VINPOTROPIL film-coated tablets 10mg+800mg No. 60

Vinpotropil capsules 5 mg+400 mg 30 pcs.

Vinpotropil is a combination drug. It has properties characteristic of a psychostimulant (vinpocetine) and a nootropic drug (vinpocetine, piracetam). As a psychostimulant. Improves brain metabolism by increasing the consumption of glucose and oxygen by brain tissue. Increases the resistance of neurons to hypoxia; enhances glucose transport to the brain, across the blood-brain barrier; transfers the process of glucose breakdown to an energy-efficient, aerobic path; selectively blocks Ca2+-dependent phosphodiesterase; increases levels of adenosine monophosphate (AMP), cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP) and adenosine triphosphate (ATP) in the brain. Strengthens the exchange of norepinephrine and serotonin in the brain; stimulates the ascending branch of the noradrenergic system and has an antioxidant effect. Reduces platelet aggregation and increased blood viscosity; increases the elasticity of red blood cells and blocks the utilization of adenosine by red blood cells; helps to increase the release of oxygen by red blood cells. Increases cerebral blood flow; reduces cerebral vascular resistance without significantly changing systemic circulation parameters. It does not have a “stealing” effect and increases blood supply, primarily in ischemic areas of the brain. Penetrates through the placental barrier. As a nootropic. Has a positive effect on metabolic processes in the brain, slightly increases the concentration of ATP in the brain, enhances the synthesis of ribonucleic acid and phospholipids, stimulates 3 glycolytic processes, enhances glucose utilization; improves the integrative activity of the brain, promotes memory consolidation, facilitates the learning process; changes the speed of propagation of excitation in the brain, improves microcirculation without having a vasodilating effect, inhibits the aggregation of activated platelets; has a protective effect against brain damage caused by hypoxia, intoxication, and electric shock; enhances alpha and beta activity, reduces delta activity on the electroencephalogram, reduces the severity of vestibular nystagmus; improves connections between the cerebral hemispheres and synaptic conduction in neocortical structures, increases mental activity, increases cerebral blood flow; does not have a sedative or psychostimulating effect. The effect develops gradually. It has a pronounced effect on the symptoms of the initial manifestations of cognitive impairment of cerebrovascular origin in elderly and senile patients. Recommended in psychogeriatric practice.

VINPOTROPIL film-coated tablets 10mg+800mg No. 60

Pharmacodynamics Vinpotropil is a combination drug. It has properties characteristic of a drug that improves cerebral blood flow (vinpocetine) and a nootropic drug (piracetam). As a means of improving cerebral blood flow. Improves brain metabolism, increasing the consumption of glucose and oxygen by brain tissue. Increases the resistance of neurons to hypoxia, enhances the transport of glucose to the brain through the blood-brain barrier; transfers the process of glucose breakdown to an energy-efficient, aerobic path; selectively blocks Ca2+-dependent phosphodiesterase; increases levels of adenosine monophosphate (AMP), cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP) and adenosine triphosphate (ATP) in the brain. Strengthens the exchange of norepinephrine and serotonin in the brain; has an antioxidant effect. Reduces platelet aggregation and increased blood viscosity; increases the elasticity of red blood cells and blocks the utilization of adenosine by red blood cells; helps to increase the release of oxygen by red blood cells. Increases cerebral blood flow; reduces cerebral vascular resistance without significantly changing systemic circulation parameters. It does not have a “stealing” effect and increases blood supply, primarily in ischemic areas of the brain. Penetrates through the placental barrier. As a nootropic agent, it improves the integrative activity of the brain, promotes memory consolidation, and facilitates the learning process; changes the speed of propagation of excitation in the brain, improves microcirculation without having a vasodilating effect, suppresses the aggregation of activated platelets; has a protective effect against brain damage caused by hypoxia, intoxication, and electric shock; enhances α- and β-activity, reduces δ-activity on the electroencephalogram, reduces the severity of vestibular nystagmus; improves connections between the cerebral hemispheres and synaptic conduction in neocortical structures, increases mental activity, increases cerebral blood flow; does not have a sedative or psychostimulating effect. The effect develops gradually. It has a pronounced effect on the symptoms of the initial manifestations of cognitive impairment of cerebrovascular origin in elderly and senile patients. Recommended in psychogeriatric practice. Pharmacokinetics Vinpocetine is rapidly absorbed. Therapeutic concentration in plasma is 10-20 ng/ml. The time to reach maximum concentration in blood plasma is 1 hour. Absorption occurs mainly in the proximal parts of the gastrointestinal tract. When passing through the intestinal wall it is not metabolized. The maximum concentration in tissues is observed 2-4 hours after oral administration. Protein binding – 66%, bioavailability when taken orally – 7%. Clearance of 66.7 l/h exceeds the plasma volume of the liver (50 l/h), indicating extrahepatic metabolism. The main metabolite is apovincamic acid, which has some pharmacological activity. Other inactive metabolites are hydroxy-vinpocetine, hydroxy-apovinamic acid, hydroxy-vinpocetine-glycinate. With repeated doses, the kinetics are linear. The half-life (T1/2) in humans is 4.83±1.29 hours. It is excreted by the kidneys and through the intestines in a ratio of 3:2. After oral administration, Piracetam is well absorbed and penetrates into various organs and tissues. Bioavailability is about 100%. After a single oral dose of 3.2 g, the maximum concentration is 84 mcg/ml, after repeated oral administration (3.2 g 3 times a day) – 115 mcg/ml. Time to reach maximum concentration in plasma is 1 hour, in cerebrospinal fluid – 5 hours. Volume of distribution is about 0.6 l/kg. Penetrates through the blood-brain and placental barriers and selectively accumulates in the tissues of the cerebral cortex. It practically does not undergo biotransformation and is excreted unchanged by the kidneys through glomerular filtration. Total clearance 80-90 ml/min. T1/2 from blood plasma – 4-5 hours, from cerebrospinal fluid – 8.5 hours.


Vinpotropil® is a combination drug. It has properties characteristic of a drug that improves cerebral blood flow (vinpocetine) and a nootropic drug (piracetam).

As a means of improving cerebral blood flow:

Improves brain metabolism by increasing the consumption of glucose and oxygen by brain tissue. Increases the resistance of neurons to hypoxia; enhances glucose transport - to the brain, through the blood-brain barrier; transfers the process of glucose breakdown to an energy-efficient, aerobic path; selectively blocks Ca2+-dependent phosphodiesterase; increases levels of adenosine monophosphate (AMP), cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP) and adenosine triphosphate (ATP) in the brain. Strengthens the exchange of norepinephrine and serotonin in the brain; stimulates the ascending branch of the noradrenergic system and has an antioxidant effect. Reduces platelet aggregation and increased blood viscosity; increases the elasticity of red blood cells and blocks the utilization of adenosine by red blood cells; helps to increase the release of oxygen by red blood cells. Increases cerebral blood flow; reduces cerebral vascular resistance without significantly changing systemic circulation parameters. It does not have a “stealing” effect and increases blood supply, primarily in ischemic areas of the brain. Penetrates through the placental barrier.

As a nootropic:

Has a positive effect on metabolic processes in the brain, slightly increases the concentration of ATP in the brain, enhances the synthesis of ribonucleic acid and phospholipids, stimulates glycolytic processes, enhances glucose utilization; improves the integrative activity of the brain, promotes memory consolidation, facilitates the learning process; changes the speed of propagation of excitation in the brain, improves microcirculation without having a vasodilating effect, inhibits the aggregation of activated platelets; has a protective effect against brain damage caused by hypoxia, intoxication, and electric shock; enhances alpha and beta activity, reduces delta activity on the electroencephalogram, reduces the severity of vestibular nystagmus; improves connections between the cerebral hemispheres and synaptic conduction in neocortical structures, increases mental activity, increases cerebral blood flow; does not have a sedative or psychostimulating effect. The effect develops gradually.

It has a pronounced effect on the symptoms of the initial manifestations of cognitive impairment of cerebrovascular origin in elderly and senile patients. Recommended in psychogeriatric practice.

Vinpotropil® (Vinpotropile)

Combined drug. It has properties characteristic of cerebrovasodilating (vinpocetine) and nootropic (piracetam) drugs.


improves cerebral circulation, causes dilation of cerebral vessels, increased blood flow and improved supply of oxygen and glucose to the brain. Increases the resistance of brain cells to hypoxia, facilitating the transport of oxygen and energy substrates to tissues (due to a decrease in the affinity of red blood cells for it, increased absorption and metabolism of glucose, switching it to an energetically more favorable aerobic direction). Promotes the accumulation of cyclic adenosine monophosphate and adenosine triphosphate in tissues (inhibition of phosphodiesterase and stimulation of adenylate cyclase), increasing the content of catecholamines in brain tissue. The vasodilating effect is associated with a direct relaxing effect on the smooth muscles of blood vessels, mainly in the brain, does not cause the “steal” phenomenon and increases blood supply to the ischemic area of ​​the brain, without changing the blood supply to intact areas. Improves microcirculation in the brain by reducing platelet aggregation, reducing blood viscosity, and increasing the elasticity of red blood cells.


- a cyclic derivative of gamma-aminobutyric acid, acts directly on the brain, improving cognitive (cognitive) processes, such as learning ability, memory, attention, as well as mental performance. It affects the central nervous system in various ways: it changes the speed of propagation of excitation in the brain, improves metabolic processes in nerve cells, improves microcirculation, affects the rheological characteristics of the blood without having a vasodilating effect.

Improves communication between the cerebral hemispheres and synaptic conduction in neocortical structures, improves cerebral blood flow.

Inhibits platelet aggregation and restores the configurational properties of the outer membrane of rigid erythrocytes, as well as the ability of the latter to pass through the microvasculature. At a dose of 9.6 g, it reduces the concentration of fibrinogen and von Willebrand factor by 30-40% and prolongs bleeding time. It has a protective and restorative effect in cases of impaired brain function due to hypoxia and intoxication. Reduces the severity and duration of vestibular nystagmus.

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