Berodual N, 1 piece, 10 ml, 20 mcg+0.5 mg/dose, dosed aerosol for inhalation

Berodual or Lazolvan - which is better for inhalation

Manufacturer: Institute de Angeli, Italy
Release form: solution, syrup, tablets, capsules

Active ingredient: ambroxol

Synonyms: Ambroxol, Ambrobene, Thoraxol

Lazolvan is an analogue of Berodual, produced in tablets, solution and other dosage forms. The drug is a mucolytic agent. Lazolvan thins and removes mucus, relieves inflammation, and relieves cough. The medication is prescribed to adults and children for bronchitis, pneumonia, COPD.

Inhalations with Lazolvan are carried out 2 times a day. The single dosage of the solution depends on the age of the patient.

The drugs differ in their effects, so it is impossible to answer which drug is better for inhalation. The combined remedy Berodual quickly eliminates attacks of suffocation, and Lazolvan has a long-lasting effect. To alleviate the condition, simultaneous use of medications is recommended.

How to breathe Berodual or Lazolvan first

Complex treatment with Berodual and Lazolvan can instantly alleviate the patient’s condition and speed up recovery. Taking the drugs together is effective for bronchial asthma, pneumonia, and bronchitis.

First, inhalation is done with Berodual, which helps relieve swelling and expand patency. And after 15–20 minutes, the procedure is carried out with Lazolvan.

Berodual or Ambroxol - which is better for inhalation

Manufacturer: OZONE, RF
Release form: syrup, tablets, solution

Active ingredient: ambroxol

Synonyms: Ambrobene, Orvis BRONHO, Lazolvan

Ambroxol is a Russian analogue of Berodual for inhalation that is cheaper. The medication, like its synonyms, is available without a prescription and is a mucolytic expectorant. Ambroxol relieves inflammation, thins viscous mucus and accelerates excretion.

The analogue Ambroxol is used for obstructive syndromes, bronchitis and other pathologies with the release of viscous sputum. In pediatrics, Ambroxol is used for respiratory failure in newborns. It is not recommended to carry out therapy in pregnant women in the 1st trimester and during lactation.

To speed up recovery, it is recommended to use a combination of inhalations from Berodual and an analogue. First, the procedure is carried out with the first drug, and after 20 minutes inhalation with Ambroxol is carried out.

pharmachologic effect

Manufacturer: Institute de Angeli, Italy / Boehringer Ingelheim Pharma, Germany
Release form: solution for inhalation, dosed aerosol for inhalation

Active ingredient: fenoterol, ipratropium bromide

Synonyms: Ipraterol Nativ, Astmasol, Bifradual, Fenipra

Berodual is a combined bronchodilator. The effect of the drug is due to the substances included in its composition.

Fenoterol stimulates receptors, has a relaxing effect on the smooth muscles of the bronchi, and blocks inflammation. Ipratropium bromide exhibits a bronchodilator effect, dilates the bronchi, and reduces mucus production. The combination of these substances prevents and reduces bronchospasms.

When using the drug using an inhaler-nebulizer, a higher systemic effect on the body is observed.

Berodual or Inspirax aerosol – which is better?

Manufacturer: Binnopharm, Russian Federation
Release form: dosed aerosol

Active ingredient: ipratropium bromide, fenoterol

Synonyms: Berodual, Fenipra

Inspirax aerosol is a domestic analogue of Berodual. Medicines have the same composition, mechanism of action, indications, side effects and limitations. Inspirax aerosol exhibits a local anticholinergic effect, dilates the bronchi, and reduces sputum production. The medication in the form of an aerosol prevents and relieves bronchospasms.

The main advantage and difference of the product is its affordable price.

Berodual - instructions for use

According to the instructions for use, Berodual is used by inhalation in adults and children. The dosage regimen and regimen of the drug are determined based on the patient’s age and condition.

Adults and children over 6 years of age during attacks of bronchial asthma are prescribed 2 inhalation doses.

For acute bronchospasms, adults and children under 12 years of age are prescribed 20–50 drops of the drug, and children 6–12 years of age are prescribed 10–40 drops. In children under 6 years of age, the dosage is determined by the attending physician. For long-term treatment, up to 4 procedures per day are performed.

Before administration, the drug is diluted in 1–2 ml of 0.9% sodium chloride solution.

Berodual's analogs

Today, pharmacies offer a wide range of analogues and substitutes for Berodual. These drugs differ in composition, mechanism of action, dosage form and method of administration.

List of Berodual analogues for inhalation and their price

NameAverage cost in rublesManufacturer country
Berodual285-510Italy/ Germany
Atrovent270-370Italy/ Germany
Lazolvan175-375Greece/ Italy

If there is a question about what is better to replace Berodual aerosol or solution for a child or an adult, it is necessary to obtain a face-to-face consultation with a doctor.

Answers on questions

Is Berodual for inhalation available from a pharmacy with a prescription or not?

The product is available with a doctor's prescription.

Is Berodual a hormonal drug or not?

The medication does not contain hormonal substances.

Is Berodual an antibiotic or not?

The drug does not exhibit antimicrobial action.

Can Berodual be used at night or not?

The last inhalation of the drug is carried out 2 hours before bedtime, unless otherwise prescribed by a doctor.

Are inhalations with Berodual carried out before or after meals?

The procedure is carried out an hour before meals or 2 hours after meals.

Is Berodual possible at fever or not?

The procedure can be performed at elevated body temperatures.

Is Berodual possible for coronavirus or not?

The medicine is used as part of complex therapy for coronavirus infection.

Berodual or Ambrobene for inhalation

Manufacturer: Merkle GmbH, Germany
Release form: tablets, solution, syrup

Active ingredient: ambroxol

Synonyms: Lazolvan, Bronchorus

Another analogue of Berodual for inhalation for children and adults is Ambrobene. The drug belongs to the group of mucolytics and is available without a doctor's prescription. The drug exhibits an anti-inflammatory effect, reduces the viscosity of sputum and removes it from the body. Ambrobene is used for respiratory tract pathologies accompanied by the formation of viscous mucus.

Ambrobene solution is pre-mixed with saline solution.

For a quick recovery and relief of the condition, simultaneous medication is prescribed.

Berodual or Salbutamol - which is better for an adult with obstruction for inhalation

Manufacturer: Altaivitamins CJSC, Russian Federation
Release form: aerosol

Active ingredient: salbutamol

Synonyms: Ventolin

Salbutamol is a Russian analogue. The drug is produced by domestic and foreign pharmaceutical companies. Salbutamol prevents and relieves bronchospasms, stops the production of histamine, and dilates the heart arteries. The drug is indicated for COPD, bronchial asthma, emphysema, obstructive bronchitis.

The analogue is used by inhalation in 1-2 doses, but not more than 8-10 doses per day.

Berodual aerosol and the analogue Salbutamol have similar effects, indications and dosage regimens. However, in case of obstruction, for long-term therapy, preference is given to the first remedy, and an analogue is used as an “ambulance” for suffocation.

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