Treatment of varicose veins with ointments and gels, when to expect results?

Heparin ointment is a combined direct-acting drug. It has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties, reduces the risk of blood clots.

Product for external use . For the desired effect, you need to apply a small amount of ointment to the affected area. It is used for hemorrhoids, varicose veins, and inflammatory processes. Often used to treat bumps, bruises and associated swelling.

The active components in the drug lose their therapeutic effect under the influence of various factors, so it is important to store it correctly.

  • Determination of a spoiled drug
  • Conclusion
  • Composition and action

    Heparin ointment

    is a complex product for external use. Available in tubes of 10, 25 or 50 g. Produced by several domestic and Belarusian pharmaceutical factories. It contains three active ingredients:

    Heparin sodium100 IU/ganticoagulant
    Benzocaine40 mg/glocal anesthetic
    Benzyl nicotinate0.8 mg/glocal vasodilator

    As the name suggests, the main “actor” of the drug is heparin. This substance is an anticoagulant, it increases blood fluidity and dissolves blood clots. In cardiological practice, heparin is used for myocardial infarction and embolism.

    As part of the ointment, it acts in a similar way on superficial hematomas, helps with varicose veins and thrombophlebitis, reduces hemorrhoids and reduces their swelling.

    Benzocaine acts as an anesthetic for bruises, varicose veins and hemorrhoids. Benzyl nicotinate performs a transport function - it promotes maximum absorption of active substances, providing a local vasodilator effect. The composition contains glycerin, petroleum jelly and peach oil as a fatty base.

    Why do phlebologists prescribe venotonic ointments and gels?

    Why do many phlebologists at European-level urban phlebological centers continue to prescribe various ointments for varicose veins? In the complex treatment of venous pathology, good local remedies play a positive role, the condition of the surface layers of the skin improves, and there are certain effects on the smallest vessels (arterioles, venules, capillaries).

    The use of ointments in the context of modern treatment is a good practice, but you should not expect miracles and replace the main component of the treatment of varicose veins, the removal of these same veins, with an ointment or gel.

    Indications for use

    Heparin ointment is used to treat:

    • bruises;
    • lumps formed as a result of intramuscular injections or bruises after intravenous infusions when the integrity of the vein is violated;
    • phlebitis and thrombophlebitis;
    • varicose veins;
    • external hemorrhoids;
    • secondary inflammation of the lymph nodes.

    In addition, it is successfully used by women to eliminate facial skin imperfections, and by men to increase potency.

    Can it be used and at what age?

    Heparin ointment can be used to treat children. This should be done as prescribed by a doctor in the dosage prescribed by him.

    Usually Heparin ointment is prescribed to children over one year of age , but sometimes it is prescribed to babies up to twelve months.

    Most often, this is recommended to be done after vaccination - in children after vaccination, small hematomas or lumps may form.

    Then the doctor may prescribe this medicine. You should be especially careful when using it, since the baby’s skin is very delicate, and his body is not yet fully strengthened.

    Side effects


    (local application) forms of heparin do not change systemic blood parameters. However, long-term use of the drug may cause skin reactions:

    • redness on the skin;
    • itching;

    • rash.

    Even with a slight manifestation of an allergy, treatment with the drug should be stopped immediately.

    Properties and features of the action

    The active substance in the composition - heparin - has anti-inflammatory, anticoagulant and anti-exudative effects.

    At the site of injury, blood does not clot, preventing hematoma, promoting its resorption, and reducing tissue swelling.

    The product improves the condition of blood vessels , affects blood flow, reduces the tendency for blood cells to stick together, affects its viscosity and clotting processes, prevents the formation of blood clots, and thins the blood.

    In addition to the active component of heparin, the effect of the drug is due to other components in its composition:

    • benzyl nicotinate has a dilating effect on blood vessels, helps ensure that heparin is absorbed better, faster and begins to actively act as intended, increasing its effectiveness;
    • benzocaine helps reduce pain from bruises, inflammation, thrombosis, has a calming effect, and works as a local analgesic in the affected area.

    Instructions for use


    Troxevasin is used to treat chronic venous insufficiency. Read more >>

    For the treatment of superficial hematomas resulting from bruises, as well as bruises and infiltrates after injections, the product is used several times a day, applying a small layer to the sore spot and rubbing until completely absorbed. Treatment time is until the hematoma disappears.

    Heparin ointment improves the condition of capillaries and local microcirculation, resolves blood clots, and reduces pain.

    Redness of the skin at the site of ointment treatment is a skin reaction to the vasodilating effect of benzyl nicotinate.

    Practice shows that the product eliminates bruises in 2-3 days.

    Heparin ointment: how quickly removes bruises?

    Heparin ointment is used to eliminate bruises, starting from the second day after injury. This is due to the fact that the drug has vasodilating properties, so its use immediately after injury can lead to increased bleeding and disruption of the integrity of blood vessels.

    It is necessary to apply the medicine directly to the site of the injury, making sure that the skin around it is intact and that there are no open wounds or irritation. To achieve the desired effect, spread it over the skin in a thin layer at the site of blue discoloration, thoroughly rubbing until completely absorbed, avoiding strong pressure on the damaged area. The procedure is repeated two to three times a day. It is possible to use the medicinal composition for medicinal compresses, which are applied to the damaged area at night. At the same time, its maximum dose per day should not exceed 25 g. When treating areas with large hematomas, heparin compresses are alternated with applications of bodyaga or cosmetic clay.

    A quick effect is achieved by eliminating swelling and blue discoloration resulting from medical procedures: after drips, intravenous and subcutaneous injections. Thanks to the action of the active components of the composition, they quickly turn pale, disappearing in just a few days.

    On average, the treatment period is 3 - 7 days. During this time, the bruises almost completely lose their color and resolve without leaving a trace.

    Sometimes the application of a medicinal product is accompanied by a burning sensation and redness of the skin. This is due to the action of nicotinic acid, which causes dilation of blood vessels and is a normal reaction of the body to treatment.

    During treatment, simple precautions must be taken:

    • the composition should not be applied to open wounds;
    • You should avoid getting it inside and on mucous membranes;
    • When treating bruises on the face, care must be taken to ensure that the ointment does not accidentally get into the eyes.

    In addition to bruises from injuries and bruises, Heparin ointment is very helpful in eliminating bruises on the face that occur due to lack of sleep and chronic fatigue, which quickly disappear after the first days of use. On average, with proper use of the drug, bruises and hematomas disappear from the surface of the skin after 3-4 days. To reduce blueness under the eyes and puffiness, the drug is applied to problem areas under a thin layer with patting movements, being especially careful near the eyes.

    To avoid side effects, before using the ointment, you need to test for an allergic reaction by applying the composition to the bend of your elbow and leaving it for 20-30 minutes. When removing hematomas on the face, you need to completely remove decorative cosmetics and not use skin care products.

    Use for varicose veins, thrombophlebitis and hemorrhoids

    Heparin ointment gives the greatest results in the treatment of early stages of varicose veins. The duration of therapy is 14 days, the drug is applied to the affected areas three times a day. Its action:

    • eliminates spider veins and reduces dilated veins;
    • relieves pain and swelling;

    • prevents the formation of blood clots and dissolves existing ones;
    • normalizes microcirculation.

    For chronic hemorrhoids, only external nodes can be treated with Heparin ointment. During an exacerbation, it is applied to the bumps, applied to a soft cotton cloth, and secured with a bandage. The treatment period is 10 days, 2-3 procedures are carried out during the day. It is possible to use the ointment during pregnancy, but only with the permission of the obstetrician.

    Heparin ointment as a cosmetic product

    The use of the product in home cosmetology is due to its anti-inflammatory and anti-edematous properties. Women use Heparin ointment if they need to quickly tidy up their facial skin:

    • eliminate pastiness and “bags” under the eyes;
    • use against acne and post-acne scars;
    • reduce or completely get rid of rosacea;
    • smooth out small wrinkles.

    Swelling is the result of impaired blood circulation and microcirculation. The drug strengthens small blood vessels. Dark circles under the eyes give you a tired look. Their elimination is what Heparin ointment is also successfully used for. It is applied by lightly tapping the fingertips (driven into the skin).

    Post-acne and acne go away thanks to the anti-inflammatory properties of the drug. The absorption ability of heparin makes the ointment a good remedy for the treatment of rosacea. The medicine has a slight rejuvenating effect. To combat fine wrinkles, it is used in courses of 10-15 days, applied to problem areas.

    Heparin ointment is not a cosmetic product, so it must be used taking into account contraindications.

    Before applying the ointment, it is necessary to do a tolerance test.

    Heparin ointment for varicose veins

    For varicose veins, the drug is effective in combating heaviness in the legs, bursting pain, itching of the skin and for relieving swelling of the legs.

    The popularity of the drug for this diagnosis is due to minor and extremely rare side effects, the availability of the drug and its high competitiveness against the background of the latest generation of drugs. Moreover, all complex medications that are indicated for the treatment of varicose veins contain heparin as an active or as an excipient.

    To achieve the necessary therapeutic effect and alleviate the patient's condition, Heparin ointment must be systematically applied for a sufficiently long time. For varicose veins, the minimum treatment period is ten to fifteen days. The ointment is indicated for application both to the area of ​​primary inflammatory-sclerotic changes in the wall of blood vessels, and to places that are in close proximity to the varicose trophic ulcer. Heparin ointment is effective at all stages of the disease.

    As mentioned above, the ointment is contraindicated for use on open wounds, as this can cause bleeding, so you should not apply the ointment to the trophic ulcer itself. In cases with varicose veins, the application of Heparin ointment should be especially careful so as not to provoke complications. According to the doctor's instructions, the drug is applied two to three times a day. Despite the fact that heparin absorption through intact skin practically does not occur, the parallel use of indirect anticoagulants orally, heparin injections and blood-thinning medications should be carried out exclusively as prescribed by the treating doctor and under his constant strict supervision.

    Do not be afraid of slight tingling and burning at the site of application of the ointment; this is a normal reaction of the body to the drug. And over time, after several days of using Heparin ointment, this effect will disappear. The ointment is contraindicated in patients with varicose veins or in cases of allergies to local anesthetics. As mentioned above, the drug contains benzocaine, which can cause individual intolerance reactions.

    How to use heparin ointment for wrinkles?

    To get the rejuvenation effect and avoid adverse reactions when using Heparin facial ointment for wrinkles, its use should begin with a test for skin sensitivity to the ingredients of the drug. To do this, apply this ointment to a small area of ​​clean skin on the inside of the forearm and leave to act for a quarter of an hour. If redness, rash, burning sensations and itching occur, you should conclude that this remedy is not suitable for you and do not try to use it. If the skin reacted normally to the drug, there are no allergic reactions, then Heparin ointment can be used for wrinkles on the face.

    After making sure that there is no hypersensitivity of the skin to the components of Heparin ointment, you can begin the course of procedures. The rules for using this drug in cosmetology are as follows:

    1. Thoroughly cleanse your face of makeup, dirt and sebum. To cleanse, it is better to wash your face with soap (foam, gel), but you can wipe your face with lotion or cosmetic milk/cream. It is not recommended to use facial scrub before using Heparin ointment.
    2. Squeeze out a portion of Heparin ointment no larger than a pea and spread it over your fingertips.

    3. Using patting movements with your fingers, apply the product to problem areas of a cleansed face. The applied layer must be thin, because otherwise the product will not be able to be completely absorbed, it will clog pores and interfere with cell respiration.
    4. Gently pat the product into the skin for five minutes. This massage will help with faster absorption. Rubbing the skin is not allowed, as this can lead to stretching.
    5. Leave the product to act for another 10-15 minutes.
    6. After this period has expired, remove any remaining medication from your face by pressing paper napkins onto the treated areas.

    It is recommended to perform this procedure at night. If, after using Heparin ointment, the skin feels dry and tight, you can apply a rich nourishing cream to your face after removing its remnants.

    Features of application in the eyelid area

    In the area around the eyes, Heparin ointment should be used with great caution. There are two reasons for this:

    • the skin in the periorbital area is thin and dry, it is easily vulnerable and prone to irritation;
    • there is a risk that the drug will get into the eyes and cause inflammation of the mucous membrane.

    To avoid these dangers, never apply this product to your eyelids. In the periorbital area, Heparin ointment can be used, but only after taking precautions. To do this, before using Heparin ointment, either apply a suitable eyelid cream around the eyes, or mix the drug with eyelid cream, taking 1 part ointment to 3 parts cosmetic product. After using the product, it is necessary to monitor the condition of the skin; if signs of irritation appear, you must stop using the drug in the periorbital area.

    Duration of treatment for wrinkles

    Heparin ointment is a potent drug, so its use for cosmetic purposes must be strictly dosed. Uncontrolled use of this tool is fraught with two troubles:

    • the risk of skin irritation increases;
    • an addictive effect may develop when the drug ceases to bring a positive effect.

    To prevent this from happening, the drug is used for wrinkles in ten-day courses, with at least monthly breaks between them. If these requirements are met, no more than nine rejuvenation courses can be carried out annually. If the effect of the procedures is only positive, then this regimen can be followed indefinitely.

    Precautionary measures

    To avoid side effects and not cause harm to health when using Heparin facial ointment for wrinkles, follow the following recommendations:

    • Do not use the product in areas where there are scratches, pimples or other skin damage. Since the drug has the property of thinning the blood, its use may cause bleeding and slow down the healing of wounds.
    • Do not apply the product in a thick layer or leave it on the skin for a long time. If the drug is applied too much, the oils it contains can clog the sebaceous ducts, which leads to the appearance of comedones and blackheads.
    • Do not use the product on skin areas with dilated capillaries or if you are prone to rosacea. One of its effects is the dilation of superficial blood vessels, which can lead to aggravation of the problem of rosacea.

    • If the drug gets on the mucous membranes of the eyes, mouth, or nose, they should be washed immediately with plenty of water.

    Most negative reviews about the use of Heparin ointment for wrinkles are associated precisely with violation of these recommendations. Therefore, try not to violate these rules, and you will only get positive effects from using this drug for cosmetic purposes.

    Pros and cons of anti-wrinkle use

    The negative aspects of using Heparin facial ointment for wrinkles appear only if there is increased sensitivity of the skin to its ingredients or if the rules for its use are violated. It can be:

    • skin allergic reactions;
    • the appearance of black dots;
    • increased signs of rosacea.

    All this can be avoided if you use the drug correctly and follow precautions. In this case, you will only get benefits from using this anti-aging product:

    • disappearance of small wrinkles;
    • less pronounced deep wrinkles;
    • reduction of swelling on the face;
    • improvement of skin color.

    The undoubted advantage of Heparin ointment is that, unlike potent creams and serums used in cosmetology, it has a low price, is sold without a prescription and is available to everyone.

    Use to increase potency

    The effect of Heparin ointment on erectile function is as follows:

    • it stimulates local blood circulation;
    • improves blood composition (makes it more fluid);
    • dissolves small blood clots;
    • benzyl nicotinate dilates the arterioles of the cavernous bodies of the penis, which promotes better blood flow and improves erection.

    The product is gently rubbed into the skin of the penis up to 3 times a day. The permissible period of use is 5-7 days. The drug can be used only in the absence of microtraumas and pustular inflammations.

    The ointment helps with erectile dysfunction only of vascular origin - in the presence of spasm, thrombophlebitis or atherosclerosis. Psychogenic disorders cannot be corrected with its help. It should not be used in adolescence, with hemophilia and hemorrhagic diathesis.

    Heparin ointment for hemorrhoids

    Hemorrhoids are a serious disease, acute forms of which can lead to the need for surgical intervention and significantly delay the recovery process. Heparin ointment has proven itself to be an effective remedy in the treatment of this disease. When treating hemorrhoids with ointment, you can relieve the symptoms of tension, pain, and a feeling of constant discomfort. Its use, as well as the use of other drugs with heparin, is indicated to provide a local thrombolytic effect, as well as to reduce inflammation.

    As mentioned at the beginning of the article, the main effect of heparin is to reduce the production of fibrin in human blood, which is the basis for the formation of blood clots. By acting on fibrin directly in the bloodstream, heparin effectively combats the high risk of blood clots, which reduces the likelihood of vein blockage and the subsequent occurrence of an inflammatory process. The benzonicotinate and benzocaine contained in the ointment promote rapid absorption of the active substance and relieve pain. The ointment is indicated not only for hemorrhoids, but also when it is complicated by thrombosis of hemorrhoidal veins.

    When prescribing an ointment, you should pay attention to contraindications and side effects. So the drug should not be used if the patient has hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, with necrosis and bleeding disorders. For pregnant women and during lactation, Heparin ointment can be used only as prescribed by a doctor. During treatment, you should be attentive to possible side effects, as allergic skin reactions, rashes and swelling may occur. If they occur, you should stop treatment and consult a doctor to find a possible alternative.

    There are two ways to use ointment for hemorrhoids. If hemorrhoids are localized externally, then the ointment is applied to a gauze flap or pad and applied to the site of the problem, after which it is fixed. If the disease is hidden, then a tampon is soaked in the ointment and inserted into the anus. Treatment of hemorrhoids with Heparin ointment can take from three to fourteen days, depending on the complexity of the disease.

    It is also worth remembering that the drug is not a panacea and if there is no improvement in the patient’s condition, it is necessary to consult a proctologist to prescribe an alternative treatment.

    special instructions

    For topical use of heparin:

    • is not absorbed into the blood and does not affect its coagulation parameters;
    • safe for the fetus and does not pass into breast milk;
    • does not affect the ability to drive a car or perform work that requires increased concentration.

    Pregnancy and breastfeeding are not a contraindication for the use of the ointment.

    But it is still necessary to consult a gynecologist or pediatrician.

    Bruises that appear for no apparent reason should not be treated with ointment; they can be a symptom of serious diseases.

    If long-term treatment is required or large areas of the body are treated, blood clotting must be monitored regularly. Especially if drugs that affect the hematopoietic and coagulation systems are taken orally at the same time.

    Questions from patients about the treatment of varicose veins with ointments and gels

    Marina from Moscow asks: what ointment can cure varicose veins?

    Dear Marina! The modern pharmacology industry offers a good selection of ointment and gel forms of drugs. Many of them have a good local cooling, soothing, anesthetic effect. But even the best ointment cannot cure varicose veins. The latter is a surgical disease and requires appropriate treatment.

    Angelina from Moscow is interested in: what is the effective treatment for varicose veins with folk remedies, what ointments do you recommend?

    Dear Angelina! Folk remedies include a balanced diet, proper exercise and rest. This will help to prevent varicose veins to some extent. There is not a single truly effective folk remedy, as well as ointment, for the treatment of varicose veins that have already appeared.

    Lyudmila from Moscow asks: my mother has had varicose veins of the lower extremities for many years, she is regularly treated with ointment and good tablets. At the same time, the dark spot on the left leg increases. What tablets or ointments do you recommend for the treatment of varicose veins?

    Dear Lyudmila! If your mother is diagnosed with varicose veins and clinically significant reflux is detected in the superficial venous system, then treatment with tablets and ointments will not help. It is necessary to contact a good phlebologist and follow his recommendations. Otherwise, the progression of venous insufficiency will lead not only to darkening of the skin, but also to the formation of a trophic ulcer.

    Valentina from Moscow asks: I was diagnosed with varicose veins of the lower extremities, prescribed pills and a good ointment, judging by the reviews. I have been undergoing treatment for 2 months now, the skin on my legs has begun to peel off, is it possible to interrupt the treatment?

    Dear Valentina! If you have been diagnosed with varicose veins of the lower extremities, then even a very good ointment and the best tablets, unfortunately, will not help. A completely different approach is needed here. The best option for you is to contact a good city phlebological center in Moscow, where, after a face-to-face consultation and professional ultrasound scanning, a specialist will answer your questions in more detail.

    Drug compatibility

    The action of some drugs reduces the effectiveness of Heparin ointment. These include:

    • Tetracycline (in the form of ointments and tablets);
    • L-thyroxine (hormone replacement drug for the treatment of hypothyroidism);
    • allergy medications (antihistamines);
    • anti-inflammatory gels and ointments (for example, Voltaren).

    It is not advisable to use the product simultaneously with other external medications containing antibiotics.

    Nicotine reduces the effectiveness of heparin, so it is better to quit smoking during treatment.

    Antiplatelet drugs and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs enhance the effects of heparin.

    Determination of a spoiled drug

    If the drug is stored carelessly, it may deteriorate. It is dangerous to use such ointment. Allergic reactions and other side effects are possible. In the best case scenario, the ointment simply won’t work. If you suspect that the product is spoiled, it is better not to use it.

    Signs of spoiled ointment:

    1. Expiration date . Even if there are no other signs of spoilage, the product should be thrown away.
    2. Color change . Heparin ointment is transparent, sometimes with a slightly yellowish tint. A spoiled product will have an uncharacteristic color. It may become cloudy, darken, or acquire a shade of brown.
    3. Change of structure . Over time and under the influence of heat, the drug changes consistency. It may lose its uniformity and separate into a liquid substance and denser contents.
    4. Change in smell . Once you use the product, you get used to its aroma. If you have the feeling that something doesn’t smell right, then you should not use the product.

    Price and analogues

    The cost of Heparin ointment ranges from 24 to 86 rubles, depending on the manufacturer and the capacity of the tube. Heparin is included in some treatments for varicose veins. They have similar indications for use:

    AnalogueActive substancePrice
    Gel Lyoton 1000Heparin sodium270-1000 rubles depending on volume (30, 50, 100 g)
    Gel Troxevasin Neo
    • troxerutin 20 mg;
    • dexpanthenol 50 mg;
    • heparin sodium 300 IU.
    From 200 to 270 rubles
    Wessel due FSulodexide2700

    The drug is stored for 3 years at a temperature not exceeding 20°C. You can buy it at a pharmacy without a prescription.

    Heparin ointment during pregnancy

    Heparin ointment during pregnancy and lactation is prescribed exclusively by a doctor for the following disorders:

    • Varicose veins (a common disorder during pregnancy due to weight gain, swelling, and decreased physical activity).
    • Thrombosis.
    • Thrombophlebitis.
    • Hemorrhoids (often occurs in the postpartum period due to the increased risk of constipation and strain during childbirth).
    • Injuries.
    • Inflammation of veins after injections.

    Heparin ointment during pregnancy and lactation is strictly contraindicated in the following cases:

    • hypersensitivity to ointment components;
    • the presence of open wounds and/or necrosis;
    • reducing blood clotting.

    During pregnancy, the ointment is recommended to be used up to three times a day for no more than two weeks. The entire period of treatment should take place under the close supervision of the attending physician. If side effects occur, you should immediately seek professional medical help. Overdoses of ointment were practically not observed, however, throughout the course of treatment it is necessary to pay special attention to blood clotting. Among the main side effects of Heparin ointment during pregnancy are: allergic dermatitis, itching, urticaria, rashes. To prevent undesirable effects, a day before the start of treatment, it is necessary to conduct a home skin test for allergies. A small amount of the drug is applied to a healthy area of ​​skin; if after a while no adverse reactions appear, the ointment can be used.

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