Ben Gay ointment (cream): instructions for use, review and reviews

However, in some patients, inflammation occurs against the background of exacerbation of autoimmune processes, or in the context of the body's response to the penetration of non-toxic allergenic agents. In these cases, anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed, since protective reactions on the part of the body only aggravate the course of the disease.

Ben Gay preparations are an effective drug for relieving inflammatory processes. The ointment has a local local irritating effect and is also known as “sports balm”. The active components of liniment eliminate pain in the joints and relieve pain that occurs during high physical activity. This medicine will be discussed below.

Description of the drug

The use of Bengay ointment is aimed at increasing blood flow in problem tissues, relieving muscle tension, activating metabolic processes and removing related substances from the body.
The pharmaceutical is prescribed for diseases of the musculoskeletal system and dysfunction of the muscular system. The cream increases endurance during prolonged physical activity.

After treating the problem area of ​​the body, the medication has a local cooling effect, gradually giving way to a superficial tingling and local burning sensation. Then the pronounced analgesic effect of the cream is fixed.

Clinical and pharmacological group

The Bengay gel in question belongs to the clinical and pharmacological group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs with a targeted analgesic effect. The medication is used exclusively externally. The medicine is evenly distributed over the entire affected area, and rubbed into the epithelial layer with light massaging movements.

pharmachologic effect

Benguet ointment is a combined type anti-inflammatory agent. The drug is characterized by multidirectional effects:

  • analgesic;
  • local irritant;
  • anti-inflammatory.

The presence of methyl salicylate in liniment helps relax muscle fibers when they are overstrained during high physical activity. The main active component of the drug relieves pain that occurs during injuries to soft tissues and joints. Thanks to methyl salicylate, tissue swelling is blocked, the lumen of blood vessels is normalized, and microcirculation is improved.

The pharmaceutical agent activates the biochemical processes of removing secondary substances formed during inflammation of soft tissues.

The medication provides:

  1. Relief of painful sensations (characteristic of “clogging” of muscle fibers, the occurrence of “soreness”).
  2. Increasing the patient's endurance during prolonged physical activity (muscles are treated before the start of exercise, before work).
  3. Blocking inflammatory processes, regardless of their etiology.

Before use, it is important to carefully study the instructions for use, as well as the list of available contraindications.

We recommend

In the article we will talk about the medicinal properties and use of Apizartron ointment, an effective drug with a pronounced analgesic effect.

Release form and composition

Bengay is available in cream form (some call it ointment). We are talking about a medium-thick consistency with a pronounced menthol aroma. The homogeneous substance is white. The medicine is available in 50 and 35 g aluminum tubes. Secondary packaging is a cardboard box, complete with an insert with an annotation.

Composition of Ben-Gay ointment:

  • racementol;
  • methyl salicylate;
  • stearic acid;
  • distilled water;
  • sorbitan tristearate;
  • anhydrous lanolin;
  • Glyceryl monostearate.

Before starting a course of therapy, it is important to test the medicine in question on a small segment of the problematic dermis in order to make sure there are no allergic or adverse reactions.

Storage conditions and periods

To preserve the pharmacological effect of the drug in question, it is recommended to store liniment in a dark place, at a relative humidity of up to 75%. The optimal temperature regime is +10 - +20 °C.

In an airtight tube, the product is stored for up to 24 months. If the aluminum tube is opened, the medication must be used as quickly as possible (within 1 month).

Pharmacokinetics of the drug

The main active substance in the drug Bengay is methyl salicylate, which is an anti-inflammatory, analgesic substance and helps reduce the tone of muscle fibers. The active component of the drug allows it to be used not only for myalgia (pain syndrome of muscle tissue), but also for relieving pain from injuries of soft tissues and joints, sprains, inflammatory processes of muscle tissue, and joint stiffness. Methyl salicylate in Bengay ointment improves microcirculation, restores vascular permeability, and reduces swelling of inflamed tissues. Bengay is effectively used to treat joints affected by arthritis.

When Bengay ointment is applied to the inflamed area, the drug is completely absorbed through the skin, quickly penetrates the site of inflammation, providing an anesthetic effect.

Menthol in Bengay cream has a warming effect and helps relieve inflammation. Local application of the drug Bengay promotes vasodilation with the development of gradual cooling, followed by a slight burning sensation. Menthol in the ointment also has an analgesic effect.

The drug promotes the rapid removal of irritating breakdown products (lactic acid) from muscle tissue.

The use of Bengay ointment promotes:

  • Reducing inflammatory processes in muscle tissues of various etiologies;
  • Increasing endurance during physical activity (before training, heavy physical work);
  • Prevents the appearance of pain (soreness, congestion of muscle fibers produced by toxins during physical activity) or facilitates its course.

Instructions for use

Bengay ointment, the instructions for use of which determine the duration of therapy and dosage regimen, assumes external application only. The drug in question is used not only to treat pain during high physical activity, but also as a prophylactic agent to reduce the risk of inflammation.

In case of dosed use, the concentration of the drug in the body remains at a level that is safe for health.

Indications and contraindications

There are a number of requirements for the purpose of the liniment in question, which I would like to dwell on in more detail.

Indications for use of Bengay cream:

  • bruises and diseases resulting from grueling and prolonged physical activity;
  • “shooting” pain in the lumbar region;
  • pain syndrome resulting from muscle hypertonicity;
  • joint pathologies;
  • traumatic damage to muscles and ligaments.

The active substances quickly overcome the epithelial layer and penetrate deeply into problem tissues, where they specifically affect pathogenic areas. However, one should not exclude from view the contraindications that each medication has.

Contraindications to the use of Ben-Gay ointment:

  • the presence of open or unhealed wounds on the surface of the skin;
  • dermal infections;
  • bearing a child;
  • hypersensitivity of the patient's body to the ingredients of liniment.

Doctors say that the drug is not advisable to use in children under 12 years of age. A preliminary examination by a doctor is a prerequisite for effective treatment of the disease, regardless of its etiology.

Directions for use and doses

Bengay warming ointment is recommended to be applied to problem segments of the epidermis in a thin layer. The average dosage varies from 2 to 4 g of medication, depending on the nature of the pathological process. The frequency of treatment is 4-6 times a day. For therapeutic purposes, the medication is used for no longer than 10 days.

If the patient does not have positive dynamics in treatment, it is necessary to seek help from a doctor to adjust the therapeutic regimen and prescribe a substitute.

Recommendations for applying the pharmaceutical product:

  1. The inflamed segment of the dermis is treated with a thin layer of medication. In case of violation of the integrity of the skin, the use of the pharmaceutical product is strictly prohibited.
  2. Doctors do not recommend applying liniment to the surface of the mucous membranes.
  3. Experts do not recommend using several irritating drugs at the same time. Immediately after treatment, the effect of rapid hyperemia occurs, which helps to activate microcirculation in problem segments of the dermis.

For effective treatment of joints, it is important to first consult with your doctor to establish an accurate diagnosis.

Side effects and special instructions

When used in doses, the ointment in question does not cause side effects. Undesirable reactions from the body occur as an exception in patients with individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

In case of overdose, the following symptoms are often recorded:

  • confusion of thoughts, consciousness;
  • increasing the intensity of blood flow in the facial area;
  • breathing problems;
  • nausea, diarrhea, vomiting;
  • slower response to external stimuli;
  • skin rash.

If these reactions occur, it is important to consult a doctor for qualified medical help. Most of the listed reactions go away without outside intervention after discontinuation of Ben Gay ointment.

Bengay ointment - composition

Bengay sports warming ointment was developed in France, it is packaged in 50 g for convenient use. You only need to buy it with a prescription, so those who are interested in fitness should worry about this in advance. The drug is a white homogeneous substance with a menthol aroma.

What is included in Bengay ointment:

  • methyl salicylate;
  • racemic menthol;
  • stearic acid;
  • glyceryl monostearate;
  • lanolin;
  • polysorbate;
  • trolamine;
  • trioleate;
  • sorbitan tristearate;
  • purified water.

What does Bengay ointment help with?

Bengay medicinal ointment is distinguished by the fact that it quickly penetrates to the site of inflammation, the substances in its composition are immediately absorbed into the skin. In a short time, muscle tone weakens, lactic acid begins to leak out of them, which causes pain and irritation. At the same time, the ointment removes swelling, restores blood vessels, menthol simultaneously warms and pleasantly cools.

Doctors emphasize what Bengay ointment is used for:

  • stop inflammation in tissues;
  • relieve soreness;
  • endurance increases.

Prices and conditions for dispensing from pharmacies

Bengay ointment is an over-the-counter drug. It is sold in pharmacies absolutely freely. Despite this, experts recommend consulting with a doctor before starting treatment.

The average cost of 50 g of aluminum tube in metropolitan pharmacies varies from 390 to 490 rubles. Prices may vary in regions.


In case of individual intolerance to the medication in question, patients are prescribed substitutes with a similar mechanism of pharmacological action.

The analogues of Bengay ointment look like this:

  • "Apizartron";
  • "Fastum";
  • "Finalgon";
  • "Dimexide".

An effective substitute should only be prescribed by a qualified specialist, since self-medication can be hazardous to health.


Vlad, Arkhangelsk

I have been using Bengel ointment for 3 months with some breaks. I go to the gym every other day, and therefore I am familiar with muscle and ligament sprains firsthand. This effective remedy contains effective active ingredients that help you quickly get rid of swelling and pain that occurs due to tissue inflammation. I use it without a doctor’s prescription, at my own peril and risk, but I recommend that inexperienced people consult a doctor first.

Ben Gay ointment (review) from RUB 390


  • Efficiency
  • Price
  • Safety
  • Availability


  • Efficiency
  • Convenient tube


  • Price
  • Smell

Reviews and recommendations for use

When choosing a local irritating drug like Bengay, patient reviews will help determine the effectiveness of the ointment. When using Bengay ointment, reviews position the drug as an effective pain reliever that improves the condition of joints after heavy physical exertion. Bengay, reviews of which can be found on the Internet, is an effective remedy for athletes to minimize the concentration of toxins during physical activity, thereby preventing the development of congestive processes in the muscles and the consequences associated with them. The drug effectively relieves pain in the lower back of various etiologies. Today Bengay is the drug of choice. It is a safe pain reliever that is approved for use in a wide group of patients.

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