Cholisal gel for teething children

September 18, 2019

It’s good that the inventions of modern medicine make it possible not to resort to folk remedies, which are not always safe and effective. Innovation is especially helpful when it comes to children. Some medications help quickly solve the problem and calm the baby. For example, “Cholisal”, which numerous positive user reviews recommend using during teething. Journalists of the portal believe that care and concern for their baby is a natural desire of parents, but any drug should be used only after carefully studying the information about it, so as not to cause harm. Therefore, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the material presented below, in which we will consider “Cholisal” from all possible angles.

Teething gel

Characteristics of the drug

The drug is available in gel form. It is a homogeneous colorless mass with the smell of anise oil. There are packages of 10 and 15 g. Manufacturer: Polish pharmaceutical plant Elfa. The product contains the following active ingredients:

  • choline salicylate;
  • cetalkonium chloride.

One of the active ingredients of the drug is choline salicylate. This substance has a local analgesic, antipyretic and anti-inflammatory effect. The component also destroys fungi, including the genus Candida.

Due to the presence of cetalkonium chloride in the composition, the medicine has an antiseptic effect. The analgesic effect is observed 2-3 minutes after application of the product and lasts up to 8 hours. In addition to the main active ingredients, the product contains auxiliary components:

  • glycerol;
  • anise oil;
  • purified water;
  • ethanol;
  • glycerol;
  • methyloxyenzoate;
  • Hydroxyethylcellulose.

The medication does not contain sugar and is well tolerated. Its active substances are quickly absorbed into the mucous membranes. Due to this, the fastest possible effect is achieved. If it is not observed, the inflammatory process has spread as deeply as possible and cannot be eliminated by local means.


Cholisal (choline salicylate + cetalkonium chloride) is a combination drug from a Polish pharmaceutical company that has antibacterial, antimicrobial and analgesic effects and is used in dental practice. Available in gel form. Quickly relieves pain and destroys pathogenic bacteria without having a negative effect on the saprophytic microflora. The complex effect of the drug is achieved through the combination of choline salicylate and tsetalkonium chloride. The first of the two substances belongs to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs that suppress the release of mediators of pain and inflammatory reactions. The gel-like dosage form allows choline salicylate to quickly enter and remain in the inflammatory focus for a long time. Cetalkonium chloride is a disinfectant and antimicrobial agent that extends its effect to staphylococci, streptococci, E. coli, pseudomonas, Proteus, bacteroides, peptotreptococci, Klebsiella, clostridia, candida and herpes simplex virus. The characteristics of the dosage form ensure good penetration of the active substances, and the auxiliary ingredients potentiate the antimicrobial effect. The drug does not contain antibiotics, which can suppress both pathogenic and saprophytic microflora at the same time, thereby disturbing the bacterial balance in the oral cavity. Thanks to its disinfecting properties, the drug prevents secondary infections of the oral cavity. The analgesic effect of Cholisal develops within 3 minutes after application of the gel. The duration of action of the drug can reach 8 hours. A four-day course of medication is sufficient for complete healing of erosive lesions of the oral mucosa that arose as a result of wearing braces or dentures.

Five days is enough to eliminate increased bleeding and eliminate unpleasant odor in periodontal diseases. The small size of the tube ensures practicality and ergonomics. The drug is widely used in pediatric practice in patients over 1 year of age. The essential anise oil included in Cholisal improves organoleptic characteristics and enhances the anti-inflammatory and disinfecting effect (the aromatic ester anethole is “responsible” for this). A single dose of the drug is a gel “sausage” 1 cm long (for children – 0.5 cm). The gel is rubbed into the inflamed area with soft and light movements. Frequency of use – 1-2 times a day. Before using the drug, you must brush your teeth. You should refrain from eating or rinsing your mouth for half an hour after the procedure. The duration of pharmacotherapy for periodontitis is 10-14 days (for a mild form of the disease), 30 days (for a severe form). The optimal time to take it is after meals and before bedtime. Cholisal is not absorbed into the systemic bloodstream, and therefore has virtually no clinically significant side effects, with the exception of allergic reactions manifested by mild itching and burning at the site of application. The only direct contraindication to the use of Cholisal is hypersensitivity to the active or auxiliary components of the drug. Pregnant and lactating women may take the drug under medical supervision. Cholisal does not contain sugar and can be used in people with diabetes. Cases of drug dosage were not recorded.

Indications for use and contraindications

Dental gel Cholisal is intended for topical use. It is prescribed for damage to the mucous membranes of the oral cavity, periodontal disease and inflammation accompanied by pain. Indications for use:

  • stomatitis, regardless of etiology;
  • periodontitis;
  • gingivitis;

  • gum injuries due to wearing dentures;
  • pain during teething in infants older than 6 months;
  • candidiasis;
  • radiation dermatitis after radiation therapy;
  • cheilitis;
  • tooth extraction or other surgical intervention in the oral cavity;
  • lichen planus, localized on the oral mucosa;
  • exudative erythema.

The drug is contraindicated in case of hypersensitivity to its components. Use with caution in children under one year of age, pregnant and lactating women. Salicylic acid derivatives pass into breast milk and are contraindicated in the third trimester of pregnancy.

The drug has age restrictions

It is known that a baby’s first teeth cut at the age of 6-8 months, and by the age of two or two and a half years the child already has a whole set of 20 milk units. But it is also known that the worst teeth for well-being are the very first teeth, which appear before the age of 1 year.

, namely), indicates in the instructions that the gel at this tender age when the first teeth erupt, i.e. up to a year, should be used with caution1 and only after consulting a doctor. And you, as responsible parents, should not lose sight of this note. Indeed, side effects to the drug indicate the risk of allergic reactions and individual intolerance, burning of the mucous membrane. The younger the baby, the greater the chance of developing allergies.

The drug has an antiseptic effect and fights germs

When teething, the baby develops characteristic symptoms: he refuses to eat and shows restlessness, he has poor sleep, a runny nose may appear and the temperature may rise, constipation or, conversely, diarrhea is possible. Also, the baby constantly puts various objects into his mouth, he produces a lot of saliva and his gums become swollen. While breastfed, the baby may try to bite the mother painfully or refuse the breast.

Features of application

The product should be smeared onto the affected areas and rubbed in with gentle massaging movements for about 2 minutes. Apply the gel 2-3 times a day. It is applied before or after meals, and can also be used before bed.

You should not eat or drink for half an hour after applying the drug.

Before applying the product, the oral cavity is prepared. The internal mucous membranes and gums are dried with a cotton-gauze pad. The product is squeezed onto a clean finger. For adults, a strip 1 cm long is enough.

The product is applied to the tissue at the edges of the tooth and papilla. They cover the front and back parts of the dentition. The lingual side is also treated.

The instructions for using Cholisal for periodontal disease are somewhat different. It is placed 1-2 times a day directly into the gum pockets. They also make compresses or rub the drug into the gums. Such procedures are carried out after eating, having previously disinfected the oral cavity with an antibacterial rinse.

It is better not to hold your breath during the procedure, but to breathe deeply.

Cholisal provokes excessive salivation. The resulting saliva is not spit out. It must be swallowed as it accumulates. There is no need to wipe the mucous membranes with a cotton pad or napkin.

What symptoms indicate that teeth are being cut?

The first reason to pay attention to whether teeth are cutting, and how to help determine it, are the general symptoms:

Behavior change

The child either pushes his parents away or asks to be held. He often cries, refuses his favorite toys or pacifiers, and throws them on the floor.

In addition, the baby loses his appetite. When starting to eat, the child feels discomfort in the teething area, so the baby eats in small portions, and, having started to eat, cries after a short period of time. Sleep is disturbed: pain in the gum prevents him from falling asleep.

Most children indirectly show that they are teething, and every parent should know how to help. They:

  • chew any hard objects they can reach;
  • often reach for the breast or bottle, while hardly eating, but rolling (or gnawing) the nipple or pacifier in the mouth.

In general, it is worth considering that teeth are being cut and how to help with this if the baby has become “unbearable” for no apparent reason.

Please note: these symptoms should not last longer than two to three days and should end with the appearance of a small area of ​​tooth above the gum.

Increased salivation, chin irritation and wet cough

These are interrelated symptoms:

  1. Salivation increases as a result of three reasons:
      irritation of the gum tissue and the nerve endings located in it by the erupting tooth;
  2. physiologically - due to the baby adopting a new position for him - sitting, which coincides with teething;
  3. difficulty swallowing saliva.
  4. A wet cough is a consequence of a large amount of saliva. The baby still lies more often than sits, so saliva flows down the back wall of the throat and enters the respiratory tract. If the cough is caused specifically by teething, it occurs in the morning and is almost not observed during the day when the child is awake.
  5. Redness and rash on the chin also occur due to the abundance of saliva that flows onto the skin.

If you see such signs of teething in your child, how to relieve pain, read on.

Runny nose

The appearance of light, watery discharge from the nose is possible due to teething. This type of runny nose may be accompanied by sneezing, but ends within 3-4 days without complications. If the snot becomes yellow or green, or the cough gets worse and the child becomes lethargic, check with your pediatrician. In such a situation, the question “how to numb teething teeth”, as a rule, does not arise.

Changing the appearance of your gums

2–3 weeks before the eruption of a canine, incisor or molar, an enlarged blue area (hematoma) may appear on the gum. This is not accompanied by unpleasant symptoms, and the child behaves as usual.

A change in the appearance of the gums when the symptoms described above appear helps to understand that teeth are being cut and how to help - this is the most important question at the moment. In this case, the gum becomes reddish and swollen; touching it causes discomfort in the child and a desire to bite the object being touched. These local signs disappear after the tooth appears above the gum. Sometimes teething is accompanied by the release of a small amount of blood.

Controversial symptoms

Often, against the background of the eruption of incisors, canines or molars, the child experiences symptoms that are very reminiscent of some kind of infection - respiratory or intestinal:

  • temperature rise above 37.5°C
  • diarrhea;
  • vomit;
  • pain in the ear or maxillary sinus;
  • lethargy.

Both the parents themselves and the pediatrician can associate these signs with teething. But in fact, the child needs examination. Because teething often coincides with ARVI or intestinal infection.

This is justified: immunological studies prove that immunity decreases physiologically during this period. That is, if previously a child could easily cope with a pathogenic microbe, now it is difficult to resist it.

To understand whether it is an infectious disease or teething and how to help, an examination by an ENT doctor is often enough. After examining the throat, nose and ears, he will tell you whether there are signs of inflammation there or not. If the ENT organs are in order, perhaps such symptoms are still associated with a dental problem.

Diarrhea that occurs against the background of teething requires consultation with an infectious disease specialist. Especially if loose stools are observed more than 3 times a day or are accompanied by an increase in temperature.

Use for teething

It is allowed to use the gel during teething from the age of six months. A strip 0.5 cm long is used at a time. It is strongly not recommended to exceed this dosage.

Before the procedure, the mucous membranes are dried with a cotton pad. Only after this the gel is applied to the inflamed areas. It is rubbed into the baby's mucous membranes with gentle circular movements, without applying excessive force.

After applying the drug, you need to keep the child in a horizontal position so that he does not choke on saliva.

You can use the medicine for teething a maximum of 3 times a day. The interval between procedures should be at least 4 hours.

The analgesic effect is observed 3 to 5 minutes after application of the product and lasts from 2 to 8 hours. The course of treatment ends immediately after pain is eliminated.

Strengthen the effect of the gel by combining it with other products

In order for the baby to quickly stop being capricious, start smiling and playing, try to use other methods together with the Cholisal gel when teething. As reviews from experienced parents show, some are very effective:

  • massage: in addition to the gel itself, which parents rub into the child’s gums, you can massage using a cool teaspoon. Naturally, it must be clean and disinfected. Just gently touch the sore gums with its convex side. You can also massage the mucous membrane using silicone fingertips, which are commonly used to clean the oral cavity of babies or the first tooth that appears,
  • teethers: these are silicone devices in the form of rings, various figures, and they, like silicone finger guards, can be bought at the pharmacy. For safety, it is advisable that they be without liquid filler. Before giving the item to your baby, place the teether in the refrigerator for a while.

    Silicone teethers will help your baby during this period

  • make your own teethers: for these purposes you can use hard, non-allergenic vegetables and fruits. For example, cut an apple into small slices, cool it and offer it to your baby. If the child is too small, then take care that he does not choke - wrap the fruit in special gauze or a mesh bag (these are again sold at the pharmacy).

If you use Cholisal, then know that it enhances the effect of antipyretic and anti-inflammatory drugs. Therefore, you can simultaneously give the baby Nurofen (or Panadol) and also apply the gel topically. But be careful, always strictly follow the instructions so as not to cause an overdose and worsen the child’s condition.

Side effects and overdose

There were no cases of overdose with this drug. If this happens, you should immediately rinse your mouth with clean water. If necessary, vomiting should also be induced. If you are hypersensitive to salicylates, the following changes are possible:

  • excessive sweating;
  • gagging;
  • nausea;
  • tinnitus;
  • urticaria or erythema;
  • dizziness.

Side effects are extremely rare. A short-term burning sensation may occur after applying the gel. Unpleasant sensations disappear on their own after 3-5 minutes. It is also possible that an allergic reaction may develop.

special instructions

The drug is intended exclusively for topical use. It cannot be taken orally. The medicine does not affect the ability to operate machinery or drive vehicles. There is also no limitation of physical activity.

For long-term and short-term treatment, it is not recommended to use Cholisal simultaneously with other antibacterial agents. The medication combines well with other drugs. No obvious incompatibility was identified.

If the permissible dosage is increased excessively, Cholisal can enhance the effect of other painkillers, antipyretic and anti-inflammatory drugs.

If the recommended dose is observed, such an effect is not observed.

The gel cannot be frozen or stored in the refrigerator.

The optimal storage temperature is 25 °C. The medicine should be kept out of the reach of children. The shelf life of the medicine is 3 years. After opening the tube, the gel is stored for no more than 2 weeks. The duration of continuous therapy should not exceed 10 days.

Possible consequences of use

The medication contains anise oil, which can cause excessive salivation. For adults, this phenomenon does not pose any danger. With young children the situation is somewhat different.

Infants cannot yet swallow all the saliva that is released. Liquid begins to flow out of the mouth, causing irritation of the skin. The child may choke and begin to cough heavily. Therefore, the topical remedy should be used with caution.

Negative changes are also observed if the rules for using the medicine are not followed. The most common violation is neglect of sterility. If the medication is applied with dirty hands, there is a risk of infection.

Naturally, this does not bring relief. The condition is getting worse. Additional antimicrobial therapy is required. The course of treatment will be longer.

Benefits of Cholisal gel

The popularity of the product is due to the fact that it has many advantages. The medication acts quickly and can eliminate pain in a matter of minutes. In addition, among its advantages are the following:

  1. Long lasting. If you apply the product before bed, pain will not occur until the morning.
  2. Thick consistency. The medicine does not spread and adheres well to the mucous membranes.
  3. Penetration into the deep layers of inflamed tissue.
  4. Pronounced anti-inflammatory effect.

In addition, Cholisal destroys many pathogenic microorganisms. Therefore, it is used for inflammatory processes of various etiologies. This is an effective medicine in the fight against thrush and herpes.

Disadvantages of the medication

No matter how effective this drug is, it has certain disadvantages. For example, for a tube of small volume you will have to pay a relatively large amount. In addition, among its disadvantages:

  1. Pronounced aroma and taste of anise. Due to this, salivation often becomes abundant, and the mucous membranes of the oral cavity become irritated.
  2. Presence of contraindications.
  3. Possible side effects.

No other shortcomings have been identified in Kholisal. It has proven itself to be an effective and efficient drug. Most often it is well tolerated.

Actions in case of eye contact

When using the gel, unexpected situations may arise. For example, the product accidentally came into contact with the mucous membranes of the eye. In this case, you need to urgently take the following measures:

  1. Rinse your eyesight with plenty of water. It should be cold, but boiled.
  2. Rinse for at least a quarter of an hour. This will be enough to completely wash the product.
  3. Blot mucous eyes with a napkin.
  4. Place anti-inflammatory drops into both eyes. Sulfacyl sodium, Levomycytin and their analogues can be used.

After washing the eye, it is allowed to use ointments rather than drops. They are applied to the lower eyelid. Excellent results are observed when using Hydrocortisone ointment. After such procedures, it will be possible to eliminate redness, swelling and burning.

List of analogues and substitutes

Cholisal costs about 450 rubles in pharmacies. If you wish, you can find cheaper analogues. There are many drugs that have a similar effect. They can also be used for pain relief during teething in children.

A drugActive substanceManufacturerPrice
Kamistadlaureth-9 and chamomile extractSTADA Arzneimittel AG, Germany300 rubles
Dentol babybenzocainePHARMACEUTICALS INC., Canada200 rubles
Kalgelcetilleridine chloride and lidocaineGlaxosmithkline, UK350 rubles
Metrogil Dentametronidazole benzoateUnique Pharmaceutical, India230 rubles
SolcoserylsolcoserylMEDA Pharmaceuticals, Switzerland640 rubles
Baby Doctor First teethherbal extractsHatzi Hazakot, Israel350 rubles
Dentinoxlidocaine hydrochloride and chamomile extractDentinox, Germany370 rubles

The difference between these drugs is not only in the active ingredient and price. It is problematic to say unequivocally which one is best to use to eliminate pain. Each of them has its own advantages and disadvantages.

A few facts about teething

  1. ideally, when the first milk teeth appear at 6 months: but if their eruption is delayed by a couple of months, i.e. falls at eight months of age, then there is no need to worry either - this situation is within normal limits. There is also no need to worry when the first milk units appear a little earlier, for example, at 4-5 months,
  2. If the baby is 10 or more months old, and the first teeth are not pleasing with their appearance, then it’s time to see a dentist, because this may indicate a violation of the formation of the jaw system,
  3. In most cases, the central incisors appear first on the lower jaw, then their antagonists erupt on the upper jaw. Afterwards, the lateral incisors delight with their appearance, then the fangs, which are also called “eye” ones. If the order is broken, then there is no need to panic, because... This process can be individual for each person. But it is still necessary to pay close attention to this point. For peace of mind, visit your dentist.

The photo shows the timing of the eruption of baby teeth.
Read the article on the topic: the main causes of cough and snot during teething.

Cholisal or analogue: what to choose?

The Polish drug Cholisal has established itself as an effective pain reliever. The gel has a complex effect and eliminates many problems. The medication not only relieves pain, but also eliminates the inflammatory process and destroys pathogenic microorganisms.

This medicine can be used for teething in children. He is able to quickly cope with the task and eliminate pain. Other medications also have a similar effect.

The choice of one medication or another is a purely personal matter. Cholisal is considered one of the best dental medicines. Therefore, it is often used. If the child has not yet reached six months of age and has increased sensitivity to the components of the gel, it is better to choose another medication.

Also, preference should be given to analogues if side effects occur after using Cholisal. For example, vomiting or dizziness. This is an extremely rare phenomenon, but it cannot be completely excluded.

The drug has an antimicrobial effect

The main active ingredient in the composition is choline salicylate. It is not only a local analgesic, but also relieves inflammation and has an antipyretic effect. The composition also contains cetalkonium chloride, which has an antiseptic effect and fights microbes and fungi that provoke an inflammatory process as a result of traumatic damage to the mucous membrane or from dirty objects, toys, and even fingers getting into the child’s mouth.

The gel has a beneficial effect for 8 hours in a row, so it leaves virtually no chance for bacteria to cause teething complications.

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