Purified fish oil for internal use 50 ml

Omega-3 fatty acids are very important for health. But how many people know how to choose Omega-3? What foods contain fatty acids and what is the consumption rate? Let's take a closer look.

In order for our body to receive the necessary supply of fatty acids, it is important to include in the diet foods enriched with Omega-3, for example, it could be fatty fish.

If you don't like fish, consider purchasing special additives. However, the range of different Omega-3 food complexes is huge. Naturally, not all of them have beneficial properties. Thanks to the article, you will learn how to choose the right Omega-3.

Should you take fish oil?

It is useful to take fish oil for the following conditions:

  • lack of vitamins A and D in the body;
  • acute and chronic respiratory diseases;
  • various eye diseases;
  • wounds, injuries, bone fractures;
  • problems with the growth of bones and teeth;
  • dry skin and mucous membranes;
  • poor condition of hair and nails.

The medicine can also be taken to prevent vascular diseases and rickets.

Features of assimilation

PUFAs entering the body are absorbed in the intestines, where they enter the blood through the walls of capillaries. With it, they are transported into the portal vein and thus end up in the systemic circulation, where they are bound by lipoproteins and albumin and in this form are transported to the cells. Their receptors recognize PUFAs and allow them to penetrate inside, where they are immediately captured by cell transport proteins. They ensure their delivery to the sites of cell membrane synthesis. As a result, Omega-3 is integrated into its composition and ensures proper functioning.

But not all molecules are equally fully absorbed in the intestines, and therefore reach their destinations. Triglycerides of PUFAs are most fully absorbed, since this is the natural form of Omega-3 for which the human body is prepared by nature. Concentrates obtained in laboratory conditions, in which fatty acids are separated from the glycerol stem, have significantly lower bioavailability, since the body does not fully recognize them, and therefore cannot use them. Therefore, the benefits of such food additives are quite low.

How to use


Intended for internal use during meals.

For an adult, it is enough to take 1 tbsp per day. l. For children, the dosage is determined by the doctor and depends on age.

Features of administration depend on the purposes for which the medicine is taken, as well as on medical indications.


The drug in capsule form should be taken after meals and washed down with a sufficient amount of drinking water. The capsule must be swallowed immediately. You can take up to 6 capsules per day.

The duration of treatment is determined by a specialist and cannot exceed 1 month.

The method of use and dosage may vary among different manufacturers.

Marking deadlines

The oil solution obtained from fish liver can be produced in solution or in gelatin capsules of various shapes. Capsules can be in a blister or in a common jar. The solution is available in a bottle with a box.

The primary packaging always indicates the production date and shelf life. This marking is present on the lid or side seam. The shelf life after opening is usually only indicated on the secondary packaging. There are also detailed recommendations on storage conditions:

  • temperature;
  • humidity;
  • the most optimal place.

We talked more about how to understand the indicated expiration date of a medicine here.


Despite the usefulness of fish oil, it has a number of contraindications:

  • increased susceptibility to constituent components;
  • hemophilia;
  • low blood clotting rate;
  • open pulmonary tuberculosis;
  • excessive calcium levels in blood plasma;
  • excessive levels of vitamins A and D in the body.

Relative contraindications include: ulcers, acute and chronic nephritis, breastfeeding, liver and kidney pathologies, heart disease, old age.

Children can be given oil from 3 months. Capsules are contraindicated in children under 7 years of age.

Storage rules at home

The dietary supplement in capsules must be stored in a cool, dry place , protected from direct sunlight. This helps prevent damage to the gelatin shell of the capsule. You can store the product in the refrigerator, this will extend the shelf life. Do not allow the product to freeze or heat above +25C.

Bottles with an oily solution are also stored in a cool place. The packaging has tinted glass that protects from exposure to sunlight. After opening the bottle, the solution is stored in the refrigerator for about three months. This time is enough to consume the product.

Adverse reactions and overdose

If you keep the dose and follow the established dosage regimen, then no negative reactions should appear. Otherwise, an upset stomach, an allergic reaction, and bad breath may occur.

With prolonged use, an overdose may occur, manifested by the following symptoms:

  • lack of appetite;
  • gagging;
  • lethargic and drowsy state;
  • stomach upset;
  • headache.

If such symptoms appear, maintenance therapy should be started. You should stop taking the drug.

Daily value for children

Children can be given fish oil from 4 weeks of birth. The initial dose is 2.5 ml of oil (teaspoon). But every month it is increased by 0.5 ml. As a result, by 6 months the child should already receive 5 ml, i.e., an adult dose, of fish oil daily. It is absolutely safe, and when taking Mermaids oil you don’t even have to worry about an allergic reaction, since the product is completely hypoallergenic due to its high degree of purification and 100% natural origin.

Should children be given fish oil?

For children under 2 years of age, the medicine is usually prescribed to prevent rickets. It contains vitamin D, which is necessary for bone growth and a strong immune system. This vitamin is useful in that it reduces the body's susceptibility to heart pathologies and skin diseases. It normalizes heart rate, maintains blood pressure at the desired level, and promotes the development of intellectual abilities.

After taking it, overly active children become more perseverant and calm, they can be better controlled, and they become less irritable.

To make it easier for young children to take the drug, it is produced in the form of capsules that do not have a specific odor and have a pleasant taste.

The instructions say that the oil can be given to babies from 3 months, and capsules can be taken from 6 years.

Doctors advise giving the medicine to those children whose immunity is very weakened. It will also be useful for diseases that occur with complications.

The benefits and harms of fish oil

Beneficial properties of fish oil:

  • can lower blood pressure;
  • reduces the likelihood of developing diabetes;
  • helps cope with stressful situations and depression;
  • slows down the development of malignant tumors;
  • nourishes tissues with useful elements;
  • activates brain activity.

Harm of fish oil:

  • is a strong allergen;
  • has contraindications;
  • taking on an empty stomach may cause stomach upset;
  • high calorie content.

The benefits of fish oil capsules

Capsules prevent the substance from oxidizing, suppress unpleasant taste and aroma, but the composition is no different from a liquid product for internal use. The composition also contains many beneficial vitamins and minerals.

How to choose Omega-3


“Lack of strength, depression and apathy towards everything, poor sleep and appetite, heart palpitations or high blood pressure - take vitamins with Omega-3!” Is this popular drug really a panacea? How to choose and take Omega-3 correctly? What can you expect from regularly consuming extra fatty acids? Read on!

What are the benefits of fish oil?

Among the numerous types of fatty acids (Omega-3, 6, 9), the “three” is the most deficient for the human body. Its main source is fish oil, which contains useful and essential eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). The benefits of these polyunsaturated fatty acids are difficult to overestimate. After all, they:

  • restore and strengthen the immune system;
  • help the body resist diseases;
  • prevent the formation of blood clots and inflammation;
  • have a positive effect on reproductive function and the vascular system;
  • normalize the functioning of the nervous system;
  • reduce stress, give strength and energy;
  • improve memory, appetite and mood;
  • strengthen the skeletal system, alleviate arthritis;

Omega-3 preparations are indicated for young and mature people, men and women, pregnant and lactating women, teenagers and pensioners. There are benefits for everyone, the main one of which is maintaining the immune system and the body’s defenses.

What is fish oil combined with?

First of all, with fat-soluble vitamin E, which is a strong antioxidant, takes an active part in metabolism, and has a beneficial effect on reproductive function. Fish oil is also useful in combination with turmeric, whose biologically active component curcumin has a positive effect on the functioning of the heart, blood vessels, and gastrointestinal tract.

You need to drink fish oil capsules with clean water, not juice, since they do not combine with an acidic environment. You can also drink them with warm, unsweetened green tea, since its catechins successfully combine with fat and complement its beneficial effects.

What is the best way to take fish oil?

The main rule is that this drug should not be taken on an empty stomach! First of all, because it is less digestible and also gives an unpleasant “aftertaste” to the fish. Therefore, it is best to take capsules during meals, with water, warm tea, and eating them. Then fatty acids will dissolve in food and will evenly enter the esophagus without causing discomfort. Should you take fish oil with breakfast? Yes, you can do this in the morning or afternoon, at lunch. Don't wait to take your vitamins for dinner. So, let's summarize the main recommendations for taking fish oil:

  • better with food than on an empty stomach;
  • better for breakfast, lunch than in the evening;
  • drink water, you can and should eat;
  • do not exceed the recommended dose;

In addition, it is important to take it regularly, and not from time to time, so that the effect is noticeable and permanent.

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How many fatty acids do you need daily?

For preventive purposes, the daily recommended dose is about 1000 mg of a mixture of EPA and DHA fatty acids. With weak immunity, cardiovascular problems, high physical activity and stress, the daily dose can be increased to 2000-3000 mg. The same applies to pregnant women. But it is important for them to consult their doctor before starting treatment.

What to look for and how to choose Omega-3?

To choose a truly effective and worthwhile drug, you need to pay attention not to the bright, tempting packaging, but to the information it contains. Here's what you might be interested in:

  1. Compound. It is important to read which Omega-3 is in these capsules (DHA, EPA or ALA). The first two are very indicated for those suffering from cardiovascular and other diseases.
  2. Manufacturer Omega-3. Which ones are the best? Usually these are large foreign manufacturers who guarantee the purity and quality of marine raw materials. In addition, pay attention to the certification of the drug. Choose Omega-3s made from fish muscle rather than liver. In this case, the usefulness will be greater.
  3. Dosage and packaging. It is more convenient and practical to use fish oil in capsules, which quickly dissolve in the stomach. They are easily digestible and do not have a specific taste or smell of fish. They are easy to take with plenty of water. The dosage of the drug may vary from manufacturer to manufacturer. So, it can be 1 to 3 capsules daily dose.
  4. Best before date. Do not ignore this parameter when choosing Omega-3! What are the best drugs? With a “fresh” production date, since in expired preparations the fat may already be spoiled. To assess freshness and quality, it is useful to break one capsule and smell it - the specific smell of fish oil should not be rancid, sour or too smelly.

Your doctor may also recommend a fish oil supplement. It is important to follow his recommendations, especially if you are expecting a child or are undergoing post-operative rehabilitation.

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Basic preparations based on Omega-3 acids

Are you wondering how to choose Omega-3 from a large selection? We recommend paying attention to the following drugs:

  • Solgar. A well-known American brand, a popular, high-quality drug. It is offered in different concentrations: 1300, 950, 700 mg. Dosage: 1 capsule daily. The raw materials for obtaining this fish oil are anchovy and mackerel. The manufacturer guarantees a high degree of purification of raw materials and the absence of harmful, toxic impurities.
  • Carlson Labs Super Omega. Available in 1200 mg dosages and containing DHA and EPA. The raw material for the production of this high-quality fish oil is deep-sea fish. The manufacturer emphasizes that the drug does not contain preservatives, cholesterol, or gluten. You need to take 1 capsule daily.
  • Doppelhertz Omega-3 Active. Another popular drug made in Germany, which, unlike others, has a combined composition. In addition to fish oil, it also contains olive and flaxseed oils. The composition also contains glycerin, gelatin, vitamin E and iron oxide. Salmon fish species are used as raw materials. This drug is useful for both the immune system, the cardiovascular system, and for hair, skin, and the general condition of the body. You need to take 1 capsule daily.
  • Omega-3 from Orihiro. A very famous drug from a Japanese company. Available in soft capsule form, it contains fish oil high in Omega-3 fatty acids: docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA). A high-quality, pure, certified drug that is indicated for people of any age. Does not cause allergies! Dosage regimen: 4 capsules per day with water.
  • Country Life Omega-3. Which are the best among budget brands? Exactly these! The drug is made from cold-loving sea fish. The raw materials are thoroughly cleaned from harmful impurities and heavy metal salts. The content of EPA and DHA in the capsule is low, especially in comparison with the above products. Dosage: 1 capsule daily.
  • Madre Labs Omega-3. Another budget drug containing EPA and DHA, as well as vitamin E (tocopherol). The raw materials for its production are sea fish, mackerel, anchovies and sardines. The manufacturer also indicates that the composition contains soy derivatives.

Omega-3 preparations. Which ones are better?

The most popular drugs are from the manufacturers Solgar, Orihiro, and Doppelgerts. Despite the rather high cost, this is a guaranteed high-quality, pure and very effective fish oil, presented in the optimal dosage. Good reviews can also be found on Carlson Labs Super Omega, which is considered a suitable drug for active people and athletes.

Now you know how to choose Omega-3 and what to pay special attention to. Take this useful drug correctly, and it will give you strength, activity and health for many years!

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