Properties and nature of the influence of vitamin B5 on the human body

An alternative name for vitamin B5 is pantothenic acid, which is one of the most important compounds directly involved in metabolic processes during the breakdown of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Like other B vitamins, pantothenic acid is a water-soluble organic compound that cannot accumulate in the internal environment. You can always buy vitamins in our pharmacy.

Pantothenic acid (vitamin B5)[edit | edit code]

Historical background[edit | edit code]

In 1933, Williams et al. discovered that pantothenic acid is required for the growth of yeasts. Its name, meaning everywhere in Greek, reflects the widespread occurrence of this vitamin in nature. The role of pantothenic acid in animal nutrition was first established in chickens. With a deficiency of pantothenic acid in the diet, chickens developed skin lesions that were cured with liver extracts. At first, such lesions were considered a form of “chicken pellagra,” but they did not respond to the action of nicotinic acid. In 1939, Woolley et al., as well as Jukes, showed that it was pantothenic acid that cured dermatitis in chickens. Elucidation of the biochemical function of this vitamin began in 1947, when Lipmann et al. found that acetylation of sulfonamides requires the presence of a coenzyme containing pantothenic acid.

How to take the dietary supplement?

Before starting use, you must read the instructions for use of pantothenic acid. The rules for taking the dietary supplement are simple: one capsule per day with meals, the tablets should be washed down with a sufficient amount of water. The dosage of pantothenic acid in a capsule is much higher than the daily requirement, so you should not take more than 1 tablet per day. You can take pantothenic acid at any time: during breakfast, lunch or dinner. The duration of the course is usually prescribed by a doctor, but if a person independently decides to use a dietary supplement, then the recommended duration of the course is 4–6 weeks, after which it is worth taking a break for 2–3 weeks.

Building[edit | edit code]

Pantothenic acid consists of pantoic acid bound to β-alanine. In the body, pantothenic acid is phosphorylated and combines with mercaptamine. turning into 4′-phosphopantetheine, which is part of either CoA or an acyl-transfer protein. The structural formulas of pantothenic acid and CoA are as follows:

Structural formulas of pantothenic acid and CoA

In an attempt to develop antagonists of pantothenic acid, researchers have studied many of its analogues. As a result, active antagonists (for example, w-methylpantothenate) were obtained, which are used in scientific research, but not in practical medicine.


Vitamin B5 is a viscous substance of light yellow color with a melting point of 80 degrees. The compound dissolves well in acetic acid, water, ethyl, and poorly in ether, amyl alcohol, and organic solvents. Calcium pantothenate, reacting with water, forms colorless crystalline salts: calcium, sodium. Vitamin B5 is thermolabile. It is especially unstable when heated in alkalis and acids, hydrolyzing with the release of a,g-dioxy-b lactone, pantolactone, b-alanine at the amide bond. In neutral solutions, calcium pantothenate and its salts are relatively stable.

Amide - pantothenamide, pantothenol - produced by B5, are formed in the process of replacing the carboxyl group with an alcohol group. The latter compound has high vitamin activity for animals and, as a result, acts as an acid antagonist for a group of microorganisms.

Another, no less valuable, substance in living nature is panthetheine, obtained by reacting calcium pantothenate with b-mercaptoethylamine (cysteamine). When oxidized, it is converted into disulfite - pantethine. The bioproduct of pantothenic acid is part of coenzyme A.

Pharmacological action[edit | edit code]

Administration of even large doses of pantothenic acid to experimental animals or healthy people does not cause obvious effects. Physiological functions. CoA is involved in many enzymatic reactions, including transfer reactions of acetyl (two-carbon) groups; precursor fragments of varying lengths are added to the sulfhydryl group of CoA. These reactions play an important role in carbohydrate oxidation, gluconeogenesis, fatty acid oxidation, and the synthesis of sterols, steroid hormones, and porphyrins. As part of the acyl transfer protein, pantothenic acid is involved in the synthesis of fatty acids. CoA is also involved in post-translational modification of proteins, including their N-terminal acetylation, acetylation of other amino acids, and acylation with fatty acids. Such modifications can affect the subcellular localization, stability, and activity of proteins.

Harm, side effects and contraindications

There are no restrictions on the maximum permissible daily intake of vitamin B5: exceeding the daily intake does not cause side effects. Excess pantothenic acid is excreted from the body through urine, as it is a water-soluble vitamin. Pantothenic acid is found in many foods and is produced in the body itself, so allergic reactions to it do not occur. It is well tolerated by the body at any age, but in some people large doses still cause digestive disorders. In this case, the drug should be stopped.

You should consult your doctor before taking pantothenic acid if you are pregnant, breastfeeding, taking medications, or have digestive problems. There are no direct contraindications for taking the vitamin during these periods, since the harm of pantothenic acid has never been documented, but extra precaution certainly won’t hurt. There are only two contraindications to the use of the vitamin: with hypervitaminosis, which is rare and asymptomatic, and with hemophilia (excess vitamin can increase blood clotting time). In other cases, the benefits of pantothenic acid along with its complete harmlessness make it an excellent dietary supplement for any person.

Deficiency symptoms[edit | edit code]

Pantothenic acid deficiency results in nerve and muscle damage and adrenal insufficiency. Consumption of food devoid of pantothenic acid leads to the development of a syndrome characterized by fatigue, headache, sleep disturbance, nausea, cramping abdominal pain, vomiting and flatulence.

This is accompanied by paresthesia of the limbs, muscle spasms and impaired coordination of movements (Fry et al., 1976). People who eat a regular diet do not develop pantothenic acid deficiency, probably because this vitamin is present in so many foods.

general information

The first mention of the substance dates back to 1933, when American biochemist John Williams isolated a previously unknown nutrient from yeast. The active compound was named vitamin B5. Research into the molecule continued, and in 1940, chemists from the German company Merck isolated the substance in its pure form and studied in detail the structure and chemistry of the bonds. Later, vitamins B5 began to be called pantothenic acid. The name comes from a Greek word that means “omnipresent,” as the compound has been found in many animal and plant foods.

— 46%

Jarrow Formulas, Pantothenic Acid B5, 500 mg, 100 Veggie Caps

873 rub. 471 rub.

More details

Vitamin B5 continued to be studied in 1953, when scientists discovered coenzyme A, an essential component of almost all biochemical reactions in cells. This coenzyme is synthesized with the participation of pantothenate and the amino acid cysteine. After this discovery, doctors became interested in the properties of vitamin B5 and began to actively use it for medical purposes.

Need[edit | edit code]

Pantothenic acid is an essential nutritional element, but the need for it has not been precisely established. The estimated daily requirement for adults is 5 mg/day. For children, adolescents and special populations, the amount of pantothenic acid should be proportional to caloric intake. Since this acid is found in so many foods, sufficient quantities are present in almost any diet.

Food sources[edit | edit code]

Pantothenic acid is found in almost all foods. Offal (liver, kidneys), beef and egg yolk are especially rich in it. However, pantothenic acid is easily destroyed by heat and in an alkaline environment.

Vitamin B5 content in some foods

Product Content of vitamin B5, mg/100 g of product
Beef liver 8,0-18,0
Brewer's yeast 20,0
Egg (yolk) 12,5
Meat 3,8
Fish 2,8
Potato 2,8
Milk 2,2
Carrot 1,3

Where is it kept?

To maintain your vitamin B5 levels, you need to know which foods contain the most pantothenic acid. Vitamin B5 is found in foods of plant and animal origin, and is also independently produced in the human intestine.

ProductB5 content per 100g
Chicken yolkUp to 9 mg
Liver (chicken, beef, duck, pork)Up to 8.5 mg
Bran (rice, wheat, oat)Up to 7.4 mg
Sunflower seedsUp to 7 mg
Kidneys (beef, pork)Up to 4 mg
Mushrooms (shiitake, porcini, champignons)Up to 3.6 mg
Hearts (turkey, chicken)Up to 3 mg
MilkUp to 2.3 mg
Fish of the salmon family (trout, salmon)Up to 2.2 mg
PeanutUp to 1.8 mg
Peas and beansUp to 1.8 mg
Chicken breastUp to 1.7 mg
CarrotUp to 1.5 mg
AvocadoUp to 1.4 mg

If you consume these foods as part of a balanced diet, then there should be no deficiency of the vitamin. But if you have signs of hypovitaminosis, are actively involved in sports or are often under stress, then using a dietary supplement containing vitamin B5 will not hurt. Among high-quality dietary supplements, 3 brands are common:

  1. Solgar Pantothenic Acid is a premium food supplement. One jar contains 100 capsules of 550 mg. The main element is vitamin B5, the capsule shell consists of cellulose, calcium phosphate and stearic acid. The cost of Solgar Pantothenic Acid is 1540 rubles.
  2. Now Pantothenic Acid is a drug from an equally well-known company for the production of dietary supplements. The package consists of 250 capsules containing 500 mg of vitamin, each capsule additionally contains 45 mg of calcium. The soft tablet consists of edible gelatin. Price Now Pantothenic Acid – 1500 rubles.
  3. Solaray Pantothenic Acid is another high-quality dietary supplement based on B5. Solaray's supplement also contains 250 capsules containing 500 mg of vitamin and 45 mg of calcium. The cost of Solaray Pantothenic Acid is 1850 rubles.

Application in sports[edit | edit code]

Pantothenic acid, calcium pantothenate

(vitamin B5 preparation), has a powerful anabolic effect, this is facilitated by its participation in the synthesis of coenzyme A. The drug is superior in anabolic effect to all other vitamin preparations. Significantly reduces basal metabolism, which leads to rapid growth of total body weight as a result of a decrease in the proportion of oxidized proteins, lowers blood glucose levels, which promotes the release of growth hormone, increases the synthesis of acetylcholine, ATP, which increases the tone of the parasympathetic nervous system, which helps to increase the strength of the nervous system. muscular apparatus. Calcium pantothenate enhances the synthesis of steroid and other hormones and hemoglobin. It is a drug with “economizing action”, as it makes the body’s work more economical. The drug participates in the most important reactions of energy transfer and phosphorus compounds, improves liver function and promotes the removal of toxins, alcohol, poisons, and medications from the body. It has pronounced radioprotective properties, the removal of radioactive substances from the body doubles, and is characterized by a strong anti-stress effect. Calcium pantothenate promotes the absorption of potassium ions and vitamin E from the intestine, which, along with increasing the synthesis of acetylcholine, plays an important role in the process of enhancing muscle contraction.

18 highly trained runners were examined who performed treadmill work for 2 weeks. Nutrition and training loads were the same. Every day, 9 subjects took 1 g of pantothenic acid, while 9 athletes in the control group took placebo in a double-blind experiment. Statistically insignificant differences in running results, heart rate and biochemical blood parameters were established between the two groups, so it was concluded that pantothenic acid in pharmacological doses does not have a significant effect on human physical performance, although it has an anabolic effect.

Calcium pantothenate is recommended to be taken during the period of maximum training loads and during the competitive period as an anti-stress agent, especially for people who are characterized by increased anxiety. The sedative (calming) effect of calcium pantothenate is enhanced when administered with vitamin U in equal quantities.

How does vitamin B5 affect humans?

As mentioned above, the main function of vitamin B5 is to stimulate protein, lipid and carbohydrate metabolism. But this is not a complete list of why the body needs pantothenic acid. Here is a more complete list of benefits of vitamin B5 and how it affects us:

1. Pantothenic acid for the adrenal glands. Vitamin B5 is important for the functioning of the adrenal glands - paired glands that synthesize hormones. When their functioning is impaired, the production of cortisol and progesterone decreases. The first hormone acts as a regulator of carbohydrate, lipid, protein metabolism and water-salt balance. And progesterone is a sex hormone that affects the menstrual cycle and the course of pregnancy; its deficiency provokes various hormonal diseases.

2. Pantothenic acid for weight loss. Losing excess weight is only possible with proper functioning of the digestive system and healthy metabolism. Vitamin pantothenic acid is involved in lipid metabolism, promotes fat burning to generate energy, and restores intestinal microflora. Thanks to the health of the digestive organs, a person satisfies hunger with less food. However, just taking vitamins is not enough to lose weight: a person must follow a diet and exercise actively - follow the rule of calorie deficit.

3. Pantothenic acid in sports. One of the key conditions for success in sports is proper and balanced nutrition: if an athlete does not have enough of any vitamin, he will not achieve good results. This statement is true for both strength sports and bodybuilding. B5 stabilizes the functioning of redox processes, promotes the production of nutrients for the structure of muscle tissue and helps to absorb all other vitamins that enter the body with food.

4. Pantothenic acid for skin. B5 is involved in the restoration processes of skin cells and mucous membranes. With sufficient levels of the vitamin, wounds heal faster and the likelihood of scarring is much less. In the form of dietary supplements, it is prescribed for diseases that damage the tissues of the mucous membrane: gastritis, stomach and intestinal ulcers - it helps protect organs and reduce pain.

5. Pantothenic acid for the face. Vitamin B5 helps with inflammation and skin diseases: acne, blackheads, ulcers, and so on. It reduces the activity of the sebaceous glands, so it is best suited for oily skin. Vitamin B5 for the face can be taken in the form of oral capsules or topical creams and liquids.

6. Pantothenic acid for hair. Vitamin B5 is no less useful for hair: it strengthens the hair follicle, and thanks to this, accelerates hair growth, protects against hair loss, improves its appearance, and reduces the risk of dandruff. Vitamins are also taken to restore hair health after damage from low-quality care products.

7. Pantothenic acid during pregnancy. During pregnancy, the daily intake of pantothenic acid and other vitamins increases, since a woman needs to provide useful substances not only for herself, but also for her baby. And at this time, the mother’s body experiences additional physical and emotional stress, so vitamin complexes containing pantothenic acid are often prescribed to pregnant women.

Important! During pregnancy, you cannot use dietary supplements without a doctor’s prescription. This also applies to the use of pantothenic acid.

8. Pantothenic acid for the body. In addition to all of the above, vitamin B5 protects the body from physical and psycho-emotional overload, and the nervous system from the destructive effects of alcohol and nicotine, it maintains the health of the cardiovascular system and normalizes blood composition (hemoglobin, sugar and other substances), increases human immunity and its ability to withstand any negative influences.

Hair and nail products

Hair care products include panthenol because of its ability to improve the appearance of your hair, adding shine, softness and strength. It can also protect your hair from harsh styling methods or environmental damage by locking in moisture. Studies have shown that panthenol can inhibit hair damage and thinning.

Your nails are made of keratin proteins, just like your hair. It follows that panthenol can strengthen your fingernails and toenails. You can find B5 in nail strengtheners, hand creams and cuticle oils. Studies have shown that applying panthenol to the nails helps moisturize the plate and prevents it from splitting and breaking.

Is Panthenol safe?

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the European Cosmetic Ingredients Commission, and many other international expert organizations have approved the use of panthenol in cosmetics. It is safe for use in children and adults. But remember that taking panthenol or panthenic acid in food or as a supplement is very different from using it on your skin or hair.

This means that there is no significant evidence that panthenol causes harm (other than allergies); there is evidence that it is beneficial for many skin problems. Adverse reactions to products containing panthenol are extremely rare. These usually take the form of contact dermatitis or gastrointestinal distress (if supplements are taken orally).

Use of B5 in medicine and cosmetology

Vitamin B5 is often added to hair and skin products. Dexpanthenol, a chemical derived from B5, is used in creams and lotions intended to moisturize the skin. It is found in hair products and can add volume, shine, and texture to hair that has been damaged by styling or chemicals. One study found that using a compound containing panthenol, a form of vitamin B5, could help reverse hair thinning. However, this will not make them grow faster.

Pantothenic acid can also be applied to the skin to reduce itching and promote healing of skin conditions such as:

• eczema;

• insect bites;

• burns;

• diaper rash.

Dexpanthenol is also used to prevent and treat skin reactions from radiation therapy. Researchers are studying pantethine, a chemical made from vitamin B5, to see if it can lower cholesterol. One study reported that daily doses of pantethine taken for 16 weeks could lower LDL-C, or “bad” cholesterol. The study also found that it may help reduce the risk of coronary heart disease.

What is it used for?

In medicinal and decorative cosmetics, manufacturers use panthenol as a moisturizer. But it is also included in many cosmetics as an emollient, soothing and anti-inflammatory agent. It helps your skin create a barrier against irritation and water loss.

Vitamin B5 itself is necessary for a healthy diet, skin and hair. And that's why panthenol, its derivative, is one of the main components of skin care products such as lotions and cleansers. It can also be found in lipstick, foundation, or even mascara. Panthenol is added to creams intended to treat insect bites, burns and diaper rash.

Panthenol is mainly used in cosmetology as a skin protectant with anti-inflammatory properties. It can help improve skin hydration, elasticity and smoothness. It eliminates:

• redness and inflammation,

• minor cuts or sores, insect bites or irritation after shaving.

Panthenol helps heal scratches, imperfections and inflammatory skin conditions such as eczema.

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