Coarctation of the aorta - description of the disease, symptoms, treatment
04 Jun 2021 at 14:36 ​​MRI of the heart in Tushino 2681 Coarctation of the aorta is
Proproten 100 how to take
"Proproten 100": reviews from narcologists, instructions for use, action, composition
Withdrawal syndrome in alcoholism is a very serious condition, which is usually accompanied by severe attacks
Antihypertensive drugs: list of latest generation drugs
Hypotensive effect - what is it? This question is asked by women and men who have encountered for the first time
Tick-borne encephalitis: manifestations, symptoms, signs
ATTENTION – TICK-BORNE ENCEPHALITIS Tick-borne encephalitis is an acute viral disease of the nervous system. His
Table 2. Assessment of anxiety level (points)
Experience with the use of Bellataminal in patients with gastrointestinal diseases
Bellataminal® Bellataminal® is a combination drug. Has α-adrenergic blocking, m-anticholinergic and sedative effects, has antispasmodic
Evaluation of the safety and effectiveness of the drug "Elcar" (levocarnitine) in patients in the acute period of ischemic stroke in the carotid system
Why weakness occurs during illness The body has to spend
Memory loss, amnesia
Amnesia - symptoms and treatment
Types of amnesia There are two forms of the disease - retrograde (the patient does not remember events that happened before
Rudeness - Cordia
Psychopathy: causes, signs, symptoms
What is psychopathy Psychopathic disorder is a painful variant of human behavior, often a sociopath, expressed in
"Asparkam": user reviews and expert opinion
Photo: UGC “Asparkam” is prescribed for preventive purposes and to eliminate potassium-magnesium deficiency in the body
How is Giardia transmitted to children?
Giardia in children: symptoms, treatment, photos, how to treat giardiasis in children
What are Giardia? The name Giardia is an unofficial name. That's what people called it
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