Salbutamol aerosol for inhalation 100 mcg/dose 200 doses Teva

Directions for use and doses


To relieve bronchospasm: 100 mcg (1 inhalation) 1–4 times a day. If necessary, the dose can be increased to 200 mcg (2 inhalations) 1–4 times a day.

For the prevention of bronchospasm: 100–200 mcg (1–2 inhalations) 15–30 minutes before physical activity or possible exposure to an allergen.

The maximum daily dose should not exceed 800 mcg (8 inhalations) per day.

At least 4 hours should pass between each dose taken.

Patient instructions for using the inhalation device

Before using the inhalation device for the first time or if it has not been used for some time, it is necessary to check its functionality by pressing the valve of the canister and releasing a dose of medication into the air.

1. Remove the protective cap from the inhalation device and make sure that the outlet tube of the inhalation device is clean. Hold the inhalation device between the index finger and thumb in a vertical position, with the thumb placed on the bottom of the inhalation device and the index finger on the metering valve of the aluminum cylinder.

2. Shake the aluminum can vigorously up and down.

3. Exhale deeply through your mouth. Press the outlet tube of the inhalation device tightly with your lips.

4. Take a slow and deep breath. At the moment of inhalation, press the dosing valve of the cylinder with your index finger, releasing the dose of Salbutamol-Teva, and continue to inhale slowly.

5. Remove the inhalation device from the mouth and hold your breath for 10 seconds or for as long as does not cause discomfort. Exhale slowly.

6. After inhalation, rinse your mouth with water, trying not to swallow the aerosol that got onto the oral mucosa during inhalation.

7. If you need to administer more than one dose of the drug, wait 1 minute and repeat all steps from step 2 to step 6.

8. Close the inhalation device with the protective cap.

There is no need to rush through steps 3 and 4. When releasing a dose of medication, it is important to inhale as slowly as possible. Before use, you can practice in front of a mirror. If you notice "steam" coming from the top of the can or from the corners of your mouth, you should start again from step 2.

Cleaning the inhaler. The inhalation device should be cleaned at least once a week. Remove the aluminum cylinder from the inhalation device. Gently rinse the inhalation device and protective cap with warm water. Do not use hot water! Shake the inhalation device and protective cap to remove any remaining water and dry them without using heating devices.

Do not allow the aluminum cylinder to come into contact with water!

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