Vaginal burning: causes. A symptom of what disease can be a burning sensation in the vagina?

Unpleasant sensations are caused in women by itching and burning in the vagina, and she experiences them more than once throughout her life. The nature of this ailment can be different: from a common cold to serious infectious diseases.

If you ignore the itching and pain, thinking that everything will go away on its own, then you can end up with extensive pustules appearing around scratches and wounds, the tissues will become inflamed, and you will have to contact a gynecologist for a much more serious problem.

In this situation, you should not rely on traditional methods, because self-medication can achieve the opposite effect. SM-Clinic uses modern treatment methods, thanks to which many women have completely gotten rid of vaginal itching.

Itching in the female genital area does not necessarily mean some kind of infectious disease of the genital organs, and can occur as a manifestation of serious disorders in the body. Only after undergoing a series of thorough studies at the SM-Clinic in Moscow can an accurate diagnosis be established.

Manifestations such as cheesy discharge, or yellowish-green discharge that has an unpleasant odor, constant pain in the lower abdomen, dry mucous membranes should alert a woman, because the cause of these symptoms may be thrush, an allergic reaction to a particular product, a sexually transmitted disease or a banal cold.

Having pain in your vagina?

If you have unpleasant, painful sensations in the vagina, diagnosing yourself, let alone taking measures, prescribing treatment is very dangerous. You need to urgently undergo examination by a gynecologist. Often, all sorts of folk remedies will not only not improve the situation, but will even worsen it .

Only a doctor can carry out the necessary tests and, based on them, make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe treatment.

Before being examined by a doctor, you should not douche, use suppositories or other medications. After using them, the test results will be incorrect and it will be difficult to choose the right treatment.

Vaginal burning: vaginal mycosis

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The cause of burning pain in the vagina can be vaginal thrush. This is also indicated by redness, swelling and itching of the vulva and vagina. With thrush, symptoms usually worsen after sexual intercourse or before menstruation.


The most characteristic symptom of this disease is vaginal discharge, resembling lumps of cottage cheese and sticking to the walls of the vagina.

Causes of pain, itching, burning in the vagina

There are three groups of reasons

that cause discomfort in the vagina:

  • Gynecological diseases;
  • Non-gynecological diseases;
  • External and internal factors;

Inflammation of the mucous membrane is caused by the development of pathogenic microflora in the genitals, which causes itching in the vagina. The most common infections include gardnerellosis, candidiasis (thrush), etc. This condition is called bacterial vaginosis, and it often becomes a consequence of intestinal dysbiosis.

Pain, itching, burning may be symptoms of an STI

(sexually transmitted infections):

  • chlamydia (yellowish discharge with a fishy odor);
  • trichomoniasis (excessive foamy greenish discharge);
  • genital herpes, etc.

Itching in the vagina can be caused by allergies, for example to contraceptives or sanitary pads. Lack of genital hygiene, tight underwear, and unnecessary douching disrupt the balance of vaginal microflora and cause itching.

External factors

that can cause itching:

  • overheating or hypothermia;
  • mechanical impact (friction against laundry);
  • mechanical damage to the mucous membrane (for example, during rough sexual intercourse);
  • emotional stress;
  • stress, feeling of fear.

In any case, whatever the reason, if you have these symptoms, you should consult a gynecologist.

Treatment is prescribed only after a complete diagnosis of the cause of the disease

Treatment in each case will depend on the type of pathogen detected and its sensitivity to antibiotics. When sexually transmitted infections are detected, the doctor prescribes antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs, and both sexual partners must undergo treatment, since it is often quite difficult to identify an infectious pathogen in a man, since it is concentrated in the secretion of the prostate gland. For vaginal dysbiosis, local treatments and drugs that stimulate the immune system are used. In addition, it is recommended to wear cotton underwear instead of “synthetics”. Changes will also affect the power supply system. You should introduce more fermented milk products into your diet and significantly reduce your consumption of sweet foods. If allergic reactions occur, contact with allergens, in particular chemical contraceptives, should be limited. In case of allergic reactions, contact with allergens (condoms, chemical contraceptives) should be avoided.

How is a gynecologist examined?

At the Alan Clinic medical center, gynecological examinations are performed in comfortable conditions, using disposable sterile instruments. The initial appointment takes 40 minutes.

The initial examination by a gynecologist includes a standard gynecological examination, including:

  • conversation with a doctor
  • smear of vaginal discharge to determine the degree of purity

Depending on the clinical symptoms and complaints, the gynecologist may prescribe additional examination methods.

  • scraping from the cervix for oncocytology
  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs
  • extended colposcopy
  • study for tumor markers CA-125, CA-15-3

What causes burning and itching without discharge?

Such signs are usually associated with inflammation in the female genital organ, for example, cystitis. But the lack of vaginal discharge is alarming. So it's not the infection that's to blame. So what?

To determine the cause of the disorder, several smears are taken from women: the vaginal epithelium, endometrial cells of the body and cervix and cervical canal.

Itching and burning in the vagina, not accompanied by discharge, most often occur due to allergic reactions, parasites, menopause and poor hygiene. Serious systemic and oncological diseases also affect women's health.

Sign of skin or mucous membrane irritation

The inner part of the female genital organ is lined with mucous membrane - thin and delicate, like the skin covering the intimate area. Their irritants can be:

  1. Synthetic and tight underwear
    . Cheap synthetics rub the perineum, do not absorb sweat, and do not allow air to pass through. The situation is usually aggravated by a smaller size than necessary.

  2. Chemical substances
    . The vaginal mucosa often comes into contact with creams, contraceptives, soap, gel, scented pads, daily diapers or toilet paper. Also, there may be residues of washing powder and conditioner on your underwear, which provoke an allergic reaction.
  3. Sperm
    . It causes allergies in 12% of women. After sexual intercourse without contraceptives, they feel severe itching and slight redness.
  4. Depilation
    . If you use a razor with a dull blade, shave against the hair growth, without lathering the skin and with excessive force, then a rash will likely appear on the skin in the intimate area.

As a result of the influence of all factors, the mucous membrane of the labia and vagina becomes hyperemic, swollen and flabby, and begins to itch and burn.

Symptoms of parasite infestation

The combination of itching and burning can signal a serious “living” pathology outside and inside the vaginal walls - parasites. Women can settle in the intimate area:

  1. Pubic lice
    . The disease is considered a sexually transmitted disease because it is transmitted from one partner to another during sex. You can also become infected by sharing hygiene items or clothing. The shroud louse settles in the scalp of the pubis and anus. Feeds on the blood of its owner. The size of the insect does not exceed 1.5 mm, but the bites are very itchy. Scratching causes bluish spots and a pustular rash to appear.

  2. Opisthorchis
    . During opisthorchiasis, the liver and gastrointestinal tract are affected. Severe itching occurs. The whole body itches, including the vagina.

  3. Pinworms
    . Small roundworms make their presence known at night. Having settled in the intestines, they come out at night and crawl into the vagina, eventually causing vulvovaginitis.

The internal structure of the female genital organs contributes to the development of parasitic diseases. Parasites introduce infections into the vagina, form swelling, and irritate it with toxins.

Does itching foreshadow menopause?

During menopause, women experience a decline in their reproductive system. Some women have a hard time with this: physical and mental factors begin to bother them.

The cause of the changes is estrogen: the female body produces insufficient amounts with age.

In addition to constant dryness and itching in the intimate area, painful sensations appear when urinating and during sexual intercourse, hot flashes, redness of the face, rapid heartbeat, insomnia, migraines, dizziness, weight gain. On the eve of menopause, a woman becomes distracted and forgetful.

The effect of sexually transmitted infections

Irritation and discomfort can be caused by viruses or bacteria. Some infectious diseases occur without discharge. These are


  1. Genital herpes
    . In addition to herpes in the mouth or nose, it occurs in women in the area of ​​the labia minora and labia majora, pustular blisters appear. Then they move on to the mucous membranes, causing unbearable pain. The rash itches and hurts, the mucous membrane swells.

  2. Gonorrhea
    . The latent course of the disease is characterized by the absence of discharge, but sharp pain during urination and itching of the perineum appear.

Other genital infections from the vagina are characterized by discharge of a purulent secretion with a “fishy” odor.

List of systemic diseases

Gynecological disorders can be caused by diseases not related to gynecology. After all, any organism is a general system, all organs interact with each other. So burning and itching in the female genital organs can be caused by:

  1. Diabetes mellitus
    . High sugar levels create favorable conditions for fungal activity. Most often, Candida fungi are activated in the vagina, leaving a curd-like white discharge on the labia and underwear. At the initial stage, they are not yet noticeable, although a sweetish smell can already be felt. Another reason is hidden in the drugs used to treat the disease - they can cause allergies.

  2. Pathologies of the thyroid gland
    . The condition of the vulva is affected by excess hormones. Therefore, itching is a concern during pregnancy, before childbirth, menstruation and adolescence.

After diagnosis, they begin to treat not the symptoms, but the disease itself.

A sign of cancer?

Dryness, burning and itching can be a symptom of deadly diseases. One of them is kraurosis of the vulva. This is not cancer yet, but already a precancerous condition.

Vaginal kraurosis most often occurs in women during menopause.

Its essence lies in the atrophy of the woman’s external genitalia (vulva), narrowing of the entrance to the vagina. The labia majora gradually lose hair and volume, smoothing out and becoming flat. Patients complain of dryness and itching in the perineum.

Other causes of the disorder

Vaginal itching with burning may occur due to:

  1. Hyperkeratosis
    . This is a disease that has a genetic predisposition and is characterized by severe dryness and flaking of the skin. When it worsens, the skin becomes like fish scales. Pathology does not bypass the mucous membrane of the intimate area.

  2. Stress
    . The healthy environment in the vagina can be destroyed under the influence of depression, anxiety and stressful situations.

  3. Hygiene violations
    . Irregular washing, changing underwear, tampons or pads. With uncleanliness, the genitals are gradually colonized by bad bacteria, which crowd out the good ones.

If hyperkeratosis is quite rare, then the last two points are ubiquitous. Negligence in intimate hygiene can lead to serious inflammation.

Gynecologists in Kazan use the following methods of treating gynecological diseases:

  • Drug treatment . Prescribed in accordance with test results.
  • Local treatment . Sanitation of the vagina followed by application of a tampon with a medicinal drug, incl. Ultrasonic sanitation with the Gineton apparatus.
  • Physiotherapy . Modern Androgyn and Mustang equipment is used, which are successfully used in the complex treatment of inflammatory diseases, hormonal disorders, as well as recovery in the postoperative period.
  • Pharmacopuncture . Introduction to acupuncture points of medicinal substances that are indicated for various diseases (inflammatory, hormonal disorders, etc.).
  • Ozone therapy
    . Intravaginal and intravenous administration of drugs enriched with ozone contributes to the development of a powerful antioxidant effect, which can successfully cure inflammatory diseases, improve the immune system and reactive capabilities of the body.
  • Hirudotherapy . Widely used in the treatment of diseases such as endometriosis of the uterus and ovaries, inflammatory diseases, hormonal dysfunctions, infertility, etc.

Preventing discomfort during sex

To avoid discomfort during intimacy, it is recommended to follow the following rules:

  • Regularly undergo gynecological examinations in order to detect possible diseases and pathologies in a timely manner.
  • Wear underwear made from natural materials.
  • Follow the rules of intimate hygiene.
  • Use lubricants. Intimate gel lubricant "Gynocomfort" with hyaluronic and lactic acids eliminates discomfort during intimacy and provides long-term comfortable gliding, and also maintains a normal pH level of the vagina, increases the elasticity of the tissues of both partners and eliminates irritation.
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