Instructions for use EKVATOR®

Smart terminals "Evotor" are multifunctional and easy-to-use devices that are a tablet with a touch screen and are equipped with a fiscal drive and a printer for printing receipts.

The complex combines the necessary set of functions for automating the cashier's workplace in small and medium-sized trade (service) enterprises.

Used for:

  • retail points of sale with light and medium traffic;
  • for portable and away trade;
  • cosmetics and beauty salons;
  • small catering establishments: snack bars, cafes, coffee shops and bars.

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The terminals are equipped with ports for connecting additional trading equipment: scanners, acquiring terminals, scales, cash drawers.

The manufacturer's models are ready to work with EGAIS and have a simple interface, thanks to the Evotor OS running on Android. In addition to ease of use, the owner of a smart terminal receives the advantage of access to the user’s personal account, through which the operation of points of sale is configured and monitored, employee performance and store turnover are analyzed.

In addition, you can connect developer applications for keeping records of goods, integration with, bonus programs, etc.

The Evotor operating instructions include several large sections, which we review in today’s article.

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Pharmacological properties of the drug Equator

Equator is a combined antihypertensive drug containing two active components. Lisinopril belongs to the group of ACE inhibitors; it reduces the level of angiotensin II and aldosterone in the blood plasma and simultaneously increases the level of bradykinin, which has a vasodilatory effect. Under the influence of lisinopril, peripheral vascular resistance and blood pressure decrease, and IOC and renal blood flow may increase. Heart rate remains virtually unchanged. In patients with hyperglycemia, lisinopril helps restore impaired endothelial function. The antihypertensive effect develops 1 hour after administration, the maximum effect is achieved after 6 hours. The duration of action depends on the dose and is about 24 hours. The effectiveness of lisinopril is maintained with long-term use. When discontinuing therapy, no sharp and intense increase in blood pressure is observed due to drug withdrawal. Although the primary action of lisinopril is through the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system, its use is also effective when renin levels are low. The use of lisinopril in patients with diabetes mellitus does not cause changes in blood glucose levels. Amlodipine is a calcium ion antagonist, a dihydropyridine derivative. By blocking slow calcium channels of the membrane, it prevents the transmembrane entry of calcium ions into cardiomyocytes and vascular smooth muscle cells. Under its action, vascular tone (arterioles) and peripheral vascular resistance decrease. By dilating arterioles and reducing afterload, amlodipine has an antianginal effect. Due to the fact that it does not cause the development of reflex tachycardia, its use reduces the myocardial oxygen demand. Amlodipine appears to dilate both intact and diseased coronary vessels, improving myocardial perfusion. Amlodipine is well absorbed after oral administration. It is widely distributed in the tissues of the body and is slowly eliminated, which ensures its long-lasting effect and makes it possible to take it once a day for 1 day. In patients with hypertension (arterial hypertension), taking amlodipine once a day significantly reduces blood pressure for at least 24 hours in both the supine and standing positions. The action of amlodipine develops slowly, so the likelihood of developing symptomatic hypotension is small. Amlodipine does not have adverse metabolic effects, including no effect on plasma lipid levels. The drug can be prescribed to patients with asthma, diabetes mellitus and gout. A calcium antagonist can cause an increase in the activity of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system, and lisinopril introduced into the drug ensures normalization of the body's response by counter-regulating the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system. Lisinopril enters the systemic circulation unchanged. The maximum concentration in blood plasma is reached approximately 6 hours after administration. Bioavailability - 29%. Apart from ACE, it does not bind to other plasma proteins. It is not metabolized in the body and is excreted unchanged in the urine. The half-life is 12.6 hours. Free lisinopril is released quickly, and ACE-bound lisinopril is released more slowly, which contributes to the prolonged effect of the drug. In case of kidney disease, excretion slows down, so in this case, a reduction in the dose of the drug may be necessary. Lisinopril is eliminated by hemodialysis. Amlodipine after oral administration is slowly but almost completely absorbed from the digestive tract. Concomitant food intake does not affect its absorption. The maximum concentration in blood plasma is observed 6–10 hours after administration. The bioavailability of amlodipine is 64–80%, the volume of distribution is about 20 l/kg body weight. 95–98% of amlodipine is bound to plasma proteins. Metabolized mainly in the liver to inactive metabolites. About 10% of unchanged substance and 60% of metabolites are excreted in the urine. Elimination is biphasic, the half-life averages 35–50 hours. A stable equilibrium concentration is established after 7–8 days of administration. Amlodipine is not excreted during hemodialysis. The time to reach maximum plasma concentrations is similar in young and elderly patients. In elderly patients, the excretion of amlodipine is slightly reduced, the AUC value and half-life increase. No dose adjustment is required in elderly people. In case of liver pathology, the half-life of amlodipine is prolonged. In case of kidney diseases, the concentration of amlodipine in the blood plasma does not depend on the degree of kidney damage. When taking the drug Equator, there is no interaction between the active components, which is confirmed by pharmacokinetic studies. Important pharmacokinetic parameters (AUC, maximum plasma concentration, time to reach maximum concentration, half-life) did not differ when using active components in combination or separately. The absorption of the active ingredients of Equator does not depend on food intake. Due to the fact that the active components of Equator remain in the body for a long time, the drug can be used once a day.

Cash register "Evotor": installation instructions

Before turning on the cash register, you must install the fiscal drive and insert the receipt tape into a special tray.

The online cash register is prepared for connecting retail equipment, thanks to the Evotor POS software application and does not require downloading additional drivers (except for scales).

The names of models that can be integrated with the terminal are published in the list of compatible devices on the manufacturer’s website, where instructions for the Evotor cash register for connecting additional equipment are also posted.

When the tape is installed, you should turn on the online cash register using the switch, which is located on the right side at the bottom of the device.

If the paper for printing receipts is installed correctly, then when the device is turned on, the green indicator on the cash register case will light up.

When you first start the smart terminal, you need to enter a phone number and password to register the owner of the cash register. The data will be used to create an account and log into your personal account on the manufacturer’s website (if the entrepreneur has previously been authorized in the user account, then you need to indicate the registered phone number and password).

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The next step is that the terminal will prompt you to set up a connection and select a method for connecting to the Internet:

  • using a SIM card to connect to a mobile network;
  • Wi-Fi connection.

Next, you should set the current date, time and register the cash register on the website of the Federal Tax Service and the Office of the Federal Tax Service.

After the cash register has been assigned a tax registration number and the fiscal data operator is connected, we proceed to the following settings:

  1. We create accounts and access for employees. You can add user profiles through the online cash register by opening the “Employees” menu, or in the personal account of the cash register owner (subsequent changes to the data in employee profiles and their deletion are possible only in the user account on the website).
  2. Parameters for the Evotor POS system. In the “System” section, the conditions for trading through cash registers are configured. Thus, in the menu you can configure parameters for displaying lists of products, printing a report on the amount of sales per shift, setting permission for barcodes, setting up payment methods, specifying the tax rate for selling goods at a free price (for all other items, the rate is edited in the product card).
  3. Set discounts and automatic calculation of markups. To set markup rates, in the “Discounts and Templates” section, select the appropriate menu item and set up pricing by specifying markup rates for a group of products. In the “Discounts” section, you can set the values ​​of the maximum possible or fixed discounts (when paying with a card or coupon).
  4. Set up templates for internal product barcodes (if necessary).

Use of the drug Equator

The drug is prescribed if it is not possible to achieve the desired reduction in blood pressure with monotherapy with one of the components included in the drug. The dose of the drug for adults who do not take other antihypertensive drugs is 1 tablet per day, regardless of meals. Patients taking diuretics should stop taking them 2-3 days before starting therapy with Equator. If this is not possible, the initial dose of the drug should be 1/2 t of tablet per day. In this case, after the first dose of the drug, the patient’s condition should be monitored due to the possibility of developing symptomatic hypotension. In case of renal failure, it is recommended to reduce the initial dose of the drug. The maintenance dose is determined individually depending on the response to the drug and subject to sufficiently frequent monitoring of kidney function indicators, potassium and sodium levels in the blood serum. In case of liver failure, the elimination of amlodipine from the body may slow down, so the drug should be used with extreme caution in these patients.

"Equator" during pregnancy

An impressive list of contraindications to taking the drug includes pregnancy. The fact is that the main active ingredient, lisinopril, penetrates the placenta, which can cause developmental disorders of the fetus in the womb:

  • decreased blood pressure;
  • hypoplasia of the skull;
  • renal failure;
  • hyperkalemia.

Equator should not be taken during pregnancy.

The baby may die before being born. Therefore, taking Equator during pregnancy is prohibited. The same can be said about breastfeeding - the substances of the drug penetrate into the milk, as a result, during lactation, treatment with Equator or any other drugs that contain lisinopril as a component is prescribed only as a last resort.

Side effects of the drug Equator

Usually transient, mild and rarely require discontinuation of the drug. The most common symptoms are headache, cough and dizziness. Possible weakness, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, orthostatic hypotension, skin itching and rash, swelling, flushing of the facial skin, chest pain, arthralgia. With increased sensitivity, angioedema of the face, extremities, lips, epiglottis and larynx may develop; in this case, the drug is immediately discontinued, the patient should be under medical supervision until the symptoms completely disappear. When using other drugs of the ACE inhibitor group, the development of agranulocytosis was noted, so the possibility of its occurrence cannot be excluded when using Equator. With long-term use of the drug, hemoglobin and hematocrit levels may decrease slightly. Hyperkalemia, increased levels of creatinine, residual nitrogen, as well as increased activity of liver enzymes and serum bilirubin levels are possible, especially in patients with kidney disease, diabetes mellitus or renovascular hypertension. The following rarely reported side effects are also possible: palpitation, tachycardia, dyspeptic symptoms, dry mouth, abdominal pain, pancreatitis, hepatocellular or cholestatic jaundice, hepatitis, gingival hyperplasia, edema, urticaria, increased sweating, alopecia, impaired renal function, frequent urges to urination, oliguria, anuria, acute renal failure, uremia, proteinuria, impotence. Pathological conditions with the appearance of antibodies to nucleic acids, increased ESR and arthralgia, as well as the appearance of polymorphic (exudative) erythema are described.

Special instructions for the use of the drug Equator

The drug may cause significant symptomatic hypotension in patients with hyponatremia and/or hypovolemia caused by taking diuretics or dehydration due to another reason (intense sweating, prolonged vomiting, diarrhea). If hypotension occurs, the patient should be placed in a horizontal position and, if necessary, replenish the fluid deficiency (infusion of isotonic sodium chloride solution). Before prescribing the drug, it is necessary to eliminate hyponatremia or hypovolemia, and when taking the first doses of the drug, monitor blood pressure levels. In patients with aortic stenosis or hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, Equator, like other vasodilators, should be used with caution due to the narrowing of the outflow tract. In case of renal artery stenosis (especially bilateral or solitary kidney), in the presence of hyponatremia and/or hypovolemia, as well as in case of circulatory failure, the use of lisinopril can lead to impaired renal function up to acute renal failure (usually reversible and goes away after discontinuation of the drug). When taking any ACE inhibitor, including lisinopril, angioedema of the face, extremities, lips, epiglottis and larynx may develop. In this case, you must immediately discontinue the drug. For swelling localized to the face, lips and limbs, the use of antihistamines is indicated. Angioedema of the tongue, larynx or epiglottis can be fatal due to mechanical asphyxia, therefore, if it develops, urgent therapeutic measures should be taken: administer 0.3–0.5 ml of 0.1% epinephrine (adrenaline) solution (0.3 –0.5 mg subcutaneously or 0.1 ml (0.1 mg) intravenously slowly, prescribe corticosteroids and antihistamines, monitor the vital functions of the body. When using anesthetics that cause hypotension, lisinopril inhibits the compensatory release of angiotensin II. The hypotension that occurs in this case can be eliminated by administering an isotonic solution of sodium chloride. Carrying out hemodialysis using a polyacrylonitrile membrane (for example AN 69) in a patient taking an ACE inhibitor can lead to the development of anaphylactic shock, so their simultaneous use should be avoided. A different type of filter should be used or an antihypertensive drug of a different group should be prescribed. In some patients taking an ACE inhibitor, during desensitization to the venom of Hymenoptera insects, anaphylactic reactions occurred that were life-threatening. Their development can be avoided by temporarily interrupting the course of treatment with an ACE inhibitor. Due to the fact that the possibility of developing agranulocytosis cannot be unequivocally excluded, it is necessary to monitor the cellular composition of the blood during the treatment period. When using both active ingredients of the drug in usual doses in elderly patients, no decrease in effectiveness was detected, although their higher concentration in the blood plasma was noted, and therefore the dose of the drug in these patients should be selected with caution. With liver damage, the half-life of amlodipine increases, so the drug should be used with caution, individually assessing the expected effect and risk of therapy. During pregnancy and breastfeeding, the use of lisinopril, as well as other ACE inhibitors, is contraindicated; If pregnancy occurs, Equator should be discontinued immediately. The use of Equator during breastfeeding is not indicated, since lisinopril is excreted in breast milk. The drug may affect the ability to drive vehicles or operate potentially dangerous machinery (especially during the initial period of treatment), so this effect of the drug should be assessed individually.


The closest analogue of "Equator" is the drug "Equacard", containing the same active ingredients - amlodipine (5 mg) and lisinopril (10 mg) in one tablet. Also a related drug is Eclamise.

All drugs are based on the interaction of two main components. They can be found separately, Amlodipine and Lisinopril tablets in different release forms and from different manufacturers.

The following drugs are also similar in action:

  • "Perestance"
  • "Enanorm"
  • "Egipres"
  • "Triapin"
  • "Dalneva"
  • "Coriprene"
  • "Enal L CombI".

If side effects occur when taking Equator, it is usually changed to one of the above drugs.

Drug interactions Equator

The drug is used with extreme caution in combination:

  • with potassium-sparing diuretics (for example, spironolactone, amiloride, triamterene), with potassium and table salt containing potassium. In this case, hyperkalemia may develop, especially with impaired renal function, so the drug can be prescribed only after a careful assessment of the benefit-risk ratio of therapy, subject to regular monitoring of serum potassium levels and renal function indicators;
  • with allopurinol, cytostatics, immunosuppressants, corticosteroids, procainamide, since their combination with lisinopril can lead to the development of leukopenia.

Use with caution at the same time:

  • with diuretics: a sharp decrease in blood pressure may be noted;
  • with other antihypertensive drugs (additive effect);
  • with NSAIDs (reduced antihypertensive effectiveness);
  • with lithium salts (lithium accumulation may occur, so its level in the blood plasma should be regularly monitored);
  • narcotic drugs, anesthetics (strengthen the hypotensive effect of lisinopril).

Lisinopril reduces potassium excretion when combined with diuretics. Lisinopril increases the manifestations of alcohol intoxication. No interactions between lisinopril and amlodipine have been identified.

Overdose of the drug Equator, symptoms and treatment

It may manifest itself as a pronounced dilatation of peripheral vessels, accompanied by an excessive decrease in blood pressure and reflex tachycardia. The patient is placed in a horizontal position with the lower limbs raised, heart function, blood pressure, and water-electrolyte balance are monitored; if necessary, these indicators are corrected and symptomatic treatment is carried out. In case of severe hypotension, intravenous infusion solutions are prescribed; in case of insufficient effectiveness, peripherally acting vasopressors are prescribed. To eliminate the effects of blockade of calcium channels, intravenous administration of calcium gluconate is indicated. Due to the slow absorption of amlodipine in the gastrointestinal tract, gastric lavage can be effective. Lisinopril is excreted from the body during hemodialysis, but amlodipine is not excreted during hemodialysis due to its high degree of binding to plasma proteins.

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