Fenugreek and Peruvian maca extract - what is the power of the complex

Each individually, these plants live far from each other, but in their action they are similar: they improve potency and men's health in general. The complex of fenugreek and Peruvian maca extracts combines the beneficial properties of both plant extracts. These remedies have been used in their cultures since ancient times, and not only in healing ones. Modern scientists have combined two drugs and created an effective bioactive supplement with a minimum of contraindications and a pronounced effect on the male genital area.

General characteristics of the complex

Any complexes depend on the compatibility of the substances. Fenugreek and Peruvian maca complement and also enhance each other's effects. Let's look at each plant separately.

Peruvian maca

Peruvian maca (Peruvian ginseng) is native to the mountains of Peru, Bolivia, and some regions of Argentina. They tried to cultivate it, but in other areas the root system does not develop well. And the root is used to prepare the extract.

The extract has the following beneficial properties:

  • enhances libido;
  • restores the functioning of the reproductive system, as well as the digestive tract;
  • improves blood supply to internal organs.
  • stimulates immune defense;
  • accelerates recovery after a serious illness;
  • removes toxins accumulated in the body;
  • brings weight back to normal.

A product based on Peruvian maca also helps a man quickly restore potency.

Attention! To prepare dietary supplements, 3 types of maca are used: black, red and yellow. The first quickly restores the body after an illness and increases vitality, the second helps with urological problems, the third increases sexual desire.

Watch a video about the beneficial properties of the root:

Peruvian Maca - Ginseng from Peru


To obtain the extract, plant seeds are used, as they contain a large number of components beneficial to the body: amino acids, vitamins, proteins and microelements. The extract improves metabolism, increases vitality, as well as libido.

Benefits of Peruvian Maca and Fenugreek Complex

Extracts from plants complement each other and produce a quick and lasting positive effect. The complex helps:

  • increase vitality;
  • improve blood supply to tissues and organs;
  • strengthen vascular walls;
  • eliminate signs of hypoxia by normalizing the chemical composition of the blood and improving oxygen transportation;
  • reduce anxiety, worry, increase stress resistance;
  • stop the inflammatory process;
  • activate the synthesis of sex hormones and restore their balance;
  • normalize the functioning of the nervous system;
  • support reproductive function.

Thanks to the medicinal properties of fenugreek and Peruvian maca, blood flow to the penis also increases and the quality of erection improves.

Despite the fact that the complex of extracts is often recommended for men to restore potency, it is also useful for the female body. The drug has a tonic and general strengthening effect, stops the course of gynecological inflammation, increases libido, makes sex life brighter, and helps with certain types of infertility.

Composition and medicinal properties of fenugreek

Fenugreek is one of the most useful medicinal plants; it grows on all continents. In Russia, its medicinal properties became known in the 18th century, but it gained popularity much later. Fenugreek contains the following vitamins, minerals and chemical elements.

Vitamin A

It has antioxidant properties, is good for vision, and strengthens bone tissue. Retinol is beneficial for the beauty and health of skin and hair. Vitamin A is involved in metabolic processes, the growth of new cells and the proper absorption of fats. When used externally, it accelerates skin regeneration, healing cuts. Regular use of retinol helps control weight. The daily norm for an adult is 700 - 900 mcg.

Vitamin C

First of all, they drink it to strengthen the immune system, but this is not the only benefit. This substance also has sedative properties, improves sleep and relieves nervous tension.

Vitamin C is needed for collagen synthesis, which helps maintain youthful skin. Vitamin C removes toxins and reduces cholesterol levels, prevents blood clots, and helps absorb vitamins D and B9, iron and folic acid.

Vitamin B6

Participates in the absorption of proteins and fats. Vitamin B6 reduces stress levels, improves skin condition, and relieves nausea. Reduces cramps and spasms in muscles. Vitamin B6 controls the concentration of sugar in the blood, it is also necessary for the synthesis of nucleic acid. Used as a natural diuretic. The average daily intake for an adult is from 1.6 to 2 mg.

Vitamin PP

Participates in fat metabolism, reducing the level of bad cholesterol. By dilating blood vessels, nicotinic acid increases blood circulation. It is useful for the nervous system, it also normalizes digestion and participates in the synthesis of sex hormones.

Folic acid

Participates in cell growth, protects DNA from damage and prevents the occurrence of malignant tumors. Folic acid strengthens the immune system, blood vessels and heart, and is involved in hematopoiesis. During pregnancy, it reduces the risk of miscarriage and helps prevent postpartum depression.


They have anti-carcinogenic properties, strengthen the immune system, and slow down the aging process. They are best absorbed by the body along with fat.


Control the level of female hormones. Phytoestrogens are beneficial for the cardiovascular system, they lower blood pressure and prevent the formation of blood clots. They are a natural antidepressant and normalize sleep and emotional balance.


It is part of hemoglobin and participates in oxygen metabolism. Iron is required for growth and physical development, improves the condition of hair and skin.


It is essential for the nervous and cardiovascular systems, fights fatigue, relieves cramps, and is good for the health of bones and teeth. Magnesium is good for memory, increases concentration, relieves stress and allows you to better control your emotions.


Stimulates the production of collagen and elastin, which are important for youthful skin, and promotes the absorption of iron. Copper reduces fatigue, fights pigment spots on the skin, and increases appetite.

Fenugreek is used to treat colds, endocrine diseases, anemia, and gastrointestinal diseases. The decoction relieves inflammation, reduces cholesterol and blood sugar.

Main indications

The supplement is recommended for men with the following conditions:

  • weakening of erection;
  • deterioration in the quality and/or decrease in the duration of sexual contact;
  • psychoemotional disorders caused by insomnia and frequent stress;
  • heavy physical activity;
  • decreased vitality;
  • chronic diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • low sperm quality.

Attention! Before drinking fenugreek and Peruvian maca complex, you should consult your doctor. Some sexual disorders develop due to organic disorders and require drug treatment.

Real reviews

Reviews about this complex are often found on thematic forums and websites. Some men confirm its effectiveness, while others, on the contrary, assure that it is all a deception and a scam. Which one to believe is up to you to decide. In the meantime, let's see what ordinary people actually say about dietary supplements.

Fenugreek and Peruvian maca have been clinically proven to be effective in treating erectile disorders

Positive reviews

Dmitry, 36 years old, took a complex of fenugreek and Peruvian maca for a month. I noticed the first results within a week. Indeed, sexual desire appeared, the erection became stable and persistent. I did not notice any side effects during the treatment period. More than a month has passed since the end of therapy. The effect of the dietary supplement continues to this day. And even if after a while I have problems in bed again, I will never take other drugs again. Only this complex, because I tested its effectiveness on myself and was satisfied.

Arthur, 32 years old I never thought that at such a young age I would encounter problems in the intimate sphere. But it so happened that for the last six months I have had a weak erection. Ejaculation occurred extremely rarely. In most cases, the erection did not persist until the end of sexual intercourse. And when problems with my wife started because of this, I decided that something had to be done about it. I didn't want to go to the doctor. I looked for information on the Internet about the complex of fenugreek and Peruvian maca. They wrote that it helps. I ordered, the parcel arrived quickly. Started taking it the same day. The first effect was noted after about 6–8 days. The erection became stable, the sensations during intimacy intensified. Now I have no problems in bed. I feel like I'm 20 years old.

Negative reviews

Vyacheslav, 42 years old Misfires in bed began to bother me about 3 years ago. During this time I took different drugs, but they all gave only a temporary effect. After reading positive reviews about the complex of fenugreek and Peruvian maca, I was glad that I had finally found the very remedy that would return me to a full life. But all my expectations were in vain. I realized that I had fallen into another scam of suckers after 2 weeks of taking the capsules. There were no changes. But I continued the treatment to the end - the result was zero. So, men, you shouldn’t fall for fancy advertising. This dietary supplement does not help! Don't waste your money on it!

Absolute and relative contraindications

The natural components included in the dietary supplement have almost no contraindications. It is forbidden to drink the product only if you are intolerant to one or more components of the drug.

But we should not forget that plants contain substances that affect the entire body. Therefore, it is recommended to use the complex with caution if you have a history of:

  • tendency to increase blood pressure;
  • atherosclerotic changes in blood vessels;
  • vascular or heart disease.

Doctors advise people over 75 years of age not to take the drug. The stimulating properties of dietary supplements can affect the cardiovascular system.

Composition and medicinal properties of Peruvian maca

The Peruvian maca is a root vegetable native to South America. It is a well-known aphrodisiac and natural energy drink, with properties similar to ginseng. The composition includes poppies.

Oleic acid

Reduces cholesterol, prevents the development of heart disease. Oleic acid controls blood pressure. Its benefits are indispensable for those who monitor their weight; acid prevents obesity and reduces appetite.

Linoleic acid

It contains vitamins A, E, D and K. Linoleic acid has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. It strengthens the immune system, helping to fight viral diseases, and normalizes the functioning of the heart and vascular system.

Linoleic acid accelerates metabolism, reduces the amount of cholesterol and sugar in the body, and is involved in the production of hormones.


Necessary for the health of the thyroid gland, participates in the synthesis of thyroid hormones. They are indispensable for proper metabolism, thermoregulation and maintaining water balance in the body. Thyroid hormones are needed for the functioning of all systems.


Participates in oxygen metabolism and hemoglobin synthesis. Strengthens physical health.


This trace element is important for the health of the heart and nervous system. Potassium improves brain function, reduces swelling, and relieves allergy symptoms. Regulates salt, acid and alkaline metabolism in the body. Potassium enhances the effects of magnesium and sodium.


It is part of bones and teeth and is needed for normal growth and skeletal development in childhood. In adults, calcium is essential to prevent osteoporosis. Calcium speeds up metabolism, lowers blood pressure and pulse, and relieves joint pain. Reduces bleeding during heavy periods.

B vitamins

They are important for the whole body, they regulate the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, strengthen the nervous system, support the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, and normalize the emotional state. B vitamins improve the appearance and condition of the skin and bones, strengthen muscles, and increase physical tone.

Maca is used to maintain male and female sexual health. The root vegetable enhances libido, balances the hormonal system and prevents infertility. Maca can be used as an additive to dishes or taken in tablets and capsules.

Preparations based on Peruvian maca should not be taken during pregnancy or breastfeeding. Contraindications also include allergies and tumors in the uterus and breast. Before use, consultation with a doctor is required.

What is included in the capsules

Fenugreek and Peruvian maca are the main components of the dietary supplement. But, besides them, dietary supplements may contain other useful substances that enhance the effect of extracts:

  • vitamin E;
  • sodium selenite;
  • zinc citrate;
  • extract from epimedium leaves;
  • flavonoids;
  • ginseng root;
  • saponins from the group of steroids;
  • lactose;
  • ginsenosides.

Additional components accelerate the therapeutic effect. The results appear faster and last longer.

Attention! People prone to allergic reactions should familiarize themselves with the composition indicated on the packaging or in the annotation before purchasing a dietary supplement. This will reduce the risk of adverse reactions.

TOP 5 best supplements

In the pharmacy chain you can find a large assortment of dietary supplements that differ in composition. Products for which high-quality raw materials were used are less likely to cause adverse reactions and are more effective. Therefore, it is first recommended to familiarize yourself with the main characteristics of 5 popular dietary supplements.

No. 5 New Chapter, Multivitamin complex for men over 40 years old

New Chapter, Men's Over 40 Multivitamin, 96 Tablets


RUB 4,068

More details

Price 1 capsule – 31 rub.

  • Manufacturer – New Chapter, America;
  • package volume – 96 capsules;
  • standard dosage per day is 2-3 pcs.


  • The dietary supplement does not contain dyes or flavors;
  • provides the body with the substances necessary to maintain male strength.


  • No

#4 LifeSeasons, Testosterone Support Masculini-T

LifeSeasons, Masculini-T, Testosterone Support, 90 Vegetarian Capsules


RUB 2,761

More details

The cost of 1 capsule is 24 rubles.

  • Manufacturer – LifeSeasons, USA;
  • package volume – 90 capsules;
  • daily dose – 3 pcs.


  • vegetarian drug;
  • increases libido due to a natural increase in free testosterone in the blood plasma;
  • increases physical endurance;
  • can be used as sports nutrition.


  • the need to take dietary supplements several times a day.

№3 ProSupps, Halo Tropin, Natural testosterone stimulator, anti-aromatase

ProSupps, Halo Tropin, Natural Testosterone Booster, Anti-Aromatase+, 90 Capsules (Discontinued Item)


RUB 2,225

More details

The cost of 1 dose is 24 rubles.

  • Manufacturer – ProSapps, USA;
  • package volume – 90 capsules;
  • daily dosage – 3 pcs.


  • the supplement stimulates the natural production of testosterone;
  • suppresses estrogen synthesis;
  • increases sexual sensitivity;
  • helps with strength training.


  • Capsules should be taken 3 times a day.

№2 New Chapter, Multivitamins for men

New Chapter, Every Man, Men's Daily Multivitamin, 48 Veggie Tablets


RUB 2,260

More details

Price for 1 serving – 33 rubles.

  • Manufacturer – New Chapter, USA;
  • standard daily dosage – 1 capsule;
  • packaging volume – 48 pcs.


  • The dietary supplement has a natural composition;
  • does not contain dyes or flavors.


  • No

No. 1 WTF, Complex of fenugreek and Peruvian maca extracts

Previously, the drug was called Vita Energy.

The cost of 1 dose is 16 rubles.

  • , Russia;
  • dosage – 505 mg;
  • package volume – 30 capsules;
  • standard daily dosage – 2 pcs.


  • Dietary supplement restores male strength;
  • helps with erection problems.


  • No

Attention! Some pharmaceutical companies produce supplements taking into account the age-related needs of the body for vitamins, microelements and amino acids. This should be taken into account when choosing a dietary supplement.

When the drug doesn't help

Despite the multidisciplinary unique effect, you should not expect a miracle from the medicinal powder. If problems in the reproductive sphere or the general state of the immune system are caused by pathological changes or congenital diseases, the herbal remedy may well deceive the expectations of buyers, because it is not capable of radically changing the functional characteristics of the body.

Lack of understanding of the principles of action of a medicine often gives rise to a lot of negative reviews. But, even with serious pathologies, the biologically active supplement can be used as an auxiliary therapeutic agent with supportive properties.

Considering that we are talking about a herbal preparation, it cannot cause persistent intoxication of the body. But an unauthorized change in dosage or frequency of administration can cause nausea, dizziness, heartburn, allergic manifestations, gastrointestinal upset, pressure surges, and depression of the central nervous system. If such negative effects occur while taking the powder, you must return to the dosage prescribed by the manufacturer. By the way, many negative reviews about Peruvian Maca are associated precisely with non-compliance with the prescribed proportions and frequency of administration.

Where to buy the complex

The drug, containing extracts from fenugreek and Peruvian maca, can be bought at a pharmacy or ordered from an online sports nutrition store.

The lowest prices for Peruvian maca with fenugreek are in the well-known online store iHerb. From other sellers the cost will be 30-50% higher. You can check it yourself.

There is a discount of up to 10% on iHerb using this promotional code:



The promotional code is activated in the cart after adding the 1st product and is valid only for the 1st order.

Admission rules

A complex of fenugreek and Peruvian maca extracts is recommended to take 2 capsules after meals in the first half of the day. The pills should be taken with water.

The duration of the treatment course is 21 days. If the desired effect is not achieved, then after a week's break, you can repeat the dose.

Attention! For some medications, it is enough to take 1 capsule per day. But there are dietary supplements with high dosages; their manufacturers recommend using them three times a day.


Some men exceed the dosage when taking the drug, believing that the complex will not cause harm to health. However, this is a misconception. Failure to follow the instructions or recommendations of the doctor may cause the following symptoms:

  • insomnia;
  • nervous overexcitation;
  • hypertensive crisis;
  • cardiac dysfunction.

There is no antidote for the Peruvian maca and fenugreek complex. Therefore, if the patient’s condition worsens after an overdose of the drug, he is hospitalized and then given infusion therapy.

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