How does quitting smoking affect the body?

Release form

Available in tablet form.

The tablets, which contain 850 mcg of varenicline tartrate, are capsule-shaped and white or almost white in color. They are biconvex, with a film shell, with “Pfizer” engraved on one side and “CHX 0.5” on the other.

Tablets that contain 1.71 mg of varenicline tartrate are capsule-shaped and light blue in color. They are biconvex, with a film shell, with “Pfizer” engraved on one side and “CHX 1.0” on the other.

Packed in blisters of 11, 14 or 28 pieces, as well as in polyethylene cans of 56 pieces.

pharmachologic effect

The tablets are used to treat nicotine addiction. The active substance varenicline , entering the body, binds to α4β2 n-cholinergic receptors, in relation to which it is partially an agonist of nicotine. Thus, there is simultaneous agonistic activity (its degree is less than that of nicotine) and antagonism in the presence of nicotine.

Consequently, varenicline blocks the ability of nicotine to stimulate α4β2 n-cholinergic receptors and suppresses its activity in relation to the mesolimbic dopamine system. This mechanism is the basis for the formation of addiction to nicotine, that is, the pleasure obtained from smoking.

Anti-smoking tablets Champix reduce the craving for smoking and also significantly alleviate the symptoms of withdrawal syndrome. At the same time, a person taking this drug gradually notices a decrease in the feeling of pleasure from smoking.

What happens to the body after quitting smoking

Quitting smoking will happen easily if a person is already psychologically determined to quit, if he has convinced himself that without cigarettes his life will become better and healthier. This is more of a psychological factor than any disorder in the nervous system.

It is often advised to switch to caramel, nuts or seeds. There is quite a serious danger here. Firstly, instead of one bad habit, you can acquire another one associated with an eating disorder. Secondly, it is precisely because of such “substitutes” that people gain weight when they quit smoking. For example, if instead of 40 cigarettes a day you eat 40 sweets, then this will be about 2000 “extra” kcal, which will immediately affect your figure.

If you suddenly quit smoking after a long history of smoking, your health will gradually improve. Specialists who return people with addictions to normal life are guided by statistics: almost 5 million people die every year from the consequences of smoking. At the same time, no one has yet died from trying to quit cigarettes.

Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics

The highest level of concentration of the active substance in the blood plasma is observed approximately 3-4 hours after oral administration of Champix. After oral administration, the drug is almost completely absorbed; there is a high level of its systemic bioavailability, which is not associated with the period of its intake throughout the day, with use in relation to food intake.

The pharmacokinetics of varenicline were observed to be linear after a single dose (0.1 mg to 3 mg dose) or after repeated administration or re-administration of Champix at a similar dose.

The active substance is distributed in the tissues of the body, penetrates the blood-brain barrier and enters the brain. There is a low degree of binding to plasma proteins - less than 20%.

About 92% is excreted unchanged from the body through the kidneys, less than 10% is excreted as metabolites. The half-life of varenicline is 24 hours.

There is no dependence of the pharmacokinetics of varenicline on gender, age, race, or whether the patient smokes or takes other medications.

Side effects

If during treatment with Champix the patient stops smoking, this process may be accompanied by a variety of unpleasant symptoms. In particular, sleep problems, irritability, bad mood, feelings of displeasure, motor restlessness, increased appetite, and weight gain are possible. Quitting smoking may worsen pre-existing mental disorders. Also during treatment, patients experienced depressive mood, behavioral disorders, and cases of hypersensitivity. But all adverse events are primarily associated with quitting smoking, and not with the start of drug therapy. As a rule, they were observed during the first week of treatment and were either weak or moderately expressed.

When treating Champix at the recommended dose, patients most often reported mild or moderate nausea. However, discontinuation of treatment was rarely required.

In addition, the following negative manifestations were noted during Champix therapy:

  • Often - increased appetite , rarely - decreased appetite , anorexia .
  • Often - manifestations of insomnia , unusual dreams , rarely - panic attacks , impaired thinking , unstable mood.
  • Often - drowsiness , headache , dizziness , rarely - disturbances in coordination processes , tremor , hypertension , dysphoria , motor restlessness , hypoesthesia , decreased sexual desire .
  • Often – vomiting , constipation , diarrhea , nausea , dyspepsia , rarely – symptoms of gastritis , gastroesophageal reflux disease , abdominal pain .
  • Also, in rare cases, palpitations , infectious diseases , dilated pupils , pain in the eyeball , myopia , increased lacrimation , cough , shortness , snoring , congestion in the respiratory tract and paranasal sinuses , rash , acne , erythema , joint stiffness , spasms may muscles , nocturia , glycosuria , polyuria , chest pain , asthenia , malaise , etc.


Smoking cessation, both with and without therapy, is accompanied by various symptoms, in particular, decreased mood and dysphoria, insomnia, irritability, feelings of displeasure and anger, anxiety, impaired concentration, restlessness, decreased heart rate, increased appetite or weight gain.

Smoking cessation with or without drug therapy was also accompanied by exacerbation of concomitant mental disorders.

When developing the design of clinical trials of the drug Champix® and during the analysis of their results, no distinction was made between adverse events possibly associated with the use of the study drug and those actually associated with nicotine withdrawal syndrome.

Adverse reactions were based initially on the evaluation of registration studies and were supplemented by data from 18 placebo-controlled registration and post-marketing studies involving approximately 5000 patients taking varenicline.

According to the results of clinical studies, adverse reactions usually appeared in the first week after the start of treatment, were usually mild or moderate, and their frequency did not depend on the age, race or gender of the patient.

In patients receiving Champix® at the recommended dose of 1 mg twice daily after the titration period, the most common adverse effect reported was nausea (28.6%). In most cases, nausea occurred in the early stages of therapy, was mild or moderate, and rarely required discontinuation of the drug.

While taking the drug Champix®, the following reactions from organs and systems are also possible (frequency assessment criteria: very frequent ≥ 10%; frequent - from ≥ 1% to <10%; infrequent - from ≥ 0.1% to < 1%; rare - from ≥ 0.01% to < 0.1%, very rare - <0.01%, frequency unknown - cannot be determined based on available data).

Infectious and parasitic diseases: very common - nasopharyngitis; common - bronchitis, sinusitis; uncommon - fungal infections, viral infections.

Blood and lymphatic system disorders: rare - decreased platelet count.

Metabolic and nutritional disorders: frequent - weight gain, decreased appetite, increased appetite; uncommon - hyperglycemia; rare - diabetes mellitus, polydipsia.

Mental disorders: very common - unusual dreams, insomnia; infrequent - suicidal behavior, aggressiveness, panic reaction, thinking disorders, anxiety, mood swings, depression*, states of fear*, hallucinations*, increased libido, decreased libido; rare - psychosis, somnambulism, behavioral deviations, dysphoria, bradyphrenia.

Nervous system disorders: very common - headaches; frequent - drowsiness, dizziness, dysgeusia; uncommon - seizures, tremor, lethargy, hypoesthesia; rare - stroke, hypertension, dysarthria, coordination disorders, hypogeusia, sleep-wake rhythm disturbances.

Violations of the organ of vision: infrequent - conjunctivitis, eye pain; rare - scotoma, discoloration of the sclera, mydriasis, photophobia, myopia, increased lacrimation.

Hearing and labyrinthine disorders: uncommon - tinnitus.

Cardiac disorders: uncommon - myocardial infarction, angina pectoris, tachycardia, palpitations, increased heart rate; rare - atrial fibrillation, depression of the ST interval on the ECG, reduced amplitude of the T waves on the ECG.

Vascular disorders: uncommon - high blood pressure, flushing.

Disorders of the respiratory system, chest and mediastinal organs: frequent - shortness of breath, cough; uncommon - inflammation of the upper respiratory tract, hyperemia of the respiratory tract, dysphonia, allergic rhinitis, pharyngeal irritation, swelling of the mucous membranes of the maxillary sinuses, cough syndrome of the upper respiratory tract, rhinorrhea; rare - pain in the larynx, snoring.

Gastrointestinal disorders: very common - nausea; common - gastroesophageal reflux, vomiting, constipation, diarrhea, gas, abdominal pain, toothache, dyspepsia, bloating, dry mouth; infrequent - hematochezia, gastritis, disturbances in the usual rhythm of bowel movements, belching, aphthous stomatitis, pain in the gums; rare - vomiting with blood, changes in stool, coated tongue.

Disorders of the skin and subcutaneous tissues: frequent - rash, itching; uncommon - erythema, acne, hyperhidrosis, night sweats; rare - severe skin reactions, including Stevens-Johnson syndrome and erythema multiforme, angioedema.

Musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders: common - arthralgia, myalgia, back pain; infrequent - muscle spasms, chest pain related to skeletal muscles; rare - ankylosis, chondritis of the ribs.

Renal and urinary tract disorders: uncommon - pollakiuria, nocturia; rare - glucosuria, polyuria.

Disorders of the genital organs and mammary gland: uncommon - menorrhagia; rare - leucorrhoea, sexual functional disorders.

General disorders and disorders at the injection site: frequent - chest pain, fatigue; Uncommon: chest complaints, illness with flu-like symptoms, fever, pyrexia. asthenia, malaise; rare - feeling of cold, cyst.

Influence on the results of laboratory and instrumental studies: frequent - deviation from the norm of biochemical indicators of liver function; rare - abnormal results of seminal fluid analysis, increased levels of C-reactive protein, decreased levels of calcium in the blood.

*Rate estimates based on post-registration observational study cohorts.

Instructions for use of Champix (Method and dosage)

The instructions for Champix include taking the drug orally , and it must be washed down with water . The product can be taken regardless of the time of eating.

According to experts, the results of therapy will be more successful in those patients who seriously intend to give up a bad habit and take the medicine according to the regimen prescribed in the instructions for use of Champix.

The start of drug therapy must be ensured one week before the day when the person decides to give up the bad habit. It is recommended to take 1 mg of the drug twice a day, dividing this dose according to the following scheme:

From 1 to 3 days: 0.5 mg 1 time per day; from 4 to 7 days - 0.5 mg 2 times a day; starting from day 8 until the end of therapy, you need to take 1 mg twice a day. If side effects occur, the dose of the drug may be reduced for some time. Your doctor will tell you in detail how to take the medicine in this case.

The treatment period lasts 12 weeks. If the patient has stopped smoking by the end of the twelfth week, an additional course of therapy with the drug is possible, with the dose being 1 mg daily (in two doses) for another 12 weeks.

Those people who were unable to break their smoking habit during the 12-week treatment, or those who relapsed after treatment, can try treatment again, but only if the cause of the relapse is identified and eliminated.

In case of severe renal impairment in a patient, the dose of Champix is ​​reduced to 1 mg once a day. In case of impaired liver function, there is no need to adjust the dose of the drug. Champix in the usual dose is also prescribed to older people.

How does quitting smoking affect the body?

However, once you overcome the craving for smoking, you will feel much better within a month. What happens to our body after giving up cigarettes?

Positive changes after quitting smoking (according to the World Health Organization):

  • Within 20 minutes, the heart rate decreases and blood pressure decreases;
  • Within 12 hours, the level of carbon monoxide in the blood decreases to normal levels;
  • Within 2-12 weeks, blood circulation improves and lung function increases;
  • Within 1-9 months, cough and shortness of breath decrease;
  • Within 1 year, the risk of developing coronary heart disease is reduced by half compared to the risk of a smoker;
  • 5-15 years after quitting smoking, the risk of stroke decreases to the level of a non-smoker;
  • After 10 years, the risk of developing lung cancer is reduced by half compared to that of a smoker, and the risk of developing cancer of the mouth, throat, esophagus, bladder, cervix and pancreas is also reduced;
  • After 15 years, the risk of developing coronary heart disease is reduced to the level of a non-smoker.

Benefits compared to those who continue to smoke (according to the World Health Organization):

  • Around age 30: Life expectancy increases by about 10 years.
  • Around age 40: Life expectancy increases by 9 years.
  • Around age 50: Life expectancy increases by 6 years.
  • Around age 60: Life expectancy increases by 3 years.
  • After developing a life-threatening illness: Immediate benefit – People who quit smoking after a heart attack are 50% less likely to have another heart attack.

How to quit smoking?

There are several ways to quit cigarettes:

  1. 1. One of the popular methods is self-analysis. When wanting to get a cigarette, a smoker must ask himself questions: “Why do I smoke?” and “What’s stopping me from stopping?” When a person answers these questions, he becomes motivated to implement his idea of ​​quitting smoking. This type of psychological impact applies not only to smoking, but also to diets and physical activity.
  2. 2. If you cannot solve the problem yourself, you should consult a doctor or psychologist. The specialist will determine the cause of the addiction and offer options for getting rid of the bad habit.
  3. 3. To quit smoking, you can use drugs to treat nicotine addiction: a special patch, lozenges, chewing gum, etc. The necessary products can be purchased at Stolichka Pharmacies.

Tabex tab p.o 1.5 mg No. 100 Nicorette rubber. chewing fresh mint 2 mg No. 30 Champix tab po 1 mg No. 28 Corrida tab. d/rass. 500 mg No. 100

There are contraindications. It is necessary to obtain specialist advice.

Quit smoking and be healthy!

The article uses data from the World Health Organization:


There are no clinically significant interactions between the active substance Champix and other drugs. There is no need to adjust the dosage of these drugs or varenicline when used concomitantly.

At therapeutic doses, varenicline does not affect protein transport in humans. Therefore, varenicline does not affect the pharmacokinetics of drugs whose clearance occurs through renal secretion.

With simultaneous treatment with cimetidine, the AUC of varenicline increases by 29% due to a decrease in its renal clearance.

Pharmacokinetics of arfarin does not change with simultaneous administration of varenicline. Changes in the pharmacokinetics of warfarin may themselves occur as a result of smoking cessation.

With the simultaneous use of nicotine replacement therapy, in particular nicotine patches, for 12 days there was a significant decrease in mean SBP. Side effects such as nausea, vomiting, and fatigue were also more common.

special instructions

If physiological changes occur in the body during treatment with Champix after quitting smoking, the pharmacokinetics or pharmacodynamics of a number of drugs may change. In this case, it may be necessary to adjust the dosage of Theophylline , Insulin , Warfarin and other medications.

When stopping taking Champix, approximately 3% of people experienced increased irritability, depression , sleep problems, and increased cravings for smoking.

Before starting treatment with the drug, the specialist must clearly explain to the patient about the possibility of developing a variety of psychoneurological symptoms. It is important to understand that when treated with Champix, a person’s behavior may be disrupted and a depressive state may occur. Before treatment, you should definitely tell the doctor about all psychoneurological manifestations that have been observed in the person previously.

Due to the fact that drowsiness and dizziness may occur when taking Champix, it is not recommended to drive vehicles or operate dangerous machinery during therapy. Before starting such actions, you should be clearly aware of the body's reaction to taking the drug.


Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Adequate and strictly controlled studies on the safety of Champix during pregnancy have not been conducted, therefore the use of the drug is contraindicated.
It is not known whether varenicline is excreted into breast milk in humans. If it is necessary to use the drug during lactation, breastfeeding should be discontinued.

Use for liver dysfunction

In patients with impaired liver function, no dose adjustment is required.

Use for renal impairment

For patients with mild (estimated creatinine clearance > 50 ml/min and ≤ 80 ml/min) and moderate (estimated creatinine clearance ≥ 30 ml/min and ≤ 50 ml/min) renal impairment, no dose adjustment is required. In case of severe adverse reactions in patients with moderate renal impairment, the dose may be reduced to 1 mg 1 time / day.

For patients with severely impaired renal function (calculated creatinine clearance <30 ml/min), the recommended dose of Champix is ​​1 mg 1 time/day. Treatment begins with a dose of 500 mcg 1 time / day, which after 3 days is increased to 1 mg 1 time / day. There is insufficient experience with the use of Champix in patients with end-stage kidney disease, so the drug is not recommended in such cases.

Use in children

Contraindication: age under 18 years (insufficient clinical data on the effectiveness and safety of the drug in this age group).

Use in elderly patients

Elderly patients do not require dose adjustment. It should be borne in mind that in this category of patients the likelihood of renal dysfunction is higher, so it is advisable to evaluate it before starting treatment.

special instructions

The effect of quitting smoking on the body

Physiological changes that occur after smoking cessation with or without treatment with Champix® may alter the pharmacokinetics or pharmacodynamics of some drugs that may require dose adjustment (for example, theophylline, warfarin and insulin). Because Smoking induces the CYP1A2 isoenzyme; quitting smoking can lead to an increase in the concentration of substrates of this isoenzyme in the blood plasma.

Neuropsychiatric disorders

During post-marketing use of the drug, there have been reports of neuropsychiatric disorders, including behavioral or thought disorders, anxiety, psychosis, mood swings, aggressive behavior, agitation, depressive mood, suicidal ideation and suicidal behavior in patients attempting to quit smoking with varenicline. Not all patients had stopped smoking at the time of the onset of these symptoms, and not all patients had previously experienced mental disorders.

The physician should explain to patients receiving the drug to quit smoking the possibility of developing neuropsychiatric symptoms and take into account the need for a gradual dose reduction. Patients, their family members, or caregivers should be advised to stop taking Champix® and seek immediate medical attention if behavioral disturbances, agitation, or depressive mood occur, or if suicidal ideation or behavior occurs that has not previously occurred in the patient. . In many cases, after discontinuation of the drug, the listed symptoms disappeared, but sometimes the symptoms persisted. Therefore, continued monitoring of patients is recommended until symptoms resolve. Before starting treatment, it is necessary to find out whether the patient has previously had any mental disorders.

It should also be borne in mind that depressive mood, in rare cases in combination with suicidal thoughts or attempts, may accompany smoking cessation. In addition, the process of quitting smoking, with or without pharmacotherapy, is usually associated with exacerbations of existing mental disorders (eg, depression).

Clinical studies have been conducted on the use of varenicline in patients suffering from major depressive disorder without psychotic symptoms, receiving regular antidepressant therapy and/or in patients who have had a major depressive episode within the last 2 years and the therapy was successful. According to the results of assessing the patients' condition on psychiatric scales, there were no differences between the groups of patients receiving varenicline and placebo. There was also no worsening of depression during varenicline therapy in either group of patients.

Cardiovascular diseases

When using the drug Champix® in patients with cardiovascular diseases, there was a slight increase in the incidence of complications of these diseases. Such complications more often developed in patients with existing diseases of the cardiovascular system. Overall and cardiovascular mortality were lower in patients receiving varenicline. Patients taking varenicline should tell their prescribers if new symptoms of cardiovascular disease develop or worsen existing ones. Patients should seek immediate medical attention if symptoms consistent with myocardial infarction or stroke occur.

Use in patients with stable schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder

There are limited data on the use of varenicline in patients with stable schizophrenia or schizoaffective disorder. Caution should be used when using varenicline in patients with a history of mental illness.


There is no data on the use of Champix® in patients with epilepsy. While using the drug Champix®, seizures developed (in the absence of a history of seizures). If you have a history of seizures or other conditions that lower the seizure threshold, caution should be exercised when using Champix®.

Completion of therapy

Completion of varenicline treatment in 3% of patients was accompanied by increased irritability, smoking urges, depression and/or insomnia. Patients should be warned about such complications and the possibility of dose reduction should be discussed.

Angioedema and hypersensitivity reactions

There are reports of hypersensitivity reactions, including angioedema, in patients taking varenicline. Clinical symptoms of this complication include swelling of the face, mouth (tongue, lips, gums), neck (larynx and pharynx), and extremities. In addition, there are rare reports of the development of life-threatening angioedema, the treatment of which may require emergency medical intervention due to the risk of impaired respiratory function. Patients should immediately stop taking varenicline and contact their healthcare provider if any symptoms of a hypersensitivity reaction develop.

Severe skin reactions

There have been rare reports of severe life-threatening skin reactions, including Stevens-Johnson syndrome and erythema multiforme, in patients taking varenicline. Because These reactions can be life-threatening; you should stop using Champix® at the first signs of a rash or skin reaction and immediately inform your doctor.

Chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases

When using Champix® in patients with COPD, there were no differences in the safety profile compared to healthy patients.

Impact on the ability to drive vehicles and operate machinery

Champix® may cause dizziness and drowsiness, so patients are advised not to drive, use complex machinery, or perform other potentially hazardous tasks until their individual response to the drug is assessed.

Champix's analogs

Level 4 ATX code matches:



In pharmacies you can find a number of other medications that are used to get rid of nicotine addiction. These products work similarly, but they contain different active substances. These are the drugs Tabex , Lobelin , Tabacum-plus , Mebicar , Zyban , Gamibazin , etc.

Which is better: Tabex or Champix?

The drug Tabex contains the active substance cytisine , Champix contains varenicline . When taking Champix, as well as when treating Tabex, reactions occur in the smoker’s body that are similar to those that occur when exposed to nicotine. However, varenicline and nicotine are antagonists, so when smoking and taking this drug at the same time, a person develops a feeling of aversion to tobacco. Champix is ​​a more modern remedy than Tabex, although its cost is higher.

Reviews of Champix

Those patients who have taken Champix leave different reviews on the forums, but mostly positive ones. Many people, taking these smoking cessation pills, were able to quickly get rid of this addiction. Under the influence of this remedy, the desire to smoke disappears gradually and relatively imperceptibly. Sometimes patients noted the manifestation of some side effects, in particular, nausea and irritability. However, when evaluating the drug Champix, the reviews from doctors are mostly positive, since in most cases, after taking a course of the drug, a pronounced effect is noted. However, the positive effect was mainly observed in cases where a person consciously tried to give up such a bad habit as smoking.

Champix tablets for smoking - reviews


I didn’t quit smoking and because of the drug I am in the hospital with low platelets in my blood. It's better to smoke.

My father is a smoker

My father is a smoker with 40 years of experience, he has no strength to fight him, he smokes three packs a day, there is no point in quitting, at least cut down to 7-10 cigarettes! I bought him Champix, he’s been taking it for 11 days now, and he’s still smoking! It feels like there is no change, what kind of vitamins are you giving me! I'll see what happens next, so far the effect is zero!

K o n d r a t

- this is not a panacea, but another “substitute”, and one that poisons the body..

What is the point of giving up one poison in order to start taking another, and even much more expensive one?

Marketers-pharmacologists, at one time, were simply jealous, looking at tobacco companies, and decided to also cut their share from addicted citizens. So they came up with this poison...

Quitting smoking is not easy, but very simple. If not all brains are smoked yet, if the thought process is not yet alien to the brain, if there is a clear, really meaningful and from all sides deliberate desire to QUIT. If you are able to trust the author who writes you the TRUTH and you are able, by believing him, to follow ALL his recommendations, you will stop smoking without any side effects, psychological torment and other ordeals. I smoked for 25 years and now it’s been 1.5 years since I’ve stopped putting this crap in my mouth and I’m not enriching the guys from Philip Morris with my contributions. Whoever believes will quit. Whoever considers himself smarter, independent and cool enough to trust someone will stay with his favorite cigarette forever. Everyone makes a choice for themselves.


I'm working as head. by a doctor in a military hospital - THIS DRUG IS ALL PROHIBITED FOR SALE IN RUSSIA!!!! People!!! If they offer you mercury in chocolate, will you also experiment on yourself?


I am 40 years old and have been smoking for 20 years. I started drinking Champix, at first I just had a headache, and on the 6th day of taking it I started to feel angina pectoris and was looking for Czech disease. I saw the Cardiologist in August, two months ago, and everything was fine. The doctor said that such side effects occur when taking Champix and it’s good that it turned out that way, it could have been a heart attack. I stopped drinking Champix accordingly, now I’m treating my heart, but I’ll have to quit smoking because of my heart.


Advantages: You don’t want to smoke while taking it


Very high price, temporary effect

The willpower to quit smoking is not always enough - I had more than a dozen attempts, but I couldn’t quit completely. I had to go to the doctor, who began to assure me that Champix was a panacea, a miracle and all that.

... Champix does not awaken aversion to the smell of cigarettes and does not at all block the “withdrawal” and other “joys” of trying to quit smoking, such as nervousness, rapid weight gain, and so on. Why is the drug needed then? I realized this when I started taking it. For the first 3 weeks I relied solely on willpower, I wanted to smoke - be healthy, I was ready to pick up bulls. But she held on. And then I gradually began to notice a strange effect - you know, it’s like I don’t smoke, but I feel like I’ve already smoked, the thirst for smoking began to weaken, as if my brain thinks that I’ve received enough nicotine.

Gradually it all happened, but by the end of the first month, tobacco smoke seemed simply pleasant to me, but I didn’t want to take a cigarette from a passerby.

Everything was going great until the course of treatment ended. This withdrawal did not appear immediately, probably about a week after stopping the drug. The desire to smoke was so strong that it had never been before, my nerves became like exposed wires, and after a couple of days I wanted to eat. Constantly. In general, the typical picture is like when you quit on your own, without drugs. I thought, I should hold on, a couple of weeks will pass, everything will go away, it’s not in vain that I was treated. Nothing like that! I only felt good while taking Champix, and then I lasted three weeks and started smoking again.

The question is - if the developers of the drug write that, they say, do not rely on the drug, but on willpower. What's the point of buying this drug?! You can’t drink it forever, and the effect is temporary; you just don’t want to smoke while you’re taking it. So I’m minus, comrades.


Advantages: No


Expensive and ineffective

My husband and I smoke together and have had no particular desire to quit for a very long time. It appeared only a year ago, when cigarette prices began to rise rapidly, and they began to try different tablets and patches. Among them were Champix tablets, which disappointed like all the previous ones. Only they were much more expensive, so they counted on a positive outcome of events, but once again they were deceived. After taking the pill, I felt terribly nauseous and dizzy, I didn’t want anything at all, I didn’t even think about cigarettes, but after a while my husband already took a cigarette and went to the balcony to smoke. After taking the pills, my husband didn’t quit, but I started again. I don’t even know if anything other than willpower can help...



easy to use, really works


causes many side effects, expensive, itching, rash, insomnia, they are counterfeit, nausea

…. My husband also smoked, and in the end we decided to quit together. And he bought Champix at the pharmacy, he was very praised for this drug. It was very expensive. There were 28 tablets in one package, and as the pharmacist explained to the spouse, more than one such pack was required. Beginner course, then continuing... And the price was very high...

And we started taking Champix. Everything was fine with my husband, but with me... A week later, what I feared happened. I was overwhelmed with side effects, and not jokingly. It started with the fact that the craving for cigarettes subsided after 2 days, this is a huge plus for this drug, but severe nausea appeared. A little later, insomnia was added to this. After 4 days of taking it, I started coughing and a rash appeared, which became brighter and stronger every day, and by the 10th day of taking it, severe itching appeared. There was no doubt - the drug caused an allergy. I stopped taking it.

Now a package of Champix tablets with 28 tablets costs around 1,400 to 1,600 rubles. Package with 112 tablets - from 3200 to 3700. As you can see, the pleasure is not cheap.

My husband quit smoking not with Champix, but with the help of other pills. But he still quit. And thank God.

I do not recommend this drug. Precisely because of the side effects and the fact that it is counterfeited. I sincerely wish everyone good health!



If they were


The drug didn't help

This drug was recommended to me by a hypnotherapist friend. Plus, he gave me tasks that needed to be completed to make it easier to quit smoking. I took the pills twice a day (all according to the instructions). But I never felt the promised effect. I wanted to smoke even more. In addition, after taking it, I began to smoke even more. Now I quit using willpower. My opinion: buying this drug and hoping that when you wake up in the morning you will never want to smoke again, and it will all be so easy and simple - at least stupid. I tried all sorts of anti-smoking pills and came to the conclusion that only I can help myself. My advice: quit it yourself and don’t poison yourself with all sorts of nasty things!

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