TOP 8 cheap analogues of Melaxen - substitutes for their effect on the body

Sleep disorders are a serious problem for many people. They reduce concentration, negatively affect cognitive abilities, and worsen overall health. If sleep problems are associated with difficulty falling asleep, then melatonin or sleep hormone medications can help a person.

Description of Melaxena

Melaxen is a sleeping pill whose active ingredient is the chemical melatonin. This is a synthesized analogue of the biogenic sleep hormone produced by the pineal gland of mammals.

Meloxen is a short-acting drug that lasts no more than 5-7 hours.

By inhibiting arousal processes, the drug does not affect the natural structure of sleep. As a result, the process of falling asleep improves and the number of random awakenings during the night decreases. The duration of sleep phases and their ratio do not change, so a person sleeps in a deep, natural sleep and wakes up well rested and alert.

Advantages of the drug

By taking Melaxen on a long-haul flight, a traveler can quickly adapt to changing time zones and prevent jet lag (desynchronosis). A sleeping pill allows you to speed up the onset of sleep in new, unfamiliar conditions and will help the body adapt as quickly as possible.

It is very important to prevent melatonin deficiency in the body; in addition to its hypnotic effect, it also has a number of useful qualities:

  • has an immunostimulating effect;
  • has antioxidant properties;
  • has an antitumor effect;
  • slows down the processes of age-related changes;

  • takes part in the work of the endocrine system;
  • regulates blood pressure.

The advantage of Melaxen is that it is a non-narcotic drug. This means that when starting a course of treatment, you can be sure that the drug will not cause addiction or drug dependence.

Composition of the drug

Melaxen is available in the form of round, white, film-coated tablets. Each tablet contains 3 mg of the active substance melatonin, as well as auxiliary elements necessary for the convenience of dividing and taking the medicine:

  • Calcium phosphate
    is a binding agent;
  • Magnesium stearate
    - filler, lubricant;
  • Microcrystalline cellulose
    is a stabilizer that promotes better absorption of the drug;
  • Pharmaceutical glaze
    - material for coating tablets, needed to protect and extend shelf life.

  • Talc
    is a filler that improves the structure of the tablet;
  • Isopropyl alcohol
    is a binder.

The medicine is sold in bottles of 30 or 60 tablets or blisters of 12 or 24 tablets, packed in cardboard boxes. Each package contains instructions for use.

Substitutes for Melaxen according to their effect on the body

If you have an allergy or intolerance to melatonin, Melaxen substitutes are prescribed to combat insomnia. This is a group of medications that contain other active ingredients, but are classified as sleeping pills.

Often doctors prescribe:

  1. Andante.
  2. Imovan.
  3. Donormil.

Before use, you must read the instructions and features of use.


A drug from the pharmacological group of sleeping pills. Zopiclone is used as the active ingredient. Tablets are potent medications, so they can only be purchased with a prescription from your doctor. Imovan is a receptor antagonist. Under its influence, the period of sleep is extended, and the number of awakenings at night is reduced.

Prescribed to adult patients for temporary, chronic or situational insomnia. It is strictly forbidden to prescribe to children under 15 years of age, pregnant and nursing mothers. Contraindications also include intolerance to the components, decompensated respiratory failure.

When using this drug, the course of therapy should be reduced as much as possible, as it can provoke dependence or withdrawal symptoms. The duration of the course should not exceed 3 weeks.

The daily dose depends on the age of the patient. People under 65 years of age are prescribed 7.5 mg per day, and those older - 3.75 mg. If necessary and provided that the medication does not cause adverse reactions, the amount can be increased.

Compared to Melaxan, Imovan has a higher degree of safety. Does not cause addiction or withdrawal symptoms. There are also differences in the active ingredients. Moreover, the dosage forms have similar mechanisms of action on the body.


The Hungarian sleeping pill is produced on the basis of zaleplon. It differs significantly from various drugs intended to restore normal sleep. Penetrating into the body, the substance zaleplon interacts with type 1 benzodiazepine ω1 receptors.

As a result, the duration of the period of falling asleep is reduced, the ratio of sleep phases is not disturbed. It has sedative, anticonvulsant, anxiolytic and muscle relaxant properties.

Used for severe forms of sleep disorders, which are accompanied by lethargy, fatigue and have a negative impact on the body’s performance during wakefulness.

It is not recommended to take capsules for patients with:

  • respiratory or liver failure;
  • night apnea;
  • myasthenia;
  • sensitization to the components.

The standard instructions indicate that the drug is taken 2-3 hours after meals in the evening. Daily dose – 10 mg. This is the maximum allowable amount of medication. Persons over 65 years of age should reduce the dose to 5 mg.

Despite the fact that the substitute and the original drug are prescribed for the same conditions, they differ in their components and degree of safety. Andante can only be purchased by prescription.


The drug belongs to the group of histamine H1 receptor antagonists. The active substance is doxylamine. The tablets are characterized by sedative and hypnotic effects. The therapeutic effect occurs quickly and lasts for 8 hours.

The medication is used to eliminate insomnia and sleep structure disorders. The list of contraindications for use includes:

  • congenital galactosemia;
  • lactase deficiency;
  • prostate pathology;
  • glaucoma;
  • glucose-galactose malabsorption.

It is prescribed with increased caution to patients over 68 years of age, pregnant and nursing mothers.

The tablets are taken before bedtime. The daily dose ranges from 0.5 to 1 tablet, depending on age. The duration of the course should not exceed 5 days. If symptoms do not go away, you should be examined again and consult with your doctor.

The original and the substitute differ in the main components, cost and terms of sale.

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TOP 8 Rexetine analogues - substitutes for therapeutic effect

Indications for use

According to the anatomical-therapeutic-chemical classification (ATC), Melaxen represents the group of melatonin receptor agonists (increases the response of melatonin receptors), with a non-narcotic type of action.

The main area of ​​application of the drug is the symptomatic treatment of insomnia of various etiologies, accompanied by a disruption of the process of melatonin production in the body in the following cases:

  • with various disorders of sleep and wakefulness;

  • in old age;
  • when biological rhythms are disrupted during long-distance flights.

The action of Melaxen is similar to the action of biogenic melotonin, produced by the pineal gland in the dark.

The product has a mild sedative effect, positively influencing the process of falling asleep and without disturbing the natural course of sleep.

The absence of a narcotic effect of the drug makes it possible to take it for a long time without developing drug dependence.

When not recommended

The medicine has a small number of contraindications, the main of which is individual intolerance to the components. In addition, Melaxen should not be taken for certain pathologies:

  • severe renal failure;
  • autoimmune pathologies;
  • severe diseases of the hematopoietic and lymphatic systems;
  • allergic mood of the body;
  • diabetes.

Melaxen is not recommended for use by pregnant and lactating women, as well as children under 18 years of age.

Instructions for use

Although Melaxen can be purchased without a prescription, it should not be taken unsupervised. The drug is prescribed only to adults. In order to improve the quality of night sleep, they should take 0.5 or 1 tablet 30-40 minutes before bedtime.

During long flights and rapid changes in time zones, to prevent desynchronosis or “jet lag” (time zone change syndrome), the drug should be taken one day before the flight and continued for the next 2-5 days (the duration of use depends on the speed of the body’s adaptation to life in new conditions). The maximum allowed dose per day in this case is 6 mg (2 tablets).

Side effects

During use (especially at the beginning of the course of treatment), side effects are possible: most of them do not require discontinuation of the drug, but go away on their own. These are the body's reactions:

  • swelling of the face;
  • headache;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • dyspeptic symptoms;
  • a paradoxical reaction of the body in the form of drowsiness in the morning and during the day.
  • allergic reactions.

If an allergy to any component of Melaxen develops, it must be discontinued and antihistamines prescribed. Other reactions do not require discontinuation of the drug and, over time, go away on their own.

Exceeding recommended dosages may lead to an increase in adverse symptoms.

In case of significant overdose, it is necessary to lavage the stomach with plenty of water and seek medical help.

Drug compatibility

The combination of Melaxen with certain medications is undesirable. This may cause poisoning, an undesirable reaction or potentiation of their action:

  • sedatives;
  • immunomodulators;
  • medications that normalize blood sugar levels;
  • hormonal agents;
  • monoamine oxidase inhibitors (Phenelzine, Iproniazid);
  • contraceptives.

There are also several special instructions for taking Melaxen, which are associated with its inhibitory effect on the nervous system. The drug may slightly impair a person’s ability to concentrate and concentrate. During treatment, it is recommended to suspend those activities that are associated with these qualities: driving, operating machinery. During the treatment period, a person should avoid bright light, which neutralizes the effect of the drug.

Melaxen somewhat worsens the reproductive function of women, therefore, during the course of treatment, the ability to conceive becomes lower.

Melaxen should be stored in a dry place, protected from light. The optimal storage temperature is 15-25°C.

Children should not have access to the medicine. The shelf life does not exceed four years. The product cannot be used after the date indicated on the packaging. You can buy it without a prescription.

Price of Melaxen and its analogues

The average price of a package of Melaxen with 1 blister (12 tablets) is approximately 600 rubles. Today you can purchase more affordable analogues and substitutes.

Name of the medicationDosage/number of tablets (mg/piece)Cost (RUB)

Despite the fact that these drugs are cheaper than the original drug, they have a fairly high degree of effectiveness.[compare name=`Melarena|Melarhythm|Sonnovan|Circadin|Kakspal Neo|Imovan|Andante|Donormil`]

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Substitutes for Melaxen (analogues and generics)

The manufacturer of Melaxen is the American company Unipharm. This is an effective, high-quality product that helps quickly restore night sleep. The drug can be purchased at a price of 552 rubles (for 12 tablets). There are a number of its generics and analogues, slightly different in price and quality.

Generics are drugs from other manufacturers with a similar active ingredient.

These are melatonin-containing drugs that have the same indications for use as the original. As a rule, they are cheaper than the original. These preparations differ from the original product in the degree of purification. They are often produced using a different technology and contain other auxiliary substances. All this determines their lower price.

Generics MelaxenaActive substanceManufacturerPrice
MälarenaMelatonin 0.3 or 3 mgMarkiz-Pharma LLC, MoscowFrom 300 rubles for 10 tablets
CircadinMelatonin 2 mgSwitzerlandFrom 800 rubles for 21 tablets
Melatonin C3Melatonin 3 mgCJSC "Northern Star" Leningrad regionFrom 305 rubles for 30 tablets
SonnovanMelatonin 3 mgCJSC "Canonpharma Production" MO390 rubles for 60 pieces
MelarithmMelatonin 1.5 or 3 mgCJSC FP Obolenskoye, Moscow regionFrom 128 rubles for 12 tablets
WelsonMelatonin 3 mgRussia, Petrovax PharmFrom 400 rubles for 30 tablets

There are situations when the consumer prefers not the original product, but its substitute (generic or analogue):

  • if the cost of the original drug is too high for the consumer;
  • if there is an individual intolerance to a component of the original drug;
  • if taking the original drug is accompanied by significant side effects that reduce the quality of life;
  • if the dosage of an analogue drug is more preferable.

Analogs of Melaxen are products with a different active ingredient, but identical in indications and principle of action.

Melaxen's analogsActive substanceManufacturerPrice
HetliosisTasimelteonVanda Pharmaceuticals (USA)€7,015 for 30 capsules
DonormilDoxylamine succinate 15 mgBristol-Myers Squibb, FranceFrom 320 rubles for 30 tablets
ValemidinCombined herbal preparationPharmamed LLC St. Petersburgsyrup 100 ml, from 200 rub.

The most popular substitute drugs for Melaxen are:

  • Mälarena
    - a Russian-made drug. Sold in smaller dosages (0.3 mg). At this dosage, the active substance works better in people with increased meteosensitivity, a constant feeling of fatigue, and is used to prevent desynchronosis while traveling.

  • Circadin
    - long-acting drug. It contains 2 mg of the active substance melotonin, in a special form that creates a longer release and, therefore, a longer lasting effect. This drug is specially created for elderly patients and combines effectiveness and safety.

  • Donormil
    is a French drug that, in addition to its hypnotic effect, has a fairly strong antihistamine effect. The drug helps patients with an allergic mood.

  • Valemidin
    is a domestic drug, created on a plant basis, has a mild sedative and hypnotic effect.

All of them belong to the group of short-acting sleeping pills, without a narcotic effect.

Other drug substitutes by composition

A separate group presents drug analogues that are developed on the basis of the same component, but have a different dosage and a higher price. Drugs produced by foreign companies often cost an order of magnitude higher. Experts include Circadin and Kakspal Neo among the most common generics (structural analogues).


The sleeping pill contains 2 mg of the main active ingredient – ​​melatonin, the chemical structure of which is similar to serotonin. After penetration into the body, the substance acts on the MT3, MT2, MT1 receptors. Thanks to this, a hypnotic effect is achieved and the period of falling asleep is reduced.

It is known that the concentration of melatonin, which is produced by the body, decreases in proportion to age. In this regard, hypnotics are more often used to eliminate primary insomnia in patients over 55 years of age.

You should avoid taking tablets if:

  • renal/liver failure;
  • galactose intolerance;
  • lactose deficiency;
  • lactation;
  • pregnancy;
  • hypersensitivity;
  • autoimmune pathologies;
  • symptom of glucose-galactose malabsorption.

The medication is taken once a day before bedtime (40-60 minutes before). The average duration of the therapeutic course is 3 weeks. Only the attending physician can adjust the dose and duration. Self-medication increases the risk of adverse reactions from internal organs or systems.

Circadin is characterized by a prolonged action. It is produced by a foreign pharmaceutical company, so it costs more than the original. The analogue also differs in the amount of the main component in the composition.

Kakspal Neo

The medication is part of the group of general tonic and adaptogenic drugs. It is also formulated with melatonin. Under the influence of the drug, there is an improvement in the structure of sleep, a reduction in the period of falling asleep, and a normalization of well-being after waking up in the morning. The tablets help the body adapt as quickly as possible when changing time zones.

It is characterized by pronounced immunostimulating and antioxidant properties. Does not cause dependence or addiction. It is used as a sleeping pill and as an adaptogen in cases of disruption of the biological rhythm.

The list of contraindications includes:

  • hypersensitivity to components;
  • lymphogranulomatosis;
  • diabetes;
  • myeloma;
  • leukemia;
  • renal failure;
  • lactation;
  • pregnancy.

The recommended dose per day is 0.5-1 tablets. Take once before bedtime. If there is a need to use drugs as an adaptogen, you should take one tablet a couple of hours before the flight. To prevent the development of disorders, the medicine should be taken for 5 days after changing the time zone. The maximum allowed number of tablets per day is 2 pieces.

Kakspal Neo can be used to replace Melaxen, since it is a complete analogue. The differences lie in the cost of the drug.

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Melaxen is the main supplier of melotonin for sleep disorders

The hormone melatonin is produced by the pineal gland of the brain or the pineal gland, an endocrine gland that regulates activity rhythms throughout the day.

Information about the onset of darkness is transmitted to the pineal gland, which causes its activity. The gland responds by producing a special hormone - melatonin. Its highest concentration is observed at night - from midnight to 6 am. Our body needs this hormone. Its main function is to regulate the processes of excitation and inhibition in such a way that at night the processes of inhibition begin to predominate, as a result of which a person experiences a feeling of fatigue and drowsiness.

The process of melatonin production is an important part of the mechanism of falling asleep and depends on how carefully a person follows the bedtime routine.

Some situations can disrupt the production of melatonin.

These include frequent flights with changes in time zones, night work schedules, and other disturbances in sleep and wakefulness. In older people, the activity of the pineal gland decreases and less melatonin is produced. Lack of hormone production in the body is fraught with the development of persistent sleep disorders - insomnia. In such cases, for those who are tired of insomnia, Melaxen and other drugs containing this “hormone of sleep and youth” come to the aid.

Patient reviews on the choice of Melaxen analogues

With such a wide range of analogues, it is difficult to decide which medicine to choose. To choose the most effective remedy, you need to visit a qualified specialist. Additionally, you can read patient reviews:

Ksenia, 36 years old: “A couple of years ago, my sister divorced her husband. It was a big shock for her. In order to sleep normally, she started taking Imovan. After just six months, she couldn’t fall asleep on her own, and the medicine didn’t help much. With difficulty I moved away from him. When the symptoms began to recur, the doctor prescribed Melaxen. This remedy turned out to be more effective and safer. Does not cause negative reactions or addiction.”

Diana, 32 years old: “After retirement, my mother began to fall into depression. As a result, she started having problems. She stopped sleeping normally and was constantly tormented by memories. The doctor prescribed Circadin. At first she took these pills, but they are expensive. As a result, through trial and error, my mother discovered Melaxen. A fast-acting remedy that is not addictive and well tolerated, even though it is hormonal.”

Melaxen and its analogues help eliminate unpleasant symptoms as soon as possible. Moreover, they may differ from each other in price, composition, and application features. Thanks to the wide range, each patient can choose the most suitable product.

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