How does Griffonia simplefolia seed extract work?

Griffonia simplicifolia is a tall shrub of West African origin. The seeds of this plant have been used in folk medicine since ancient times; griffonia extract is obtained from them. Today it is known that the main active ingredient of griffonia seeds is 5-hydroxytryptophan, also used in modern medicine.


Ingredient nameQuantity per 1 capsule% RUSP
Griffonia simplicifolia seed extract, mg50*
Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine hydrochloride), mg2100%
Vitamin B12 (methylcobalamin), mcg3300%

Auxiliary components: microcrystalline cellulose, magnesium stearate, capsule (gelatin).
% RUSP - recommended daily intake level not determined

Hidden dangers and side effects

Griffonia in dietary supplement form is evaluated as a safe oral medication for use in adults. But pregnant and breastfeeding women, children and people with Down syndrome are not safe to use such medications and should avoid them.

Griffonia does not cause any adverse or allergic reactions in most people. In traditional forms of use, such as tea, the plant's seeds produce a mild mood lift without any side effects.

5-HTP powders and tablets as individual supplements are equally safe and mild in most people. Some patients report minor gastrointestinal adverse reactions, including nausea, heartburn, vomiting and diarrhea.

If these supplements are taken in extremely high doses or in combination with other drugs to alter serotonin levels (such as antidepressants), a condition called serotonin syndrome may occur. It occurs when there is too much serotonin in the brain.

Side effects include headaches, sweating, difficulty concentrating and irregular heartbeat. In extreme cases, if left untreated, this syndrome can be fatal to a person.

Griffonia may cause drowsiness. It should not be used together with other herbs with a similar effect: Californian poppy, catnip, hops, Jamaican dogwood, kava, St. John's wort, valerian and others.

Therefore, always follow the recommended dosages to achieve not only the best treatment results, but also safe ones for your health.

What dosage is considered correct?

The correct dosage of griffonia herbal supplements depends on many factors, including age, weight, physiology, individual sensitivity, and the reason for taking the supplement.

The recommendations below are only a general guideline. Before trying any new medications, talk to your doctor first to determine the best dosage based on your personal needs.

The ideal dosage of 5-HTP from griffonia for most people is a maximum of 100 mg per day. This is the standard dosage that you can read in most commercial drug instructions.

50 mg per day is a good starting dose for those trying it for the first time. This dosage produces a mild but still noticeable effect in many people.

Many Griffonium tablets are mixed with other ingredients such as melatonin, tyrosine, GABA or St. John's wort. You may want to buy one preparation of Griffonia simplicifolia first to test its effect independently of the other ingredients in the combination formulation.


Griffonia is a product necessary to optimize the functioning of the central and peripheral nervous system. The tropical plant griffonia and B vitamins, acting synergistically, have a beneficial effect on brain function, the sleep-wake cycle, help eliminate dysphoria, and reduce feelings of anxiety and depression.

Action of active components

Griffonia is an exotic plant native to West and Central Africa. Among all parts of Griffonia, the seeds are of the greatest value due to their content of the natural substance 5-hydroxytryptophan (5-HTP). This amino acid is a precursor to one of the most important neurotransmitters, serotonin. 5-HTP molecules easily penetrate brain cells, turning into serotonin. Studies have shown that 5-HTP is not inferior in effectiveness to synthetic antidepressants. This substance, together with vitamin B6, increases the synthesis of endorphins, which are responsible for positive emotions, helps improve mood and restore all phases of healthy sleep: falling asleep, REM and shallow sleep. In European countries, this substance has been used for many years to combat depression and improve memory. 5-HTP also suppresses the stimulation of the appetite control center in the brain, especially reducing cravings for carbohydrate foods. In addition, this amino acid effectively helps cope with PMS symptoms: it reduces feelings of depression, tension, anxiety, emotional instability, and irritability that occur in the last week of the cycle.

Vitamin B6 plays a leading role in the normal functioning of the central and peripheral nervous system, participating in the synthesis of the most important neurotransmitters, vitamin B12. In a number of studies, vitamin B6 has shown its effectiveness in depression: it is responsible for the absorption of amino acids essential for the brain (tryptophan, cysteine, methionine) and the production of antipsychotic hormones serotonin and norepinephrine. The need for this vitamin increases when taking antidepressants and oral contraceptives, during times of stress and increased emotional stress.

Vitamin B12 . A wide range of emotional and cognitive capabilities depend on maintaining optimal levels of this vitamin in the body. It helps prevent depression, senile dementia and mental confusion, helps overcome insomnia, and adapt to changes in sleep and wakefulness, which is explained by the direct participation of cyanocobalamin in the synthesis of melatonin. At the same time, vitamin deficiency can lead to the development of peripheral neuritis, optic nerve atrophy and degenerative changes in bone and spinal cord cells.

How is Griffonia used in its home country and around the world?

In African countries, Griffonia simplefolia is used as a medicine for various diseases. The chemicals in the leaves are useful in treating cough and act as an aphrodisiac.

The stems and leaves combined together are used as an antiseptic. In addition, powdered griffonia root extract is suitable for the treatment of sickle cell anemia. On the African continent, the bush is used not only to treat people, but also domestic animals, especially chickens.

The Western world is embracing almost every treatment option with herbal supplements and Griffonia is no exception. The powdered seeds of the plant, rich in 5-HTP, are processed into dietary supplements that are used to relieve conditions such as insomnia, depression or ADHD.

The seeds come directly from African countries. The shrubs are cut, sorted, cleaned and the seeds are extracted, which are then ground to a white to grayish powder containing 95 to 98% 5-hydroxytryptophan. The most expensive powder contains 5-HTP 97 - 98%. The UK and USA buy most of the processed seeds.

Other little known uses of griffonia:

  • The leaves are used in the production of palm wine and give the wine a bitter taste.
  • The juice that comes out from the cut stems can be drunk to quench your thirst.
  • The bark is processed and applied to syphilitic ulcers.
  • A decoction of the leaves is an excellent emetic, aphrodisiac, and suitable for treating coughs.
  • The juice from the leaves is used as an enema, eye drops for sore eyes, and to treat kidney problems.
  • A paste of the leaves is applied to burns.
  • A decoction of the stems and leaves is a laxative for the treatment of constipation and an antiseptic liquid for external use to treat purulent wounds.
  • The stems and stem bark of Griffonia are turned into a paste that is applied to rotting teeth.
  • Powdered bark from the branches, combined with lemon juice and pepper, is used for rib pain.
  • Powdered root extract is used to treat sickle cell anemia. Linospermoside cyanoglucoside has been isolated from the roots. It is the active ingredient against sickle cell anemia.
  • The seeds are a source of 5-hydroxytryptophan, which increases serotonin synthesis in the central nervous system in humans and is effective in treating a wide range of conditions, including depression, fibromyalgia, obesity, chronic headaches and insomnia.
  • The leaves contain volatile oil and coumarins.
  • Griffonia contains isocline B4 and is considered a marker of small primary sensory neurons in neurological research.
  • The leaves are used to kill lice.
  • The roots are dried and ground into a white powder, which is used by women as a medicinal face powder.
  • Black dye is obtained from the leaves.
  • The stems are used to make baskets and cages.
  • The stems are covered with fibers that serve as chewing sponges for cleaning teeth in Ghana.
  • The roots are also used as chewing sticks for cleaning teeth, maintaining gum health and oral hygiene.
  • The seeds contain the compound 5-HTP, which is poisonous to some insects, such as the four-spotted weevil (Callosobruchus maculatus).
  • The seeds contain lectins. One of them belongs to the acetylglucosamine group, which is commonly found in Poaceae and Solanaceae but is rare in Fabaceae. Some lectins have insecticidal properties.
  • The stems are quite tough, and canes are made from them.


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" Griffonia " is a product necessary to optimize the functioning of the central and peripheral nervous system. The tropical plant griffonia and B vitamins, acting synergistically, have a beneficial effect on brain function, the sleep-wake cycle, help eliminate dysphoria, reduce anxiety and depressive states.

Why is serotonin needed and the reasons for its deficiency?

Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that is closely associated with human behavior, mood, appetite and desire. With its help, psycho-emotional balance is achieved. The more serotonin in the body, the more comfortable we feel. But excess hormone is harmful to health.

The main functions of serotonin:

  • fights anxiety, depression, creates a good mood;
  • gives a good night's sleep;
  • reduces appetite, provides a feeling of satiety;
  • gives vigor and energy;
  • controls stress hormones;
  • necessary for mental activity.

If you are in a bad mood and lack of strength, do not rush to give up. Perhaps you just don't have enough serotonin. Rule out causes that affect neurotransmitter levels;

  • unbalanced diet;
  • sedentary work, lack of physical activity;
  • chronic stress;
  • limitation in pleasures;
  • night shifts, insomnia;
  • lack of sunlight;
  • drinking large amounts of coffee, tea, chocolate.

The hormone serotonin is actively produced under the influence of ultraviolet rays. This is why depression most often appears during the cold season. In the summer, as a rule, people feel much happier.

To replenish serotonin reserves, you need to eat foods high in tryptophan. This is an amino acid with which the happiness hormone is formed. The main sources of tryptophan are beans, mushrooms, cottage cheese, dates, pine nuts, sesame seeds and others. When you can’t stick to proper nutrition, you can resort to dietary supplements.

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