Nicorette chewing gum - instructions for use. I recommend to read.

Nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) is one of the ways to combat smoking. This method uses drugs that deliver small doses of nicotine into the body, but do not contain many of the toxins found in cigarette smoke. By choosing this method of combating nicotine addiction, you can completely quit smoking, alleviate withdrawal symptoms, and reduce the number of cigarettes you smoke. NRT uses various nicotine-containing products - chewing gum, lozenges, patches, inhalers, tablets, nasal sprays, lozenges. Nicorette chewing gum, the instructions for use of which are very simple, is the most modern, effective and widespread method of quitting cigarettes, which helps people over 18 years of age to quit smoking.

Nicorette is a Swedish brand that produces various products for replacement therapy. But it was chewing gum that became the very first drug of this brand back in the 70s of the last century. The company got its name from the word “nicotine” and the word “rette”, which is translated from Swedish as “correct format”.

What you need to know about nicotine gum

  1. The more cigarettes a person smokes, the higher the dose of medication needed to completely quit smoking.
  2. When using nicotine gum, you need to smoke as little as possible, otherwise severe intoxication may occur. The nicotine dose should be reduced slowly.
  3. Chewing gum helps prevent weight gain when quitting cigarettes.
  4. It is easy to use and works well when used correctly and following the instructions. When purchasing this product, you do not need a doctor's prescription.
  5. Chewing gum, like all medicinal products, has its disadvantages and advantages. Therefore, when quitting smoking with its help, you need to carefully study all the negative and positive aspects. If in any doubt, it is best to seek advice from an experienced doctor.
  6. It is commonly believed that nicotine causes a yellow tint to teeth, but this is not true. Teeth darken from exposure to the resin contained in cigarette smoke, but Nicorette chewing gum does not contain resin, so it does not affect the color of teeth. On the contrary, Nicorette with the effect of restoring whiteness whitens the teeth of a smoker.


Nicorette chewing gum has many analogues, Russian and foreign. Among the chewing gums are Nicotrol, Nicotinell, Habitrol, Nicotine Gum and Nikvitin - they are not represented in the Russian Federation, but they can be bought online. They cost from $10 to $100.

Bulgarian Tabex contains a substance that imitates the effect of nicotine - cytisine. The drug is potent, smoking is not recommended while taking it.

If we consider not only chewing gum, but also other forms (plasters, tablets and sprays), you should pay attention to the following medications:

  • Nikomel;
  • Bullfight;
  • Champix;
  • Fritab;
  • Allen Carr tablets;
  • Clean breath;
  • Brisantine;
  • Lobisil;
  • Monastery tea.

In an intensified fight against an addiction, all means are good (the least harmful, of course). It won't suit Nicorette - there are plenty to choose from.

How Nicorette chewing gum works. Instructions for use

A person who smokes develops a physiological and psychological need to smoke. When you quit cigarettes, the body no longer receives nicotine, begins to rebel, and withdrawal symptoms appear. Such symptoms include irritability, mood swings, depression, anxiety, problems concentrating, increased appetite, weight gain, and cravings for cigarettes. Nicotine gum helps reduce and alleviate withdrawal symptoms by replacing the nicotine from cigarettes with nicotine from the drug. This helps you focus on overcoming your psychological struggle with smoking. The amount of the drug is gradually reduced, and when a person completely loses the need for nicotine, he can stop using it.

Thus, Nicorette is used to:

  • quit smoking completely;
  • relieve withdrawal symptoms;
  • help smokers who are forced to stop smoking temporarily (during air travel, while walking with a child in the park);
  • reduce the number of cigarettes if a person cannot or does not want to quit smoking.

Important! Under no circumstances should you smoke and chew gum at the same time. This can cause serious harm to the body.

Review of smokers' reviews

There are enough reviews about Nicorette chewing gum from both former smokers and those who continue to smoke.
Almost everyone complains about the taste and sharp sensations during use. Some, on the contrary, liked the taste. Now they don't know how to stop chewing lozenges. People managed to quit smoking within a week of taking it, or within a couple of months; in the future, they sometimes resort to using chewing gum when cravings arise.

Smokers with 8-20 years of experience give positive reviews, because they have long been accustomed to such taste sensations and do not notice them. It is mentioned more than once that you don’t want to take up cigarettes, you don’t feel like it, despite your once strong addiction. These are reviews from real, living people.

In negative reviews, there are different complaints about the drug: the craving for cigarettes has not gone away, it helps for a short time, chewing gum made you feel sick, the taste is disgusting, and the very idea of ​​therapy is meaningless. This opinion has its place, because everyone has their own reasons for smoking and reasons to quit, and each body is individual. You should not buy an expensive medicine rashly just because you liked the advertisement.

In what cases is Nicorette chewing gum not recommended?

  1. Pregnancy or planning it. Nicotine in any form is harmful and dangerous for an unborn child, therefore Nicorette, like any other NRT products, is not recommended for use by pregnant women or women planning pregnancy. If a woman cannot quit smoking, medical consultation is required before using the drug.
  2. Breast-feeding. Nicotine easily passes into breast milk, negatively affecting the baby’s health, so Nicorette is not recommended during breastfeeding or planning it.
  3. Recent stroke or heart attack.
  4. Non-smokers or occasional smokers.
  5. People under 18 years of age. The instructions do not provide complete information about how Nicorette chewing gum affects children’s bodies, so when deciding whether to use chewing gum by a child, a doctor’s consultation is required. The doctor will conduct an examination and select the right dosage, since the dosage for adults can have a negative effect, including death.
  6. Allergy to any components of chewing gum.
  7. Do not use a drug that has expired, is damaged in packaging, or is suspected of being counterfeit.


  1. Whether to buy Nicorette chewing gum or not is entirely up to the person quitting smoking to decide.
  2. Smoking addiction is divided into physical and psychological components. A gradual reduction in nicotine consumption helps smooth out the consequences of a sudden cessation of cigarettes, relieve irritability, insomnia and the inability to concentrate due to the craving to smoke.
  3. Judging by the reviews, NRT is suitable for those who are determined to give up cigarettes; only bodily sensations interfere, which need to be influenced. It happens that a person is simply bored and suddenly stops smoking and wants to try additional means to make sure it helps.
  4. Psychological addiction is more difficult. Chewing gum is not a personal psychiatrist, and is unlikely to solve the problems that led to the bad habit, be it moral trauma, old teenage stereotypes, or an aesthetic love for smoking and contemplating smoke. In this case, many people hope to spend more money on a magic pill that will “convince” them. This is the wrong way. When the desire to take up a cigarette is in your head, you need to start with it. Who knows, then no NRT will be needed.
  5. If there are no contraindications and there is only a physical craving, chewable lozenges and other NRT products make sense. Good luck to everyone in breaking this habit!

For what diseases can Nicorette chewing gum be dangerous?

For some diseases, nicotine gum should be used with great caution. Mandatory consultation with a doctor is necessary if:

  • diabetes mellitus;
  • stomach ulcer;
  • diseases of the thyroid gland;
  • any diseases of the heart, blood vessels;
  • high blood pressure;
  • kidney disease, liver disease;
  • adrenal tumors;
  • dentures, bridges, partial bridges. Chewing gum can stick to dentures, damaging them, so if this happens, you should discuss further use of the drug with your dentist.

In case of any other diseases, characteristics of the body, or medications taken, it is also highly advisable to consult a doctor.

Correct use of Nicorette is the key to successful smoking cessation

How to take Nicorette chewing gum?

In order for chewing gum to bring only positive results to Nicorette, the instructions for use must be followed as follows:

  • put the gum in your mouth and chew slowly until you feel a slight tingling sensation;
  • when the tingling begins, place the rubber band under your tongue or between your gums and cheek until the tingling goes away (usually this takes one minute);
  • After the tingling goes away, continue to chew gum slowly until the tingling returns. Then again place the elastic under the tongue or between the cheek and gums;
  • Chew gum in this manner until the tingling sensation stops completely. This usually lasts 30 minutes.

Do not chew Nicorette while eating or drinking because this may cause excessive nicotine ingestion, which will reduce the effectiveness of the drug. Coffee, tea, soft drinks, soft drinks, and sour drinks should be drunk 20 minutes before using chewing gum, as they also affect the absorption of nicotine.

Why is it important to chew gum correctly?

Many people often doubt whether Nicorette helps quit smoking. If you chew gum correctly, it will help you quit smoking, no matter how strong the addiction. When Nicorette chewing gum is used correctly, nicotine enters the saliva, then enters the blood through the mucous membrane of the oral cavity. In order for nicotine to enter the bloodstream, the drug must be chewed slowly so that the nicotine is released more slowly.

If Nicorette is chewed too quickly or for too long, a lot of saliva is produced, the nicotine is swallowed along with the saliva, enters the stomach, is broken down and the gum is wasted and the effectiveness of the drug is reduced. Chewing quickly can result in an unpleasant, strong taste, which is a sign that chewing needs to be slowed down or stopped. Chewing too quickly irritates the throat, causes hiccups, and makes you feel sick. So you should remember an important rule on how to take Nicorette - if the taste is too strong, the gum is chewed too quickly.

How many chewing gums should you consume daily?

The daily amount of the drug used depends on previous smoking habits. If a person has just begun to struggle with addiction, you can chew 1-2 gum every hour, that is, every time you want to smoke. Then it is better to reduce your intake to 8 4 mg gum or 12 2 mg gum. You cannot use more than 24 chewing gums per day. Of course, everyone who decides to use Nicorette nicotine gum is wondering how much this miracle product costs. Nicorette is not very cheap, but not more expensive than cigarettes smoked daily, and it is better to spend this money on fighting a deadly habit than to continue to poison yourself and shorten your life.


The dose is selected individually depending on the intensity of smoking.


— Nicorette® 2 mg chewing gum should be used if you smoke less than 20 cigarettes a day or smoke your first cigarette 30 minutes after waking up,

— Nicorette® 4 mg chewing gum should be used if you smoke more than 20 cigarettes per day.

How to use Nicorette® Chewing Gum

Nicorette® chewing gum should be used in all cases when an irresistible urge to smoke occurs, in accordance with the following scheme:

1. Chew the gum slowly until a strong taste of nicotine appears,

2. stop chewing and leave the gum between the inside of your cheek and gum,

3. When the taste disappears, start chewing gum again.

Complete smoking cessation

You should only chew one piece of gum at a time when you stop smoking. When completely quitting smoking, the number of chewing gums per day is determined by the degree of dependence on nicotine and is usually 8-12 pieces per day, but should not exceed 15 pieces per day. Chewing gum should be used in the specified amount for up to 3 months, after which the daily number of gums should be gradually reduced until completely discontinued. The drug is stopped when the daily dose is 1-2 pieces per day.

Regular use of chewing gum for more than 12 months is usually not recommended, but some people require longer therapy to avoid relapse into smoking.

Reducing the number of cigarettes smoked

Nicorette® chewing gum should be used when the desire to smoke arises, gradually reducing the number of cigarettes smoked per day.

If within 6 weeks it is not possible to reduce your daily cigarette consumption, you should seek help from a specialist.

An attempt to completely quit cigarettes should be made as soon as you feel that you are ready for this, but no later than 6 months after the start of therapy. If you have not been able to make a serious attempt to quit smoking within 9 months of starting therapy, you should consult a specialist.

Regular use of chewing gum for more than 12 months is usually not recommended, but some people require longer therapy to avoid relapse or return to their previous level of tobacco use. Medical counseling and provision of psychological support concurrently with Nicorette® chewing gum therapy usually increases the effectiveness of therapy.

Temporary cessation of smoking

Chewing gum can be used during periods when it is necessary to abstain from smoking, for example, when in places where smoking is prohibited, or in other situations when it is necessary to abstain from smoking (air travel, hospital stay, etc.).

In combination with a patch (transdermal therapeutic system)

Nicorette® 2 mg chewing gum can also be used in conjunction with the patch in situations where, while using the patch, a person continues to periodically experience an irresistible urge to smoke, or if it was not possible to quit smoking using only chewing gum or only the patch.

In combination with the patch, Nicorette® chewing gum with a dosage of 2 mg allows you to quickly relieve strong urges to smoke when necessary.

Initial therapy:

Treatment should begin with a patch at a dosage of 15 mg/16 hours (stage 1) in combination with 2 mg chewing gum. The 15 mg/16 hour patch is used for 6-12 weeks, applying it every morning to a clean, intact, hair-free area of ​​the skin of the shoulder or thigh and removing it before bed. In this case, use at least 4 chewing gums of 2 mg per day; Usually 5-6 chewing gums are enough. The number of chewing gums should not exceed 15 pieces per day.

Cancellation of combination therapy:

Combination therapy can be discontinued in two ways.

Method 1

: Over the next 3-6 weeks you need to switch from a patch with a dosage of 15 mg / 16 hours (stage 1) to a patch with a dosage of 10 mg / 16 hours (stage 2), and then over the next 3-6 weeks to a patch with a dosage of 5 mg / 16 hours (stage 3), while maintaining the amount of chewing gum used at 2 mg, as in Initial therapy. Next, the amount of chewing gum is gradually reduced until complete abolition for the time that a person needs depending on his needs, but no later than 9 months after the start of combination therapy.

Method 2

: consists of completely canceling the patch immediately after the end of the Initial therapy stage. Next, gradually reduce the amount of 2 mg chewing gum until completely discontinued within the time that * is necessary for the person depending on his needs, but no later than after. 9 months after starting combination therapy.

Recommended dose:

Initial therapy
Period of time Patch Chewing gum 2 mg
First 6-12 weeks 1 patch 15 mg/16 hours (1 stage) daily If necessary.

Recommended: 5-6 chewing gums of 2 mg per day

Cancel - Method 1
Next 3-6 weeks 1 patch 10 mg/16 hours (stage 2) daily Continue using 2 mg gummies as needed
Next 3-6 weeks 1 patch 5 mg/16 hours (stage 3) daily Continue taking 2 mg gummies as needed
Up to 9 months after starting combination therapy Gradual withdrawal of chewing gum 2 mg „
Cancel - method 2
Up to 9 months after Gradual withdrawal of chewing gum
initiation of combination therapy 2 mg

How long can Nicorette be used?

Smokers who quit smoking use chewing gum until they completely overcome nicotine addiction. This period usually takes about three months, and then you need to slowly wean yourself off the use of chewing gum. If a person only needs one or two gummies a day, they can be stopped.

You can also chew gum if a person wants to smoke less, but does not want to quit completely. In this case, gum is chewed between each smoking, gradually increasing this time. If six weeks have passed since you took Nicorette, and the number of cigarettes you smoke remains the same, it is better to consult your doctor.

Of course, using nicotine gum even for a long time is much safer than smoking, but no studies have been conducted on its effect on the body after long-term use. If six months have passed since you started taking Nicorette, and a serious attempt to quit smoking has not occurred, you should stop using nicotine gum and try other methods to help you quit smoking.

Important! After 12 months, chewing gum should be completely stopped, even if smoking has been completely stopped.

Is it possible to combine chewing gum with a patch?

Typically, a single use of either the Nicorette patch or gum can provide enough nicotine to help most people control their cigarette cravings. But for some people, using any one nicotine replacement therapy drug does not help them completely quit their smoking habit, and they have difficulty controlling their cravings for cigarettes and often cannot cope with the problem. Such people can use the Nicorette patch along with chewing gum, but only at a dosage of 2 mg.

To do this, use the Nicorette patch every morning, and be sure to remove it before going to bed. After applying the patch, you can use the gum whenever the need for a cigarette arises.

For best results, you can chew 4 pieces of gum daily.

You can combine the patch and chewing gum for no more than 10 weeks.

If you use too much chewing gum, plaster, and also smoke, severe poisoning will occur.

Symptoms of intoxication may be as follows:

  • nausea, vomiting;
  • high saliva production;
  • diarrhea;
  • weakness;
  • cold sweat;
  • stomach ache;
  • hearing problems;
  • headache;
  • labored breathing;
  • abnormal pulse (it may be weak, fast or irregular);
  • loss of consciousness.

If a person exhibits at least one of these symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor or call an ambulance.


Adults and elderly people

The patch is applied to an intact area of ​​skin immediately after waking up in the morning and removed before going to bed. Treatment with this drug simulates the fluctuations in nicotine concentrations throughout the day in a smoker; Moreover, during sleep, nicotine does not enter the body. The use of a transdermal patch during the day does not cause the disturbances observed when nicotine enters the body during sleep.

Heavy smokers (more than 20 cigarettes per day) are recommended to start with stage 1 of therapy, using 1 patch of 25 mg/16 hours daily for 8 weeks. Then begin a gradual reduction in the dose of the drug: 1 patch of 15 mg/16 hours, daily, for 2 weeks, and then - 1 patch of 10 mg/16 hours, daily, for 2 weeks.

Light smokers (10-20 cigarettes per day) are recommended to start therapy with stage 2 (15 mg) for 8 weeks, then reduce the dose to stage 3 (10 mg) for the final 4 weeks.

Heavy smokersLight smokers
Dosage regimenDurationDosage regimenDuration
Stage 1Nicorette® patch 25 mgFirst 8 weeks
Stage 2Nicorette® patch 15 mgNext 2 weeksStage 2Nicorette® patch 15 mgFirst 8 weeks
Stage 3Nicorette® patch 10 mgLast 2 weeksStage 3Nicorette® patch 10 mgLast 4 weeks

In most cases, the use of a transdermal patch for more than 6 months is not recommended. However, some people may need longer therapy to avoid relapse into smoking.

How to apply a transdermal patch (patient information)

The Nicorette® patch should be applied to dry, clean, intact, hair-free skin, such as the thighs, upper limbs or chest. It is necessary to change the application site every day: do not use the same area for two consecutive days.

1. Wash your hands thoroughly before applying the patch.

2. Use scissors to cut the patch package along the edge as indicated on the package. Select a clean, dry, hair-free area of ​​skin (such as the thigh, upper limb, or chest).

3. Remove one half of the silver aluminized protective film without touching the adhesive surface of the patch.

4. Fasten the part of the patch freed from the protective film to the skin and remove the remaining half of the silver aluminized protective film.

5. Press the patch firmly against the skin with your palm or fingertips.

6. Run your finger along the edge of the patch, making sure it is firmly attached.

In combination with chewing gum

The Nicorette® patch can also be used in conjunction with Nicorette® chewing gum at a dosage of 2 mg in situations where, while using the patch, a person continues to periodically experience an irresistible urge to smoke, or if it was not possible to quit smoking using only chewing gum or only the patch. In combination with the Nicorette® patch, Nicorette® chewing gum with a dosage of 2 mg allows you to quickly relieve strong urges to smoke when needed.

Initial therapy

Treatment should begin with a 25 mg/16 hour patch (stage 1) in combination with 2 mg chewing gum. In this case, use at least 4 chewing gums (2 mg dosage) per day; usually 5-6 chewing gums are enough. The number of chewing gums should not exceed 15 pieces/day. Usually the general course of treatment lasts for 8 weeks. After this, the dose of nicotine should be reduced gradually.

The patch is applied immediately after waking up in the morning and removed before going to bed. The Nicorette® patch should be applied to dry, clean, intact, hair-free skin, such as the thighs, upper limbs, or chest. It is necessary to change the application site every day: do not use the same area for two consecutive days.

After applying the patch, you should wash your hands thoroughly to avoid eye irritation from possible nicotine contact.

Cancellation of combination therapy

Combination therapy can be discontinued in two ways.

Method 1: Over the next 2 weeks, switch from the 25 mg/16 hour patch (Stage 1) to the 15 mg/16 hour patch (Stage 2), and then over the next 2 weeks to the 10 mg/16 hour patch (Stage 3). ), while maintaining the amount of chewing gum used at a dosage of 2 mg, as in initial therapy. Next, the amount of chewing gum is gradually reduced until complete abolition for the time that a person needs depending on his needs, but no later than 12 months after the start of combination therapy.

Method 2: consists of completely canceling the patch immediately after the end of the initial therapy phase. Next, the amount of chewing gum is gradually reduced at a dosage of 2 mg until complete discontinuation for the time that a person needs depending on his needs, but no later than 12 months after the start of combination therapy.

Recommended dose

Period of timePatchChewing gum 2 mg
Initial therapy
First 8 weeks1 patch 25 mg/16 h (1 stage) dailyIf necessary, 5-6 chewing gums/day are recommended
Cancel - Method 1
Next 2 weeks1 patch 15 mg/16 h (stage 2) dailyContinue using chewing gum as needed
Next 2 weeks1 patch 10 mg/16 h (stage 3) dailyContinue using chewing gum as needed
Up to 12 months after starting combination therapyGradual withdrawal of chewing gum
Cancel - method 2
Up to 12 months after starting combination therapyGradual withdrawal of chewing gum

Please note that only a new patch should be applied the next day.


Excessive intake of nicotine from replacement therapy and/or smoking may cause overdose symptoms.

Nicotine overdose can occur with the simultaneous use of several transdermal patches, in the presence of dependence on very low doses, as well as when combining transdermal patches with other sources of nicotine, incl. smoking.

Overdose symptoms that develop during acute nicotine poisoning include: nausea, increased salivation, abdominal pain, diarrhea, sweating, headache, dizziness, hearing impairment and severe weakness. When high doses are used, these symptoms may be followed by decreased blood pressure, weak and irregular pulse, difficulty breathing, prostration, collapse and generalized convulsions.

Nicotine in doses tolerated by adult smokers can cause severe symptoms of intoxication in children, incl. with fatal outcome.

Treatment: Nicotine use should be stopped immediately and symptomatic treatment should be prescribed. Activated carbon reduces the absorption of nicotine from the gastrointestinal tract.

Side effects of Nicorette

Sometimes nicotine in any form can cause unwanted side effects. If a person feels unwell while using chewing gum, they should go to the hospital. Some side effects are minor and temporary, most often due to failure to fully follow the directions for use, but others may require medical attention.

The negative consequences of Nicorette chewing gum are:

  • nausea, vomiting;
  • hiccups;
  • wounds and ulcers in the mouth, throat;
  • headache;
  • maxillomuscular pain;
  • skin redness;
  • rash.

Due to the fact that the body stops receiving the dose of nicotine to which it is accustomed, insomnia, dizziness, and headache may occur. If any of these symptoms persist for a long time or you have other ailments, you should stop using chewing gum until you consult a doctor.

Proper storage of Nicorette

  1. The expiration date of chewing gum is on the box label and on the foil of the package itself. Do not use a drug that has expired.
  2. Each elastic band in the package must be opened immediately before use.
  3. Chewing gum should be stored at a temperature not exceeding 25 °C. Higher temperatures can lead to deterioration in the quality and performance of the gum.
  4. When disposing of unused chewing gum, throw it away where children and animals cannot reach it.

Attention! Be careful children! Children have a very high risk of nicotine poisoning, so for their safety, Nicorette chewing gum should be kept out of their reach.

Numerous positive reviews from former smokers show that Nicorette chewing gum, the instructions for use of which must be studied before use, is a very effective tool in the fight against smoking.
By taking the drug correctly, following all the recommendations, its properties will fully manifest themselves, and the person will be freed from nicotine slavery. This article is worth sharing with friends. Press!

Release forms

It is difficult for smokers with many years of experience to embark on a healthy lifestyle, although they are well aware that they will soon face various diseases:

  • periodontal disease;
  • heart diseases;
  • pneumonia;
  • emphysema;
  • cancer of the throat, lungs and more.

Smokers are plagued by a strong cough, not to mention an unpleasant odor.
Problems affect not only the smoker, but also his loved ones. Sooner or later, the question arises of how to quit smoking with the greatest effectiveness and minimal discomfort. In rare cases, quitting is not a problem. The person becomes anxious and irritable, sleeps poorly, and cannot concentrate. Some people gradually reduce the number of cigarettes they smoke, others stop smoking in one day. I want to compensate for the complete lack of usual actions with something, for example, chewing. Former smokers get fatter. A good solution is nicotine replacement therapy (NRT), which reduces withdrawal symptoms. NRT products contain half the daily average dose of nicotine. When taken, carbon monoxide and toxic resins do not enter the body. Chewing gum, tablets and patches provide a gentle and smooth transition to a healthy life, reducing the risk of relapse.

Nicotine replacement therapy appeared with the creation of Nicorette chewing gum. It was developed by Ove Ferno, who began conducting experiments back in 1969. Ten years later, Nicorette chewing gum was officially registered in Switzerland as a medicine that relieves smoking addiction. The drug then spread to Sweden and the USA. Now the Nicorette company presents on the market:

  • chewable lozenges;
  • plasters;
  • sprays;
  • pills.


Chewing gum was the very first NRT product introduced to the market. The idea of ​​developing chewing gum as a means of nicotine replacement therapy came to Dr. Klaus Lungren in 1967. Airplane and submarine crews could not afford to smoke on board and chewed tobacco instead. Lungren suggested to his friend Ove Ferno that he create a similar product to replace smoking.

Ferno began experimenting with the composition and use of chewing gum and was able to quit smoking after a year. Medical trials in Lund and London confirmed the effectiveness of the drug. This was a breakthrough in the treatment of tobacco addiction. The author himself argued that there is nothing special about chewing gum with nicotine. Not counting the ion exchange resin. What is its significance in the composition and how it is useful, we will tell you in detail below.

Sublingual tablets

The drug for NRT in the form of sublingual tablets appeared in 1999. The principle of operation is simple. Within half an hour, the tablet dissolves in saliva and nicotine enters the bloodstream. This dosage form is suitable for those who are not satisfied with the method of using chewing gum. In addition, it is not always appropriate to chew everywhere. If you choose tablets, keep in mind that according to the instructions they are used in isolation and cannot be combined with a patch, like chewing gum.

The effect of smoking on the human body


The spray became available for sale relatively recently, since 2010. It is convenient because it is absorbed within a minute; there is no need to chew or suck anything for a long time. No more than four injections are made per hour. Former smokers in their reviews describe coughing, severe hiccups and the inability to use on people. You will have to adapt to it or choose a different form of the drug.


Perhaps even more is known about the patch than about chewing gum. He has a slightly different treatment regimen, carried out in three stages - 25, 15 and 10 mg. Suitable for those who have a habit of smoking more than 20 cigarettes per day. Does not irritate the mucous membranes and does not cause hiccups; you can stick it on and forget it for 16 hours. In the first hours it is difficult to ignore the itching under the patch, but this sensation will soon become unnoticeable.

Solution for inhalation

The inhaler works on almost the same principle as the spray. Nicotine is absorbed into the oral cavity by inhaling air with the solution. The release form contains 18 inhalers and a mouthpiece for them to simulate smoking a cigarette, the dose is 10 mg. However, the solution is not on the official website; it seems that it is no longer produced. There are reasons for this. People describe in reviews the weak effect of the product, nausea, high consumption and disgusting taste. NRT is not the most convenient option.

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