Ecoclave® (Amoxicillin + Clavulanic acid) tablets 875 mg+125 mg

One tablet contains:

Amoxicillin trihydrate 287.00 mg / 574.00 mg / 1004.50 mg (in terms of amoxicillin) 250.00 mg / 500.00 mg / 875.00 mg.

Potassium clavulanate + microcrystalline cellulose (1:1) 299.40 mg / 299.40 mg / 299.40 mg (in terms of clavulanic acid) 125.00 mg / 125.00 mg / 125.00 mg.


lactitol 300.00 mg/ 600.00 mg/ 300.00 mg, crospovidone (Kollidon CL) 24.00 mg/ 45.00 mg/ 50.00 mg, croscarmellose sodium 24.00 mg/ 45.00 mg/ 50, 00 mg, talc 8.00 mg/ 12.00 mg/ 10.00 mg, ascorbic acid 5.00 mg/ 5.00 mg/ 5.00 mg, magnesium stearate 5.20 mg/ 13.84 mg/ 18, 50 mg, microcrystalline cellulose to obtain an uncoated tablet weighing 1040.00 mg / 1730.00 mg / 1850.00 mg.

Excipients of the shell:

mixture for preparing film coating "Insta Moistsheld" [hypromellose - 54.00%, ethylcellulose - 5.00%, diethyl phthalate - 12.00%, titanium dioxide - 25.00%, talc - 4.00%] - to obtain a tablet with a shell weighing 1089.00 mg/1774.30 mg/1887.70 mg.


Level 4 ATX code matches:








Amoxil K 625

Flemoklav Solutab


The main analogues are represented by the following drugs: Amocombe, Amoxivan, Amoxiclav, Quiktab, Amoxicillin trihydrate + Potassium Clavulanate, Arlet, Augmentin, Bactoclav, Verclave, Clamosar, Liclave, Medoclav, Panklav, Ranclave, Rapiclav, Taromentin, Fibell, Flemoklav Solutab and Ecoclave.


Oval biconvex tablets, film-coated, white or almost white. On a cross section, the kernel is almost white to light yellow with a brown tint; inclusions from white to yellow are acceptable.

Pharmacotherapeutic group

Antibiotic - semi-synthetic penicillin + beta-lactamase inhibitor.

ATX code:


Pharmacological properties

A combination drug of amoxicillin and clavulanic acid, a beta-lactamase inhibitor. Amoxicillin is a semisynthetic broad-spectrum antibiotic; acts bactericidal, inhibiting the synthesis of cell wall protein of sensitive bacteria at the growth stage. Clavulanic acid has a high affinity for bacterial beta-lactamases and forms a stable complex with them. Thus, the biodegradation of amoxicillin by beta-lactamases is prevented, and the bactericidal activity of the antibiotic is maintained. Clavulanic acid inhibits type II-V beta-lactamases according to the Richmond-Sykes classification and is not active against type I beta-lactamases produced by Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Serratia spp., Acinetobacter spp.

The combined preparation of amoxicillin and clavulanic acid, according to the results of in vitro tests and clinical studies, is active against the following microorganisms:

Gram-positive aerobic microorganisms:

Staphylococcus aureus (strains producing and not producing beta-lactamases);

Gram-negative aerobic microorganisms:

  • Enterobacter spp. (despite the fact that most Enterobacter are resistant in vitro , the effectiveness of the drug in the treatment of infectious diseases of the urinary system caused by this pathogen has been clinically proven);
  • Escherichia coli (strains producing and not producing beta-lactamases);
  • Haemophilus influenzae (strains producing and not producing beta-lactamases);
  • Klebsiella spp. (all known strains producing beta-lactamases);
  • Moraxella catarrhalis (strains producing and not producing beta-lactamases).

Based on the results of in vitro studies, the following microorganisms are sensitive to the combination of amoxicillin and clavulanic acid:

Gram-positive aerobic microorganisms:

  • Enterococcus faecalis**;
  • Staphylococcus epidermidis (strains producing and not producing beta-lactamases);
  • Staphylococcus saprophyticus (strains producing and not producing beta-lactamases);
  • Streptococcus pneumoniae ** (strains that do not produce beta-lactamases);
  • Streptococcus pyogenes** (strains that do not produce beta-lactamases);
  • Streptococcus viridans group** (strains that do not produce beta-lactamases).

Gram-negative aerobic microorganisms:

  • Eikenella corrodens (strains producing and not producing beta-lactamases);
  • Neisseria gonorrhoeae ** (strains producing and not producing beta-lactamases);
  • Proteus mirabilis** (strains producing and not producing beta-lactamases).

Anaerobic microorganisms:

  • Bacteroides spp., including Bacteroides fragilis (beta-lactamase-producing and non-beta-lactamase producing strains);
  • Fusobacterium spp. (strains producing and not producing beta-lactamases);
  • Peptostreptococcus spp. (does not produce beta-lactamase).

NOTE: ** - (amoxicillin has been clinically proven to be effective in treating a number of infections caused by these pathogens).



After oral administration, both components of the drug are quickly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. Absorption of the active ingredients of the drug is optimal if taken at the beginning of a meal.

After oral administration at a dose of 250 mg + 125 mg:

  • maximum concentration (Cmax) of amoxicillin – 3.7 µg/ml, clavulanic acid – 2.2 µg/ml;
  • time to reach maximum concentration (Tmax) of amoxicillin – 1.1 hours, clavulanic acid – 1.2 hours;
  • the area under the concentration-time curve (AUC) of amoxicillin is 10.9 mg∙h/l, clavulanic acid is 6.2 mg∙h/l.

After oral administration at a dose of 500 mg + 125 mg:

  • Cmax of amoxicillin – 6.5 µg/ml, clavulanic acid – 2.8 µg/ml;
  • Tmax of amoxicillin – 1.5 hours, clavulanic acid – 1.3 hours;
  • AUC of amoxicillin – 23.2 mg∙h/l, clavulanic acid – 7.3 mg∙h/l.

After oral administration at a dose of 875 mg + 125 mg:

  • Cmax of amoxicillin – 8.8 µg/ml, clavulanic acid – 2.07 µg/ml;
  • Tmax of amoxicillin – 1.5 hours, clavulanic acid – 1.5 hours;
  • AUC of amoxicillin – 25.4 mg∙h/l, clavulanic acid – 6.1 mg∙h/l.

When using the drug, concentrations of amoxicillin in the blood serum are similar to those after oral administration of equivalent doses of amoxicillin alone.


Both components of the drug are characterized by a good volume of distribution - therapeutic concentrations of amoxicillin and clavulanic acid are created in various organs and tissues, interstitial fluid: lungs, middle ear, abdominal organs, pelvic organs (prostate, uterus, ovaries), skin; fat, bone and muscle tissues; pleural, synovial and peritoneal fluids; plasma, bile, purulent discharge, sputum, bronchial secretions.

Amoxicillin and clavulanic acid have a moderate degree of binding to plasma proteins, 18% and 25%, respectively.

Both components of the drug penetrate the placental barrier, but no data on negative effects on the fetus have been published.

Amoxicillin and clavulanic acid are found in low concentrations in breast milk.

Metabolism, excretion

Approximately 60-70% of amoxicillin is excreted by the kidneys: by tubular secretion and glomerular filtration. Clavulanic acid is actively metabolized in the liver and excreted by glomerular filtration (40-65%), partly in the form of metabolites. A smaller part is excreted by the intestines.

In case of renal failure, the clearance of amoxicillin with clavulanic acid is reduced, so dose adjustment is required.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

The combined drug Amoxicillin + Clavulanic acid is a beta-lactamase inhibitor that has a bactericidal effect that inhibits the synthesis of the bacterial wall. Moreover, the activity of the drug is manifested against various aerobic gram-positive bacteria, including strains that produce beta-lactamases, for example: Staphylococcus aureus, some aerobic gram-negative bacteria: Haemophilus influenzae, Enterobacter spp., Escherichia coli, Klebsiella spp. and other sensitive pathogens, anaerobic gram-positive bacteria, anaerobic and aerobic gram-negative bacteria and so on.

Clavulanic acid is able to suppress types II-V beta-lactamases, without showing activity against type 1 beta-lactamases produced by Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Acinetobacter spp and Serratia spp. This substance is also characterized by high tropism for penicillinases, forming a stable complex with the enzyme and preventing the enzymatic degradation of amoxicillin under the influence of beta-lactamases.

Inside the body, each of the components undergoes rapid absorption in the gastrointestinal tract. Therapeutic concentration is observed within 45 minutes. Moreover, in various preparations, the ratio of clavulanic acid to amoxicillin is the same dose of 125 to 250, 500 and 850 mg - in tablets.

The drug is slightly bound to plasma proteins: clavulanic acid by approximately 22-30%, amoxicillin by 17-20%. The metabolism of these substances is carried out in the liver: clavulanic acid is almost 50%, and amoxicillin is 10% of the received dosage.

The drug is excreted unchanged mainly by the kidneys within 6 hours from the moment of use.

Indications for use

Infectious and inflammatory diseases caused by pathogens sensitive to the drug:

  • lower respiratory tract infections (bronchitis, pneumonia);
  • infections of the ENT organs (sinusitis, tonsillitis, otitis media);
  • infections of the genitourinary system and pelvic organs (pyelonephritis, pyelitis, cystitis, urethritis, bacterial prostatitis, cervicitis, salpingitis, salpingoophoritis, endometritis, bacterial vaginitis, septic abortion, chancroid, gonorrhea);
  • infections of the skin and soft tissues (erysipelas, impetigo, secondary infected dermatoses, abscess, cellulitis, wound infection);
  • infections of bones and joints (osteomyelitis).

Use during pregnancy and lactation

A combined drug of amoxicillin and clavulanic acid during pregnancy is recommended to be prescribed only in cases where the expected benefit from taking it for the mother outweighs the potential risk to the fetus.

The drug can be used during breastfeeding. Except for the risk of sensitization associated with trace amounts of the active ingredients of this drug passing into breast milk, no other adverse effects have been observed in breastfed infants.

Reviews for Amoxicillin + Clavualanic acid

As you know, antibiotics are the most discussed drugs on various forums. Patients are almost equally concerned about both the effectiveness and safety of such drugs. At the same time, reviews of the drugs Amoxicillin + Clavualanic acid are in most cases positive.

No one doubts the effectiveness of this antibiotic, which is why it is prescribed for the treatment of even the most complex forms of diseases. However, patients are often interested in clavulanic acid, what it is and how it is combined with amoxicillin, that is, it enhances or softens its effect. It should be noted that this substance has its own antibacterial activity.

This drug is also often found in discussions related to the treatment of pregnant women. But many experts advise taking the drug Amoxiclav . This is confirmed by women who were treated with this drug at various stages of pregnancy . As a rule, treatment always helps eliminate the disorder without causing harm to either the patient or the fetus.

Antibiotics are components of many therapeutic regimens associated with the treatment of bacterial infections. It should be remembered that such medications can only be taken as prescribed by a doctor. But first you should determine the sensitivity of the pathogen to this drug. Only then can a positive outcome of treatment be expected without additional harm to the body.

Directions for use and doses

Inside. The dosage regimen is set individually depending on the age and body weight of the patient, the severity and localization of the infectious process, as well as the sensitivity of the pathogen.

The minimum course of antibacterial therapy is 5 days. Treatment should not be continued for more than 14 days without reviewing the clinical situation.

Adults and children over 12 years of age or weighing more than 40 kg:

Mild to moderate infections

– 1 tablet of 250 mg + 125 mg 3 times a day or 1 tablet of 500 mg + 125 mg 2 times a day.

Severe or lower respiratory tract infections

– 1 tablet of 875 mg + 125 mg 2 times a day or 1 tablet of 500 mg + 125 mg 3 times a day.

Since the tablets contain the same amount of clavulanic acid (125 mg), it should be noted that 2 tablets of 250 mg + 125 mg are not equivalent to 1 tablet of 500 mg + 125 mg.

The maximum daily dose of amoxicillin for adults and children over 12 years of age is 6 g, clavulanic acid is 600 mg.

For chronic renal failure

The dose and frequency of administration are adjusted depending on creatinine clearance (CC):

  • when CC is more than 30 ml/min, no dose adjustment is required;
  • with CC 10-30 ml/min: 1 tablet of 250 mg + 125 mg 2 times a day (for mild and moderate infections) or 1 tablet of 500 mg + 125 mg 2 times a day (for severe infections or lower respiratory tract infections );
  • with CC less than 10 ml/min: 1 tablet of 250 mg + 125 mg once a day (for mild and moderate infections) or 1 tablet of 500 mg + 125 mg once a day (for severe infections or lower respiratory tract infections) ;

Patients on hemodialysis: 1 tablet of 500 mg + 125 mg or 2 tablets of 250 mg + 125 mg every 24 hours in combination with 1 dose during hemodialysis and 1 dose after hemodialysis, as the concentration of amoxicillin and clavulanic acid decreases.

Amoxicillin + Clavualanic acid, instructions for use (Method and dosage)

Preparations based on these substances can be used for oral, intravenous or intramuscular administration. In this case, the dosage, regimen and duration of therapy are established taking into account the complexity of the disease, the sensitivity of the pathogen, the location of the infection and the characteristics of the patient.

For example, patients under 12 years of age are recommended to take the drug in the form of syrup, suspension or drops, which are intended for internal use. A single dosage is determined depending on the weight and age of the patients.

The maximum daily dosage of amoxicillin for children over 12 years of age and adult patients is 6 g, and for small patients less than 12 years old it is recommended to calculate the dose of 45 mg per kg of weight.

The maximum permissible dosage of clavulanic acid for children over 12 years of age and adults is 600 mg, and for children under 12 years of age at the rate of 10 mg per kg of weight.

The average duration of treatment can be 10-14 days.

Side effects

The drug is well tolerated. Side effects occur rarely, are mostly mild and transient in nature.

From the digestive system:

nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, gastritis, stomatitis, glossitis, cholestatic jaundice, hepatitis, liver failure (more often in the elderly, men, with long-term therapy), colitis (including pseudomembranous), black “hairy” tongue, darkening of tooth enamel, increased activity “ liver" transaminases, increased bilirubin content and alkaline phosphatase activity.

From the hematopoietic organs:

reversible increase in prothrombin time and bleeding time, thrombocytopenia, thrombocytosis, eosinophilia, leukopenia, agranulocytosis, hemolytic anemia.

From the central nervous system:

dizziness, headache, hyperactivity, anxiety, behavior changes, convulsions.

Allergic reactions:

urticaria, erythematous rashes, erythema multiforme exudative, anaphylactic shock, angioedema, exfoliative dermatitis, malignant exudative erythema (Stevens-Johnson syndrome), allergic vasculitis, a syndrome similar to serum sickness, acute generalized exanthematous pustulosis.

From the kidneys and urinary tract:

interstitial nephritis, crystalluria, hematuria.


candidiasis, development of superinfection.

Amoxicillin+Clavulanic acid 500mg+125mg EXPRESS, 14 dispersible tablets

Registration Certificate Holder

LECCO (Russia)

Dosage form

Medicine - Amoxicillin + Clavulanic acid EXPRESS (Amoxicillin + Clavulanic acid EXPRESS)


Dispersible tablets

from white to light yellow, biconvex, marbling and occasional brown inclusions are allowed.

1 tab.

amoxicillin trihydrate 573.89 mg, which corresponds to the content of amoxicillin 500 mg potassium clavulanate 297.82 mg, which corresponds to the content of clavulanic acid (in the form of potassium salt) 125 mg


: microcrystalline cellulose 302 - 87.09 mg, crospovidone - 201.2 mg, vanillin - 1 mg, saccharin - 9 mg, magnesium stearate - 5 mg, apricot flavor - 9 mg.

7 pcs. — contour cell packaging (2) — cardboard packs. 7 pcs. — cellular contour packages (1) — packages (2) — cardboard packs. 8 pcs. — cellular contour packages (1) — packages (2) — cardboard packs. 10 pieces. — bottles (1) — cardboard packs.


Treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases caused by sensitive pathogens: lower respiratory tract infections (bronchitis, pneumonia, pleural empyema, lung abscess); infections of the ENT organs (sinusitis, tonsillitis, otitis media); infections of the genitourinary system and pelvic organs (pyelonephritis, pyelitis, cystitis, urethritis, prostatitis, cervicitis, salpingitis, salpingoophoritis, tubo-ovarian abscess, endometritis, bacterial vaginitis, septic abortion, postpartum sepsis, pelvioperitonitis, chancroid, gonorrhea); infections of the skin and soft tissues (erysipelas, impetigo, secondary infected dermatoses, abscess, cellulitis, wound infection); osteomyelitis; postoperative infections.

Contraindications for use

Hypersensitivity to amoxicillin and other penicillins, clavulanic acid, and other beta-lactam antibiotics (cephalosporins, carbapenems, monobactams); cholestatic jaundice and/or other liver dysfunction caused by a history of amoxicillin/clavulanic acid use; severe renal impairment (creatinine clearance <30 ml/min) (for a dosage form intended for use in children from 3 months to 12 years); children up to 3 months old.


Liver dysfunction, kidney dysfunction..

pharmachologic effect

A combination drug of amoxicillin and clavulanic acid, a beta-lactamase inhibitor. It has a bactericidal effect and inhibits the synthesis of the bacterial wall. Active against aerobic gram-positive bacteria (including strains producing beta-lactamases): Staphylococcus aureus; aerobic gram-negative bacteria: Enterobacter spp., Escherichia coli, Haemophilus influenzae, Klebsiella spp., Moraxella catarrhalis. The following pathogens are sensitive only in vitro: Staphylococcus epidermidis, Streptococcus pyogenes, Streptococcus anthracis, Streptococcus pneumoniae, Streptococcus viridans, Enterococcus faecalis, Corynebacterium spp., Listeria monocytogenes; anaerobic Clostridium spp., Peptococcus spp., Peptostreptococcus spp.; as well as aerobic gram-negative bacteria (including strains producing beta-lactamases): Proteus mirabilis, Proteus vulgaris, Salmonella spp., Shigella spp., Bordetella pertussis, Yersinia enterocolitica, Gardnerella vaginalis, Neisseria meningitidis, Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Haemophilus ducreyi, Yersinia multocida ( formerly Pasteurella), Campylobacter jejuni; anaerobic gram-negative bacteria (including beta-lactamase producing strains): Bacteroides spp., including Bacteroides fragilis.

Clavulanic acid inhibits types II, III, IV and V beta-lactamases; it is not active against type I beta-lactamases produced by Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Serratia spp., Acinetobacter spp. Clavulanic acid has a high affinity for penicillinases, due to which it forms a stable complex with the enzyme, which prevents the enzymatic degradation of amoxicillin under the influence of beta-lactamases.

Drug interactions

Antacids, glucosamine, laxatives, aminoglycosides slow down and reduce absorption; ascorbic acid increases absorption.

Bacteriostatic antibiotics (macrolides, chloramphenicol, lincosamides, tetracyclines, sulfonamides) have an antagonistic effect.

When combined with rifampicin, a mutual weakening of the antibacterial effect is observed.

Increases the effectiveness of indirect anticoagulants (suppressing intestinal microflora, reduces the synthesis of vitamin K and the prothrombin index). When taking anticoagulants simultaneously, it is necessary to monitor blood clotting indicators.

Reduces the effectiveness of oral contraceptives, drugs in the process of metabolism of which PABA is formed, ethinyl estradiol - the risk of developing breakthrough bleeding.

Diuretics, allopurinol, phenylbutazone, NSAIDs and other drugs that block tubular secretion increase the concentration of amoxicillin (clavulanic acid is excreted mainly by glomerular filtration).

Concomitant use with methotrexate increases the toxicity of methotrexate.

Allopurinol increases the risk of developing skin rashes.

Concomitant use with probenecid is not recommended. Probenecid reduces the tubular secretion of amoxicillin. When used together, it is possible to increase and prolong the blood concentration of amoxicillin, but not clavulanic acid.

Concomitant use with disulfiram should be avoided.

The simultaneous use of amoxicillin and digoxin may lead to an increase in the concentration of digoxin in the blood plasma.

Dosage regimen

Doses are given in terms of amoxicillin. The dosage regimen is set individually depending on the patient’s age, the severity and location of the infection, and the sensitivity of the pathogen.

Children under 12 years of age: 20-40 mg/kg/day in 2-3 doses.

Adults and children over 12 years of age or weighing 40 kg or more: 250-500 mg 2-3 times / day or 875 mg 2 times / day.

The maximum daily dose of amoxicillin for adults and children over 12 years of age is 6 g, for children under 12 years of age - 45 mg/kg body weight.

Side effect

From the digestive system: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, gastritis, stomatitis, glossitis, increased activity of liver transaminases, in isolated cases - cholestatic jaundice, hepatitis, liver failure (more often in the elderly, men, with long-term therapy), pseudomembranous and hemorrhagic colitis ( can also develop after therapy), enterocolitis, black “hairy” tongue, darkening of tooth enamel. From the hematopoietic organs: reversible increase in prothrombin time and bleeding time, thrombocytopenia, thrombocytosis, eosinophilia, leukopenia, agranulocytosis, hemolytic anemia. From the nervous system: dizziness, headache, hyperactivity, anxiety, behavior changes, convulsions.

From the urinary system: interstitial nephritis, crystalluria, hematuria. Allergic reactions: urticaria, erythematous rashes, rarely - erythema multiforme exudative, anaphylactic shock, angioedema, extremely rarely - exfoliative dermatitis, malignant exudative erythema (Stevens-Johnson syndrome), allergic vasculitis, a syndrome similar to serum sickness, acute generalized exanthematous pustulosis . Other: candidiasis, development of superinfection.

special instructions

The use of this combination is not recommended if infectious mononucleosis is suspected.

During a course of treatment, it is necessary to monitor the state of the function of the hematopoietic organs, liver and kidneys.

In order to reduce the risk of side effects from the gastrointestinal tract, the drug should be taken with meals. It is possible that superinfection may develop due to the growth of microflora that is insensitive to it, which requires a corresponding change in antibacterial therapy. May give false positive results when determining glucose in urine. In this case, it is recommended to use the glucose oxidant method for determining the concentration of glucose in the urine. In patients who are hypersensitive to penicillins, cross-allergic reactions with cephalosporin antibiotics are possible.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

Restrictions during pregnancy - With caution. Restrictions when breastfeeding - With caution. Use with caution during pregnancy and lactation (breastfeeding).

Use for renal impairment

Restrictions for impaired renal function - With caution. In case of chronic renal failure, the dose and frequency of administration are adjusted depending on the QC.

Use for liver dysfunction

Restrictions for liver dysfunction - With caution.

Contraindicated in patients with episodes of jaundice or impaired liver function due to a history of amoxicillin/clavulanic acid use.

With caution: severe liver failure

Use in elderly patients

Restrictions for elderly patients - Use with caution.

Use in children

Restrictions for children - With caution. Used in children over 3 months according to indications and in dosage forms appropriate for age.

Interaction with other drugs

It is not recommended to use a combination drug of amoxicillin and clavulanic acid simultaneously with probenecid. Probenecid reduces the tubular secretion of amoxicillin, so their joint administration may lead to an increase and persistence of amoxicillin concentrations in the serum, while the serum concentration of clavulanic acid does not change.

Antacids, glucosamine, laxatives slow down and reduce the absorption of amoxicillin; ascorbic acid - increases.

Allopurinol increases the risk of skin rashes.

Diuretics, allopurinol, phenylbutazone, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and other drugs that block tubular secretion increase the concentration of amoxicillin (clavulanic acid is excreted mainly by glomerular filtration).

Like other broad-spectrum antibiotics, the combination drug of amoxicillin and clavulanic acid may reduce the effectiveness of oral contraceptives, and patients should be informed about this.

The literature describes rare cases of an increase in the international normalized ratio (INR) in patients with the combined use of acenocoumarol or warfarin and amoxicillin. If it is necessary to simultaneously prescribe a combination drug of amoxicillin and clavulanic acid with indirect anticoagulants, the prothrombin time or INR should be carefully monitored when prescribing or discontinuing the drug.

special instructions

The severity of gastrointestinal symptoms decreases when taking the drug at the beginning of a meal.

During a course of treatment, it is necessary to monitor the state of the function of the hematopoietic organs, liver and kidneys.

The development of superinfection is possible due to the selection of resistant forms of the pathogen.

False-positive results may be detected when determining glucose in urine. In this case, it is recommended to use the glucose oxidant method for determining the concentration of glucose in urine.

In patients who are hypersensitive to penicillins, cross-allergic reactions with cephalosporin antibiotics are possible.

If infectious mononucleosis is suspected, the drug should not be used, since amoxicillin can cause a measles-like skin rash in patients with this disease, which makes diagnosing the disease difficult.

Given the likelihood of developing side effects from the central nervous system, caution should be exercised when driving vehicles and operating machinery.

Release form

Film-coated tablets 250 mg+125 mg, 500 mg+125 mg, 875 mg+125 mg.

5 or 7 tablets in a blister pack made of multilayer aluminum foil and printed varnished aluminum foil.

14 or 15 tablets with a dosage of 250 mg + 125 mg and 500 mg + 125 mg, 5, 7, 10 or 14 tablets with a dosage of 875 mg + 125 mg in plastic bottles with a screw cap with tamper evident with a moisture-absorbing insert or a polymer jar with a screw-on lid with tamper-evident control and a moisture-absorbing insert.

1, 2 or 3 blister packs with a dosage of 250 mg + 125 mg and 500 mg + 125 mg, 1 or 2 blister packs with a dosage of 875 mg + 125 mg or 1 bottle along with instructions for use are placed in a cardboard pack.

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