Treatment of calluses and corns. Modern methods of therapy

Publication date: June 20, 2014.

There is no person who has not encountered such a skin problem as calluses in his life. They are different, and accordingly they are treated with different methods.

Sometimes calluses can be cured with the help of special ointments or baths (if the calluses are not advanced and do not yet have a deep core). Calluses include corns, dry calluses, and thick keratinized layers of skin on the feet. In these cases, surgical removal of calluses on the feet and surgical removal of corns can be replaced by a simpler and painless procedure - resurfacing. Grinding is carried out with a special grinding machine, does not take much time and does not create post-procedure discomfort. The only disadvantage of this method is the fragility of the achieved effect. Depending on the characteristics of the skin, gait and lifestyle, re-keratinization can occur either after a few months or after a few days.

Neglected calluses with a deep internal core cause acute pain; treatment can take a long time and is useless. Trying to get rid of the callus core on your own is also not worth it: in addition to the fact that this is dangerous in itself, you can also get an infection, and the problem will become much more serious.

Treatment of calluses and corns. Modern methods of therapy

Treatment of calluses is not the biggest problem of modern medicine.
But calluses cause inconvenience, and they just look ugly. Therefore, their competent removal determines the comfort of human life. Depending on the tissue structure, calluses are divided into:

  • dry – normal roughening of the skin, without a cavity;
  • aqueous - rubbed skin forms a cavity in which there is a colorless, watery, odorless liquid;
  • blood - the same cavity, only with blood content;
  • calluses with a core are the same dry calluses in which, due to constant irritation, a compaction has formed in the thickness of the tissue (core) in the same place.

Corns are diagnosed separately. The difference between them and calluses is that:

  • they are usually smaller in size;
  • “built” from a compacted center, around which there is a circular (circular) inflamed area of ​​skin;
  • painful even with slight pressure.

Removing corns, like calluses, is not a complicated procedure.


Calluses can be especially painful. In the center of the callus there is a hole from which the head of the callus protrudes. This head covers the root, which goes deep into the soft tissues and causes pain when walking.

Such a callus can form as a result of a foreign body (for example, a splinter or a pebble) getting under the skin. If the splinter is not removed, when it moves, it begins to irritate the tissues surrounding it, and the body, in response to irritation, forms a corpus callosum, but not from the outside, but from the inside. Another reason for the appearance of calluses is a dermatotropic virus.

Anatomical and physiological essence of calluses

To successfully treat calluses, you need to understand why they occur.

The skin is designed in such a way that it is not afraid of external irritants (chemical, mechanical, thermal). And thanks to the regular proliferation of cells, it is able to quickly regenerate (old cells are rejected, new ones appear in their place).

But with prolonged mechanical action, friction, pressure, excessive irritation, the skin becomes rough and calluses appear. Most often they are formed due to permanent friction on the hands and feet. Although calluses are often observed on the elbows, tongue, gums and even in such unusual places as the male penis, labia in women, nipples and areas of skin under the nails.

More information about what atypical places calluses can form and what this means for the patient can be found on the pages of our website Also on the site you will find other useful information about calluses and corns.

How doctors remove calluses

The fastest, safest and most painless method is hardware procedures. Removal of the formation is carried out using a special cosmetology device equipped with an automatic cutter fixation system. This eliminates the risk of soft tissue damage. The procedure itself is painless and does not require special preparation. The session time ranges from 10 to 60 minutes. It depends on the number of dry calluses and the degree of their neglect.

Before starting work and during the procedure, the skin is thoroughly disinfected. In case of increased sensitivity, the patient is given topical anesthesia. When treating calluses and corns, the skin is cooled using a spray.

After removing a callus or corns, the skin is polished, and the edges of the treated area are smoothed so that there is no discomfort when walking later. After completion of the procedure, the treated surface is protected with a bandage.

In this way, you can remove any corns, including dry calluses on the foot.

Features of hardware procedures:

  • absolute safety – the surface being treated is thoroughly disinfected, which eliminates the risk of infection;
  • speed – unlike home procedures, the removal of corns and calluses in a cosmetology clinic is performed quickly and efficiently. One procedure is enough;
  • painlessness – automatic fixation of the cutter on the equipment protects the skin from accidental injury and pain;
  • no contraindications – anyone can use hardware callus removal.

Treatment of calluses, basic methods

You can get rid of roughening (callus) of the skin in different ways. Treatment for calluses depends on their type and severity. In the arsenal of doctors are:

  • therapy with medications that “dissolve” skin roughness;
  • anti-callus patches;
  • surgical removal (excision);
  • The most modern method is laser removal of calluses.

Removing calluses using surgical instruments is performed not only by surgeons, but also by podiatrists - specialized specialists who deal exclusively with the feet.

2.Why do corns form?

We can definitely say that the predisposition to the formation of corns varies from person to person. For each person, a whole complex of external and internal factors is important here. We have to come to terms with those of them that we are not able to completely change:

  • The structure of the foot, abnormalities in the development of the legs (flat feet, bone growths);
  • Features of the skin;
  • Distribution of subcutaneous adipose tissue;
  • Condition of the vascular system of the legs;
  • Metabolism, individual characteristics of metabolism;
  • Hormonal background;
  • Chronic diseases and anamnesis.

If you notice a tendency to form corns, first of all, you need to pay attention to what could cause increased stress on the feet. A number of such reasons are varied and can be corrected:

  • Occupation that involves walking or standing during the day;
  • Lifestyle, hobbies and activity (running, dancing, ballet);
  • Tendency to obesity, excess weight;
  • Low-fat diet, vegetarianism;
  • Avitaminosis;
  • Tight shoes, predominantly wearing high-heeled shoes;
  • Fungal diseases of the feet.

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Treatment of dry calluses on toes and hands

If such calluses have appeared recently, they do not need to be excised. There is every chance that such calluses can be removed by using gels and creams with keratolytic properties - that is, those that prevent changes in skin cells, which causes its roughening.

Some of the most effective ingredients of these ointments and gels are:

  • salicylic acid;
  • benzoic acid.

Treatment of dry calluses on the toes (feet) and hands (palm of the hands) may take longer than in other locations. The reason is that the skin here becomes calloused more intensely and to a greater depth. To be more effective, the removal of dry calluses on the feet and hands should be preceded by softening them (achieved by simple immersion in liquid).

Why do calluses reoccur?

There is an opinion that remedies for dry calluses do not completely eliminate the problem, because after some time (usually after a few months) the problem returns.

This misconception arises due to the fact that, after completing the course of treatment and getting rid of dry calluses, people often continue to wear the same inappropriate shoes that caused the calluses to appear.

The return of calluses can be caused by other foot conditions, such as bunions, which make the toes more susceptible to friction and pressure, which in turn leads to the formation of calluses.

Treatment of dry calluses with a rod

In this case, the surgical method is more effective, since it is technically impossible to lubricate the roughened core deep in the tissue with keratolytic ointments or gels in order to soften it.

Treatment of dry calluses with a core is a small surgical operation in compliance with the principles of asepsis, that is, with the treatment of the surgical field and the doctor’s gloves with antiseptics. Local anesthesia is mandatory, especially if the callus is old and it is assumed that the rod is deeply embedded.

Callus removal proceeds as follows:

  • First, the callus itself is excised;
  • Next, a neat incision is made in depth;
  • Through it, the clamp grasps the rod and removes it.
  • It is easier to remove a callus on a toe with a rod than on the heel, because the length of the rod will not be long and the cut will not be deep.

Symptoms and treatment of calluses

Dry callus is not always easy to recognize. They are sometimes confused with corns .

Unlike calluses, calluses are usually large and vaguely outlined, while dry calluses are small, flat, round areas of rough, yellowish skin. Most often, calluses occur on the soles of the feet, as well as on the top and sides of the toes.

To combat dry calluses, various products are produced that soften dead skin. When using these products, it is easy to remove rough skin with a special scraper, which significantly reduces the growth and relieves pain when pressure is placed on the feet.

3.Prevention of corns

For many people, the problem of corns is chronic.

Folk remedies, cosmetic procedures and foot care bring only temporary relief. In this case, it is worth considering the problem as chronic and approaching treatment comprehensively.

The constant formation of corns always indicates a serious imbalance in the body or disturbances in lifestyle. In this case, the problem should be solved in two ways - along with cosmetic methods, it is necessary to focus on identifying the reasons that cause increased keratinization of the skin of the feet.

Seeking medical help often includes consultations with a dermatologist, orthopedist, and endocrinologist. A systematic approach, the study of anamnesis and lifestyle make it possible to identify the main factors of increased death of epidermal cells. If a connection between corns and health problems is discovered, treatment of the underlying disease always helps to solve the problem with the skin of the feet. The effectiveness of the therapy can be accelerated by local procedures aimed at eliminating skin growths and further prevention:

  • Anti-callus plasters;
  • Keratolytic cream;
  • Hot foot baths;
  • Natural and synthetic pumice;
  • Softening cream with medicinal herbs.

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Hand calluses


Calluses on the palms of the hands and fingers are quite common. Most often they appear on the inside, but due to certain reasons or stress they can also form on the back of the hand (for example, in boxers, karatekas).

Types of calluses

Depending on the degree and duration of physical impact, calluses come in several types:

  • dropsy, or wet calluses . Appear as a result of intense friction or mechanical impact (especially on skin that is not accustomed to physical activity). In places of damage, blisters appear filled with a clear yellowish liquid;
  • dry calluses occur as a result of prolonged but not severe exposure. Dry calluses form gradually, the skin on them is very rough and dry, getting rid of them is much more difficult than dropsy;
  • Calluses on the hands often hurt because they have a root that goes into the deep layers of the skin . Such calluses must be removed from the roots, otherwise they will appear again.

Why can calluses appear?

As a result of strong physical impacts, the skin on the palms and fingers is injured. The body exhibits a protective function, intensively restores a thicker and rougher layer of skin in the damaged area. This is why calluses in the affected areas. The reasons for the appearance can be very different, but mainly the following can be distinguished:

  1. mechanical impact. calluses most often appear in athletes, agricultural workers, gardeners, and heavy physical labor workers;
  2. loads associated with certain professional characteristics. calluses appear on the fingers due to the friction of instruments, pens, brushes on the surface of the skin (pianists, painters, carpenters, joiners, students, secretaries-typists, etc.);
  3. lack of vitamins A and E in the body.

The causes of blisters or dry growths on the palms and fingers can be random, independent of physical activity. But in any case, this problem should not be ignored.

The most effective methods for treating calluses on the hands

Calluses on the hands often hurt and cause a lot of inconvenience and trouble. Treatment methods depend on the type of formation, but first of all it is necessary to limit the loads and factors that provoke the appearance of calluses .

Drug treatment

To remove formations - dry and core calluses - preparations containing salicylic or lactic acid are used in the form of solutions, ointments and patches. Before applying the preparations, to achieve a greater effect, it is recommended to soften the skin of the hands with warm baths. The drugs are applied directly to the affected area, avoiding contact with a healthy surface.

If a callus on your hand or finger hurts, the first thing to do is consult a doctor . It is possible that the skin is damaged too deeply and inflammation or purulent infection may occur of the callus

Preventive measures

To avoid the appearance of calluses on your hands, you need to wash your hands with warm water, take softening baths, regularly apply moisturizing and nourishing creams, and treat problem areas with pumice. It is better to use protective gloves when working with various tools. Consuming vitamins A and E will help maintain healthy skin and relieve dryness and flaking.

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Indications and contraindications

Before using a silicone patch for calluses on your feet, you should read the instructions, including indications and contraindications for its use.

The patch should be used in the following cases:

  • as soon as the callus is discovered;
  • if the formation is accompanied by discomfort and pain;
  • at risk of a crack;
  • to protect the lesion from infection.

Contraindications for use are the presence near the callus:

  • cracks;
  • open wounds;
  • scratches and bruises;
  • papillomas and moles.

Components that impregnate the patch can cause negative reactions on open wounds - pain, burning, swelling, etc.

4. Treatment of corns

In especially severe cases or when a quick, perfect result is needed, methods of surgical removal of corns are used. Modern aesthetic medicine offers painless and effective procedures for tidying up the feet:

  • Laser therapy;
  • Cryodestruction;
  • Hardware pedicure.

Sometimes corns suddenly begin to form on perfectly healthy feet. In this case, it is necessary to carefully study what has recently changed in your general condition or lifestyle. It often turns out that the cause is new shoes, a change in profession, unusual hobbies, or a change in diet. To solve such problems, it is enough to restore balance in the body, reduce the load on the legs, and adjust the diet. If there is a connection with the identification of any chronic disease, you need to focus on its treatment. Properly selected therapy will have a comprehensive positive effect, and the corns will cease to bother you again as you recover.

Types of dressing materials

You need to choose a patch for calluses on your hands and feet taking into account the type and degree of skin damage, the purpose and composition of the impregnation. A properly selected dressing heals the wound, protects it from pathogenic microorganisms, cleanses and disinfects the skin, and promotes healing.

Manufacturers produce silicone, salicylic and liquid patches. The first ones are made of silicone gel, glued to any area of ​​the body, and are invisible when worn. The latter contain salicylic acid, which softens the rough layer of skin. In addition, such a callus plaster for core calluses has an antiseptic and antibacterial effect. Liquid products are compositions that form a protective film on the damaged area. It does not interfere with air exchange and accelerates healing.

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