Sinupret Extract tab. p/o No. 20

Side effects

Hypersensitivity reactions may occur while taking this medication. Rarely, reactions from the gastrointestinal tract (nausea, abdominal pain), allergic reactions on the skin ( urticaria , itching , redness) may occur. Severe allergic reactions (shortness of breath, Quincke's edema ) occur very rarely.


Description of the drug Sinupret Extract Table. p/o No. 20 on this page is a simplified author’s version of the apteka911 website, created on the basis of the instructions for use.
Before purchasing or using the drug, you should consult your doctor and read the manufacturer's original instructions (attached to each package of the drug). Information about the drug is provided for informational purposes only and should not be used as a guide to self-medication. Only a doctor can decide to prescribe the drug, as well as determine the dose and methods of its use.

special instructions

It should be taken into account that the drug contains lactose, sucrose, sorbitol, and glucose. People diagnosed with hereditary intolerance to galactose, glucose, lactose, fructose, sucrose should not take Sinupret Forte

People with diabetes should note that one tablet contains approximately 0.03 bread units

If you take the drug in the indicated dosage, it does not affect the ability to drive vehicles or work with dangerous machinery.


Sinupret is a herbal preparation for the treatment of diseases of the nasal cavity (acute and chronic rhinitis, sinusitis) from phytoniringa (Germany). The concept of herbal medicine involves the creation of new drugs from medicinal plant materials based on new high-tech methods. Innovative technologies and strict multi-stage quality control accompany the production process at each of its stages, from plant cultivation and raw material procurement to final pre-sale inspection. A runny nose (rhinitis), for all its apparent harmlessness, poses a real threat to health. If treatment is not started in a timely manner against the background of ARVI, it can transform into a more severe and long-lasting disease - sinusitis, in which the pathological process affects the sinuses. Sinupret helps to cope with inflammatory diseases of the nasal cavity. The herbal ingredients included in its composition have a complex effect on the body: they thin mucus, dilate the bronchi, eliminate the inflammatory process, strengthen the immune system, and suppress the activity of viruses. Sinupret regulates the intensity of mucus secretion, does not allow it to stagnate in the respiratory tract, facilitates its removal, promotes the resorption of edema, restores the drainage function of the paranasal sinuses, ensuring free air circulation, facilitates nasal breathing, stimulates the protective function of the epithelium of the respiratory tract, has an immunomodulatory effect, and increases efficiency jointly administered antibacterial therapy. The antibacterial and antiviral activity of Sinupret makes it possible to use it not only in symptomatic, but also in pathogenetic therapy, which involves influencing both the symptoms and the cause of the disease. Since its creation in 1934, Sinupret has not changed its composition, which over the years has fully confirmed the effectiveness and safety of the drug.

The peculiarity of its herbal composition is the thoughtfulness and balance of the combination of ingredients that potentiate each other’s effect. Cleansing and disinfection of the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses, opening the pathways to the paranasal sinuses, thinning mucus, removing swelling, localizing and eliminating the inflammatory focus is provided by a complex of primrose, gentian (yellow gentian), sorrel, elderflower and verbena. The secretolytic effect is realized due to the presence of gentiana root and verbena herb in the composition, while the anti-inflammatory effect is achieved by the same verbena in combination with sorrel herb. The immunomodulatory effect of Sinupret is manifested in stimulation of the secretion of interleukins 1 and 6, as well as an increase in the proportion of T helper cells in the CD4/CD8 immunoregulatory index. Sinupret has a direct antibacterial effect, only slightly inferior to antibiotics. The drug is also effective against viral infections: the herbs verbena and primrose that are part of it prevent the proliferation of influenza, parainfluenza, and respiratory syncytial viruses. The effectiveness of Sinupret in the treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases has been proven in a number of multicenter clinical studies. It was found that, for example, for tracheobronchitis, Sinupret is comparable in effectiveness to acetylcysteine, and if we take into account the presence of the first antibacterial and immunostimulating effects, then it is obvious that its use is more preferable in the treatment of diseases of this profile, incl. in a chronic form. In conclusion, one cannot fail to note another important competitive advantage of Sinupret - its impeccable safety profile. The drug is well tolerated by patients, is not mutagenic or toxic, and exhibits virtually no unwanted side effects.


Level 4 ATC code matches: Cashnol
Anise oil


Pine buds




Mixture for inhalation

Herbion ivy syrup

Herbion plantain syrup

Herbion primrose syrup


Dr. Theiss syrup with plantain





Marshmallow syrup

Dry cough syrup

Ammonia-anise drops

To date, there are no analogues of this drug based on the active substance.

Almost the same composition is found only in the drug Sinupret , which is produced in the form of tablets, drops and syrup.

Sinupret in otorhinolaryngology


In recent years, in the treatment of acute sinusitis, in addition to traditional antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and decongestant therapy, much attention has been paid to secretomotor and secretolytic therapy. Unfortunately, until recently, the arsenal of drugs in this group registered in Russia was extremely limited. Since 1994, a new herbal preparation with a reflex secretolytic effect, Sinupret, has been registered.

The drug has a reflex secretolytic effect, regulating secretion and normalizing the viscosity of mucus - mucostasis is eliminated. Sinupret has an anti-edematous and anti-inflammatory effect on the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract. The combination of the effects of the drug leads to the restoration of drainage and ventilation of the paranasal sinuses. Sinupret normalizes the protective properties of the respiratory tract epithelium by improving the rheological properties of exudate, and also has immunostimulating activity. Sinupret has a virusostatic effect on influenza, parainfluenza and rhinosyncytial viruses and potentiates the effect of antibiotics.

It should be noted that Sinupret is new exclusively for Russia. In Germany, Sinupret has been used since 1934. Such a long period of use has allowed us to accumulate a wealth of experience and study in detail various aspects of its pharmacological action.

Sinupret is a combination drug of plant origin. The drug, made from environmentally friendly raw materials, contains a wide range of biologically active substances: gentian root - bitterness; primrose flowers - saponins and flavonoids; sorrel herb - emodin, oxalic acid, flavonoids; elderberry flowers - sterols, triterpenes, flavonoids; verbena herb - biophenols, verbenaline. These herbal components have a mucolytic, expectorant and anti-inflammatory effect, which helps to thin the exudate and reduce swelling of the mucous membrane. The general pharmacological properties of the plants that make up Sinupret are: the ability to block the exudation phase, reduce sensitization phenomena and reduce the permeability of the vascular wall. In addition, primrose flowers increase the activity of the ciliated epithelium and accelerate the evacuation of secretions from the respiratory tract, also having some antispasmodic effect.

There is an opinion about the low effectiveness of herbal medicines compared to synthetic drugs, but a number of clinical studies indicate that the effects of the active substances included in Sinupret are similar to the effects of synthetic mucolytics.

Sinupret is available in two forms - drops and tablets. Adults can be prescribed the drug in the form of drops or pills (2 pills or 50 drops 3 times a day). For preschool children, Sinupret is prescribed only in the form of drops. Infants are prescribed 10 drops 3 times a day; children aged 1 to 5 years - 15 drops 3 times a day; school-age children - 25 drops or 1 tablet 3 times a day. Drops are usually used undiluted, and they can be given to children by adding them to juice or tea. Dragees are taken orally, without biting, with a small amount of liquid. If necessary, treatment can be carried out in courses. The duration of use of the drug is determined by the clinical picture of the disease. In special cases, you can double the dose (6 times a day) without risk.

In 2000, the Research Institute of Ear, Throat, Nose and Speech carried out clinical testing of the drug Sinupret.

In a children's clinic, 20 children were treated conservatively with Sinupret. We observed 10 children aged 4-7 years with a catarrhal form of sinusitis against the background of chronic adenoiditis, 10 children aged 10-12 years with acute purulent sinusitis without chronic pathology of the lymphadenoid ring of the pharynx.

In all children with purulent rhinosinusitis, the drug was combined with a complex of traditional treatment (puncture of the maxillary sinuses, antibacterial therapy, vasoconstrictor drops). Complete clinical and radiological recovery in patients in this group was achieved no later than 2 weeks after the start of treatment.

In 5 children with symptoms of chronic adenoiditis and catarrhal sinusitis, the use of the drug made it possible to abandon other treatment methods. In the remaining (5 people) younger patients, the drug was combined with the use of vasoconstrictor drugs and the method of displacement. The maximum recovery period did not exceed 10 days. At the same time, there was no transition of inflammation in the paranasal sinuses to a purulent stage. Thanks to this, the use of the drug allowed adenotomy to be performed without subsequent complications.

In the upper respiratory tract clinic, 30 patients with acute and chronic diseases of the paranasal sinuses who received the drug Sinupret were under observation. In 10 patients there was an exacerbation of chronic sinusitis, in 12 - acute purulent sinusitis, in 8 - acute catarrhal sinusitis. The course of treatment consisted of taking the drug 50 drops or 2 tablets 3 times a day for 2 weeks. In all patients with chronic rhinosinusitis, the drug was combined with the use of other medications (antibiotics, desensitizing drugs), as well as local anti-inflammatory treatment (puncture of the maxillary sinuses, Proetz transfer). All patients in this group obtained good treatment results. Complete recovery, as well as relief of exacerbation, occurred no later than 2 weeks after the start of treatment. In 3 patients with acute catarrhal sinusitis, the drug was used without additional medications. In other cases, the drug was combined with the use of additional medications. In only 1 patient with acute purulent rhinosinusitis, the duration of treatment reached 20 days. In other cases, the maximum recovery period did not exceed 2 weeks.

The positive effect we obtained from using Sinupret in acute purulent sinusitis and exacerbations of chronic sinusitis can be explained based on the mechanism of action of this drug. Sinupret regulates secretion and normalizes the viscosity of mucus - mucostasis in the paranasal sinuses is eliminated. In addition, thanks to the anti-inflammatory effect of Sinupret, inflammation of the nasal mucosa and paranasal sinuses stops, which leads to a reduction in swelling; Sinupret also has a direct anti-edematous effect. Reducing inflammation and swelling restores drainage and ventilation of the paranasal sinuses. All this leads to increased evacuation of secretions from the paranasal sinuses, which is the dominant factor in the treatment of inflammatory sinusitis. For catarrhal sinusitis, monotherapy with Sinupret is possible. In case of purulent sinusitis, antibacterial therapy is necessary. Sinupret potentiates the effect of antibiotics, which was confirmed by our studies.

Surgical interventions in the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses usually lead to postoperative swelling and inflammation of the mucous membranes, which impedes drainage function and contributes to the accumulation of thick secretions in the sinuses. We decided to analyze the effect of Sinupret after surgical interventions in the paranasal sinuses in 14 patients. All of them received Sinupret monotherapy in the postoperative period. None of the patients had postoperative complications. The phenomena of postoperative swelling of the nasal mucosa were relieved on days 4-5 after surgery without the use of vasoconstrictors. The drainage of the paranasal sinuses has noticeably improved. Restoration of nasal breathing was observed 2-3 days earlier than in patients who did not receive Sinupret.

The etiopathogenesis of acute otitis media is in many ways similar to the etiopathogenesis of acute sinusitis. In both cases, the key role is played by disruption of the drainage and ventilation function of the auditory tube or the anastomosis of the paranasal sinus. An increase in the viscosity of the secretion of the tympanic cavity or sinus is of particular importance. Therefore, we used Sinupret in the complex therapy of acute purulent otitis media in 16 patients. In addition to Sinupret, only cephalosporin or macrolide antibiotics were prescribed. Compared with patients who did not receive Sinupret, pronounced positive dynamics were observed. The drainage and ventilation functions of the auditory tube were restored much faster, inflammation stopped faster, and the contours of the eardrum were restored 2-3 days earlier.

Analysis of the literature and our own observations allow us to conclude that Sinupret regulates secretion and normalizes the viscosity of mucus; eliminates mucostasis;

- has an anti-edematous and anti-inflammatory effect on the mucous membrane;

— restores drainage and ventilation of the paranasal sinuses and tympanic cavity;

- normalizes the protective function of the respiratory tract epithelium against exogenous and endogenous damaging factors;

- interrupts the vicious circle of inflammation of the paranasal sinuses;

— improves the results of antibacterial therapy.

Sinupret can be recommended in the complex therapy of acute sinusitis and exacerbations of chronic sinusitis, in the postoperative management of patients after rhinosurgery and in the complex therapy of acute otitis media.

The list of references can be found on the website

Combined herbal medicine–

Sinupret (trade name)

(BIONORICA Arzneimittel GmbH)
1. Ryazantsev S.V. Secretolytic and secretomotor therapy of acute and chronic sinusitis // Otorhinolaryng News. and logopathologist. - 1998. - No. 4 (16). — P.90-93.

2. Berghom K., Langer W., Marz R. Doppetolindstudie Sinupret Tropfer Tvs. Placebo auf Basis einer Therapie mit Antibiotikum und abschwellenden Nasentropfen bei akuter Sinusitis (N=128) //Neumarkt: Bionorica GmbH, 1991.

3. Braum D., Marz R. Randomisierte Vergleichsstudie “Sinupret (Dragees) vs. Fluimucil (Granulat)” bei akuter und chronischer Sinusitis (N=160) //Naumberg: Bionorica GmbH, 1990.

4. Khan NA Sinupret im HNO-Bereich//Therapiewoche, 1982. - Vol.32. — N13. — P.1811-1814.

5. Kraus P., Marz R. Randomisierte Vergleichsstudie Sinupret Dragees vs. Gelomyrtol f. bei akuter und chronischer Sinusitis (N=134) //Naumberg: Bionorica GmbH, 1991.

6. Pape H.-G., Simm K.-J., Marz R. Doppelblindstudie Sinupret vs. Mucosolvan mit / ohne Nasentropfen bei akuter Sinusitis (N=160) //Naumberg: Bionorica GmbH, 1991.

7. Richstein A., Mann W. Zur Behandlung der chronischen Sinusitis mit Sinupret//Ther d Gegenw. - 1980. - Vol.119. — P.1055-1060.

8. Wahls M., Marz R. Randomisierte, Kontrollierte Doppelblindstudie Sinupret Tropfen vs. Mucosolvan Tropfen bei akuter und chronischer Sinusitis (N=160) [unveroffentlichter Bericht]//Naumberg: Bionorica GmbH, 1990.

Sinupret Forte price, where to buy

You can buy this drug for an average price of 500 rubles per package.

  • Online pharmacies in UkraineUkraine
  • Online pharmacies in KazakhstanKazakhstan


  • Sinupret forte No. 20 tablets Bionorica SE, Nimechchina
    178 UAH.order


  • Sinupret forte tablets Sinupret forte tablets. No. 20 Germany, Bionorica

    196 UAH order

show more


Adults and children over 12 years of age take 1 tablet 3 times a day. The tablets should be taken without chewing, with a sufficient amount of liquid, and preferably after meals.

There are insufficient data to recommend specific dosing for renal and/or hepatic dysfunction.

Unless otherwise prescribed by your doctor, the recommended course of treatment is 7–14 days.

Please pay attention to the information in the SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS section.

Children. Not prescribed to children under 12 years of age due to lack of sufficient data.


One tablet contains (active ingredients) dried medicinal plants in powder form:

  • sorrel herbs (Herba Rumicis) - 36 mg;
  • verbena herbs (Herba Verbenae) - 36 mg;
  • gentian root (Radix Gentianae) - 12 mg;
  • elderberry flowers (Flores Sambuci) - 36 mg;
  • primrose flowers with a calyx (Flores primulae cum calycibus) - 36 mg.

Excipients: acrylate copolymer, aluminum hydroxide, mountain glycol wax, purified water, glucose solution, dextrin, gelatin, indigo carmine (E 132), stearic acid, colloidal anhydrous silicon dioxide, calcium carbonate (E 170), potato starch, corn starch, lactose monohydrate, light magnesium oxide, copper chlorophyllin (E 141), refined castor oil, riboflavin (E 101), sucrose, sorbitol (E 420), talc, titanium dioxide (E 171), shellac.

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