Plantain tincture instructions for use of the medicinal product

Plantain has no decorative value. An alpine hill can be briefly enlivened by its low candles, surrounded by a halo of whitish pollen, rising from rosettes of round, glossy leaves. But only.

But the importance of plantain as a medicinal plant is quite great. For many, plantain remains a leaf that is glued to scratches. However, the possibilities of this plant are much wider.

  • The biologically active substances contained in plantain can normalize the functioning of the digestive system, improve the condition of the skin in dermatological pathologies, and alleviate the course of respiratory tract diseases.

Composition and beneficial properties

Plantain contains a number of biologically active substances:

  • tanning compounds;
  • carotenoids;
  • vitamin K, thanks to which the same childhood experience with stopping blood with the help of a leaf is realized;
  • vitamin C;
  • flavonoids;
  • mineral salts;
  • saponins;
  • hydroxycinnamic acids, which help reduce cholesterol;
  • pectin, which improves regeneration, which explains the wound-healing effect;
  • aucubin is a specific glycoside that has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect.

Photo: Depositphotos
The secret to the effectiveness of plantain seed products is in fatty acids, mucus and plantose. The result of using the product with plantain internally is the following effects:

  • antimicrobial, expressed in a bacteriostatic effect on Pseudomonas aeruginosa, hemolytic staphylococcus, Proteus, Escherichia coli;
  • hemostatic;
  • expectorant;
  • enveloping;
  • improves gastric secretion;
  • anesthetic;
  • hypnotic;
  • hypotensive (this applies to alcohol extracts).

In addition, the positive effect of plantain preparations is known for diarrhea, hemorrhoids, hay fever, and inflammatory processes of various localizations.

Not only the above-ground part of the plant can be used for medicinal purposes. Traditional medicine also uses plantain roots, for example, as an anti-inflammatory and analgesic for insect and reptile bites.

Traditional medicine uses lanceolate plantain juice for whooping cough, asthma and other diseases, as well as for malaria.

Botanical illustration from the book by H.H. Schubert “Naturgeschichte des Pflanzenreichs” Photo:

For chronic fatigue and asthenic syndrome, restorative plantain tea, rich in vitamins and minerals, will help.

As one of the components of breast preparations, plantain is used in both folk and official medicine.

For local use, in addition to the familiar method of applying a fresh leaf, plantain ointment is used. It is made from crushed dried leaves of the plant with the addition of a small amount of beeswax and any vegetable oil: coconut, almond, peach, sunflower. The ingredients are heated in a water bath over very low heat for 2 hours, then filtered and poured into a jar. This product is used to heal cracks and other skin injuries. It helps with peeling, chapping of the epidermis and burns.

Topical use of plantain products is a fairly ancient practice. It is known that Avicenna used the hemostatic and wound-healing effects of this plant.

Photo: Depositphotos

Indications for use

For the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases: acute and chronic gastritis, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum with preserved and reduced secretion, enterocolitis, fermentopathy, dysbacteriosis.

For the treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases of the respiratory system, incl. rhinitis, tonsillopharyngitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, whooping cough.

For external use: dermatitis of various etiologies, wounds, cuts, bruises, trophic ulcers, boils, abscesses, burns.

For local use: gynecological diseases, cervical erosion.

Plantain in official medicine

The ubiquitous useful plant has received the attention of not only herbalists and folk healers. Plantain is also used in official medicine. The following products can be found in pharmacies:

  • Large plantain leaves as a dry medicinal plant material.
  • Plantain juice. The product is a liquid in bottles. As a non-alcoholic remedy, plantain juice is prescribed for hypoacid gastritis.
  • Granules for preparing Plantaglucid solution. This is a help for ulcerative lesions of the gastric mucosa with low or normal acidity.

Analysis of the chemical composition of plantain and its healing properties are found in the works of many scientists. Various researchers agree that the scope of plantain is wide and deserves close attention. And children, playing in the yard, can apply round shiny leaves to scratches.

Tags: plantain, plantain seeds, medicinal plants, biologically active substances, useful plants

Large plantain

Large plantain

Plantago major
) is a species of perennial herbaceous plant of the plantain genus. Plantains are found along roads (hence the name), in weedy places, wastelands, in steppes, meadows, and sands.

Great plantain in plant taxonomy

According to modern classification, the species Great Plantain
belongs to the genus
, is included in the family
, order
, class
, department
, kingdom

Properties of plantain

Great plantain leaves are used as:

  • wound healing
  • anti-inflammatory
  • hemostatic
  • painkiller
  • bactericidal agent.
Use of plantain

Infusions and decoctions are prepared from plantain. For example, pharmacies sell plantain leaves in briquettes, on which you can prepare infusions of water. A decoction of the leaves is used for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, including peptic ulcers of the stomach and duodenum. Plantain juice helps with gastritis with low acidity and chronic colitis. For heartburn, the following preparation is recommended:

  • plantain leaves - 20 g
  • St. John's wort herb - 20 g
  • chamomile inflorescences - 5 g.

Prepare an infusion, take 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day. For diseases of the esophagus, the following collection can also be recommended:

  • plantain leaves - 2 parts
  • dried herb - 3 parts
  • chamomile flowers - 2 parts
  • celandine herb - 1.5 parts
  • St. John's wort herb - 2 parts
  • calendula flowers - 2 parts
  • centaury herb - 1 part
  • oat seeds - 5 parts
  • crushed rose hips - 5 parts.

Pour boiling water (500 ml) over the collection (2-3 tablespoons), it is best to place it in a thermos overnight.
Then strain, drink 40-50 ml warm 5-6 times a day after meals. You can add honey and lemon to the mixture to taste, but not sugar! (Zaikin D.) At the end of an exacerbation or during remission of GERD, herbal medicine may be prescribed:

  • chamomile (flowers) – 5 g
  • St. John's wort (herb) - 20 g
  • large plantain (leaves) - 20 g.

Take the infusion 1 tbsp.
spoon 3-4 times a day 15-20 minutes before meals. (Privorotsky V.F., Luppova N.E.) Collections of medicinal plants recommended for children with gastritis, enteritis, enterocolitis can be viewed here.

For treatment of gastritis with low acidity using folk remedies and medicinal plants, see here.

For treatment of constipation with medicinal plants, see here.

The effect of plantain on stomach acidity

Large plantain, which has anti-inflammatory properties, normalizes gastric secretion and protects against the damaging effects of gastric juice.

The plantain is big. Contraindications

People who have increased blood clotting and a tendency to form blood clots are not recommended to take plantain preparations during treatment.

Use of plantain in pharmaceuticals

In Russia, drugs have been registered (have been registered) in which the main active ingredient is plantain leaves (Plantaginis majoris folia). Great plantain leaves
are a herbal remedy; has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antimicrobial bacteriostatic (against staphylococci, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, hemolytic streptococcus), hemostatic, antiallergic, analgesic, expectorant, sedative, hypotensive and laxative effects.

Stimulates tissue regeneration, enhances the secretory activity of the glands of the stomach and intestines. It has a mucolytic effect, helps normalize the properties of respiratory tract surfactant and restore the functions of the ciliated epithelium. The anti-inflammatory effect is due to the presence of polysaccharides (mucus, pectins), carotene and vitamin B. By reducing the concentration of cholesterol in the blood, it has an anti-sclerotic effect.


  • hypoacid gastritis
  • colitis, enteritis, enterocolitis
  • dysentery
  • constipation
  • kidney disease, urethritis, cystitis
  • atherosclerosis, arterial hypertension
  • trophic ulcers
  • bruises, wounds (including purulent ones), cuts, burns, boils, acne
  • inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity and nasopharynx
  • metrorrhagia, atopic dermatitis (common neurodermatitis)
  • bronchitis, whooping cough, bronchial asthma (as an expectorant)

. Orally, as an infusion, 30 minutes after meals, 2 tablespoons 2-3 times a day for 7-10 days or as a tincture, 30-40 drops 3 times a day for 2-3 weeks.

Large plantain leaves

(Plantaginis majoris folia): crushed vegetable raw materials;
is produced in cardboard packs of 35, 50, 75 or 100 g by the Krasnodar pharmaceutical factory, Microgen NPO FSUE (Belorechensk), by the company ZDOROVE, (Russia) or in filter bags of 1.5 g in cardboard packs by the Krasnogorskleksredstva company. Large leaf plantain briquette
(Plantaginis majoris folii briket): medicinal plant raw materials for preparing infusions, manufacturer: Evalar (Russia);
the deadline has expired. Plantain tincture
(Tinctura Plantaginis): dark glass bottle 25, 30, 40, 50 ml; produced by Murom Instrument-Making Plant, Tver Pharmaceutical Factory (Russia).

Also registered is a drug with the active ingredient - plantain juice

Plantain juice stimulates the secretion of gastric juice. Indications

  • Chronic anacid gastritis
  • stomach ulcer
  • duodenal ulcer with normal or decreased secretion of gastric juice
  • chronic colitis

Inside. 1 tablespoon 3 times a day 15-30 minutes before meals. The course of treatment is one month. Large plantain juice
is produced by VIFITECH (Russia) in a 100 ml dark glass bottle.

In Russia, VIFITECH also produces a medicinal product with the active ingredient of plantain leaf extract

(Plantaginis majoris foliorum extract)
, and in Ukraine by the pharmaceutical company Health - Plantacid.
Great plantain leaf extract
is an antispasmodic of plant origin.
Reduces the tone of smooth muscles of the stomach and intestines, has a moderate anti-inflammatory effect. Strengthens the secretion of gastric juice, increasing its acidity. Indications

  • Hypoacid gastritis

Hypersensitivity, hyperacid gastritis, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum in the acute stage. Dosing
Inside, 20-30 minutes before meals. Adults and children over 12 years old - 1 g (1 teaspoon) 2-3 times a day. Children 6-12 years old - 0.5 g (½ teaspoon), under 6 years old - 0.25 g (¼ teaspoon) two to three times a day. The duration of treatment is three to four weeks. To prevent relapses, the drug is used in the same doses once or twice a day for one to two months. Plantaglucidum
is an antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory agent. According to the pharmacological index, plantaglucide belongs to the group “Other non-narcotic analgesics, including non-steroidal and other anti-inflammatory drugs”. It has an ATC code of A03 and belongs to the group “Drugs for the treatment of functional disorders of the gastrointestinal tract”.

The drug is used for hypoacid gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcers with normal and low acidity during exacerbations and for the prevention of relapses (Okulova G., Firsova L.D., etc.).


. Orally in the form of granules 0.5-1 g (½-1 teaspoon) two to three times a day 20-30 minutes before meals; Before taking the drug, dilute it in ¼ glass of warm water. The duration of treatment with plantaglucide during an exacerbation is three to four weeks. To prevent relapses, take 1 g once or twice a day for one to two months. The drug plantaglucide is available in granules in 50 g bottles. Store it in a dry place.

Large plantain leaves

are part of a combined preparation of plant origin that has an expectorant and anti-inflammatory effect:
Coltsfoot leaves + Great plantain leaves + Licorice roots (Farfarae tussilaginis folia + Plantaginis majoris folia + Glycyrrhizae radices) - breast collection No. 2 (Pectorales species No. 2) .
Produced in paper bags of 35, 50, 100 g, in a pack of cardboard by the company St.-Medipharm (Stavropol Territory, Russia); Microgen NPO Federal State Unitary Enterprise of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (Belorechensk, Russia).

Composition and release form

Plant materials for preparing the infusion:

  • 100 g of collection No. 1 contain a mixture of crushed medicinal plant materials - marshmallow roots and coltsfoot leaves 40% each, oregano herb 20%; in paper bags of 35 g, in a cardboard pack 1 packet.
  • 100 g of collection No. 2 - a mixture of crushed medicinal plant materials - coltsfoot leaves 40%, plantain leaves and licorice roots 30% each; in polypropylene bags of 25 g or in paper bags of 35 g, 1 bag in a cardboard pack.
  • 100 g of collection No. 4 - a mixture of crushed medicinal plant materials - chamomile flowers, wild rosemary shoots, calendula flowers and violet herb 20% each, licorice roots 15%, mint leaves 5%; in paper bags of 30 or 50 g, in a cardboard pack 1 bag or in filter bags of 2 g, in a cardboard pack 10 or 20 filter bags.

pharmachologic effect

  • expectorant
  • anti-inflammatory
  • bronchodilator
  • general tonic

Indications of the drug Chest collection No. 2

  • infectious and inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract, accompanied by cough

Directions for use and dosage:
4 g (1 tablespoon) of collection No. 1 or No. 2 or 10 g (2 tablespoons) of collection No. 4 are placed in an enamel bowl, poured with 1 glass of cold water (collections No. 1 and No. 2) or boiling water (collection No. 4), heat in a water bath for 15 minutes, leave at room temperature for 45 minutes, filter, squeeze out the remaining raw materials. The volume of the resulting infusion is adjusted to 200 ml with boiled water.

Take hot, ½ cup of collection No. 1 or collection No. 2 three to four times a day, ⅓ glass of collection No. 4 three times a day for 2-3 weeks. The prepared infusion is shaken before use. One collection filter bag No. 4 is placed in a glass or enamel container, poured with 1 cup of boiling water, covered and left for 15 minutes. Take ½-1 glass 3 times a day for two to three weeks. Storage conditions for the drug Chest collection No. 2:

in a dry place, protected from light.
Prepared infusion - in a cool place for no more than 2 days. Breast collection No. 3 (Pectorales species No. 2): active ingredient Marshmallow roots + Anise fruits + Licorice roots + Common pine buds + Salvia officinalis leaves (Althaeae officinalis radices + Anisi vulgaris fructus + Glycyrrhizae radices + Pini sylvestris gemmae + Salviae officinalis folia )
Produced in polypropylene bags 50 g, by Zdorovye (Russia).
Special instructions
: the finished infusion is stored in a cool place for no more than 48 hours.

Large plantain leaves

are included in the expectorant collection:
Ledum marsh shoots + Elecampane rhizomes with roots + Calendula officinalis flowers + Coltsfoot leaves + Peppermint leaves + Great plantain leaves + Chamomile flowers + Licorice roots (Ledi palustris cormus + Inulae rhizomata cum radicibus + Calendulae officinalis flores + Farfarae tussilaginis folia + Menthae piperitae folia + Plantaginis maj)
The medicinal collection is produced in 50 g paper bags, manufacturer: Lek S+ (Russia). Belongs to the pharmacological group “Secretolytics and stimulants of motor function of the respiratory tract in combinations.”

Release forms
Plantain gel with extracts of medicinal herbs
“Sustamed” are produced by Fitosil-Bios, Corvette Pharma (Russia).

Herbion plantain syrup

(Herbion plantain syrup): Brown to reddish-brown syrup with a characteristic odor.
Slight opalescence is acceptable. It has an expectorant, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial (bacteriostatic) effect. Indications

  • in complex therapy of inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract accompanied by dry cough
  • for dry cough of smokers.

Cough syrup with plantain and coltsfoot
(Sirup anticough wiht plantain and coldsfoot): dark glass bottle 100 ml, produced by Natur Produkt Europe BV (Netherlands).
ATC code R05CA10 “Combination of expectorants.” Indications

  • acute and chronic diseases of the respiratory tract (as part of complex therapy): tracheitis; tracheobronchitis; bronchitis; bronchopneumonia

Interaction: cough syrup with plantain and coltsfoot should not be used simultaneously with preparations containing codeine and other antitussive drugs, because
this makes it difficult to cough up thin mucus. Laxative drug

from Madaus (Germany), manufactured by Madaus Pharmaceuticals Private Limited (India)
: granules for oral administration;
container made of combined material 100 g. Has ATC code A06AB and belongs to the group “Contact laxatives”. Indications

  • chronic, atonic or functional constipation (in children, the elderly, in the postoperative period, during pregnancy)
  • for hemorrhoids and rectal fissures
  • preparation for x-ray examination and endoscopy

Directions for use and dosage
: orally, without chewing, with plenty of water (about 250 ml).
For constipation, adults and children over 12 years old - 1 teaspoon in the evening, after meals and, if necessary, in the morning, before breakfast; in severe cases - 1 teaspoon every 6 hours for 1-3 days; children from 7 to 12 years old - 1 teaspoon daily. To prepare for examinations - 3-6 teaspoons once 1 day (24 hours) before the examination. Laxative drug
from Doctor Falk Pharma GmbH (Germany), manufactured by Losan Pharma GmbH (Germany)
: granules for preparing a suspension for oral administration;
5 g bag. Has ATC code A06AC01 Isfagul (oval plantain or flea seed). Indications

  • constipation (including during pregnancy)
  • anal fissures
  • haemorrhoids
  • postoperative period for interventions in the anorectal area (in order to create a softer stool consistency)
  • functional diarrhea
  • irritable bowel syndrome
  • colonic diverticulosis
  • Crohn's disease (normalization of stool)

seed powder is part of a combination preparation with natural components of plant and animal origin and microelements -
Vitrum Atherolitin*
: film-coated tablets; polyethylene bottle (bottle) 100, cardboard pack 1; from Unipharm, Inc. (USA), time limit has expired. ATC code A11AB “Multivitamins in combination with other drugs.”

Pharmacological action - replenishes the deficiency of vitamins and minerals.

For drugs marked with an asterisk, registration in Russia has ended and there is no information about its renewal. In pharmacies, a number of them can be sold as dietary supplements Back to section

Research method

An analytical sample of raw materials was ground to a particle size that passed through a sieve with a diameter of 1 mm. About 10 g (exactly weighed) of crushed raw material was placed in a flask with a capacity of 500 ml, 200 ml of purified water heated to boiling point was added. The flask was placed in an ultrasonic bath with a frequency of 35 KHz, at a temperature of 80°C, and extracted for 20 minutes. The extraction was repeated 2 more times, adding first 200 ml and then 100 ml of water.

The aqueous extracts were combined and filtered into a 500 ml volumetric flask through 10 layers of gauze placed in a glass funnel with a diameter of 5 cm and pre-washed with purified water. The filter was washed with water and the volume of the solution was adjusted to the mark (solution, A).

25 ml of solution A was placed in a 100 ml conical flask, 75 ml of 95% ethyl alcohol was added, stirred, and heated in a water bath to 30°C for 5 minutes. After 30 minutes, the contents of the flask were filtered through a pre-dried and weighed ashless paper filter placed in a POR 16 glass filter with a diameter of 40 mm, under vacuum at a residual pressure of 0.4–0.8 atm. The filter cake was washed successively with 15 ml of a solution of 95% ethyl alcohol in purified water (3:1), 10 ml of a mixture of ethyl acetate and 95% ethyl alcohol (1:1). The filter with the sediment was dried first in air, then at a temperature of 100–105°C to constant weight.

The content of polysaccharides in terms of absolutely dry raw materials is calculated using the formula:

, Where

m1—mass of the dried filter, g; m2 is the mass of the dried filter with sediment, g; m—weight of raw material, g; W is the loss in weight of raw materials during drying, %.

Medicinal plant plantain: description

There is now a general trend where people are looking for alternative treatments by turning to natural resources. Are you interested in medicinal plants, plantain in particular? I will try to tell you as simply and reliably as possible what a plantain is (description, types, growing area).

Plantain is an annual or perennial herb that belongs to the Plantain family. Plantain is an unpretentious plant. You will meet him in forests and steppes, on roadsides, wastelands and even sandy areas. The most suitable conditions for its habitat are the temperate and subtropical zones of Eurasia, America and Africa.

In the countries of the former USSR (Russia, Kazakhstan, Ukraine) there are more than 25 plant species. The most common types of plantain are:

  • lanceolate plantain;
  • large plantain;
  • medium plantain.

You can read detailed information about plantain growing in Kazakhstan, as well as its chemical composition and properties, in the article by my colleague M.S. Danilova.

Plantain grass consists of a short rhizome, a straight leafless stem and wide leaves. Also at the end of the stem the plantain has an inflorescence in the form of a spike or an oval head. The plantain flower is usually small and inconspicuous, the fruit is a capsule with many seeds.


Almost the entire plantain is used for medicinal purposes - flower, leaves and root. Healing decoctions, powder, ointments are prepared from the plant, and juice is also extracted.

Plantain: benefits and harm

Would you like to know the benefits of plantain? I will share with you the most interesting information on the following questions: what is plantain used for, the benefits and harms of the plant.

In medical practice, plantain is used, the properties of which were considered miraculous by healers. My colleagues described the medicinal properties of plantain in detail. According to the article, the following healing properties of plantain can be identified:

  • wound healing;
  • hemostatic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • expectorant;
  • antitumor;
  • sedative;
  • moderate hypotensive;
  • diuretic and laxative;
  • antispasmodic;
  • painkiller.

In addition to its healing properties, plantain has contraindications. It is not recommended to use plantain internally for gastritis and peptic ulcers. It is also forbidden to drink plantain juice or decoction if you have atherosclerosis, thrombosis, or varicose veins. And the well-known English-language publication WebMD warns: plantain is not safe for pregnant women to consume orally, as it can lead to miscarriage.

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