What causes pain and itching in the anus?

Itching in the anal area is a pathological condition that occurs with a wide range of intestinal diseases. A person experiences constant discomfort that interferes with normal life activities.

In some cases, itching intensifies at night, interfering with sleep and rest. As a result, performance decreases, the patient becomes lethargic, irritable, depressed and apathetic.

In addition to itching and burning, the patient may experience other symptoms:

  • redness of the skin;
  • a change in the density of the skin near the anus - its thinning or, conversely, thickening;
  • the appearance of rashes, weeping ulcers, eczema.

What is itching in the anus?

Itching is a painful, tickling sensation in the skin that causes an obsessive desire to scratch the affected area. Itching often occurs due to irritation of the skin near the anus. For example, with idiopathic itching, there is increased production of mucus by the intestinal walls. Fluid is constantly released from the anus, causing inflammation and redness of the surrounding tissues. This is what causes discomfort. But other reasons also lead to inflammation.

For example, with enterobiasis, painful itching occurs due to the movement of small parasitic worms - pinworms. The burning sensation intensifies in the dark, when the helminths move closer to the anus. This irritates the nerve endings, which causes an itchy burning sensation. But these are not all the factors due to which this pathological condition can develop.


Anal pain, as well as pain around the anus or in the rectal area (perianal area), is a fairly common complaint.
Although most causes of anal pain are not related to serious problems, it can become a problem in itself due to the intensity associated with the presence of many nerve endings in the perianal area. Some causes of anal pain can also cause bleeding from the rectum (rectal bleeding), which is a more serious symptom.

The causes of anal pain are usually fairly easy to diagnose. It can be treated well with over-the-counter pain relievers and hot water (sitz baths).

What causes itching in the anus?

Anal itching is not always caused by pathological processes occurring in the body.

It may also be associated with external influences:

  • using hard toilet paper that injures the skin;
  • excessive or insufficient intimate hygiene;
  • working in a room with dusty air.

Unsuitable soap or allergies to cosmetic fragrances also lead to skin irritation and can cause burning and itching.

Irritation of the anal area is caused by a variety of diseases:

  • parasitic infestations;
  • inflammation of hemorrhoids;
  • fungal infections;
  • genitourinary infections;
  • neoplasms;
  • insufficient function of the anal sphincter;
  • diabetes mellitus and other severe chronic diseases.

In many cases, an unpleasant symptom occurs due to diseases of the rectum. Their spectrum is quite wide: skin neoplasms, chronic proctosigmoiditis, and dysbacteriosis can cause a burning sensation. Other symptoms gradually appear: for example, pain and pain during bowel movements, bloody and mucous clots in the stool, a feeling of pressure and heaviness in the lower abdomen. But the main symptom remains irritation and redness of the skin.

In women, itching may be associated with certain gynecological diseases. At the same time, it radiates not only to the anal area, but also spreads to the labia majora, labia minora, and vulva. The perineum becomes red and swollen, and copious discharge with an unpleasant odor appears.

The causes of burning are varied, so if it occurs, it is recommended to contact a medical center for examination by a proctologist.

What causes pain with anal fissure?

Initially, an anal fissure is accompanied by short-term acute pain that occurs during bowel movements, and the appearance of a streak of blood on the surface of the stool or bloody spots on toilet paper. If in this case complex treatment was not carried out or pain therapy was inadequate, the pathological process enters the chronic stage. The pain becomes constant, and vasospasm of the anal area occurs. The mucous membrane of the rectal canal suffers from oxygen starvation, and healing of the resulting defect does not occur.

The edges of the fissure are calloused; at its bottom, doctors find fibers of the internal anal sphincter. A vicious circle arises: pain with anal fissure causes ischemia of the mucous membrane, which increases the severity of the pain syndrome. Patients have a fear of defecation. They retain stool, and during defecation they feel severe pain when a hard fecal lump passes through the spasmodic sphincter. With persistent spasm of the anal sphincter, a painless act of defecation with anal fissure becomes impossible. In this case, proctologists prescribe drugs that have an antispasmodic effect or perform an injection of botulinum toxin into the anal sphincter.

The main complication of anal fissure is inflammation of the rectum, acute paraproctitis. It develops due to the entry of pathological microorganisms through a defect in the mucous membrane into the tissue surrounding the rectum. When an anal fissure hurts, the process of urination may be disrupted.

Itching around the anus

Skin lesions near the anus are associated with exposure to external and internal factors. The first includes:

  • increased sweating. More often observed in people with excess body weight. Sweat begins to accumulate in the perineal area, irritating the skin. As a result, diaper rash appears, which serves as a source of discomfort;
  • wearing tight synthetic underwear. Linen fabric disrupts natural air exchange and prevents normal moisture removal. Rough internal seams violate the integrity of the skin and impair blood microcirculation. All this creates favorable conditions for the development of pathogens.

If the irritation is caused by external causes, curing it is quite simple. The patient is advised to give up synthetic detergents (or choose hypoallergenic cosmetics tested by dermatologists) and choose natural, loose underwear with a comfortable cut.

Conditions associated with internal pathologies are more difficult to treat. For example, itching is the main symptom of dermatitis and psoriasis, lichen, and eczema. Dysbacteriosis and diarrhea can cause a burning sensation. Too frequent bowel movements have a negative impact on the condition of the mucous membrane: blood rushes to it, the tissues swell, become more sensitive - any touch is accompanied by pain. But there are also more serious reasons that disrupt the functioning of the sphincter.

For example, chronic metabolic disorders lead to the accumulation of toxins in tissue cells. As a result, the patient develops skin rashes that extend to the perineum. Therefore, itching accompanies diabetes mellitus, cirrhosis and liver tumors, and pancreatic pathologies.

Diagnosis of anal fissure

Pain in the anus is a symptom not only of anal fissure, but also of many intestinal diseases, including malignant neoplasms. For this reason, doctors at the proctology department conduct a comprehensive examination for patients who come to the Yusupov Hospital. Initially, pain from anal fissure is relieved using a blockade with local anesthetics or ointment applications with painkillers. Then the following examinations are carried out:

  • Digital examination of the rectum;
  • Anoscopy;
  • Sigmoidoscopy;
  • Ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs.

If indicated, patients undergo magnetic resonance or computed tomography. After establishing an accurate diagnosis, proctologists collectively select the optimal treatment option for anal fissure, which would not only eliminate pain, but also achieve healing of the mucosal defect and avoid re-rupture of the anoderm.

Which doctor treats itching in the anus?

If the anal area becomes red and itchy, you should make an appointment with a proctologist. The specialist will listen to complaints, clarify family history, and conduct an initial examination. But to make an accurate diagnosis, examinations will be required, the range of which will be determined by the doctor.

Typically studies include:

  • blood and urine tests;
  • irrigoscopy;
  • colonoscopy;
  • sigmoidoscopy;
  • anoscopy and other intestinal examinations.

In some cases, consultations with other doctors are required: a urologist or gynecologist, endocrinologist, dermatovenerologist. Referrals to them are given by a proctologist. Based on the results of the tests, the disease causing irritation in the anal area is determined, and the appropriate treatment is selected.

Why does the anus hurt?

In some patients, the itching turns into aching or cutting pain in the anal area. The attacks differ in duration and intensity, radiating to the lower abdomen, lower back, and lower spine. The severity of the pain syndrome and its specificity are determined by the pathological disorder that led to the appearance of pain.

Doctors can diagnose:

  • anal fissure. It is usually diagnosed after mechanical trauma to the sphincter and surrounding tissues - for example, during difficult childbirth or after an accident. The mucous membrane “cracks” and exposes the muscles, which leads to severe pain. Painful spasms occur when visiting the toilet, performing hygiene procedures, or touching the affected area;
  • anorectal fistula. A fistula is a pathological channel between the intestines and the skin of the buttocks. The fistula itself is usually painless, but mucus and other waste products are constantly released from it, which leads to constant irritation of the surrounding tissues. The skin becomes inflamed, swollen, red and itchy;
  • haemorrhoids. A common cause of pain and heaviness in the anal area. With hemorrhoids, the hemorrhoidal nodes located next to the sphincter become inflamed. If the nodes are slightly enlarged (the disease is at the initial stage), then the patient experiences discomfort only when bowel movements. But as the pathology progresses, acute pain appears with any touch to the tailbone area - it becomes impossible to sit. Other symptoms of hemorrhoids include: bleeding from the anus, the appearance of cracks in the mucous membrane;
  • chronic proctosigmoiditis. This is the name for inflammation of the lower intestine, which occurs with clearly defined periods of remission. During periods of exacerbation, the patient's temperature rises, a sensation of a foreign body in the anus and severe itching pain;
  • intestinal tumors. The appearance of neoplasms in the gastrointestinal tract is also accompanied by pain and burning. The closer the tumor is to the anus, the more pronounced discomfort the person will experience.

Constipation (due to hardening of stool, creating pressure on the intestinal walls) or diarrhea can lead to pain in the anus. Often severe pain occurs due to impaired blood flow in the gluteal muscles, for example, from a prolonged forced sitting position. Truckers or people, freight forwarders encounter this manifestation. The exact cause can only be determined after an examination.

If treatment is not started, the disease worsens and other signs of pathologies gradually develop:

  • fever;
  • discharge from the anus;
  • mucus in stool;
  • dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • pain in the abdominal area.

The patient loses his appetite, experiences nausea after eating, and his weight changes dramatically. The skin becomes pale, moist, with a grayish tint. If such signs appear, it is recommended to make an appointment with a doctor as soon as possible. Pain and burning in the anus may indicate a serious pathology that requires immediate treatment.

Symptoms that accompany pain in the butt

Pain in the butt is accompanied by a number of symptoms that worry the patient.

  • discomfort and pain during bowel movements;

The appearance of pain in the butt is caused by anal fissures and hemorrhoids. The causes of anal fissures are poor hygiene, constipation, and mechanical damage to the mucous membranes.

Symptoms of cracks are:

  1. constant pain in the butt,
  2. bleeding,
  3. difficulty in defecation and discomfort.

Anal fissures often appear in women after natural childbirth.

  • pain in neighboring areas;

In addition to the gluteal region, the patient has pain in the lower back, sacrum, coccyx, and thigh. The pain syndrome is accompanied by increased tone in the gluteal muscles, muscles of the lower back and lower extremities. As a result of changes in the spine and increased muscle tension, movement in the spinal column and hip joint is limited.

  • general disturbance of health: malaise, weakness;

The patient feels severe weakness of the thigh and lower leg muscles, decreased sensitivity, and discomfort. Sometimes pain in the body is accompanied by discomfort in the buttock area. The patient complains of lack of appetite and worsening condition after eating. In this case, advice from a nutritionist and urologist is necessary.

  • elevated temperature;

The patient's condition is accompanied by an increase in temperature. This process indicates inflammation or infection.

  • headaches and dizziness;

There are complaints of headaches, migraines, dizziness. Sometimes cases of loss of consciousness are possible.

  • nausea and vomiting;

Inflammatory processes in the buttocks are closely related to the gastrointestinal tract. The patient complains of nausea and vomiting, and belching.

  • bowel dysfunction;

The patient develops fecal disturbances, upset and constipation, flatulence, bloating in the abdomen, discomfort in the buttocks and other organs.

  • loss of consciousness and loss of coordination;

In severe cases, sharp pain in the buttock and increased body temperature are accompanied by impaired consciousness - the patient falls into a coma;

Sharp pain in the lower abdomen, radiating to the anus

Quite often, women encounter this type of pain in the middle of the menstrual cycle. The pain occurs due to the rupture of the follicle when the egg is released. The process is accompanied by a local increase in temperature in the ovaries, which further aggravates the discomfort. But these are natural processes that do not cause concern.

Similar pain occurs during menstruation. It can be very pronounced and quite long (up to two days). You should not take painkillers or hormonal medications on your own - it is better to contact a supervising gynecologist to prescribe antispasmodics.

But pain in the lower abdomen may also indicate pathologies:

  • inflammation and accumulation of fluid in the retrouterine area;
  • adhesions affecting the reproductive organs;
  • ovarian cyst;
  • ectopic pregnancy.

If sharp pain occurs in men, it may be caused by inflammation of the appendix. Along with the pain, nausea, general weakness, and heart rhythm disturbances occur. But sometimes painful sensations in the abdomen are caused by ordinary constipation and flatulence. However, if a person regularly experiences indigestion or suffers from regular constipation, this may be a sign of a serious pathology. It is worth making an appointment with a gastroenterologist or proctologist.

Why does pain radiate to the anus during pregnancy?

Pregnant women periodically experience unpleasant pain radiating to the anal sphincter area. Discomfort is caused by a number of factors:

  • Fetal growth leads to increased pressure on the intestines. Internal organs become compressed, blood flow to them deteriorates and metabolic processes slow down. To compensate for this effect, the veins swell and expand, which gradually worsens the elasticity of the intestinal walls and leads to the formation of hemorrhagic nodes;
  • in the last trimester, the organs of the peritoneum are compressed and displaced, experiencing a lack of nutrients. This affects their functioning - in particular, pregnant women may suffer from constipation or diarrhea, which is also accompanied by painful sensations in the anus;
  • During pregnancy, the body's immune defense decreases and inflammatory processes worsen, pathogenic microflora activates, and dysbacteriosis often develops.

Fetal growth also affects intestinal motor functions. Peristalsis worsens, which leads to frequent constipation. The situation is aggravated due to the woman’s low mobility in the last stages of pregnancy. To avoid problems with the gastrointestinal tract, it is recommended to balance your diet, and if unpleasant symptoms recur, consult an experienced doctor.

When pain occurs at 8-9 months of pregnancy, it may indicate the onset of labor or “false contractions.” Therefore, the appearance of the slightest discomfort cannot be ignored - this can negatively affect the health of the mother and her unborn child.

How to get rid of itching in the anus?

If itching and burning appears in the anal area, you need to make sure that it is not caused by external factors. Perhaps you recently changed your intimate hygiene product and the itching is caused by an allergic reaction.

In this case it is necessary:

  • remove cosmetic residues from the skin;
  • wear loose, comfortable-shaped underwear made of cotton, silk or other natural materials;
  • choose soft, fragrance-free toilet paper.

By eliminating the external irritant, you will get rid of the itching. But if, in addition to irritation, you find symptoms such as:

  • rashes on the buttocks;
  • the appearance of condylomas;
  • weeping sores.

In this case, it is recommended to seek advice from a proctologist or dermatovenerologist as soon as possible. Most likely, the patient has a skin infection caused by a bacteria, virus, or fungus. The doctor will prescribe the necessary tests to detect the pathogen and select the appropriate treatment.

If independent attempts to cope with the itching do not bring results for more than a day, the burning and stinging intensifies, or new symptoms of disorders appear, you should not self-medicate. Many diseases can cause discomfort in the anal area, and the sooner they are detected, the higher the likelihood of a quick recovery without complications.

Causes of pain in the buttocks

Medical experts identify the following causes of butt pain:

  • herniated intervertebral discs in the lumbar region;

Acute severe pain radiating to the buttock is observed with herniated intervertebral discs in the lumbar region. Pain first occurs in the lower back - directly in the place where the affected disc is located, then goes down to the buttock and lower along the back of the thigh. The pain occurs only on the right or left, depending on which side the nerve is affected. Weakness occurs in the leg on the affected side, skin sensitivity is impaired, and discomfort is noted in the anal area.

  • lumbosacral radiculitis;

The patient feels discomfort in the buttocks. The condition is accompanied by nagging pain.

  • excessive muscle tension;

Severe pain in the butt indicates excessive muscle tension. Such symptoms are observed in athletes and people involved in physical labor.

  • sciatic nerve neuralgia;

With neuralgia of the sciatic nerve, the patient experiences severe pain in the thigh and anus. The pain intensifies with movement and turning.

  • infections of the female genital tract;

Severe cutting pain in the anus can be observed in women who have problems with the female genital organs. To establish an accurate diagnosis, you should visit a gynecologist.

  • arthritis and arthrosis;

With arthritis and arthrosis, inflammation of the joints of other organs is recorded in the patient. The main symptom of this disease is pain between the buttocks while walking. To prevent the development of arthritis and arthrosis, the patient should visit a neurologist and orthopedist. Health care providers will prescribe medications, healing ointments, exercise therapy, and physical therapy.

  • infection;

Pain in the anus after diarrhea indicates the presence of an infectious disease in the human body. The patient undergoes tests and visits a urologist.

How to treat itching in the anus?

The treatment regimen depends on the diagnosed disease. If the itching is caused by parasitic infestation, anthelmintic drugs are prescribed. In case of contact dermatitis, the doctor prescribes antihistamine tablets and topical ointments.

Typically, complex treatment is carried out, which may include:

  • physiotherapy. They improve blood circulation in tissues, promote rapid healing and normalization of the rectum. Reduce the severity of pain and help alleviate the patient’s condition;
  • taking antiviral and antimicrobial drugs. Prescribed if pain and itching are caused by pathogenic microorganisms. Targets the pathogen;
  • painkillers. For intense pain, novocaine blockades are prescribed.

Medicines and procedures are selected depending on the diagnosed disease, the patient’s current state of health, and the characteristics of his body. The proctologist monitors the progress of treatment until the patient recovers completely.

Diagnosis and treatment of pain in the butt

The treatment process for pain in the buttocks depends entirely on the nature of the pathology. The patient needs to see a proctologist and attend an initial consultation. The doctor will examine the affected organ and perform palpation. If purulent discharge, bleeding and infectious processes are detected, then we suggest performing an operation to remove anal fissures.

For pain in the butt resulting from an injury, the patient is prescribed painkillers and warming ointments that can relieve swelling. Non-steroidal medications relieve pain and promote rapid healing of soft tissues.

For boils, patients are prescribed Vishnevsky ointment and ichthyol ointment. In untreated cases, medical workers use massages, warm compresses, and physical therapy.

After consulting a doctor, the patient begins to engage in physical therapy. Improves muscle tone and strengthens. Doctors at the private clinic “KDS Clinic” have developed a special gymnastic system that will relax injured muscles and reduce pain.

What to do if you have severe pain in the anus?

When faced with severe pain near the anus, it is recommended to contact a medical center for qualified help. You should not self-medicate - taking painkillers only masks the symptom, while the disease will progress. There is also no need to rely on folk remedies. They are not effective and, in some pathologies, can only aggravate the patient’s condition.

To make an accurate diagnosis, it is necessary to undergo a series of laboratory and instrumental examinations. Based on their results, the doctor will determine the cause of severe pain and select effective therapy.

Simple prevention will help reduce the risk of proctological disorders:

  • do not allow blood to stagnate in the gluteal muscles - when working sedentarily, try to get up regularly and do a little warm-up;
  • balance your diet - add enough vegetables and fruits with plenty of fiber. Plant fibers stimulate intestinal motor function and help maintain muscle tone;
  • do not abuse alcohol, spicy, salty and smoked foods. These products irritate the mucous membrane and provoke inflammation;
  • balance your work and rest schedule - increased psycho-emotional stress can also cause intestinal problems.

Persons at high risk (overweight, difficult childbirth, family history of inflammation and tumors of the gastrointestinal tract) are recommended to undergo regular preventive examinations in the proctology department.




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Author: Kutepova Ekaterina Vladimirovna

Surgeon-proctologist. Candidate of Medical Sciences. Highest category. Work experience 15 years.

How to relieve pain with anal fissure

In order to remove acute pain that has arisen for the first time with an anal fissure, you can take a sitz bath with a solution of potassium permanganate or chamomile decoction, and introduce 2% lidocaine gel into the anus. Proctoglivenol, Ultraproct, Anestezol, Relief suppositories effectively reduce pain with anal fissure. Pregnant women who have severe pain with anal fissure are prescribed natalsid and methyluracil suppositories. They do not contain local anesthetics, but help reduce pain due to wound healing and immunostimulating effects.

Second-line therapy is topical application of 0.2% nitroglycerin ointment to the internal sphincter. It relaxes the internal anal sphincter and reduces pain, increases blood flow in the mucous membrane of the anal canal. The use of nitroglycerin ointment is sometimes accompanied by side effects: headache and dizziness. Also, proctologists, in the presence of sphincter spasm, which causes pain with anal fissure, prescribe 1% isosorbide dinitrate ointment. gels of nifedipine 0.2% and diltiazem 2%. Pain from anal fissure is relieved by taking calcium channel blockers orally or sublingually, which reduce the tone of the internal anal sphincter. Injection of botulinum tocaine into the internal anal sphincter effectively reduces the severity of pain and promotes healing of the anal fissure. The effect lasts about three months, until the nerve endings are regenerated. This time is sufficient for the healing of the defect in the mucous membrane of the rectal canal. If, at the beginning of treatment, patients experience relief, and after three months the symptoms of the disease resume, proctologists offer the patient a surgical sphincterotomy.

Lateral internal sphincterotomy is today the operation of choice for anal fissure. Proctologists at the Yusupov Hospital perform this surgical procedure on an outpatient basis. For pain relief, anesthesiologists use anesthesia, spinal or local anesthesia. During the operation, the surgeon crosses the hypertrophied internal anal sphincter, which relieves the patient of pain and promotes healing of the anal fissure.

Doctors at the proctology department perform sphincterotomy in the lateral quadrants. Surgeons are fluent in surgical techniques, so after the operation the external sphincter remains intact. Proctologists perform sphincterotomy in an open or closed manner. The surgeon inserts a pointed scalpel blade into the intersphincteric recess and crosses the internal anal sphincter towards the mucous membrane. Sometimes proctologists make an incision up to one centimeter in this area and cross the internal anal sphincter under visual control. To avoid the formation of a fistula, the integumentary mucosa is left intact. For chronic anal fissure, sphincterotomy is performed in combination with excision of hypertrophied papillae and skin outgrowths. Sometimes, with a long-standing crack, doctors at the proctology department perform plastic surgery - they close the defect by moving a flap of the mucous membrane.

The intensity of pain after surgery does not exceed the pain that was caused by the crack before surgery. In the postoperative period, proctologists prescribe medications that increase the volume of stool and, to prevent constipation, a diet rich in plant fiber. If an anal fissure reoccurs after surgery, proctologists perform a sphincterotomy on the opposite side of the anal canal. To find out how to relieve pain from anal fissure, make an appointment with a proctologist by phone.

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