Mastiol Edas-127: instructions for use and reviews

Synonyms: Mastiol Edas-127

Homeopathic medicines, including Edas-127 Mastiol drops, are especially popular among women of all ages. The drug consists primarily of natural herbal ingredients and has no side effects or contraindications if the dosage is observed. Before use, you need to consult your doctor or mammologist, who will select the dosage depending on the type of your problem and the stage of its development.

Release form and composition

The drug Edas-127 for mastopathy is available in the form of homeopathic drops for oral administration. The medicine is packaged in darkened glass bottles of 25 and 50 ml. For convenient use, the bottle is equipped with a dropper. The bottle is packed in a cardboard box, inside which there are also detailed instructions for use.

Homeopathic drops Edas-127 have a multicomponent composition, and all elements of the product are selected in such a way as to effectively and comprehensively affect the affected area and speed up the healing process.

The product contains the following components:

1. Calcium Fluoratum C6. Indicated for fibrous changes in soft tissues, the appearance of compactions of varying hardness in the area of ​​the mammary glands, and the development of inflammatory processes of various types in the breast. It has been proven that when the component enters the body, it localizes the tumor and prevents it from increasing in size. 2. Kalium Yodatum C6. Indicated for the appearance of lumps of various types in the breast area, with enlarged lymph nodes in the armpit area, with severe pain in the chest area, intensifying at night and during the menstrual cycle, with severe swelling of the mammary glands, with the development of an inflammatory process in the breast. upper respiratory tract caused by decreased immunity. 3. Creosotum C6. Indicated for the appearance of nodular lumps in the chest area, which are painful on palpation, severe cracking of the skin in the nipple area and the appearance of itchy brown crusts. 4. Silicea C6. Fibrous compactions in the mammary glands affecting deep tissues, problematic dry skin in the nipple area, painful sensations in the affected area. General weakness of the body, increased fatigue, irritability, problems with concentration, increased body temperature. 5. Conium C3. Breast enlargement, swelling and swelling of the mammary glands during the menstrual cycle, pronounced lumps in the affected area, increased sensitivity of the skin, the appearance of lumps in the breast after tissue injury. 6. Thuja C3. Fibrous changes affecting the deep layers of breast tissue, pain when touching the breast, especially during menstruation.

Ethyl alcohol is included as an auxiliary component in the mastopathy drug Edas-127. The product should be taken with caution during pregnancy and while breastfeeding a child. Consultation with a medical specialist is required.

The drug can be stored for 5 years from the date of manufacture; after the expiration date, taking the drug is prohibited. Make sure that the product is not in places accessible to children and is not exposed to direct sunlight. If storage rules are violated, the drug may lose its beneficial characteristics, and its further use will be impossible.

G.K. Kulaev, MD, JSC EDAS Holding Clinical study of the complex homeopathic medicinal product Mastiol EDAS-127 (drops) in combination with the vitamin complex Cascorutol in the treatment of patients with diffuse mastopathy PRODUCED BY JSC HOLDING EDAS, RUSSIA According to the Clinical Study Protocol approved by the specialized commission of IDKELS, a clinical study was conducted to study the effectiveness, tolerability, safety, as well as unwanted and side effects of the homeopathic drug Mastiol EDAS-127 (drops) in the treatment of patients with diffuse mastopathy (DM). The selection of patients was carried out taking into account the criteria for inclusion in the study and exclusion from the study according to the Clinical Study Protocol, i.e. Women with diffuse mastopathy, except for forms with bloody discharge from the nipple, were invited for examination. The age of patients is from 18 to 60 years. Informed consent of the patients to participate in the clinical study was obtained. A total of 60 women with diffuse mastopathy aged from 25 to 52 years (average age 37.4±1.3 years) were observed, making up equal main and control groups of 30 patients each (Table 1). There was no significant difference in age between the groups.

Table 3 Dynamics of the severity of clinical manifestations in the control group (n=30)

Induration of mastopathy nodes, with a negative Koenig sign, before treatment was palpably determined more often in the form of rough lobulation or granularity of the mammary glands and was assessed in both groups of patients equally - about 3 points, the average score was 2.9 points each in the main and control groups (m + 0.27 and m +0.06, respectively). During the treatment, absolutely identical, significantly positive dynamics were observed in the reduction of compaction in the mammary glands in patients of both groups. By the end of therapy, the severity of compactions decreased by 68.9% in both groups and amounted to 0.9 s m ±0.11 in the main group and 0.9 s m ±0.13 in the control groups (p < 0.001, Tables 2, 3 ). At the end of therapy, the mammary glands palpably became softer and painless. The frequency and intensity of discharge from the nipples on a 3-point rating scale before treatment was 2.3±0.09 points in the main group, where patients received Mastiol EDAS-127 and Cascorutol 2.4±0.09 points as therapy group of patients receiving the basic drug Mastodinon (Tables 2 and 3). During the observation process, a significant decrease in the intensity of discharge from the nipples was noted in patients of both groups; after 1.5 months it was 0.4±0.11 points in the main group (p<0.001) and 0.6±0.16 points in the control group (p<0.001). By the end of the treatment period, the symptom of nipple discharge was noted in some patients against the background of increasing pain in the mammary glands in the premenstrual period, equally in both groups. Before treatment, IPCM in patients of both groups showed a pronounced picture of the proliferation of intralobular ducts, glandular vesicles and connective tissue, as well as a partial picture of a pronounced cystic expansion of some and compression of other intralobular ducts, combined with their sharp deformation. When assessed by points, the severity of these changes was 2.2±0.08 points in the main group and 2.3±0.09 points in the control group (Tables 2 and 3). During treatment, a significant decrease in the severity of the X-ray pattern of DM was noted in patients of both groups; after 1.5 months of treatment, this indicator was 0.7±0.14 points (p<0.001) in the main group and 0.8±0.15 points in control group (p<0.001). At the end of the course of treatment, according to the VPCM data, the size and severity of mastopathy nodes in patients of the main group who received Mastiol EDAS-127 in combination with the vitamin complex Cascorutol decreased by 68.2% (Table 2) and the indicator was 0.7±0.06 points (p<0.001), and by 65.2% (0.8±0.15 points; p<0.001) in the control group, where patients received the basic drug Mastodinon. The decrease in the severity of the radiological picture of DM in the main group was 3.0% greater than in the control group. It should be noted that the total severity of MD symptoms SM ±m) at the end of treatment was 0.5±0.29 in the main group and 0.6±0.33 points in the control group. The total reduction of DM symptoms was 79.2% and 75%, respectively, in the main and control groups, i.e. in the main group it was 4.2% more than in the control group (Tables 2 and 3). In the main group, where patients received Mastiol EDAS-127 in combination with the vitamin complex Cascorutol, a good clinical effect was achieved in 76.7% of people, satisfactory - in 23.3%, while in the control group of patients who received the comparison drug Mastodinon , respectively, in 70% and 30% of individuals.

Table 4 Evaluation of treatment effectiveness * Good – significant improvement in condition. * Satisfactory – slight improvement in condition

Mastiol EDAS-127 is safe to use and well tolerated by patients; no undesirable effects were observed in any case. It should be noted that: – the effectiveness of treating patients with DM using Mastiol EDAS-127 in combination with the vitamin complex Cascorutol is 6.7% higher than the basic drug Mastodinon (p > 0.05); – by the end of treatment, the severity of symptoms of pain and discharge from the nipples in patients of the main group was 0.2 points less, and the % reduction in the severity of symptoms was 11.1% and 7.6% higher, respectively, than in the control group; – in the main group there was a more positive dynamics of the intraductal contrast mammography picture (by 0.1 points) with a higher percentage of reduction in symptom severity (the difference in indicators is 3%); – at the end of the study, the total reduction of DM symptoms was 79.2% and 75%, respectively, in the main and control groups, i.e. 4.2% more in the main group; – the homeopathic medicine Mastiol EDAS-127 in combination with the vitamin complex Cascorutol is safe to use and well tolerated by patients. In no case were there any side effects or undesirable effects; – the treatment regimen for patients with DM proposed by the developers is the most optimal and convenient for use.

Summary The results obtained allow us to recommend Mastiol EDAS-127 in combination with the vitamin complex Cascorutol for the treatment of patients with diffuse mastopathy as the drug of choice.

MASTIOL Information on the use of EDAS-127 drops, EDAS-927 granules The complex (multicomponent) drug MASTIOL EDAS-127 (927), prepared using special technology, has a wide range of therapeutic effects on the body. The components included in the medicine, complementary, affect the central and autonomic nervous and vascular systems of the body, and the mammary glands. Characteristic symptoms for the use of individual components: Calcium fluoratum (Calcium fluoratum) - Fibrous changes, compactions and fibroadenomas of varying degrees of hardness of the mammary glands against the background of chronic inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs or uterine fibroids. Used to limit the growth of fibrous tumors. Kalium iodatum (Kalium iodatum) – Presence of lumps in the mammary gland. Enlarged axillary lymph nodes. The pain is nagging, tearing, aggravated by warmth, at rest, at night. Swelling of the mammary glands. There is a tendency to inflammatory processes in the nasopharynx and bronchi, and joint pain. Kreosotum (Creosotum) - The presence of small, hard or nodular, painful lumps in the mammary gland. Sometimes cracking of the nipples with the formation of brown crusts. Acidum silicicum, Silicea (Silicea) - Deep fibrous compactions of the mammary glands, sometimes with ulceration of the nipples. Soreness, sometimes a local feeling of cold in the mammary glands. There is increased weakness, irritability, and concentration of thoughts on oneself. Conium maculatum (Conium ) - soreness and swelling of the mammary glands during the pre- and menstrual periods. Pronounced hard lumps in the mammary glands with increased sensitivity during the menstrual period. Often the formation of compactions is observed after injuries. Thuja occidentalis (Thuja) - Deep fibrous changes and compactions in the mammary glands. Pain in them, worsening during menstruation. These symptoms are characteristic of fibrocystic mastopathy. To reduce treatment time, vitamin complexes CASCATOL or CASCORUTOL are recommended. For inflammatory processes of the uterus, ovaries or menstrual irregularities, the use of FEMINUS EDAS-101 (901) is indicated; for painful menstruation - MENOLETH EDAS-139 (939). For the prevention of these diseases, we recommend BIOENERGOTONIC EDAS 05-01, which contains trace elements: zinc, manganese, magnesium, vitamins B1, B2, B6, C, glycine and biologically active substances of rose hips, roots of Eleutherococcus and beebread.

MASTIOL EDAS-127(927) is compatible with other pharmaceuticals. Has no side effects. Dispensed without a doctor's prescription. 115093, Moscow, st. B. Serpukhovskaya, 10 Tel./fax; 236-71-78 Doctor consultations: tel.; 236-82-10

Magazine "Polyclinic No. 3 2007", pp. 20–22

How to use

Unless a medical specialist prescribes a different regimen, take Edas-127 5 drops three times a day before or after meals. Drops are diluted in a teaspoon of drinking water.

Most often, the course of treatment when using the drug is 2-3 months, depending on the complexity of the disease. It is advisable to stop the course of treatment with the onset of menstruation, and resume taking the drops after the end of the cycle.

Reviews from women indicate that the drug begins to act after the first week of use: pain in the mammary glands is significantly reduced, lumps are reduced, and the skin in the breast area acquires a normal appearance.

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