Nicorette Tablets, 30 pcs., 2 mg, for resorption

Directions for use and doses

The drug is used sublingually. The tablets should be kept under the tongue until completely dissolved, about 30 minutes.

During the first days after the start of treatment, unpleasant sensations may occur in the mouth and throat (after some time these sensations are unnoticeable).

The initial dose should be selected individually depending on the degree of tobacco dependence. For patients with a low degree of dependence, treatment should begin with 1 tablet per dose. Patients with a higher degree of dependence (Fagerstrom test for nicotine dependence > 6 points; or the number of cigarettes smoked per day exceeds 20 pcs.), as well as patients who were unable to quit smoking using 1 tablet of 2 mg, should start treatment with 2 tablets 2 mg per dose. At the beginning of the course of treatment, tablets should be taken every 1-2 hours; 8-12 2 mg tablets per day are usually sufficient. You should not take more than 30 2 mg tablets during the day.

  • Complete smoking cessation

The drug should be taken for at least 3 months. Then you should gradually reduce the number of tablets used. When the daily consumption of the drug decreases to 1-2 tablets, its use should be discontinued.

  • Reducing the number of cigarettes smoked

The tablet should be taken between smoking episodes to lengthen the intervals between smoking cigarettes in order to reduce cigarette consumption as much as possible. If after 6 weeks of using the drug it is not possible to achieve a reduction in daily cigarette consumption, you should consult a specialist doctor.

The patient should try to quit smoking when he is ready, but no later than 6 months after starting treatment. If you have not been able to quit smoking within 9 months after starting therapy, you should consult a specialist.

Regular use of the drug for more than 12 months is not recommended. Some people who have successfully quit smoking may need to take the drug for a longer period of time to minimize the risk of relapse. After completing the course of treatment, however, it is advisable for the patient to have several tablets with him, since at any moment a spontaneous desire to smoke may arise.

The simultaneous provision of medical counseling and psychological support usually increases the effectiveness of therapy.

  • Temporary cessation of smoking

The tablets can be used during periods when you need to temporarily stop smoking, for example, when you are in a smoke-free area or in other situations when you need to abstain from smoking.

Do not exceed the indicated dose.


  1. The harm of smoking
  2. Treatment methods and medications for smoking cessation
  3. How to quit smoking with hypnosis
  4. How does quitting smoking affect your health?

Quitting smoking is a very difficult task. The problem is caused by the fact that the main ingredient of tobacco - nicotine - is a psychoactive substance and causes addiction in the smoker. Most smokers want to get rid of the bad habit. This need appears after health problems arise. But all independent attempts to quit smoking are most often unsuccessful. Especially for those who have a long history of smoking. Smokers try to get rid of their addiction using home medicine and take anti-smoking pills. And yet passion turns out to be stronger than their desire.

What to do in this situation? There is only one way out - you need to resort to the participation of professionals. The drug treatment center provides qualified and effective assistance to people with tobacco addiction. In this case, we use medications, psychotherapy and hypnosis for smoking. Following all doctors’ recommendations gives excellent results and a positive prognosis.


The Nicorette® inhaler should be used by inhalation at the moment when an irresistible urge to smoke occurs. The dosage is selected individually, taking into account the severity of the patient’s nicotine addiction. However, you should not use more than 12 cartridges per day. This full dose can be used for 6-12 weeks, after which you should begin to gradually wean yourself off nicotine.

When you quit smoking, the flow of nicotine into your body stops; At the same time, you may develop various kinds of unpleasant sensations - so-called withdrawal symptoms. With a Nicorette® inhaler, you can prevent or at least minimize these symptoms by continuing to inhale small amounts of nicotine over time. When air is inhaled through an inhaler, nicotine evaporates and is absorbed into the mouth. Absorption of nicotine occurs slowly, and high concentrations of nicotine in the plasma cannot be quickly created, as occurs with tobacco smoking. In addition, unlike cigarettes, the Nicorette® inhaler does not contain tar or carbon monoxide.

Adult patients, including elderly patients

The more often you use your inhaler, the easier it is to quit smoking for a long time. One cartridge replaces 4 cigarettes. If you smoked 20 cigarettes per day, you should use 6 cartridges per day. Each cartridge can be used in approximately 4 doses, each lasting approximately 20 minutes. The recommended dose is 6-12 cartridges per day.

Complete smoking cessation

Use the inhaler for at least 3 months. Then you should begin to gradually reduce the number of cartridges used. It is recommended to have several extra cartridges with you, as an unexpected urge to smoke may arise.

Reducing the number of cigarettes smoked

Use your inhaler between smoking sessions to increase their duration and to reduce the number of cigarettes you smoke as much as possible. If after 6 weeks the number of cigarettes smoked daily has not decreased, you should seek advice from a specialist.

Try to quit smoking when you are ready, but no later than 6 months after starting treatment. If you have not been able to quit smoking within 9 months after starting treatment, you should seek advice from a specialist.

As a rule, it is not recommended to use the inhaler for more than 6 months. Some patients who quit smoking require longer use of the inhaler to prevent relapse.

Specialist consultations and psychological support help improve the effectiveness of therapy.

Instructions for use

Remove the mouthpiece from the plastic container. Align the marks and remove the top half of the mouthpiece.

Take out the blister. Remove one cartridge from it. After inserting the cartridge into the mouthpiece, push it toward the bottom of the mouthpiece with sufficient force so that the safety coating (aluminum bridge) on the bottom of the cartridge breaks. Place the top half of the mouthpiece back in place. Align the marks again and squeeze the top and bottom of the mouthpiece towards each other so that this time the top bridge of the cartridge breaks. Rotate the upper or lower part of the mouthpiece slightly around the axis to move the marks relative to each other - your mouthpiece is closed.

Place the blister containing the remaining cartridges back into the plastic container and close it.

The Nicorette® inhaler is now ready for use. After opening the protective coating, the concentration of nicotine in the cartridge quickly decreases. Therefore, it should be used as quickly as possible. Opened cartridges should not be used the next day.

After use, remove the cartridge from the mouthpiece. The used cartridge should be thrown away. It is better to store the mouthpiece in a container.

How to quit smoking with hypnosis

The practice of hypnotic suggestion is based on the suppression of mental dependence. Hypnotherapy allows you to remove dominant pathological reflexes and cause aversion to the smell of tobacco smoke and the sight of cigarettes. The hypnotherapist, destroying painful ideas and habits, replaces them with healthy lifestyle attitudes.

Quitting smoking with hypnosis requires several sessions. If a smoker has a long history and has physical cravings, he is additionally prescribed medication support. With the help of symptomatic drugs and anti-smoking medications, irritability is relieved, blood pressure is normalized, and other manifestations of nicotine withdrawal are eliminated.

To quit smoking using hypnosis, you need not to interfere with the doctor, but to help him. To do this, first of all, you need to tune in to healing. Then this method will give the maximum result.

Stress therapy using the Dovzhenko method brings very good results.

In narcotics, the following are used as basic and additional techniques:

  • Laser therapy.
  • Acupuncture.
  • Xenon therapy.

During the treatment process, patients should refrain from drinking alcoholic beverages, strong tea, coffee, fried and spicy foods. Physical activity and being in the fresh air promote recovery. You should refrain from strong experiences.

How does quitting smoking affect your health?

As tobacco smoke enters the body, the following occurs:

  • Normalization of blood pressure, disappearance of toxic tachycardia.
  • Reducing the concentration of carbon monoxide in the blood to normal levels.
  • Improvement of blood rheological properties and viscosity.
  • Normalization of respiratory functions.
  • The disappearance of smoker's bronchitis and associated cough due to the restoration of the normal structure of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract.
  • Reducing the risk of developing coronary heart disease by 2 times 1 year after quitting smoking.

Reducing the likelihood of myocardial infarction and stroke.

Reducing the risk of developing cancer pathology of target organs (lungs, larynx, pancreas).

Those who quit smoking have increased recovery after physical and mental stress. In men, potency increases over time. Women's reproductive ability improves. The quality of life reaches a higher level.

If you are committed to a healthy lifestyle, but have not been able to give up cigarettes on your own, do not be discouraged. Narcologists will select the most effective smoking cessation medications for you and will do everything possible to quickly and effectively rid you of nicotine addiction.

The text was checked by expert doctors: Head of the socio-psychological service of the Alkoklinik MC, psychologist Yu.P. Baranova, L.A. Serova, a psychiatrist-narcologist.


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Nicorette Tablets, 30 pcs., 2 mg, for resorption

Directions for use and doses

Depending on the severity of smoking addiction, Nicorette chewing gums with different concentrations of the active substance are used. If the patient smokes 20 or less cigarettes per day or smokes the first cigarette 30 minutes after waking up, then chewing gum with a nicotine content of 2 mg should be used. If the patient smokes more than 20 cigarettes per day or has failed to quit smoking while using chewing gum with a nicotine content of 2 mg, then it is recommended to use chewing gum with a nicotine content of 4 mg. Nicorette should be used in all cases when an irresistible urge to smoke arises. The gum should be chewed slowly until a strong taste appears, then the chewing should be stopped and the gum should be placed between the gum and the inside of the cheek. After the taste disappears, chewing should be resumed. You should use only 1 chewing gum at a time. If you completely quit smoking, the average daily dose is 8-12 gum, the maximum is 15 gum. It is necessary to continuously use the drug in the first 3 months after quitting smoking. Then you should gradually reduce the amount of gum consumed. When the daily consumption of the drug decreases to 1-2 gum, its use should be discontinued. When reducing the number of cigarettes smoked, chewing gum should be used between smoking episodes to lengthen the intervals between smoking cigarettes in order to reduce cigarette consumption as much as possible. The patient should be warned that if after 6 weeks of using the drug it has not been possible to reduce daily cigarette consumption, he should consult a specialist. The patient should try to quit smoking when he is ready, but no later than 6 months after starting treatment. If you have not been able to quit smoking within 9 months after starting therapy, you should consult a specialist. It is not recommended to use Nicorette chewing gum for more than 12 months. However, some patients may require longer treatment to prevent a return to smoking or previous levels of tobacco use. Chewing gum can be used during periods when you need to temporarily quit smoking, such as when you are in a smoke-free area or in other situations when you need to abstain from smoking. Specialist consultations and psychological support help improve the effectiveness of therapy. Use in combination with TTC (patch) Nicorette: If it is not possible to quit smoking using chewing gum alone, or if it is necessary to reduce the daily consumption of chewing gum due to local adverse reactions, you can use Nicorette in the form of a patch (TTC) together with gum chewable 2 mg. Initial therapy. Treatment should begin with one 15 mg/16 hour patch, which is placed on an intact area of ​​skin every day upon waking in the morning and removed before bed, in combination with 2 mg chewing gum. Use at least 4 chewing gums of 2 mg per day; Usually 5-6 chewing gums are enough. You should not use more than 15 chewing gums per day. The full dose should be used for 6-12 weeks, after which the drug should be gradually weaned off. Weaning from a combination of drugs is carried out in two ways. The first method: by using a patch of lower dosage, i.e. application of the 10 mg/16 hour patch for 3-6 weeks and subsequent use of the 5 mg/16 hour patch for 3-6 weeks with the same number of 2 mg chewing gums as in initial therapy, and then gradually reducing the number of chewing gums 2 mg for 12 months. The second method is to stop using the patch and gradually reduce the amount of 2 mg chewing gum over 12 months.

Treatment methods and medications for smoking cessation

To free yourself from tobacco addiction, the expressed desire of the patient is necessary. It's better to quit smoking right away. Some patients try to reduce the number of cigarettes they smoke. In most cases, this is the wrong path, which will lead to increased attraction and the opposite effect.

Why is it difficult for a person to quit smoking? This is due to a kind of abstinence – “nicotine withdrawal”, which occurs when you give up another cigarette.

It is expressed:

  • Internal discomfort.
  • Nervousness and irritability, headache.
  • Pale skin and sweating.
  • Attacks of chills.
  • Painful sensations in the heart area, increased heart rate.
  • Changes in blood pressure.
  • Intestinal disorders and decreased appetite.
  • Sleep disorders.

The intensity of withdrawal complaints increases over 5-7 days, reaches a maximum and gradually begins to decrease.

During this period, it is necessary to provide medical and psychological support to the patient. Help alleviates these symptoms and greatly increases the chance of a positive result.

In practice, narcologists use the following methods, means and medications for smoking:

  • Nicotine replacement therapy. Prescribing medications containing nicotine helps alleviate withdrawal symptoms and allows the patient to focus on getting rid of mental addiction. Medicines in this group include special chewing gums, lozenges, candies, patches, aerosols, and tablets. They are patented and have different names: Commit, Nicotrol, Habitol and others. Taking them saturates the body with nicotine in a decreasing pattern and allows you to gradually relieve complaints of physical dependence.
  • Nicotinic receptor agonists. Varenicline (Champix). Anti-smoking pills reduce cravings and alleviate withdrawal symptoms. The drug is used according to a special regimen prescribed by the attending physician. Despite the good effect, it has limited use due to severe side effects. Tabex (Cytisine). It acts similarly to Varenicline. This remedy was used as a cure for tobacco smoking in the countries of the former USSR, and remains effective today.
  • Antidepressants containing bupropion and nortriptyline. Based on them, the following are produced: Aventil, Pamelor, Zyban, Wellbutrin. In addition to the main effect of relieving depression, they are able to suppress nicotine addiction.
  • Antihypertensive drugs. Clonidine, which is part of Catapress, in addition to lowering blood pressure, relieves cravings.

Recently, development has been underway on a specific vaccine-like substance (an anti-smoking shot) designed to quickly rid a person of smoking and its consequences.

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