Rinostop Spray Double Help: instructions for use


Nasal spray:

  • active ingredient xylometazoline hydrochloride - 0.50 mg or 1.00 mg;
  • excipients: disodium edetate, sodium chloride, benzalkonium chloride, potassium dihydrogen phosphate, sodium hydrogen phosphate dodecahydrate, purified water up to 1 ml.

Nasal drops:

  • active ingredient xylometazoline hydrochloride - 0.50 mg or 1.00 mg;
  • excipients: benzalkonium chloride, thyrinodium edetate, monopotassium phosphate, dibasic sodium phosphate, sodium chloride, purified water up to 1 ml.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

The active substance of Rinostop, xylometazoline, belongs to the group of alpha-adrenergic agonists with local vasoconstrictor effects. Alpha adrenergic agonists are drugs that stimulate alpha adrenergic receptors , located in the walls of blood vessels and reacting to adrenaline , norepinephrine and other substances with a similar effect.

When applied to the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity, the drug causes a narrowing of the blood vessels located in it, but is almost not absorbed into the blood and does not have a general (systemic) effect on the human body. This helps to reduce blood flow in the veins and significantly reduce the perspiration of the liquid part of the blood through the walls of blood vessels. As a result, swelling of the mucous membrane is quickly relieved and nasal breathing is restored. The amount of nasal discharge also decreases. Eliminating swelling in the nasal cavity also improves the condition of the hearing aid.

At the same time, the drug does not have a negative effect on the mucous membrane, including its ciliated epithelium, which cleanses the nasal cavity of foreign particles. Long-term use of drops or spray (more than 5-7 days in a row) can lead to paresis of the smooth muscles of blood vessels and their prolonged dilation, accompanied by persistent swelling and nasal congestion.

The effect of the drug begins a couple of minutes immediately after it has been applied to the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity and can last for several hours.

Pharmacological effect

Xylometazoline belongs to alpha-adrenergic agonists - substances that stimulate the activity of specific receptors in the vascular walls that are sensitive to adrenaline and nonadrenaline. The result of its action is a rapid narrowing of the lumen and a decrease in capillary permeability upon contact with mucous membranes. Thanks to this, swelling at the site of inflammation is significantly reduced, the intensity of mucous discharge during rhinitis is reduced, and it becomes possible to breathe normally.

The vasoconstrictor effect of xylometazoline is not accompanied by disturbances in the condition of the mucosa or changes in its functions. The ciliated epithelium, which traps particles of dust and other contaminants penetrating into the nasal cavity, does not reduce activity during the use of Rinostop.

The use of the drug also does not have a systemic effect. Xylometazoline is absorbed into the general bloodstream in small quantities, narrowing only the capillaries of the mucous membrane. Rinostop does not affect the duration of diseases and the intensity of their course. Its task is to eliminate negative symptoms of congestion and restore normal well-being during illness.

The effect of using the solution occurs within 2–5 minutes. after applying it to the mucous membranes: the swelling resolves, the lumen of the nasal passages increases, opening up access to air. The effect of the drug lasts up to 5–7 hours.

Indications for use of Rinostop

The drug is used:

  • with nasal congestion and runny nose against the background of acute respiratory disease ;
  • for chronic, including allergic rhinitis, accompanied by nasal congestion in short courses;
  • for acute and chronic sinusitis ( sinusitis , sinusitis ), accompanied by nasal congestion in short courses;
  • for acute and chronic otitis media to relieve swelling of the auditory tube connecting the middle ear to the nasopharynx;
  • when conducting diagnostic studies (for example, rhinoscopy ) of ENT organs.


If the drug is accidentally ingested or overdose, the following symptoms may appear: anxiety, restlessness, hallucinations, convulsions, decreased body temperature, lethargy, drowsiness, coma, constriction or dilation of the pupils, fever, sweating, pallor, cyanosis, palpitations, bradycardia, arrhythmia, cardiac arrest, increased blood pressure, decreased blood pressure, nausea, vomiting, respiratory depression, respiratory arrest. Treatment: gastric lavage, taking activated carbon; symptomatic.

Contraindications for the use of Rinostop

The medicine is contraindicated in:

  • glaucoma;
  • chronic atrophic (with a decrease in the volume of the mucous membrane) runny nose;
  • high blood pressure;
  • tachycardia;
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • while prescribing certain medications for the treatment of depression ( MAO inhibitors and tricyclic antidepressants );
  • after surgery on the meninges;
  • children under 2 years old.

Vasoconstrictor drops and spray should be used with caution when:

  • diabetes mellitus;
  • hyperthyroidism
  • severe atherosclerosis , complicated by coronary heart disease ;
  • prostatic hyperplasia;
  • breastfeeding the baby.

Methods and features of application

Rinostop is used by injecting a small amount of solution into the nose. Drops for adults - 1-2 in each nostril for a feeling of congestion and difficulty breathing. The frequency of use of the medicine is no more than 3 times a day. The cavities must be cleared of mucus before using the product. When placing the tip of the bottle inside, tilt your head back so that the solution does not flow out.

The spray is sprayed by carefully placing the dispenser into the nasal cavity and pressing the base of the bottle for 1 second. At the same time, you don’t have to tilt your head back. Aerosol particles penetrate directionally and are evenly distributed throughout the mucosa. You can use Rinostop spray up to 4 times a day.

It is recommended to irrigate with the solution or drip Rinostop in both new moves, even with one-sided congestion.

For children, the drug is used in the same way, choosing an age-appropriate composition. It is not advisable for children under 6 years of age to drip and spray the solution more than 2 times a day.

The maximum period of daily use of Rinostop is 7 days. If symptoms do not disappear during this time, you need to stop the course and consult a doctor to prescribe another treatment.

Erroneous actions include increasing doses or increasing the frequency of use of the solution in order to prolong its therapeutic effect. Violation of the instructions is fraught with the development of complications or the opposite of the expected effect.

Side effects of Rinostop

Side effects occur mainly with overdose, long-term (more than 5 days in a row) use, or if there are contraindications for the use of this drug. , dry nose , burning , sneezing most often appear , and sometimes the runny nose worsens.

Less commonly, with long-term use, side effects manifest themselves in the form of a sharp dilation of the blood vessels of the nasal mucosa, which is accompanied by swelling of the mucous membrane, nasal congestion and heavy discharge and disturbances in nasal breathing.

In addition, with prolonged use of drops and spray without interruption, mood changes in the form of depression may occur.

Side effects

During the period of use of the solution, due to vasoconstriction, the natural hydration of the mucous membrane decreases. Minor itching and dryness are likely to occur, especially in cold weather. After stopping the course, the unpleasant sensations disappear without a trace.

In case of overdose of Rinostop or long-term use - more than 1 week, the following are possible:

  • increased dryness;
  • severe itching, burning;
  • irritation and redness of the mucous membrane;
  • increased discharge and swelling.

Occasionally, people prone to depression experience mood depression while using the drug.

Instructions for Rinostop

0.1% spray is used for adults and children over 6 years of age. The spray is sprayed after removing the cap from the bottle. The sprayer is inserted into one nasal passage, after which the base is pressed and the drug is applied for a second. Then the spray is introduced into the second nasal passage and the manipulation is repeated. You can repeat the procedure no more than 3–4 times a day. Instructions for the use of Rinostop in the form of a spray for children 2–6 years old include the administration of 0.05% spray no more than three times a day.

0.1% nasal drops are also used for adults and children over 6 years of age, 1–2 drops in each nasal passage no more than three times a day. 0.05% children's Rinostop is administered 1 - 2 drops into each nasal passage no more than twice a day.

Composition and dosage forms

Rinostop is a medicine based on xylometazoline hydrochloride, a liquid solution for nasal use, transparent, without a distinct odor. Available in the form of drops and spray:

  • for adults: liquid containing 0.1% active substance;
  • for children 2–6 years old: solution with a concentration of 0.05%.

Excipients: water, sodium chloride, potassium dihydrogen phosphate, thyrinodium edetate.

The drug is packaged in plastic bottles of 10, 15, 20, 30 ml, equipped with drip or aerosol dispensers.

Rinostop's analogs

Level 4 ATX code matches:
Xymelin Eco





Nazivin Sensitive for children





For the nose

Lazolvan Rino



Eucazoline Aqua


Grippostad Reno



Nazol Advance

Analogues are drugs from different drug groups that are used to treat the same diseases. Analogues of Rinostop - drugs that relieve swelling of the nasal mucosa: naphazoline ( Naphthyzin , Sanorin ), Oxymetazoline ( Nazivin , Nazol , Knox-spray ), phenylephrine ( Nazol Baby ), tetrizoline ( Tetrin ), tramazolin ( Lazolvan Rino ), dimethindene + phenylephrine.

Rinostop price

Rinostop price in Moscow:

  • Rinostop nasal drops 0.1% and 0.05% 10 ml - 21 - 25 rubles;
  • nasal spray 0.1% And 0.05% 15 ml - 56 - 65 rubles.

Rinostop tablets, produced by the pharmaceutical company Bosnalek (Bosnia and Herzegovina) are not synonymous with Rinostop drops and spray, as they have a different composition.

  • Online pharmacies in RussiaRussia


  • Rinostop Aqua Baby for children 0+ for runny nose, nasal spray, 100% sea water 125 mlLaboratory De La Mer
    329 RUR order
  • Rinostop 0.05% 15 mlPharmstandard-Leksredstva OJSC

    94 RUR order

  • Rinostop Aqua Soft for runny nose from 6 months, nasal spray, 100% sea water 125 mlLaboratory De La Mer

    RUB 329 order

  • Rinostop Aqua Norm for runny nose 3+, nasal spray, 100% sea water 125 mlLaboratory De La Mer

    RUB 329 order

  • Rinostop Aqua Forte for runny nose from 6 months, nasal spray, 100% sea water 50 mlLaboratory De La Mer

    RUB 268 order

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