Furagin-Aktifur caps 50 mg pack cont cell/pack card x30

Furagin-Actifur, 25 mg, capsules, 30 pcs.


After taking the drug orally, furazidin is absorbed in the small intestine by passive diffusion. Absorption of nitrofurans from the distal segment of the small intestine exceeds absorption from the proximal and medial segments by 2 and 4 times, respectively (should be taken into account during the simultaneous treatment of urogenital infections and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, including chronic enteritis). Nitrofurans are poorly absorbed in the colon.

Being a mixture of sodium furazidin and basic magnesium carbonate, Furagin-Actifur when administered orally has a higher bioavailability than simple furazidin (after taking the Furagin-Actifur capsule in the acidic environment of the stomach, the conversion of sodium furazidin into poorly soluble furazidin does not occur).


Furazidin is distributed evenly in the body. The high content of the active substance in the lymph is clinically important (it delays the spread of infection along the lymphatic tract). In bile its concentration is several times higher than in serum, and in cerebrospinal fluid it is several times lower than in serum. In saliva, the content of furazidin is 30% of its concentration in serum. The concentration of furazidin in the blood and tissues is relatively small, which is associated with its rapid release, while the concentration in the urine is much higher than in the blood. The maximum concentration in blood plasma lasts from 3 to 7 or 8 hours; furazidin is detected in urine 3-4 hours after application.


Furazidine is slightly biotransformed (less than 10% of the administered dose); with a decrease in renal excretory function, the metabolic rate increases.


Unlike nitrofurantoin, the urine pH does not change after taking furazidine. 4 hours after taking the drug, the concentration of furazidine in the urine significantly exceeds the concentration that is formed after taking the same dose of nitrofurantoin. Excreted through the kidneys by glomerular filtration and tubular secretion (85%), partially undergoes reverse reabsorption in the tubules. At low concentrations of furazidin in the urine, the process of filtration and secretion predominates; at high concentrations, secretion decreases and reabsorption increases. Furazidine, being a weak acid, does not dissociate in acidic urine and undergoes intense reabsorption, which can enhance the development of systemic side effects. When the urine becomes alkaline, the excretion of furazidine increases.

Furagin-Aktifur caps 50 mg pack cont cell/pack card x30

Active substance: furazidin (furazidin) BP British Pharmacopoeia Dosage form FURAGIN-ACTIFUR caps. 50 mg: 10, 15, 20, 30, 40, 45, 50, 60, 75, 80, 90, 100, 120 or 150 pcs. reg. No.: LP-002457 dated 05/07/14 - Valid Release form, composition and packaging Hard gelatin capsules No. 1 with a yellow body and cap, the contents of the capsules are orange powder.

1 caps. furazidin sodium 62.5 mg, which corresponds to the content of furazidin 50 mg

Excipients: basic aqueous magnesium carbonate 72 mg, pregelatinized corn starch 45.2 mg, colloidal silicon dioxide (Aerosil) 6.3 mg, croscarmellose sodium 12 mg, talc 2 mg.

Composition of gelatin capsules: titanium dioxide 1.3333%, quinoline yellow dye 0.9197%, sunset yellow dye 0.0044%, gelatin up to 100%.

Clinical and pharmacological group: Antibacterial drug, nitrofuran derivative. Uroantiseptic Pharmacotherapeutic group: Antimicrobial agent, nitrofuran Pharmacological action Broad-spectrum antimicrobial agent, belongs to the group of nitrofurans. Under the influence of nitrofurans, the respiratory chain and the tricarboxylic acid cycle (Krebs cycle) are suppressed, as well as other biochemical processes of microorganisms are suppressed, resulting in the destruction of their shell or cytoplasmic membrane.

Active against gram-positive cocci: Streptococcus spp., Staphylococcus spp., gram-negative rods: Escherichia coli, Salmonella spp., Shigella spp., Proteus spp., Klebsiella spp., Enterobacter spp., protozoa: Lamblia intestinalis and other microorganisms resistant to antibiotics.

Furazidin is more active against Staphylococcus spp., Escherichia coli, Aerobacter aerogenes, Bacterium citrovorum, Proteus mirabilis, Proteus morganii, compared to other nitrofurans.

For most bacteria, the bacteriostatic concentration ranges from 1:100,000 to 1:200,000. The bactericidal concentration is approximately 2 times higher.

As a result of the action of nitrofurans, microorganisms produce fewer toxins, and therefore an improvement in the patient’s general condition is possible even before a pronounced suppression of the growth of microflora. Nitrofurans activate the body's immune system: they increase the complement titer and the ability of leukocytes to phagocytose microorganisms. Furazidine in therapeutic doses stimulates leukopoiesis.

Resistance to furazidine develops slowly and does not reach a high degree.

Pharmacokinetics After oral administration, furazidine is absorbed from the small intestine by passive diffusion. Absorption of nitrofurans from the distal segment of the small intestine exceeds absorption from the proximal and medial segments by 2 and 4 times, respectively (should be taken into account during the simultaneous treatment of urogenital infections and gastrointestinal diseases, in particular chronic enteritis). Nitrofurans are poorly absorbed from the colon.

Cmax in blood plasma lasts from 3 to 7 or 8 hours; furazidine is detected in urine after 3-4 hours.

Furazidin is distributed evenly in the body. The high content of the drug in the lymph is clinically important (it delays the spread of infection through the lymphatic tract). In bile its concentration is several times higher than in serum, and in cerebrospinal fluid it is several times lower than in serum. In saliva, the content of furazidin is 30% of its concentration in serum. The concentration of furazidin in the blood and tissues is relatively small, which is associated with its rapid release, while the concentration in the urine is much higher than in the blood.

Metabolized to a small extent (Excreted by the kidneys by glomerular filtration and tubular secretion (85%), partially undergoes reverse reabsorption in the tubules. At low concentrations of furazidine in the urine, the process of filtration and secretion predominates; at high concentrations, secretion decreases and reabsorption increases. Furazidine, being weak acid in acidic urine does not dissociate, undergoes intensive reabsorption, which can enhance the development of systemic side effects.With an alkaline reaction of urine, the excretion of furazidine increases.

As the excretory function of the kidneys decreases, the metabolic rate increases.

Indications For oral administration: urogenital infections (acute cystitis, urethritis, pyelonephritis), gynecological infections, skin and soft tissue infections, severe infected burns, for prophylactic purposes during urological operations (including cystoscopy, catheterization).

For external and local use: infectious and inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity and pharynx, infected wounds.

ICD-10 codes ICD-10 code Indication L01 Impetigo L02 Skin abscess, boil and carbuncle L03 Phlegmon L08.0 Pyoderma N10 Acute tubulointerstitial nephritis (acute pyelonephritis) N11 Chronic tubulointerstitial nephritis (chronic pyelonephritis) N30 Cystitis N34 Urethritis and urethral syndrome N41 Inflammatory diseases prostate gland N70 Salpingitis and oophoritis N71 Inflammatory disease of the uterus, except the cervix (including endometritis, myometritis, metritis, pyometra, uterine abscess) N72 Inflammatory disease of the cervix (including cervicitis, endocervicitis, exocervicitis) N73. 0 Acute parametritis and pelvic cellulitis Z29.2 Other type of prophylactic chemotherapy (administration of antibiotics for prophylactic purposes)

Dosage regimen: Take orally after meals. Adults - 50-100 mg 3 times/day, children over 3 years old - 25-50 mg (no more than 5 mg/kg body weight) 3 times/day. The course of treatment is 7-10 days. If it is necessary to repeat the course of treatment, you should take a break for 10-15 days. To prevent infection (including during urological operations, cystoscopy, catheterization) - 50 mg once 30 minutes before the procedure.

Apply externally 2-3 times a day to wash wounds or wet dressings.

Apply topically 2-3 times a day in the form of rinses in the mouth and pharynx.

Side effects From the digestive system: rarely - nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, liver dysfunction.

From the central nervous system and peripheral nervous system: rarely - headache, dizziness, polyneuritis.

Allergic reactions: rarely - skin rash (including papular rashes).

Contraindications for use Severe chronic renal failure, pregnancy, lactation (breastfeeding), children under 4 years of age, hypersensitivity to furazidine and other nitrofurans.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding The use of the drug during pregnancy and lactation (breastfeeding) is contraindicated. Use for impaired renal function Contraindicated in severe chronic renal failure. Use in children Contraindicated in children under 3 years of age.

Special instructions To reduce the likelihood of side effects, take furazidin with plenty of liquid.

If side effects occur, use should be discontinued (toxic effects are more likely to occur in patients with reduced renal excretory function).

During the treatment period, the patient is advised to refrain from drinking alcohol, as side effects may increase.

Do not take double the dose to make up for a missed dose.

Use with caution in cases of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency.

Drug interactions When furazidine is combined with ristomycin, chloramphenicol, sulfonamides, the risk of hematopoietic suppression increases (should not be used simultaneously).

It is not recommended to use drugs that can acidify urine (including ascorbic acid, calcium chloride) simultaneously with nitrofurans.


Active substance: furazidin (furazidin) BP British Pharmacopoeia Dosage form FURAGIN-ACTIFUR caps. 50 mg: 10, 15, 20, 30, 40, 45, 50, 60, 75, 80, 90, 100, 120 or 150 pcs. reg. No.: LP-002457 dated 05/07/14 - Valid Release form, composition and packaging Hard gelatin capsules No. 1 with a yellow body and cap, the contents of the capsules are orange powder.

1 caps. furazidin sodium 62.5 mg, which corresponds to the content of furazidin 50 mg

Excipients: basic aqueous magnesium carbonate 72 mg, pregelatinized corn starch 45.2 mg, colloidal silicon dioxide (Aerosil) 6.3 mg, croscarmellose sodium 12 mg, talc 2 mg.

Composition of gelatin capsules: titanium dioxide 1.3333%, quinoline yellow dye 0.9197%, sunset yellow dye 0.0044%, gelatin up to 100%.

Clinical and pharmacological group: Antibacterial drug, nitrofuran derivative. Uroantiseptic Pharmacotherapeutic group: Antimicrobial agent, nitrofuran Pharmacological action Broad-spectrum antimicrobial agent, belongs to the group of nitrofurans. Under the influence of nitrofurans, the respiratory chain and the tricarboxylic acid cycle (Krebs cycle) are suppressed, as well as other biochemical processes of microorganisms are suppressed, resulting in the destruction of their shell or cytoplasmic membrane.

Active against gram-positive cocci: Streptococcus spp., Staphylococcus spp., gram-negative rods: Escherichia coli, Salmonella spp., Shigella spp., Proteus spp., Klebsiella spp., Enterobacter spp., protozoa: Lamblia intestinalis and other microorganisms resistant to antibiotics.

Furazidin is more active against Staphylococcus spp., Escherichia coli, Aerobacter aerogenes, Bacterium citrovorum, Proteus mirabilis, Proteus morganii, compared to other nitrofurans.

For most bacteria, the bacteriostatic concentration ranges from 1:100,000 to 1:200,000. The bactericidal concentration is approximately 2 times higher.

As a result of the action of nitrofurans, microorganisms produce fewer toxins, and therefore an improvement in the patient’s general condition is possible even before a pronounced suppression of the growth of microflora. Nitrofurans activate the body's immune system: they increase the complement titer and the ability of leukocytes to phagocytose microorganisms. Furazidine in therapeutic doses stimulates leukopoiesis.

Resistance to furazidine develops slowly and does not reach a high degree.

Pharmacokinetics After oral administration, furazidine is absorbed from the small intestine by passive diffusion. Absorption of nitrofurans from the distal segment of the small intestine exceeds absorption from the proximal and medial segments by 2 and 4 times, respectively (should be taken into account during the simultaneous treatment of urogenital infections and gastrointestinal diseases, in particular chronic enteritis). Nitrofurans are poorly absorbed from the colon.

Cmax in blood plasma lasts from 3 to 7 or 8 hours; furazidine is detected in urine after 3-4 hours.

Furazidin is distributed evenly in the body. The high content of the drug in the lymph is clinically important (it delays the spread of infection through the lymphatic tract). In bile its concentration is several times higher than in serum, and in cerebrospinal fluid it is several times lower than in serum. In saliva, the content of furazidin is 30% of its concentration in serum. The concentration of furazidin in the blood and tissues is relatively small, which is associated with its rapid release, while the concentration in the urine is much higher than in the blood.

Metabolized to a small extent (Excreted by the kidneys by glomerular filtration and tubular secretion (85%), partially undergoes reverse reabsorption in the tubules. At low concentrations of furazidine in the urine, the process of filtration and secretion predominates; at high concentrations, secretion decreases and reabsorption increases. Furazidine, being weak acid in acidic urine does not dissociate, undergoes intensive reabsorption, which can enhance the development of systemic side effects.With an alkaline reaction of urine, the excretion of furazidine increases.

As the excretory function of the kidneys decreases, the metabolic rate increases.

Indications For oral administration: urogenital infections (acute cystitis, urethritis, pyelonephritis), gynecological infections, skin and soft tissue infections, severe infected burns, for prophylactic purposes during urological operations (including cystoscopy, catheterization).

For external and local use: infectious and inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity and pharynx, infected wounds.

ICD-10 codes ICD-10 code Indication L01 Impetigo L02 Skin abscess, boil and carbuncle L03 Phlegmon L08.0 Pyoderma N10 Acute tubulointerstitial nephritis (acute pyelonephritis) N11 Chronic tubulointerstitial nephritis (chronic pyelonephritis) N30 Cystitis N34 Urethritis and urethral syndrome N41 Inflammatory diseases prostate gland N70 Salpingitis and oophoritis N71 Inflammatory disease of the uterus, except the cervix (including endometritis, myometritis, metritis, pyometra, uterine abscess) N72 Inflammatory disease of the cervix (including cervicitis, endocervicitis, exocervicitis) N73. 0 Acute parametritis and pelvic cellulitis Z29.2 Other type of prophylactic chemotherapy (administration of antibiotics for prophylactic purposes)

Dosage regimen: Take orally after meals. Adults - 50-100 mg 3 times/day, children over 3 years old - 25-50 mg (no more than 5 mg/kg body weight) 3 times/day. The course of treatment is 7-10 days. If it is necessary to repeat the course of treatment, you should take a break for 10-15 days. To prevent infection (including during urological operations, cystoscopy, catheterization) - 50 mg once 30 minutes before the procedure.

Apply externally 2-3 times a day to wash wounds or wet dressings.

Apply topically 2-3 times a day in the form of rinses in the mouth and pharynx.

Side effects From the digestive system: rarely - nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, liver dysfunction.

From the central nervous system and peripheral nervous system: rarely - headache, dizziness, polyneuritis.

Allergic reactions: rarely - skin rash (including papular rashes).

Contraindications for use Severe chronic renal failure, pregnancy, lactation (breastfeeding), children under 4 years of age, hypersensitivity to furazidine and other nitrofurans.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding The use of the drug during pregnancy and lactation (breastfeeding) is contraindicated. Use for impaired renal function Contraindicated in severe chronic renal failure. Use in children Contraindicated in children under 3 years of age.

Special instructions To reduce the likelihood of side effects, take furazidin with plenty of liquid.

If side effects occur, use should be discontinued (toxic effects are more likely to occur in patients with reduced renal excretory function).

During the treatment period, the patient is advised to refrain from drinking alcohol, as side effects may increase.

Do not take double the dose to make up for a missed dose.

Use with caution in cases of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency.

Drug interactions When furazidine is combined with ristomycin, chloramphenicol, sulfonamides, the risk of hematopoietic suppression increases (should not be used simultaneously).

It is not recommended to use drugs that can acidify urine (including ascorbic acid, calcium chloride) simultaneously with nitrofurans.

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