Femiwell - description and instructions for use

Manufacturer: Hankintatukku Oy (Finland)
Active ingredients

  • Not indicated. See instructions

Pharmacological action

  • Not indicated. See instructions
  • Description of the pharmacological action of Femiwell
  • Composition of Femiwell
  • Indications for use of the drug Femiwell
  • Release form of the drug Femiwell
  • Contraindications to the use of the drug Femiwell
  • Method of administration and dosage of the drug Femiwell
  • Precautions when taking Femiwell
  • Storage conditions for the drug Femiwell
  • Shelf life of the drug Femiwell

Best before date

36 months

Vitamins with similar effects

  • Yoshi Vitamin Jelly Drink (vitamin complex) (Liquid for oral administration)
  • Pantohematogen "Altamar™-4" (Oral tablets)
  • Oculist blueberry (Oral tablets)
  • Progaine, strawberry flavor (Powder for oral solution)
  • Orthomol Vital F (granules) (Capsule)
  • Goal T (Ointment for local and external use)
  • Gripp-Heel (Aerosol)

The description of vitamin Femiwell is intended for informational purposes only. Before starting to use any drug, it is recommended to consult a doctor and read the instructions for use. For more complete information, please refer to the manufacturer's instructions. Do not self-medicate; EUROLAB is not responsible for the consequences caused by the use of information posted on the portal. Any information on the project does not replace consultation with a specialist and cannot be a guarantee of the positive effect of the drug you use. The opinions of EUROLAB portal users may not coincide with the opinions of the site Administration.

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Description From the age of 45–50, due to a decrease in sex hormones, a difficult period begins in a woman’s life, which is called menopause. The menopause phase, which lasts several years before and after menopause, is characterized by a physiological weakening of ovarian function with a decrease in the production of estrogen and progesterone. This is not a disease, it is a stage that every woman goes through. How do you feel about these problems? You can wait until menopause “passes.” You can try to cope with unpleasant symptoms and stay healthy and energetic. One of the ways is the use of biologically active food additives, which are classified as the most important tools for optimizing nutrition and public health (“Concept of state policy in the field of healthy nutrition of the population of the Russian Federation...”, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation, No. 917 of August 10, 1998).

How do the ingredients of the menopause drug Evalar work?

Dioscorea root extract promotes the production of DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone) - a prohormone (maternal hormone), on the basis of which the endocrine glands produce more than 20 different (primarily sex) hormones. According to Dr. Samuel Yen, a reproductive endocrinologist and principal investigator of DHEA at the University of California, San Diego, the hormone is "a drug that can help people look better as they age." In other words, it is a comprehensive anti-aging agent.

Various types of Dioscorea contain diosgenin - a natural precursor of progesterone, which can have a beneficial effect on the hormonal status of the female body: regulates the menstrual cycle, maintains the tone of the female genital organs, especially during menopause, serves to prevent osteoporosis, eliminates troubles associated with pre- and postmenopausal changes .

Cohosh plant for women

Cohosh has an estrogen-like (hormone-like) anti-menopausal effect. It has a sedative effect and normalizes the function of the autonomic nervous system. In modern medicine, black cohosh is used to relieve pre- and postmenopausal symptoms, including relieving hot flashes, emotional disorders, excessive sweating and sleep disorders.

Vitex agnus castus ( Prutnyak , sacred vitex, “monk’s pepper”, “Abraham’s tree. Its leaves and fruits have a positive effect on the functioning of the endocrine glands.

Recent studies have confirmed that the fruits of Agnus castus contain iridoids (up to 2.5%), flavonoids (up to 2%), and essential oils.

As is known, flavonoids have a diverse effect: radioprotective, antioxidant, coronary dilatator, vasodilator, choleretic, antitoxic, diuretic, hypoazotemic, and exhibit P-vitamin activity.

Essential oils of prutnyak fruits contain bicyclic diterpenes, which inhibit the release of prolactin (especially at night), thereby balancing the overall hormonal background of the body. A decrease in prolactin content leads to regression of pathological processes in the mammary glands and relieves cyclic pain syndrome, protecting the structure of the mammary gland tissue from mastopathy.

Angelica (angelica, dong quai) - many experts call it “female ginseng”. The roots of the plant contain organic acids, essential (angelica) oil, tannins, and phytosterols. It is used to relieve menstrual cramps caused by the body entering the stage immediately preceding menopause, as well as to correct hormonal imbalances in women during menopause. Angelica has a uroseptic and mild sedative effect, reduces the risk of blood clots in blood vessels.

Motherwort is one of the most popular plants used to eliminate the unpleasant symptoms of menopause - reducing the frequency, duration and severity of hot flashes (hot flashes), strengthens the walls of the vagina. Motherwort extract is well tolerated and has a good effect in cases where valerian is usually used.

Red clover extract contains 4 isoflavones: Biochanin A, Formononetin, Daidzein, Genistein. Red clover isoflavones are transformed in the intestine into heterocyclic phenols, which have the highest metabolic activity of phytoestrogens. As shown by clinical studies conducted at the St. Petersburg State Academy. I.I. Mechnikov, red clover extract reduces the manifestations of menopausal syndrome, which makes it possible to recommend the extract as an alternative remedy for patients with estrogen deficiency syndrome.

Griffonia simplicifolia is a medicinal plant that grows in the savannas of Central and Western Africa. Biological effects: antidepressant, anti-anxiety, sedative, normalizes sleep, anti-migraine, normalizes food motivation.

The amino acid L-theanine , which is present in green tea, has recently become one of the foods that has received the most attention. In the studies performed, a relaxing effect was observed approximately 30-40 minutes after drinking tea.

Stress and anxiety lead to hormonal imbalances, which affect a person's well-being, performance, and quality of life. Stress, by weakening the immune system, can make you susceptible to infections. In light of recent research, L-theanine is recommended to reduce the harmful effects of stress in humans.

Non-drowsy, L-theanine may provide physical and mental relaxation; it is recommended for use when the first signs of a stressful condition appear.

Salvia officinalis is widely cultivated in the Caucasus and Crimea. They use leaves that contain essential oils, flavonoids, tannins, alkaloids and organic acids. In one recent study in Switzerland, menopausal women were given a supplement of fresh sage leaves for two months. The number of hot flashes decreased every week. The pronounced antihydrotic effect (reduction of sweating) of sage extract on the human body is due to the presence of catechins and phenolic acids (rosmarinic, caffeic, ferulic, gallic) in its composition.

Femiwell menopause tablets day-night - an innovative composition that helps relieve menopausal symptoms, taking into account the circadian rhythm.

During the day it promotes:

  • reduction of hot flashes;
  • calmness and energy.

At night it helps:

  • improved sleep.

Femiwell menopause - Dietary supplement (dietary supplement). Not a medicine.

Femiwell Menopause instructions for use

Femiwell Menopause is a herbal non-hormonal remedy for relieving the symptoms of menopause 24 hours a day: during the day it helps to reduce hot flashes, calmness and energy, at night - to restore sleep / How do the ingredients work? Dioscorea (wild yam) root extract promotes the production of DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone) - a prohormone (maternal hormone), on the basis of which the endocrine glands produce more than 20 different (primarily sex) hormones. According to Dr. Samuel Yen, a reproductive endocrinologist and principal investigator of DHEA at the University of California, San Diego, the hormone is "a drug that can help people look better as they age." In other words, it is a comprehensive anti-aging agent.

Various types of Dioscorea contain diosgenin - a natural precursor of progesterone, which can have a beneficial effect on the hormonal status of the female body: regulates the menstrual cycle, maintains the tone of the female genital organs, especially during menopause, serves to prevent osteoporosis, eliminates troubles associated with pre- and postmenopausal changes .

Cohosh has an estrogen-like (hormone-like) anti-menopausal effect. It has a sedative effect and normalizes the function of the autonomic nervous system. In modern medicine, black cohosh is used to relieve pre- and postmenopausal symptoms, including relieving hot flashes, emotional disorders, excessive sweating and sleep disorders.

Vitex agnus castus (Prutnyak, sacred vitex, “monk’s pepper”, “Abraham’s tree. Its leaves and fruits have a positive effect on the functioning of the endocrine glands.

Recent studies have confirmed that the fruits of Agnus castus contain iridoids (up to 2.5%), flavonoids (up to 2%), and essential oils.

As is known, flavonoids have a diverse effect: radioprotective, antioxidant, coronary dilatator, vasodilator, choleretic, antitoxic, diuretic, hypoazotemic, and exhibit P-vitamin activity.

Essential oils of prutnyak fruits contain bicyclic diterpenes, which inhibit the release of prolactin (especially at night), thereby balancing the overall hormonal background of the body. A decrease in prolactin content leads to regression of pathological processes in the mammary glands and relieves cyclic pain syndrome, protecting the structure of the mammary gland tissue from mastopathy.

Angelica (angelica, dong quai) - many experts call it “female ginseng”. The roots of the plant contain organic acids, essential (angelica) oil, tannins, and phytosterols. It is used to relieve menstrual cramps caused by the body entering the stage immediately preceding menopause, as well as to correct hormonal imbalances in women during menopause. Angelica has a uroseptic and mild sedative effect, reduces the risk of blood clots in blood vessels.

Motherwort is one of the most popular plants used to eliminate the unpleasant symptoms of menopause - reducing the frequency, duration and severity of hot flashes (hot flashes), strengthens the walls of the vagina. Motherwort extract is well tolerated and has a good effect in cases where valerian is usually used.

Red clover extract contains 4 isoflavones: Biochanin A, Formononetin, Daidzein, Genistein. Red clover isoflavones are transformed in the intestine into heterocyclic phenols, which have the highest metabolic activity of phytoestrogens. As shown by clinical studies conducted at the St. Petersburg State Academy. I.I. Mechnikov, red clover extract reduces the manifestations of menopausal syndrome, which makes it possible to recommend the extract as an alternative remedy for patients with estrogen deficiency syndrome.

Griffonia simplicifolia is a medicinal plant that grows in the savannas of Central and Western Africa. Biological effects: antidepressant, anti-anxiety, sedative, normalizes sleep, anti-migraine, normalizes food motivation.

The amino acid L-theanine, which is present in green tea, has recently become one of the foods that has received the most attention. In the studies performed, a relaxing effect was observed approximately 30-40 minutes after drinking tea.

Stress and anxiety lead to hormonal imbalances, which affect a person's well-being, performance, and quality of life. Stress, by weakening the immune system, can make you susceptible to infections. In light of recent research, L-theanine is recommended to reduce the harmful effects of stress in humans.

Non-drowsy, L-theanine may provide physical and mental relaxation; it is recommended for use when the first signs of a stressful condition appear.

Salvia officinalis is widely cultivated in the Caucasus and Crimea. They use leaves that contain essential oils, flavonoids, tannins, alkaloids and organic acids. In one recent study in Switzerland, menopausal women were given a supplement of fresh sage leaves for two months. The number of hot flashes decreased every week. The pronounced antihydrotic effect (reduction of sweating) of sage extract on the human body is due to the presence of catechins and phenolic acids (rosmarinic, caffeic, ferulic, gallic) in its composition.

Femiwell menopause day-night - an innovative composition helps relieve menopausal symptoms, taking into account the circadian rhythm.

During the day it promotes:

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