Tips from a cosmetologist on skin care for every day

For many centuries, vegetable oils have replaced us with newfangled cosmetics, expensive seasonings, and even pills for serious diseases. Some deny the miraculous power of organic components, while others, on the contrary, refuse to use the wealth of scientific progress. “Liquid sun” made from rosehip seeds has long attracted attention with its bright packaging and promising properties declared by the manufacturer. Whose side is the truth on and how can rosehip oil serve modern people?

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

As a regenerant and reparant, it stimulates regenerative processes on the skin and mucous membranes in case of disorders of various origins. Rosehip oil has the properties of a general strengthening multivitamin preparation.

The product has a positive effect on the skin. Rosehip oil for the face turns out to be an anti-aging agent, effective against aging, helping in the fight against wrinkles and age spots. This is an excellent prevention of skin stretch marks. By toning blood vessels, saturating the skin with nutrients, moisturizing and softening it, the oil heals and restores the epidermis, proving to be an effective preparation for both the face and hair.

Pharmacokinetics have not been studied at this time.

Use of the component in cosmetology

Rosehip oil can really replace the lion's share of women's cosmetology arsenal. The texture of the component is so light that the skin instantly absorbs the received dose of vitamins/minerals and does not leave an oily sheen (the main thing is to apply the optimal amount of product).

The effect of the product on the skin is:

  • regeneration;
  • rejuvenation (smoothes out age-related changes);
  • increasing elasticity;
  • normalization of the secretion of the sebaceous glands;
  • eliminating irritation and its root cause;
  • acceleration of intracellular metabolism;
  • supporting the protective function of the dermis;
  • protection from the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays.

The product is best suited for those with dry, aging skin. Fading beauty does not have to be restored with the help of a surgeon or beauty injections. If you take care of yourself in advance (starting from the age of 20-25), then it is quite possible to avoid the manifestations of premature aging. Thanks to vitamins, the oil will improve skin tone, strengthen blood vessels, and remove the stigma of age and fatigue from your face. Moreover, the soft texture of the product is suitable for the most sensitive part of the face - the area around the eyes. Apply a drop of golden liquid to this area every day and after 1-2 months you will notice amazing results. The skin will tighten, become velvety and moisturized, and signs of fatigue will disappear.

The product made from rosehip seeds is prohibited from being used for acne, acne and various manifestations of allergies. Skin problems must be eliminated with specialized medications that are selected individually by a dermatologist. Rosehip oil can only aggravate the situation and make the treatment process longer and more difficult.

Indications for use

  • in dentistry for gingivitis or stomatitis ;
  • for the prevention and treatment of hypovitaminosis C or P ;
  • external use of rosehip oil is advisable for bedsores and burns , trophic ulcers , ozena ;
  • taken orally for dermatoses ;
  • as a choleretic agent taken orally for cholecystitis and other conditions associated with impaired bile secretion;
  • for nonspecific ulcerative colitis it is used in the form of enemas.

What it is

Rosehip oil is a product of cold pressing of seeds located inside the fruit of the plant, less often - extraction with organic solvents or alkalis. The most useful is considered to be pressed, since the use of solvents does not have the best effect on the composition.

Base oil is not cheap, since the rose hips used to obtain it are not the same as those that grow everywhere in our country. For cold pressing, seeds of bushes that grow in South America and Europe, the southern regions of our country, are used.

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Under the general name “rosehip oil” there are three possible extracts:

  • mosquito roses, in Latin “ Rosa mosqueta ”, grows in Europe, Asia Minor, CIS countries, Crimea, Saratov and other cities of Russia, also called “rusty or brown rose hips”;
  • rusty rose, name in Latin “ Rosa rubiginosa ”, growing area similar to rose moschete;
  • Canina rose, canine rose, or canine rose, in Latin “ Rosa canina ”, grows in Europe, the northern part of the African continent, in Asian countries and states located in South America.

Regardless of the type of raw material, seed extracts are very similar in composition and, accordingly, properties.

According to its intended purpose, rosehip oil is divided into:

  • cosmetic – intended for external use, may contain undesirable impurities, prohibited for internal use;
  • food grade – the highest quality, suitable for external purposes and internal use, universal;
  • pharmacopoeial - meets the requirements of the State Pharmacopoeia of the Russian Federation, possible methods of use are determined by the degree of purity, so you should focus on the manufacturer’s instructions.


  • consistency – light, fluid;
  • quickly absorbed into the skin;
  • transparent, without sediment and possible turbidity;
  • smell – characteristic of the plant, faintly perceptible;
  • taste – specific, with sour and bitter notes, weakly expressed;
  • shade - from golden to reddish tones, and even brown, saturation is determined by the type of raw material and the method of obtaining fat.

Such characteristic features indicate the richness of the unsaponifiable fraction in biologically active substances. The extract is often falsified, for which synthetic additives are used.

Instructions for use of rosehip oil (Method and dosage)

Use of rosehip oil: intended for oral administration, as well as for topical or external use.

Instructions for using rosehip oil and preparing the infusion:

Ratio of raw materials to water: 10 g to 200 ml; should be taken orally 0.25-0.5 cups at intervals of 12 hours, that is, 2 times a day. The dose for children is 2 times less - 0.125-0.25 glasses per dose.

Attention! The prepared infusion can be stored for no more than two days in a cool place.

For external use, apply gauze wipes soaked in oil: • for cracked nipples for 20-30 minutes after feeding for 4-5 days; • for bedsores and trophic ulcers, cover with new gauze every day, the course of treatment is 15-20 days; • for dermatoses on the affected areas 1-2 times a day (1 teaspoon orally 2 times a day); • for ozena , tampons soaked in oil are inserted into the nasal cavity 2 times a day for 15-20 days; • rosehip oil for hair, face and décolleté is used in its pure form, as an additive to conventional cosmetic products, to enrich washing gels and shampoos; It is recommended to adhere to the proportion of 1 to 10.

To treat nonspecific colitis, Rosehip oil is used in the form of enemas (the course usually includes 15 to 30 enemas).
To do this, inject 50 ml into the rectum every day or every 2 days.

general characteristics

The liquid obtained from rose hips is popularly called the “king of natural oils.” What did the product deserve such a high regalia? The ingredient has a whole range of beneficial properties: toning, regeneration, hydration, nutrition, counteracting inflammation, infections and microbes.

The plant is widespread in the Euro-Siberian area and is found from Scandinavia to Lake Baikal. Red berries do not move into the Arctic zone and only occasionally descend to the steppe territories. The plant is especially popular in the European part of Russia, the southwest of Transbaikalia, Kazakhstan and Altai.


  • general characteristics
  • Method of obtaining oil
  • Useful properties of the product
  • Use of the component in cooking
  • Use of the component in cosmetology
  • Storage conditions
  • Contraindications for use

The medicinal golden liquid is obtained from 2 main varieties of rose hips: May and cinnamon. Both varieties belong to the rose hip family. The specific development of bushes and berries is almost identical. Rose hips grow up to 2 meters in length. The powerful base is entwined with thin branches that are very similar to plastic rods. Each branch is harmoniously covered with sparse thorns, and between them there are pairs of angular leaves.

As the rosehip matures, it produces beautiful pink flowers that look like exotic flat roses. The flower grows solitary, slightly flattened. There are a total of 5 petals and many uncountable stamens. The palette of shades is not limited to just soft pink. Flowers can be painted in any color in the red spectrum. The fruits are round (in the shape of a regular stretched ball), smooth, bright red with a very pleasant sweet-sour taste. Inside the fruit there are several seeds, from which a medicinal liquid is subsequently prepared.

The unique properties of the plant began to be used back in the 17th century. Essential oil was initially isolated from rose hips, the only value of which was considered to be its delicate viscous aroma. Later, “liquid sun” was used to treat skin pathologies and diseases of the abdominal organs. Over time, ladies became interested in the fragrant liquid and began to use it as a nourishing and moisturizing cream.

Reviews about rosehip oil

There are many positive reviews on forums and medical portals. Patients use it as a cosmetic product, and due to the variety of methods of use, for the treatment of many different diseases: cholecystitis , dermatoses , colitis and others. In addition, you can see positive reviews about rosehip oil for stretch marks, wrinkles and cracks.

Using rosehip oil for the face, patients note its tonic effect and praise its ability to smooth, saturate and moisturize. For many, its naturalness and the absence of harmful additives are important.

Short story

Rosehip has grown for thousands of years in various countries of the world, and people have known its miraculous properties since ancient times. The seeds of the fruit, rich in vitamin C, also contain vegetable oil that can uniquely restore the skin. History knows exactly when exactly people learned to isolate it, but the first scientific studies were carried out at the end of the 19th century.

Through clinical trials, scientists have obtained evidence that the product effectively fights wrinkles, pigmentation and other skin problems. Since then, interest in such a valuable product has not waned.

Rosehip oil price, where to buy

The price of rosehip oil for a 50 ml bottle can range from 60 to 320 rubles.

  • Online pharmacies in RussiaRussia
  • Online pharmacies in UkraineUkraine


  • Rosehip oil for internal use, external and local use 50 ml bottle ZAO Vifitech PKP LLP
    169 rub. order

show more

Storage conditions

Do not store oil beyond the stated expiration date. The product will lose not only its taste and aroma characteristics, but also its beneficial properties. Consumption of expired oil is fraught with disruption of the gastrointestinal tract, serious food poisoning and exacerbation of current abdominal pathologies.

There is no need to reinvent the wheel when storing rosehip oil:

  • Screw the cap tightly after each use to prevent the liquid from oxidizing and going rancid;
  • avoid exposure of the ingredient to ultraviolet rays;
  • Due to the special way rose hips are processed, the oil is best stored in the refrigerator;
  • The product's sales period does not exceed 6 months.

Storing in the refrigerator will not affect the taste and aroma of the product. The oil does not thicken, oxidize or become excessively hard when exposed to low temperatures.

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