea. It is advisable to drink it occasionally to raise the overall tone of the body and improve blood circulation.

Ginkgo biloba seed kernels or nuts also have uses, and not only in folk medicine. The gameophyte ginkgo biloba is also used in cooking. It is edible, but has a specific bitter-sweet taste, a long aftertaste and a peculiar aroma. The kernels are used as a spice, which is added to dishes when stewing, as well as to soups and desserts.

Ginkgo biloba tincture is made from its leaves. It is usually prescribed for pathologies of the cardiovascular system, intermittent claudication syndrome, multiple sclerosis, and complements the main treatment for hearing loss, bronchial asthma, sexual dysfunction in men, toxic shock and migraine. Ginkgo biloba has an irreplaceable therapeutic effect, is a unique plant, does not have an impressive list of contraindications and side effects, so it has earned positive reviews from patients and doctors (neurologists, phlebologists, otolaryngologists, etc.). Ginkgo biloba tincture is indispensable for women who want to maintain youth - it is perfect for rejuvenating facial skin at home, it can be used as a lotion. The tincture can be either alcoholic or aqueous. Preparing a tincture of ginkgo biloba is not labor-intensive and you can make it yourself; for this you need to know how to brew the leaves.

Powder made from Ginkgo biloba leaves also has home uses. The raw materials prepared using the technology must be crushed as much as possible; a blender or coffee grinder is suitable for these purposes. The powder is completely ready for use; chew 1 tsp before eating. composition, swallow it and wash it down with a glass of cold water. It is taken in a course of 2 months with a two-week break, it is advisable to take it during or after meals.

The use of ginkgo biloba in cosmetology

What to look for before buying and where to buy?

Now there is a large selection of various supplements and preparations with ginkgo biloba in pharmacies, online stores and from individual sellers. The popularity of the product and its rarity in our country breeds those who want to make money without being responsible for their product. When buying tablets with leaf extract at the pharmacy, look at the quantitative composition of the main components. Sometimes the plant you are interested in comes first in the name, but in the composition in minimal quantities.

The Jet-Life company has been producing and selling various dietary supplements, medicinal herbal infusions and all kinds of products from nature’s pantry for many years. Delivery to all corners of Russia, call the toll-free number 8-800-2500-968 and the operator will be happy to answer all questions, you can also leave a request for a call at the very top of this page, we will call you back at a time convenient for you.

Ginkgo biloba leaf extract: application in cosmetology

Ginkgo biloba extract is used not only in medicine and homeopathy, but also in cosmetology. Any active substance from the plant has beneficial properties. In general, ginkgo biloba has a powerful antioxidant effect, making it indispensable in cosmetics. Cosmetics made from plant leaf extract protect the skin from UV rays, so ginkgo biloba is especially valuable when exposed to the sun. It smoothes out fine facial wrinkles, improves blood microcirculation, cleanses the skin, and restores damaged hair. The plant amazes not only with its uniqueness, but also with its breadth of application. So, it can even be used as a natural dye. List of cosmetic products in which ginkgo biloba is used:

  • masks, tonics and creams for tired and sagging facial skin;
  • anti-aging serums;
  • anti-rosacea agents;
  • anti-cellulite firming creams and wraps;
  • hair cosmetics - shampoos, conditioners, sprays, balms and masks;
  • creams and lotions with UV protection;
  • creams, gels and serums for the eye contour, etc.


Plants are propagated in two ways - seed and vegetative. In the first case, the seeds are sown in the nutritious soil of the nursery at the end of April, where the seedlings develop for 2 years. To increase the germination of ginkgo seeds, they are stratified for three months at a temperature of 5 °C. By the end of the first year, the seedlings grow only 20 cm. In the third year, they are transplanted to a permanent place.

Vegetative propagation allows the use of not only green, but also lignified cuttings, shoots from roots and stumps. They take root quite difficult, so it is recommended to use growth regulators. This method is most effective in preserving decorative forms, of which many have appeared recently.

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