Dark circles and bags under the eyes - causes and treatment

People often confuse dark circles with bags under the eyes, mixing these fundamentally different problems into one.

Bags under the eyes are formed due to the redistribution of so-called fat bags (hernias). Sometimes bags are formed due to ptosis of the skin in the lower eyelid area (read more about the formation of bags under the eyes).

Dark circles (bruises) under the eyes, on the contrary, appear when there is a deficiency of fat in the eyelid area. The cause may be associated with genetic, pathological and age-related factors. In the latter case, the problem is combined - the person develops both bruises and bags under the eyes.

It is important to understand that there is not only one reason for the appearance of circles under the eyes - it is almost always a complex of reasons.

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Not always, swelling and bruising under the eyes are a sign of an unhealthy lifestyle. Often, the reason is the presence of certain diseases:

  • Allergies. Accompanied by lacrimation, sneezing, redness of the eyes, difficulty breathing and coughing;
  • Inflammation of the sinuses (sinusitis and sinusitis). They occur with painful sensations localized in the forehead and under the eyes, as well as copious discharge from the nose;
  • Kidney diseases. When they occur, fluid retention occurs in the body, which causes not only swelling of the eyes, but also lower back pain and headaches;
  • Diseases of the thyroid gland. Due to dysfunction of the thyroid gland, hormonal imbalance occurs - general weakness increases, body weight increases, the menstrual cycle changes, edema occurs;
  • Heart failure. It is accompanied by shortness of breath and fatigue. Swelling and bruising under the eyes, almost invisible in the morning, appear in the late afternoon;
  • Skin diseases - eczema and dermatitis.

Let's take a look at the anatomical structure of the eye area.

To understand the reason for the formation of circles, you need to imagine the structure of this area. Let's remember our school anatomy lessons.

Under the skin there is fat hidden - the so-called “fat packets of the face”. Below them are the orbicularis oculi muscles: they are responsible for squinting, squinting, blinking and other facial expressions.

Let's pay attention to the orbit of the eye and remember how many blood vessels and capillaries there are in this area.

It is very important to understand that blood vessels and muscle tissue are rather “dark” formations that are not very visible “on the face” only thanks to the skin and subcutaneous fat that cover these structures. Thus, skin and fat are the main concealers of dark circles under the eyes.

Thinning of the fat layer

The most common cause of dark circles. The skin of the lower eyelids is separated from the orbicularis oculi muscle and blood vessels by a thin layer of superficial fat.

With age, the superficial fat becomes thinner, “goes away,” and even through the thickest skin the orbicularis oculi muscle and blood vessels begin to show through. The muscle is dark red, the vessels are blue-scarlet.

The color of the circles depends on what is more visible - the blood vessels or the muscle. The color of dark circles has no connection with the kidneys, liver and other organs.

It happens that there is very little subcutaneous fat - this is a genetic feature. Then dark circles and semicircles can be seen from childhood.

Thin skin

The skin of the lower eyelids is the thinnest on the entire body. There is a thin layer of fat under the skin, but if there is little fat and the skin is thin, then the same vessels and muscles can be seen through the light. If your blood vessels are located close to the skin , and your skin is light, then it can show through even if there is fat!

Deep-set eyes

The lower eyelid is spatially located in the projection of the orbit of the skull. Anatomically deep-set eyes visually create a “retraction” of the skin relief in the area of ​​the lower eyelid; when illuminated, a shadow part is formed in this area, which visually creates the effect of a dark circle.

To better understand this point, let's look at a visualization of another deficiency - the nasolacrimal trough depending on lighting.

Any age-related problem - be it a wrinkle, a bag, a hernia or bad skin - is noticeable thanks to only one thing: incident and reflected light.

The main essence of anti-aging aesthetic corrections is working with the distribution of light and shadow on our face. Any furrow, fold or bag is a play of light. Look at the illustrations to see how the visual appearance of the nasolacrimal trough varies depending on the direction of the lighting.

We all understand that both daytime natural and artificial light falls mainly on our face from above. It is this direction of lighting that most clearly emphasizes all the irregularities on the face!

It’s the same with deep-set eyes - the darkness of the lower eyelid depends to a greater extent on the lighting.

Dark circles from pigmented skin

Acquired and congenital pigment is the cause of the formation of dark circles in a normal anatomical structure. The peoples of the Caucasus region have a genetic predisposition to pigmented skin of the lower and upper eyelids.

Pigmentation can appear with age; usually such dark circles do not have a clear border at the bottom.

How to care for your skin after aesthetic procedures

Despite the fact that the problem of circles under the eyes is solved mainly by minimally invasive methods, experts recommend adhering to certain rules to achieve the best result.

Standard recommendations for 1-2 days after most procedures:

  • Do not wash your face or apply aggressive products to the skin.
  • You should not visit the swimming pool, water park, saunas and baths.
  • Use only those care products and decorative cosmetics that have been approved by a cosmetologist.
  • Postpone physical activity, as when playing sports, body temperature increases, which adversely affects the effect of the procedures.
  • Use UV protection.
  • To avoid severe swelling, you should limit yourself to drinking, as well as eating spicy and salty foods.
  • Facial massages are prohibited.

Other methods of dealing with bruises

Another effective method of cleansing the space around the eyes is the use of folk remedies.

Main active ingredientMode of applicationTime of action
SauerkrautGrind on a grater (in a food processor, blender). Apply to face. 15 minutes (remove with a napkin, wash with cool water).
CherryCrush a few ripe cherries on your face15 minutes (after use, rinse with cool water).
Cottage cheeseApply under eyes. Has an almost immediate effect 15 minutes
Parsley and cucumberThe components are crushed and mixed in equal proportionsApply on eyelids for 15 minutes.

Do not forget that the body is capable of responding with an allergy to the use of one or another component. Therefore, you should use certain treatment methods with caution.

Folk remedies bring results only when used systematically. The course of procedures should last about two months.



To exclude diseases of internal organs, you should undergo comprehensive instrumental and laboratory diagnostics, including:

  1. general and biochemical blood test;
  2. hormone tests:
      thyroid gland (thyroid-stimulating hormone, free T4);
  3. produced by the adrenal glands (adrenocorticotropic hormone, cortisol);
  4. sexual (progesterone, estrogen);
  • ultrasonography:
      organs located in the abdominal region;
  • organs located in the pelvic area;
  • adrenal glands, kidneys and retroperitoneum;
  • electrocardiography;
  • echocardiography;
  • esophagogastroduodenoscopy;
  • chest x-ray;
  • bronchoscopy.
  • It is also necessary to consult with different specialists:

    • endocrinologist;
    • gynecologist;
    • urologist;
    • ophthalmologist;
    • otolaryngologist;
    • gastroenterologist;
    • cardiologist;
    • allergist.

    Age-related changes and dark circles under the eyes

    The most common cause of dark circles is age-related changes.

    Age-related changes in the eyelids occur according to an approximate “schedule”:

    • 20-25 years – appearance of “crow’s feet”;
    • 25-30 years – formation of a mild nasolacrimal groove;
    • 35-40 years – appearance of dark circles under the eyes;
    • 40-45 years – formation of fatty bags (hernias) of the lower eyelid;
    • 45-50 years – growth of hernias (bags under the eyes);
    • 45-55 years and beyond - ptosis of the upper and lower eyelids.

    It is impossible to fit every person into this scheme - for some, age-related changes in the eyelids begin earlier, for others later. But there is an obvious fact: if you ignore professional care from the age of 30, the regression will be more rapid, and radical interventions will become relevant closer to the age of 40.

    So, the main reason for the age-related manifestation of dark circles is the thinning of the fat packet of the lower eyelid and the weakening of the ligamentous apparatus.

    The orbicularis oculi muscle and ligaments stretch and sag with age. Moreover, with age, the size of the orbit increases, and the zygomatic bone flattens.

    The situation is aggravated by age-related slowdown of metabolic processes and lymphatic drainage in this area.

    Combating impaired lymphatic drainage and redistribution of subcutaneous fat with the help of creams and ointments is frankly naive.

    Even the most expensive cosmetics are not able to “resolve” fatty bags and redistribute the tissue evenly to compensate for its deficiency in areas with dark circles under the eyes - this is obvious. A good cream only serves as an addition to full-fledged procedures in aesthetic medicine, but will never replace them.

    Age-related dark circles under the eyes are also often caused by impaired blood supply, so they are soon naturally supplemented by bags and puffiness. The stagnant processes themselves do not add beauty to the skin - it acquires looseness and an earthy tint - pigmentation.

    Pathogenesis of renal edema

    The mechanism of formation of renal edema is associated with the following phenomena in nephrological patients:

    • massive loss of protein in urine;
    • decrease in plasma albumin concentration;
    • hyperlimidemia;
    • increased movement of fluid from the intravascular space.

    Patients have a high ratio of sodium and potassium in the urine, which indicates an imbalance of water and electrolyte balance.

    The mechanism for the appearance of such a symptom is still not fully understood, but the characteristic picture indicates to the doctor pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis. Filtration and excretion of urine are also impaired with kidney cysts, benign or malignant neoplasms.

    How to get rid

    Once the cause of the formation of dark circles is identified, it is necessary to take measures to get rid of them. We do not recommend self-medication. But there are several methods that will not harm your body:

    • Drug treatment. It is prescribed when a patient has pathological diseases that require specific treatment. Often this may be related to the digestive organs or hormonal system.
    • To refuse from bad habits. Smoking and alcohol negatively affect the general condition of the body and quitting them will help you avoid a large number of potential diseases.
    • Active lifestyle. Running, morning exercises and just walking improve your blood circulation.
    • Cosmetologist services. You can resort to the following procedures: mesotherapy, plasma lifting, biorevitalization and others that tone the vessels under the eyes.
    • Using cosmetics or professional makeup.
    • Hide. If you can’t get rid of the circles in the shortest possible time, you can simply disguise them. This task will be perfectly handled by: foundation, concealers and special creams that even out the skin color and nourish it. Choose a cream that contains vitamin C.
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