Omeprazole for the stomach: a review of the drug

The stomach is one of the most “nervous” organs in our body. And we can safely say that he is sick due to nervousness, among other things. There is even an informal term “stomach neurosis”. Therefore, when treating ulcers and gastritis, you should pay attention to your nervous system. And today in the article we will talk about the causes of gastritis and ulcers, their symptoms, and we will also talk about the well-known drug for the treatment of ulcers and gastritis - omeprazole, and how to prevent the development of diseases.

Where do gastritis and ulcers come from?

  1. It is known that gastritis can begin with the bacterium Helicobacter pylori, which, developing its vigorous activity in the stomach, has a destructive effect on the mucous membrane. Gastritis is a disease in which inflammation occurs. But bacteria are not the only factor in the development of the disease.
  2. Taking medications, abusing certain painkillers, or taking long-term medications can destroy the gastric mucosa and cause gastritis.
  3. Another factor influencing the development of gastritis is increased bile secretion and its reflux into the stomach. We can talk about dysfunction of the liver, which, as part of the digestive system, cannot but affect the gastrointestinal tract.
  4. There is such a thing as eosinophilic gastritis. which is allergic in nature. In other words, an allergy to some foods does not manifest itself by external signs, but develops on the mucous membrane inside. Many people think that this is a banal intolerance to some foods, but in fact, this can actually mask an allergy.
  5. And the icing on the cake is the nutrition. The key reason for the development of not only gastritis and ulcers, but also other diseases not related to the gastrointestinal tract. Chemical compounds, preservatives, improper processing of foods, spicy, sour, fatty foods, incorrectly combined foods and lack of culture and diet are sure harbingers of stomach diseases.

Symptoms of gastritis and gastrointestinal diseases

Gastritis can occur in acute outbreaks, or it can take a protracted, sluggish nature, acquiring a chronic form, developing into an ulcer.
Gastric ulcer is a disease in which local defects in the gastric mucosa appear (sometimes involving the submucosal layer). Such defects appear due to excessive production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach, pepsin and bile reflux. The prolonged influence of which on the walls and mucous membrane of the stomach causes trophic disorders in its areas. When to be wary

  • Nausea that does not depend on food intake or time of day
  • Vomiting, vomiting with poorly digested food remains, long after a meal; vomiting with blood particles
  • Pain in the solar plexus and epigastric region is dull, encircling, aching and pressing
  • Hunger pain or pain that starts immediately after eating
  • Stool disorders
  • Heartburn, heartburn with pain, immediately after eating any food.
  • Sour taste in mouth, sour belching, frequent belching
  • Heaviness and discomfort in the stomach after eating;
  • Thick gray or whitish coating on the tongue
  • Sour smell and taste in mouth
  • Bloating (combined with nausea and other stomach symptoms)
  • Feeling of thirst and dry mouth
  • General weakness and increased fatigue
  • Headache and low-grade fever

IMPORTANT: In acute stages, gastritis can be confused with attacks of ulcers or pancreatitis.
Therefore, it is important to seek medical help as quickly as possible, because the latter can be life-threatening. Medicine for gastritis Omeprazole

A medicine to reduce the production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach. The general therapeutic effect is aimed at protecting the damaged mucous membrane of the organ from the action of an aggressive environment. It is used in complex therapy for the treatment of gastritis, erosions and gastric ulcers. Indicated for other pathological conditions of the gastrointestinal tract.

Composition of omeprazole

The main active ingredient is omeprazole. The amount of the substance in different release forms is presented differently. So the drug has 2 forms of release - capsules and powder for preparing a solution for injection (lyophilisate).

Omeprazole capsules

One capsule contains 20 mg of active ingredient. Intended for oral administration.

It is worth noting that there are also capsules in a dosage of 10 mg.
The only over-the-counter form that is suitable for preventing relapses of gastritis and ulcers. Lyophilisate Omeprazole
One bottle contains 40 milligrams of the substance. A solution for injection (dropper) is prepared from the dosage form intravenously. The course of omeprazole depends on the severity of the disease, and can be taken for a long time (up to 8 weeks) under the supervision of a specialist. The daily dose of the drug ranges from 10 to 80 mg; frequency of use - 1-2 times/day.


  • Gastric and duodenal ulcers, both in the acute stage and to prevent relapse;
  • Inflammation caused by the bacterium Helicobacter pilory
  • Inflammation of the mucous surface of the esophagus due to the entry of stomach contents into it
  • Erosion of the esophagus
  • Pathologies developing against the background of increased production of hydrochloric acid
  • Frequent use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Nise, ibuprofen, ketanov, ketorol).


  • Age up to eighteen years.
  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding.
  • Individual intolerance to the components of the drug

Side effects

  • From the digestive system: constipation, bloating, change in stool consistency, nausea and vomiting, increased production of liver enzymes, dry mouth, impaired taste sensitivity.
  • From the side of the central nervous system: increased excitability, cephalalgia, mood swings, dizziness; increased sensitivity to light
  • Skin: rashes, inflammation and soreness of the skin, hair loss
  • Allergic reactions: Quincke's edema, fever, bronchospasm, anaphylaxis.
  • Hematopoietic organs: changes in blood composition, decrease in leukocytes and platelets
  • Musculoskeletal system: myasthenia gravis, muscle and joint soreness
  • Other symptoms: development of general weakness and loss of strength, swelling, increased sweating
  • Women should take it with caution and under control due to possible excessive growth of glandular breast tissue; with long-term use, the formation of glandular cysts in the stomach of a benign nature is possible.


The drug omez belongs to the pharmacological group of proton pump inhibitors and is used to correct all kinds of dyspeptic phenomena against the background of increased gastric secretion of hydrochloric acid. The international nonproprietary name (INN) of this drug (as well as the active substance included in its composition) is called “omeprazole”. Here it would be appropriate to provide readers with a brief explanation regarding the names of medicines, because To the average consumer uninitiated in these sacraments, all this may seem like Chinese literacy. So, if we don’t touch on the chemical name, which even a pharmaceutical chemistry teacher is unlikely to read without hesitation, then any drug has two names: INN (written on the packaging in a smaller font) and the trade name. The first is issued by the national pharmacopoeial committee or a special WHO committee. This name is not exclusive and can be used by any manufacturer without the risk of being dragged through the courts. As for the trade (brand) name, it is assigned to a specific drug by its manufacturer and cannot be produced by anyone else without the appropriate permission from him. That is, the trade name, by definition, is a guarantee of the quality of the drug. One of these brands is the Indian drug Omez.

Omez inhibits the activity of the enzyme H+/K+-ATPase, due to which the parietal cells of the gastric mucosa “throw out” chlorine and hydrogen ions.

By interfering with the work of this enzyme, the drug blocks the final stage of hydrochloric acid synthesis in the lumen of the stomach. The result of this is a pronounced decrease in the production of this substance, which gives gastric juice an aggressively acidic character. Omez is a prodrug, i.e. It is not activated immediately upon entry into the body, but while already in the acidic environment of the secretory tubules of the parietal cells of the gastric mucosa. The strength of the drug is directly dependent on the dose used. The time range for the onset of the antisecretory effect lies between 1 and 2 hours after taking a single (20 mg) dose of the drug. During the day, the secretion of hydrochloric acid under such conditions will be suppressed by half. To quickly and effectively suppress gastric secretion during the day and night, it is enough to take a single dose of omez once a day. The peak of its effect with this frequency of administration is reached on the 4th day after the start of treatment and subsides 3-4 days after discontinuation of the drug.

For those patients who, for various reasons, are not suitable for oral administration of omez or who suffer from severe forms of erosive and ulcerative lesions of the digestive tract, a dosage form for intravenous administration in the form of infusions has been developed. The daily dose of the drug in such cases is 40 mg.

Prevention of ulcers and gastritis

  • All prevention of gastritis and ulcers is aimed at protecting the stomach and gastrointestinal tract as a whole from unfavorable factors that can become a trigger for the development of gastritis and ulcers. The very first thing is a balanced diet, in which “harmful” foods are excluded or strictly limited: fried foods, smoked and spicy foods, spices, semi-cooked and raw dishes from meat, poultry and fish, alcohol and smoking.

Important: Tobacco smoke spreads throughout the circulatory system instantly and, having a negative effect on blood vessels, can cause spasm, including spasm of the stomach vessels. Which can worsen the quality of the organ’s work.

  • The temperature of the food is also important. Too cold or too hot - drinks and solid foods can injure not only the gastric mucosa, but also the esophagus. Which can also cause serious illness.
  • The diet in general is also important. Long hungry breaks, constant overeating to the point of “breathing hard”, different meal times, eating before bed - all this is a sure harbinger of imminent problems not only with the stomach, but also with the nervous system.
  • Important: do not overuse medications and reach for the first aid kit at the slightest provocation. Uncontrolled use of vitamins, medications and dietary supplements is also a direct path to gastrointestinal disorders.

Interesting Facts:

  • It takes 7-10 seconds for food to enter the stomach.
  • The stomach of an adult can hold 1.5 liters of liquid
  • The stomach is not able to “stretch”. Even after overeating, he is able to return to his true size.
  • The muscles of the stomach are so strong that even if we eat upside down, the food will fall where it is needed and remain there.
  • The concentration of hydrochloric acid in the stomach is so high that if there were no protective substances in the gastric juice and mucous membrane, it would burn out its own stomach. The stomach acidity coefficient (pH) is 1.2. Which allows you to digest small bones, wood and even plastic!
  • The stomach is very closely connected with the parts of the brain that are responsible for emotions. Thus, our emotions can directly influence the functioning of the stomach. The psychosomatics of stomach diseases says that if there is a disease, it means that a person does not “digest” the situation or people in his life well.

So keep an eye on your emotions to stay healthy and happy!

Instructions for use of OMEZ

The drug is taken orally, in the morning, preferably without food, with a small amount of water (capsules should not be chewed).

Patients with swallowing problems or children can open the capsule and take the contents after mixing it with a small amount of still water or a slightly acidic liquid (fruit juice, applesauce) and drinking a small amount of water. Patients should be informed that mixing the contents of the capsule with liquid must be done directly or no more than 30 minutes before taking the drug. The contents of the capsule should not be chewed.


Duodenal ulcer

Exacerbation phase:

20 mg 1 time / day for 2 weeks, if necessary, the course of treatment can be increased to 4 weeks. If there is resistance to the therapy, it is possible to increase the dose of the drug to 40 mg 1 time / day.

Prevention of relapse:

The recommended dose is 10 mg 1 time/day; if necessary, the dose can be increased to 20-40 mg 1 time/day.

Stomach ulcer

Exacerbation phase:

20 mg 1 time / day for 4 weeks, if necessary, the course of treatment can be increased to 8 weeks. If there is resistance to the therapy, it is possible to increase the dose of the drug to 40 mg 1 time / day.

Maintenance therapy:

The recommended dose is 20 mg 1 time/day; if necessary, the dose can be increased to 40 mg 1 time/day.

Erosive and ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract caused by taking NSAIDs

Prescribe 20 mg 1 time/day for 4 weeks; if necessary, the course of treatment can be increased to 8 weeks.

Prevention of erosive and ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract caused by taking NSAIDs

In the risk group (patients over 60 years of age, with a history of gastric or duodenal ulcers, a history of gastrointestinal bleeding), it is recommended to take omeprazole at a dose of 20 mg 1 time / day.

Helicobacter pylori eradication

The recommended dose of omeprazole is 20 mg 2 times a day or 40 mg 1 time a day for 7 days in combination with antibacterial agents. The choice of antibacterial agents is made individually for each patient in accordance with national, regional and local resistance data and treatment guidelines. If therapy is ineffective, a repeat course may be performed.

Reflux esophagitis

Exacerbation phase:

20 mg 1 time / day for 4 weeks, if necessary, the course of treatment can be increased to 8 weeks. In severe cases, as well as in cases of resistance to therapy, it is possible to increase the dose of the drug to 40 mg 1 time / day.

Maintenance therapy:

The recommended dose is 10 mg 1 time/day; if necessary, the dose can be increased to 20-40 mg 1 time/day.

Symptomatic treatment of gastroesophageal reflux disease

It is recommended to take the drug at a dose of 10-20 mg 1 time / day. If there is no improvement after 4 weeks of therapy at a dose of 20 mg, additional examination is recommended.

Zollinger-Ellison syndrome

The dose is selected individually depending on the initial level of gastric secretion, usually starting from 60 mg/day. If necessary, the dose is increased to 80-120 mg/day, in which case it is divided into 2 doses. The drug continues to be taken as long as the need remains.


Children over 1 year old weighing from 10 to 20 kg

- 10 mg 1 time / day, if necessary, the dose can be increased to 20 mg 1 time / day.

Children over 2 years old weighing more than 20 kg

- 20 mg 1 time / day, if necessary, the dose can be increased to 40 mg 1 time / day.

Duration of treatment for reflux esophagitis

is 4-8 weeks.

Duration of treatment for gastroesophageal reflux disease

is 2-4 weeks; if cure is not achieved within the specified time frame, additional examination should be performed.

Eradication of Helicobacter pylori in children and adolescents over 4 years old and weighing >30 kg

Recommended dose of omeprazole for children weighing >31 kg

- 20 mg 2 times a day for 7 days in combination with antibacterial agents. The choice of antibacterial agents is made individually for each patient in accordance with national, regional and local resistance data and treatment guidelines.

In patients with impaired liver function

A dose reduction may be necessary because omeprazole is extensively metabolized by the liver and the rate of elimination in these patients is reduced compared to patients with intact liver function. In patients with severe liver pathology, the daily dose should be 10-20 mg.

There is no need for individual dose selection in patients with renal failure


No need to adjust dose in elderly patients

. However, the possibility of a slight decrease in the rate of elimination and an increase in the bioavailability of the drug in elderly patients was noted.

If the patient has forgotten to take the next dose of Omez, the capsule should be taken as soon as possible. However, if it is time for your next dose, you should not take a double dose to make up for the missed dose. You should continue taking Omez capsules according to the recommended dosage regimen.

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