Hilo chest of drawers: indications, adverse reactions

Release form

Hylo-Komod Forte moisturizing ophthalmic eye drops are an isotonic, sterile 0.1% aqueous solution. They are produced in original plastic containers of 10 ml (corresponding to 300 drops), sealed in cardboard packs.

The original plastic container KOMOD is a complex system of valves and reservoirs, partially coated with silver, which guarantees protection against air penetration (tightness), ensures the sterility of the solution and the same size drops when removed, regardless of the amount of force applied when pressing. The container cannot be reused and must be disposed of.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Sodium hyaluronate is a physiological polysaccharide compound contained in the tissues of the eye and other tissues and fluids of the human body, capable of binding water molecules and having the necessary viscosity and good adhesive properties in relation to the cornea (the front surface of the eyeball).

Thanks to hyaluronic acid , used in Hilo-Komode in the form of sodium salt , a uniform, long-lasting precorneal tear film is formed on the surface of the cornea, which is not washed off during blinking and does not reduce visual acuity. Hilo-Komod permanently protects the eyes from dryness and irritation that may occur when in contact with the environment and when using contact lenses.

Thanks to regular use of Hilo-Komod ophthalmic solution, the use of hard and soft contact lenses becomes more comfortable. In addition, Hilo-Komod does not remain on the surface of the lenses.

When applied topically, sodium hyaluronate is not absorbed and does not penetrate the cornea.

Hilokomod eye drops - composition

The main moisturizing properties of the product are provided by the hyaluronic acid included in the composition, 0.1% of which is supplemented by water, sorbitol and citrate buffer solution. The composition is sterile, intended for instillation into the eyes. The good tolerance of the drug is explained by its composition: sodium hyaluronate is found in the eye tissues and other systems of the human body, so the drops are perceived by the cells as a natural liquid.

Hyaluronic acid has an important property that can maintain hydration - it creates a uniform and homogeneous film that is resistant to washing off. It does not allow moisture to evaporate from the surface of the cornea for a long time. This provides a long-lasting moisturizing effect without reducing visual acuity. In addition, the lubricating film protects the eye from the negative influence of the external environment.

For example, while staying in a room with an air conditioner running, the air humidity drops sharply, which has a negative effect on the cornea of ​​the eye. The film formed after using Hilo Chest prevents drying out of the mucous membranes of the organ of vision. The same effect helps prevent the cornea from drying out during prolonged work at the computer. Studies have shown that a person working in front of a monitor blinks much less often than during other activities, which manifests itself in dry mucous membranes.

In addition, hyaluronic acid promotes rapid healing of tissue damaged as a result of injury. Hilo Chest of Drawers is also prescribed after surgery to speed up the restoration of the tissue structures of the eyeball.

An important feature of the bottle that contains the drops is that it ensures absolute tightness of the composition, so there is no doubt about the sterility of the solution. This feature allows you to be sure that the damaged cornea of ​​the eye will not get infected and an inflammatory process will not develop. At the same time, such packaging, thanks to a special dispenser, ensures the extraction of droplets of the same size.

Hilo-Komod, instructions for use (Method and dosage)

The solution should be instilled into the conjunctival sac - 1 drop in each eye 3 times a day or more if necessary. The frequency of instillation should be determined individually by an ophthalmologist or contact lens specialist, taking into account the patient’s sensations. If after 2-3 days of use there are complaints or a feeling of discomfort, you should consult your doctor.

Recommendations and method of use when using contact lenses:

  • To activate the KOMOD system: for the first time before instillation, turn the container upside down and press on the base until a drop appears at the end of the dropper. In the future, you should also instill eye drops by turning and holding the container with the dropper straight down - quickly and actively pressing on the base until 1 drop is extracted.
  • When instilling, the head position should be slightly tilted back. To instill the drug directly into the conjunctival sac, you need to carefully lift the lower eyelid with your finger and drop 1 drop, then slowly close the eye so that the liquid is evenly distributed over the entire surface of the eye.
  • Before each instillation, it is necessary to remove the cap from the container and seal it tightly after the procedure.
  • During instillation, avoid contact of the dropper with the surface of the eye or skin!
  • You can bury Hilo-Komod without removing your lenses.
  • The dropper container must be individual and not used by other family members.

Hilo chest of drawers eye drops: instructions

To eliminate dry eyes, it is recommended to instill 1 drop into each lacrimal sac. Repeat the procedure three times a day. In severe forms of dry eye syndrome or after surgery, more frequent instillation during the day may be indicated. An individual regimen must be discussed with an ophthalmologist. The solution can be instilled into the eyes more than 10 times during the day only under the supervision of medical personnel.

If contact lenses are used, 1 drop is instilled into each lacrimal sac immediately before lens insertion. This will provide protection against dry eye syndrome, which often develops while wearing them.

A specially designed container with the solution allows you to extract 1 drop of the same size. The bottle contains a total of up to 300 drops. Due to the peculiarities of the drip mechanism, it is impossible to extract all the solution to the last drop - a little of the product remains inside. Experts do not recommend using one container by several people at once, even within a family. In order to maintain sterility and safety, preference should be given to strictly individual use.

Before first use, it is important to ensure the integrity of the control label located on the cardboard box. If the package has not been opened previously, you can remove the cap from the bottle. To do this, you need to firmly grasp the container with the solution with one hand and hold the cap with the other. With a gentle rotating motion, it is easy to remove the cap from the body of the bottle.

To remove the drop, you need to turn the container upside down and press on its bottom. As a result of the pressure generated inside the bottle, the first drop will appear from the spout. When one eye has received a single dose, the bottom must be released and the procedure must be repeated again to instill the second eye.

To make it convenient to instill eye drops into your eyes with one hand, you need to hold the bottle by the protrusion located near the spout with your thumb, and press on the bottom with the rest of your fingers to extract the drops.

During instillation, precautions must be taken so as not to accidentally damage the cornea of ​​the eye with the nose of the bottle. To do this, you need to use the second hand as a support: rest your fingers on the area under the eye, carefully pulling the eyelid down, and at the same time place the back of your hand for the hand with the bottle so that it is not suspended.


Level 4 ATX code matches:
System Ultra

Systane Gel

Systain Balance



Visine Pure Tear




Mirtilene Forte

Emoxy optic



Natural tear

Artificial tear






Comparison with Systane

Preparations Hilo-Komod, Systane are drops of the “artificial tear” type. Their price is almost the same; it is an American analogue of Hilo-Komod, which has a complex composition of active ingredients (propylene glycol, polyethylene glycol, boric acid, etc.).

Systane also comes in the form of a gel and of various compositions - Ultra and Balance (oil-based). The drugs are effective both for dry eye syndrome and when working at a computer, in smoke and the presence of other mechanical irritants (wind, salt water), and in allergies . However, unlike Hilo-Komod, contact lenses must be removed when instilling; the packaging does not have such a reliable sealing system as the Komod container.

Hilo-Komod price, where to buy

Supposedly you can buy Hilo-Komod (10 ml) for 650 rubles.

  • Online pharmacies in RussiaRussia
  • Online pharmacies in UkraineUkraine
  • Online pharmacies in KazakhstanKazakhstan


  • Hilo-Komod eye moisturizing drops 10 mlUrsapharm Arzneimittel GmbH
    470 RUR order

Pharmacy Dialogue

  • Hilo-Komod eye drops 1mg/ml 10mlUrsapharm

    RUR 448 order

show more


  • Hilo-Komod forte 2 mg/ml 10 ml No. 1 drops Ursafarm Arznaimittel GmbH, Nimechchina
    334 UAH.order
  • Hilo-Komod 1 mg/ml 10 ml drops Ursafarm Arznaimittel GmbH, Nimecchina

    320 UAH. order


  • Hilo-komod liquid Hilo-komod h/c 1 mg/ml 10 ml Germany, Ursapharm

    328 UAH. order

  • Hilo-komod liquid Hilo-komod forte eye drops 2mg/ml 10ml Germany, Ursapharm

    311 UAH. order

show more

Hilo Chest of drawers: indications

Hilo Chest is used to eliminate dry eyes, as well as dry cornea and conjunctiva. Symptoms indicating the need to moisturize may include:

  • feeling of sand in the eyes or specks;
  • burning;
  • pain;
  • photophobia;
  • deterioration of visual acuity at the end of the working day.

People around may notice in a person with dry mucous membranes of the eyes the absence of tear menisci - a thin strip of ocular moisture lying along the border of the eyelids, in contact with the eyeball.

In addition, a viscous thread-like discharge often accumulates in the corners of the eyes, which brings a lot of discomfort. If you have all of the above symptoms, you can buy a Hilo Chest of Drawers to restore the health of your vision.

Additionally, the solution is used if it is necessary to wear contact lenses. Regardless of the structure of the lens, the eye can be subject to microtrauma and irritation. The protective film of the drops allows you to minimize the severity of discomfort during putting on, wearing and removing lenses.

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